Your weight X 11 = your total daily calories



  • Watch_Me_Shrink
    Watch_Me_Shrink Posts: 24 Member
    seems right for me! my weight x 11 is 1397, and i usually end up eating about that, though i try to eat less.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    Noooo... it's like this

    Your weight X 666 Divided by Pi = cals for the day

    you mispelled pie, dumass

    And who is dumass?

    Sorry, you just like this guy I went to school with, Charles Dumass. Know him?

    Ahhh, yeah, that guy..... Wasn't he Canadian?

    Point taken.
  • coullmom
    coullmom Posts: 133 Member
    Well I guess it won't work for everyone! And its not John Tesh who makes these things up, he just tells people about the stuff he hears. I didn't say it was perfect!
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Well I guess it won't work for everyone! And its not John Tesh who makes these things up, he just tells people about the stuff he hears. I didn't say it was perfect!

    I feel you'd be WAY better off sticking with what MFP suggests but eating far more protein and fiber in your diet.
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    It says 1380 or something for me to maintain!? That's how much I eat to lose- load of rubbish. My maintenance is easily 1700 - 1800 calories.
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    Well I guess it won't work for everyone! And its not John Tesh who makes these things up, he just tells people about the stuff he hears. I didn't say it was perfect!

    No worries!... It was a big chuckle for me....
    Take care!!
  • CharlieOverby
    CharlieOverby Posts: 82 Member
    Well I guess it won't work for everyone! And its not John Tesh who makes these things up, he just tells people about the stuff he hears. I didn't say it was perfect!
    [/quoteont) Don't give up . You don't multiply your present weight by 11, you multiply your goal by 11. Example if you want to weight 150 lbs, you multiply 150 x 11 = 1650 calories. I have use this formula and lost 32 lbs. It is a good formula just make sure that you are getting enough protein, potassium, and the other nutrients. By the way I multiply my goal weight by 10 instead of 11.
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    I heard on the John Tesh radio show that the best way to figure out how many calories to consume per day is based on this formula. You will need to alter it as you gain or lose any weight. It is a simple formula that makes sense. Hope this helps some people out. I found that when I let the computer decide for me, I was not getting enough and I was still hungry. So I am sticking with this formula from now on.
    I use 10 instead of 11. Multiply the weight that you want to weigh ( not your present weight) x 10. If you want to weigh 140 lbs, multiply 140x10= 1400 calories a day. This works.

    This makes no sense whatsoever. I am at goal weight, so times 10 (or 11) gives me 1290-1419 a day. I never went below 1450 when I was set up to LOSE half a pound a week. My maintenance is currently at 1750 (still in the trial and error stage).
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    I heard on the John Tesh radio show that the best way to figure out how many calories to consume per day is based on this formula. You will need to alter it as you gain or lose any weight. It is a simple formula that makes sense. Hope this helps some people out. I found that when I let the computer decide for me, I was not getting enough and I was still hungry. So I am sticking with this formula from now on.
    I use 10 instead of 11. Multiply the weight that you want to weigh ( not your present weight) x 10. If you want to weigh 140 lbs, multiply 140x10= 1400 calories a day. This works.

    This makes no sense whatsoever. I am at goal weight, so times 10 (or 11) gives me 1290-1419 a day. I never went below 1450 when I was set up to LOSE half a pound a week. My maintenance is currently at 1750 (still in the trial and error stage).


    I am currently 108 lbs.
    times 11 gives me 1188.
    I maintain at 1800.
  • kitaara
    kitaara Posts: 1
    I think I may have read this below on a Slim Fast book awhile ago.


    1. Where "MULTIPLIER" is...
    - sedentary lifestyle, little physical activity – 12 to 14 calories per pound body weight
    - light to moderate activity 3-5 times a week – 14 to 16 calories per pound body weight
    - vigorous activity – 16 to 18 calories per pound body weight

    2. Where "REDUCED CALORIES" is 2 lbs a week = 1000 calories, 1 lb a week = 500 calories.

    EXAMPLE: For a woman currently weighing 160, between sedentary and active, and wants to lose 2 lbs a week, her daily caloric count should be as follows.

    160 x 14 - 1000 = 1,240
  • Zekela
    Zekela Posts: 634 Member
    This may be useful for the average person, but for someone like me, there is no way I would maintain netting 1300 cals a day. Id lose a tun of weight. I'm more toned than the average person and somehow my body just love to eat more food... 1300 cals can be done within one sitting for me :-)
  • Springfield_Rocks
    read this post...

    join the group, educate yourself about calories and the body. do the calculations or get someone there to help you do it. Dan is soooo amazing and helpful.


  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Hmmm....that puts me at 1600...I have been losing steadily eating 1800-1900 calories....I would say that the equation is flawed. :laugh:
  • jsd_135
    jsd_135 Posts: 291 Member
    My current weight (133) x 11 = 1463, maybe 100 calories over my BMR. Even if I stopped working out, I would continue to lose on this. Right now, my TDEE is in the 1700-1900 range, by my best guess.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    That tells me to eat 1199.

    lol no way.

    I eat 1600-2000.

    It's way too vague and general. That's basically your calories if you were in a coma.
    I need to eat my weight times 15 on a lazy day and times 20 on a busy day.

    Tells me to eat barely over my BMR...not gonna happen
  • jasonctyler
    I'm pretty sure the formula is you goal weight in pounds x 11 (10 for women), not your current weight, unless your current weight is your goal. For me that would be 1848 calories, which is 2 calories less than MFP has me at now, in the final stretch before I reach my goal weight.

    Now if I wanted to be on the low side of what is considered still healthy for me it'd be 1331 and I think that is a little low, personally, for me.

    The above is a quick and easy method for calculating caloric needs, that does not take body composition into consideration at all. It really shouldn't be used IMHO because not everyone fits the cookie cutter mold perfectly.

    It is personally why I feel BMI is a horrible way to gauge a healthy body for anyone looking to pack a little extra muscle as well.

    When I reach my goal weight according to BMI I'll still be overweight. HOWEVER if the current trend continues I'll only have around 12-14% body fat... which is pretty darn healthy for a guy in my opinion.

    My bodies specific composition doesn't fit the BMI model. A lot of people have this problem, especially service men and women, athletes, and body builders.

    I only have 19% body fat right now, yet a BMI of 32. According to it I am obese, even though I have an average amount of body fat.

    In all honesty I'd suggest just following MFP's guidelines unless you're looking for something more specific, even then you can adjust the macro's around a bit to more closely match what your bodies specific composition needs / or for health reasons like me (low carb due to diabetes).
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    That is barely my BMR. It would be really unhealthy for me to eat that low of an amount.

    Same here. In fact, it's about the same as MFP calculates for my BMR. Don't get me wrong, on days when I'm especially slothy that is indeed my maintenance, but lately I manage to heft my lazy butt out of my chair enough to eat a little more!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    That gives me 1661 calories a day...I eat 2k and lose...

    and I am at goal weight.

    I suspect tho it is for sedentary people...truely sedentary, and even if I wanted to lose it would give me too few...1450...that is too little.
  • carolineat111
    carolineat111 Posts: 97 Member
    I've always heard you take your weight in pounds and multiply by 10 to find the calories to maintain that weight. I'm 160lbs and eat around 1600-1700 and am losing slowly.