What is the one thing about you that surprises people?



  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I asked a group of friends about this earlier this evening, to see what they would say. They said my past surprises them the most and I didn't honestly know what they meant...my past isn't that wild. But I guess I'm a fairly VERY goody-goody forty-something and they (and their teenage kids) get a big kick out of how crazy I was as a teenager. It was just really typical stuff (sassing authorities, quitting a million part-time jobs, drinking, a little of some other stuff, and sneaking out to punk shows and skipping school).
  • Reckoner67
    Reckoner67 Posts: 3,344 Member
    My Spanish Inquisition
  • JustSomeJD
    JustSomeJD Posts: 416 Member
    Reckoner67 wrote: »
    My Spanish Inquisition

    No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!
  • RastaLousGirl
    RastaLousGirl Posts: 2,119 Member
    I crochet
  • laprimaJenny
    laprimaJenny Posts: 1,495 Member
    I’m Canadian but I was born in Italy. Yet for some reason many people I’ve met in my lifetime assume I’m Russian. Go figure!

    You very much look Russian

    Whatta ya say you convert from pasta and salad to potatoes and vodka? :D

    What about potatoes soaked in vodka?! Now that’s my kind of meal, da!
  • dmcnur
    dmcnur Posts: 157 Member
    That I used to own a farm and kept a small herd of Black Angus cattle and bred rare breed pigs.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    edited June 2019
    I have an identical twin sister. One time senior year, my math teacher asked me if I preferred to be called my name or my twins name. I said my name and that was my twin sisters name. He looked like he saw a ghost and was in shock. This whole time thought I was one person, when he had us both in his class different semesters and periods.

    One of my male friends has 4 sisters, and all 5 siblings are very close in age. When I was in college, two of his sisters were in my program and I had one of them (Melissa, blonde) in several classes my 1st and 2nd year. We were pretty friendly. The third year, I noticed she didn't acknowledge me at all (?) and had dyed her hair brunette. I thought that was very strange -- until I learned she was a totally different person, named Shawna! I for sure thought she was Melissa and then I thought for several years that they were twins, rather than sisters. They also had the exact same physique and clothing style, even down to their shoes, which made the whole Melissa/Shawna thing even more perplexing for me in the beginning.

    Years later, after becoming close w/ their brother, I've hung out with the whole family a million times and we all find this pretty funny...the story of when Melissa dyed her hair brown and snubbed everyone.
  • laprimaJenny
    laprimaJenny Posts: 1,495 Member
    People are usually surprised to find out that I run barefoot on trails and pavement (I don’t like going barefoot on grass though) To me it just feels free, natural and fun!

    Aren’t you afraid of stepping on glass or something similar?
  • RunsWithBees
    RunsWithBees Posts: 1,508 Member
    People are usually surprised to find out that I run barefoot on trails and pavement (I don’t like going barefoot on grass though) To me it just feels free, natural and fun!

    Aren’t you afraid of stepping on glass or something similar?

    I visually scan the ground ahead of me, practice proper foot placement and run in areas that are less likely to have glass strewn about. I nicked my toe on a small piece of glass once in over 5 years of running this way and I survived. I’ve cut my fingers/hands many many more times than that in the kitchen yet I haven’t given up cooking. Actually the most dangerous thing about barefoot running is driving to the trail because I’m extremely likely to be injured in a car accident, at least statistically that’s how I see it ;)
  • laprimaJenny
    laprimaJenny Posts: 1,495 Member
    People are usually surprised to find out that I run barefoot on trails and pavement (I don’t like going barefoot on grass though) To me it just feels free, natural and fun!

    Aren’t you afraid of stepping on glass or something similar?

    I visually scan the ground ahead of me, practice proper foot placement and run in areas that are less likely to have glass strewn about. I nicked my toe on a small piece of glass once in over 5 years of running this way and I survived. I’ve cut my fingers/hands many many more times than that in the kitchen yet I haven’t given up cooking. Actually the most dangerous thing about barefoot running is driving to the trail because I’m extremely likely to be injured in a car accident, at least statistically that’s how I see it ;)

    So true, it reminds me of when someone is afraid to fly but they get in a car on a daily basis. Yet statistically speaking driving in a car is more dangerous.
  • RunsWithBees
    RunsWithBees Posts: 1,508 Member
    People are usually surprised to find out that I run barefoot on trails and pavement (I don’t like going barefoot on grass though) To me it just feels free, natural and fun!

    Aren’t you afraid of stepping on glass or something similar?

    I visually scan the ground ahead of me, practice proper foot placement and run in areas that are less likely to have glass strewn about. I nicked my toe on a small piece of glass once in over 5 years of running this way and I survived. I’ve cut my fingers/hands many many more times than that in the kitchen yet I haven’t given up cooking. Actually the most dangerous thing about barefoot running is driving to the trail because I’m extremely likely to be injured in a car accident, at least statistically that’s how I see it ;)

    So true, it reminds me of when someone is afraid to fly but they get in a car on a daily basis. Yet statistically speaking driving in a car is more dangerous.

    Yea. Actually I was injured in a car accident 2 years ago because a distracted driver ran a red light and t-boned (and totaled) my car as I turned left on a green light :| I would have much preferred to have stepped on some glass instead of going through that hell!!! For me as long as the benefits outweigh the risks, I’ll continue to run this way :)
  • QuinntessentiallyMe
    QuinntessentiallyMe Posts: 88 Member
    Online, people see that I'm 5'6" and 169 lbs, and they assume that I have a proportionate chest. NOPE. A cup, maybe B- depending on the brand and style. I've disappointed a fair few people on first dates when I met them through online services. LOL