
Jadu786 Posts: 141 Member
edited July 2019 in Health and Weight Loss
People can be so frustrating! A co worker of mine asked if they can ride with me to work in the mornings for a month as they are 8 months pregnant and so it would make things easier on them, so I said yes. Since then, they have asked:

1. Can I pick them up and drop them off to their place
2. Can they borrow my parking pass the week I am out of town
3. When I come back from vacation - can I come stay with them the next day for 2-3 days as their husband will be out of town and we can ride to work together
4. Can we leave my place by 7:30 instead of 8 because they have an 845 meeting. (which I wouldn't care about but I workout with a trainer in the morning - have to shower etc. and he didn't have any earlier morning appointments)
5. Can we ride together permanently? This would be hard because I am allowed to work from home sometimes and they are not..

Why is it that people always just demand more?


  • NGentRD
    NGentRD Posts: 181 Member
    Everyone’s different when it comes to that. They either look out for themselves for you or meet in the middle. If you’re not happy then you need to clarify. The more you let it happen, the more people will expect from you!
  • Phirrgus
    Phirrgus Posts: 1,894 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »
    Phirrgus wrote: »
    Five0Six wrote: »
    Jadu786 wrote: »
    3. When I come back from vacation - can I come stay with them the next day for 2-3 days as their husband will be out of town and we can ride to work together

    Oh goodness, absolutely no. As another poster above mentioned, it sounds like this person has no boundaries and it will be up to you to set them.

    A couple of scripts I've found are useful "I'm sorry, but that doesn't work for me" or "I'm happy to help you out, but I need to make sure I don't over-extend myself so I can be there when you really need it."

    You're so much more tactful than I :D I do try to be kind, but I also have no issues saying "No" in a wide variety of ways. I admit I've never been great at handling people who thoughtlessly over reach.

    Yep. I am the kind of person that will hand you your coat and show you the door if you have stayed 20 minutes longer than I like.

    That's all some people will respond to/understand LOL! I have close friends and some acquaintances that are wonderful at picking up the slightest polite hint. Others need a bit more forceful.....guidance.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Phirrgus wrote: »
    NovusDies wrote: »
    Phirrgus wrote: »
    Five0Six wrote: »
    Jadu786 wrote: »
    3. When I come back from vacation - can I come stay with them the next day for 2-3 days as their husband will be out of town and we can ride to work together

    Oh goodness, absolutely no. As another poster above mentioned, it sounds like this person has no boundaries and it will be up to you to set them.

    A couple of scripts I've found are useful "I'm sorry, but that doesn't work for me" or "I'm happy to help you out, but I need to make sure I don't over-extend myself so I can be there when you really need it."

    You're so much more tactful than I :D I do try to be kind, but I also have no issues saying "No" in a wide variety of ways. I admit I've never been great at handling people who thoughtlessly over reach.

    Yep. I am the kind of person that will hand you your coat and show you the door if you have stayed 20 minutes longer than I like.

    That's all some people will respond to/understand LOL! I have close friends and some acquaintances that are wonderful at picking up the slightest polite hint. Others need a bit more forceful.....guidance.

    Was I supposed to hint first? Is saying "It is 10:20 and time for you to go home" a hint?
  • COGypsy
    COGypsy Posts: 1,330 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »
    Phirrgus wrote: »
    NovusDies wrote: »
    Phirrgus wrote: »
    Five0Six wrote: »
    Jadu786 wrote: »
    3. When I come back from vacation - can I come stay with them the next day for 2-3 days as their husband will be out of town and we can ride to work together

    Oh goodness, absolutely no. As another poster above mentioned, it sounds like this person has no boundaries and it will be up to you to set them.

    A couple of scripts I've found are useful "I'm sorry, but that doesn't work for me" or "I'm happy to help you out, but I need to make sure I don't over-extend myself so I can be there when you really need it."

    You're so much more tactful than I :D I do try to be kind, but I also have no issues saying "No" in a wide variety of ways. I admit I've never been great at handling people who thoughtlessly over reach.

    Yep. I am the kind of person that will hand you your coat and show you the door if you have stayed 20 minutes longer than I like.

    That's all some people will respond to/understand LOL! I have close friends and some acquaintances that are wonderful at picking up the slightest polite hint. Others need a bit more forceful.....guidance.

    Was I supposed to hint first? Is saying "It is 10:20 and time for you to go home" a hint?

    I thought the hint was a big stretch and exaggerated yawn with a long look at your watch?
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »
    Phirrgus wrote: »
    Five0Six wrote: »
    Jadu786 wrote: »
    3. When I come back from vacation - can I come stay with them the next day for 2-3 days as their husband will be out of town and we can ride to work together

    Oh goodness, absolutely no. As another poster above mentioned, it sounds like this person has no boundaries and it will be up to you to set them.

    A couple of scripts I've found are useful "I'm sorry, but that doesn't work for me" or "I'm happy to help you out, but I need to make sure I don't over-extend myself so I can be there when you really need it."

    You're so much more tactful than I :D I do try to be kind, but I also have no issues saying "No" in a wide variety of ways. I admit I've never been great at handling people who thoughtlessly over reach.

    Yep. I am the kind of person that will hand you your coat and show you the door if you have stayed 20 minutes longer than I like.
    COGypsy wrote: »
    NovusDies wrote: »
    Phirrgus wrote: »
    NovusDies wrote: »
    Phirrgus wrote: »
    Five0Six wrote: »
    Jadu786 wrote: »
    3. When I come back from vacation - can I come stay with them the next day for 2-3 days as their husband will be out of town and we can ride to work together

    Oh goodness, absolutely no. As another poster above mentioned, it sounds like this person has no boundaries and it will be up to you to set them.

    A couple of scripts I've found are useful "I'm sorry, but that doesn't work for me" or "I'm happy to help you out, but I need to make sure I don't over-extend myself so I can be there when you really need it."

    You're so much more tactful than I :D I do try to be kind, but I also have no issues saying "No" in a wide variety of ways. I admit I've never been great at handling people who thoughtlessly over reach.

    Yep. I am the kind of person that will hand you your coat and show you the door if you have stayed 20 minutes longer than I like.

    That's all some people will respond to/understand LOL! I have close friends and some acquaintances that are wonderful at picking up the slightest polite hint. Others need a bit more forceful.....guidance.

    Was I supposed to hint first? Is saying "It is 10:20 and time for you to go home" a hint?

    I thought the hint was a big stretch and exaggerated yawn with a long look at your watch?

    I start putting away the snacks when I've had people over and I'm ready for them to go home. That usually gets them out the door. If that doesn't work, I tell them I'm going to sleep now. Forget the exaggerated yawn...I'm just heading toward the bedroom. If y'all missed the first hint, that's on you.
  • mph323
    mph323 Posts: 3,565 Member
    Jadu786 wrote: »
    People can be so frustrating! A co worker of mine asked if they can ride with me to work in the mornings for a month as they are 8 months pregnant and so it would make things easier on them, so I said yes. Since then, they have asked:

    1. Can I pick them up and drop them off to their place
    2. Can they borrow my parking pass the week I am out of town
    3. When I come back from vacation - can I come stay with them the next day for 2-3 days as their husband will be out of town and we can ride to work together
    4. Can we leave my place by 7:30 instead of 8 because they have an 845 meeting. (which I wouldn't care about but I workout with a trainer in the morning - have to shower etc. and he didn't have any earlier morning appointments)
    5. Can we ride together permanently? This would be hard because I am allowed to work from home sometimes and they are not..

    Why is it that people always just demand more?

    This woman is looking for someone to take care of her (I'm assuming she doesn't have a partner?), and by making incremental requests that escalate from smaller favors to long-term committments she's slowly sucking you into that role. The longer this goes on the harder it will be to back out. You'll start feeling like you're leaving her stranded at a vulnerable point in her life, and if it impacts the baby it will be because of your cold heart. Don't let this happen. Finish your 30 day committment to drive with her with no other concessions, and follow the advice above and practice saying "No, that doesn't work for me." Avoid starting with "Sorry, ...". You have nothing to be sorry for and even that little bit of softness can allow her to feel like she can worm her way in by playing on your emotions.

    Your feelings about this situation are completely valid.
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »
    Phirrgus wrote: »
    Five0Six wrote: »
    Jadu786 wrote: »
    3. When I come back from vacation - can I come stay with them the next day for 2-3 days as their husband will be out of town and we can ride to work together

    Oh goodness, absolutely no. As another poster above mentioned, it sounds like this person has no boundaries and it will be up to you to set them.

    A couple of scripts I've found are useful "I'm sorry, but that doesn't work for me" or "I'm happy to help you out, but I need to make sure I don't over-extend myself so I can be there when you really need it."

    You're so much more tactful than I :D I do try to be kind, but I also have no issues saying "No" in a wide variety of ways. I admit I've never been great at handling people who thoughtlessly over reach.

    Yep. I am the kind of person that will hand you your coat and show you the door if you have stayed 20 minutes longer than I like.

    We used to spend Christmas Eve at my Aunt's house. She had a great trick when she wanted everyone to leave. She'd say, "I'm going to put all your coats in the dryer for a few minutes so that they will be toasty-warm when you go out into the cold!" Everyone saw this as being thoughtful, but it was her way of saying "Get the hell out".

    Your aunt is the best.