ladies 35 and older who lift



  • PoesiaSagrada
    PoesiaSagrada Posts: 26 Member
    I lift a little. :p

    Just a little... [says Miss Guns 😁]
  • PoesiaSagrada
    PoesiaSagrada Posts: 26 Member
    I’m turning 38 shortly, been lifting for 3.5 years (since my youngest was 8 months old...and he’s turning 4 soon!) Happy to discover lifting—now my older boys make comments about how strong I am, or “no wonder, Mrs XYZ isn’t healthy and strong like you, Mom”/ “why aren’t you helping Mr so-and-so move that couch? You could do it”. Love having something to train to gain, instead of only exercising to lose.

    That's awesome! Great photo too.
  • PoesiaSagrada
    PoesiaSagrada Posts: 26 Member
    I just started again last October after a 20 year break. I love it. I love how strong I am. I love how much better my swims and runs are now! :)

    Oooh... swimming 💗💗💗
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    53. I lift off and on. I'd like to be more consistent.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    <--- I'm 51 and I lift.
  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    43 next month and I lift becuase I want to be massive.
  • skippygolunks
    skippygolunks Posts: 24 Member
    I’m 62 and I have lifted since I was 40. It makes all the difference in the world! I’ve had to change my weights because I now have Rheumatoid Arthritis. I’m not quitting though! I don’t know how I would manage this disease without the years of taking care of myself. All I can say is don’t wait! You don’t know what life will throw at you so you better be ready!
  • KatAdele
    KatAdele Posts: 290 Member
    49 and lifting :smile:
  • Anna022119
    Anna022119 Posts: 547 Member
    48 here and happily lifting nowadays.
  • CurlyKoalaLover
    CurlyKoalaLover Posts: 2 Member
    39 and have been lifting regularly for the past 1.5 to 2yrs.
  • Strongfitmama100412
    Strongfitmama100412 Posts: 90 Member
    Me! Im 44. I have been lifting since I was 18. I am a certified fitness instructor for 15 years. Had 3 babies who are now 8,6 and 2.
    I was able to bounce back to prepregnacy weight
    I feel better now than when i was in my 20s.
  • arainais
    arainais Posts: 1 Member
    37 year old powerlifter here - been lifting since 2015 when I started out wanting to get skinny and then realized I wanted to get strong instead. Would like to follow some like minded people.
  • rebeccawynne
    rebeccawynne Posts: 3 Member
    Just turned 40 and excited to enter a new age group. I'd like to cut some weight/make better food choices while staying in my weight class. Powerlifting is my favorite hobby. I would really appreciate some like minded girlfriends for motivation. I am not super savvy on this site, but will respond to invitations. Next programming cycle starts September!
  • SmithsonianEmpress
    SmithsonianEmpress Posts: 1,163 Member
    I’m 36. Been lifting heavy since August of last year. Before then I lifted using machines only...that was for about 4/5 years I believe. I NEED HELP BEING CONSISTENT!!! HELLLPPPP! Lol
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    everybody on this thread gets a *Hug* from me.

    Mad Re5pEXt

    ..... cept' for Chief, he'll need to settle for a fist-bump.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,957 Member
    I just started 3 weeks ago and am only on wussy weights for my arms they're so weak! I'm 47 and still learning.
  • klaak
    klaak Posts: 47 Member
    Hi there! I am 45 and just started lifting. Would love to join y'all
  • thinbybday
    thinbybday Posts: 32 Member
    Almost 50. Lifting heavy and CrossFit for 2 years. Runner for 14 years. Never felt or looked better than now, even at the same weight in hs.
  • biggiwig4483
    biggiwig4483 Posts: 90 Member
    Almost 50 and started lifting 20 years ago. On and off!