Less Alcohol - JULY 2019 - One Day at a Time



  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,657 Member
    I am going to continue into July with a goal of 4-5 AF days per week. It is great to be able to check in here each day. Thank you for looking after us @MissMay : - )

    May - 18 AF days
    June - 16 AF days - Really had to backload that one! It was nearing the end of the month and I was only at 12 AF days. Maybe going to try to get more in at the beginning of the month this time.

    July 01 - AF
    July 02 - AF - Guess that I will start my tally at the bottom : - ) I realize now that 16AF days (4 per week) in a 31 day month is like having drinks every second day!
    July 03 - AF - Today was no problem to be AF, but yesterday was a long hard day and I really felt like kicking back and having a couple of drinks - I just didn't. I even bought some of that fake beer that I have heard some of you talking about (I got Grolsch) - but it didn't occur to me to go to the fridge and have it. I am not a beer drinker, so I guess that it wouldn't have really been a substitute for a brandy or a glass of red wine : - P
    July 04 - 3 drinks
    July 05 - AF

    Running total: 4 AF days out of 5 days so far.
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,565 Member
    Womona wrote: »
    Now that I’ve cut way the hell back in alcohol, my tolerance has plummeted. I guess that’s a good thing!

    @Womona I have found this to be true also. And it is a GOOD thing.
    Kind of like a smoke alarm going off before everything bursts into flames.
    I can feel the buzz at one drink now and know nothing worth the pain will come if I keep sucking them down.

    BTW you are doing great in this journey.
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,565 Member
    renpup wrote: »
    I love coming in here and reading how everyone's faring, especially over the holiday weekend. I had ONE beer last night--we went to my parents' for a cookout and backyard fireworks.

    @renpup nice work keeping it under control on the holiday with knowing there was more beer just a step away but you kept away. 👍
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,565 Member
    So it's very important to me to not drink a lot and derail my weight loss efforts.

    @Lazy_Bones_85 I like your term DERAIL. it can be just like a run away train we have lost control of. I am amazed that now that I rarely drink, my weight has dropped around 8 pounds (since September) which is so much better on my knees.

    Keep up the good work.
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,565 Member
    syreina wrote: »
    I am not much of drinker, less than social you can say since I would typically have 1-2 mixed drinks and the heartburn would start. I finally went to the doctor in March to get it checked out and I am finally on my last two weeks of medication.

    My husband's birthday is in August so I may partake in 1-2 drinks and see how I am feeling because the doctor suggested I still limit my intake until our follow-up in September.

    I have been AF since March 15th 2019 and I hope I am welcome here because I don't want to become a person who relies on alcohol after a long stressful day. I have seen firsthand how this can affect your life.

    Welcome @syreina nice to have you here. Less is less to us no matter how you count it at your own pace. Hope you can get the heartburn issue resolved. That is never fun.
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,565 Member
    I just love this group, y'all are so genuine and open with your thoughts, accomplishments, and sometimes slip-ups. I don't post often, but do read many of your posts. I am not aiming for AF, just much less. My main problem is I will plan on just one long pour, but then it leads to so much more, then I have conversations that I cannot recall at all! So far I have had a good start for July, 1 long pour on Wed, and I really used my powers to stop at 1. Then just one shot early yesterday, then only water after that. Such a nice feeling to remember a holiday celebration with friends & family... had a great day, no regrets this morning. I am also doing this to help with losing some lbs, as like some of you, when I drink I eat way too much junk, and don't even remember what all I ate! Happy July Everyone!

    @looneycatblue long time no see. Glad to have you popping back in. Oh those alcohol munchies are wicked. Do what feels right for you.😁
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,565 Member
    I am going to continue into July with a goal of 4-5 AF days per week.

    Running total: 4 AF days out of 5 days so far.

    @dawnbgethealthy LOOKS LIKE YOU DID IT. woot-woot
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,630 Member
    Back on track! Only one drink (planned) at dinner out last night, and my weight is finally coming down!

    Welcome @syreina !!! Welcome back @looneycatblue !
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,565 Member
    beebva4 wrote: »

    7/4 - AF
    7/5 - bad :(

    Thank you all for your kind words and a really awesome welcome back! To feel the care and remembrance really motivated me to do better. To make myself apart of this group again and my old lifestyle!

    Sorry to hear your pup gave herself a painful sore. Mine are like my kids....well ok, they are my kids as I have no human children. Lol.
    It is never easy to see them go through stress or pain.
    The good news is, it sounds as if you and someone else are trying to drink less together? Or at least recognizing what triggers the drinking urge at times?

    You have your foot in the door, so that is a good direction.
  • mainelylisa
    mainelylisa Posts: 375 Member
    Inspiring reading everyone's victories and struggles, and I echo the thanks to @MissMay (our host here--not the famous shark :-)). I'm on a break until/unless I learn to moderate and 8 days AF and there are times it's getting so much easier then not. Dealing with some emotions I've tried to drink down in the past--I don't even know what they all are, or if I do, how to solve them, or come to a resolution that I can't. A conflict avoider by nature, I don't deal easily with anything that involves conflict--esp in a relationship--but know it's crucial and normal. So have had some relationship arguments--my stubborn side says they aren't any better sober than drunk. But I know better. For one, I remember them, lol. For another, I'm taken more seriously. Right now I'm upset enough to not want to eat--so that's another positive (though already losing weight merely by cutting out alcohol). Though have also been extremely emotional, so that's not helping my logic, but think it's normal after not drinking for a period of time. Anyway, just wanted to share some of the struggles that might be encountered when taking a break--painful, but anything worth anything involves discomfort. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
  • beebva4
    beebva4 Posts: 130 Member
    MissMay wrote: »
    beebva4 wrote: »

    7/4 - AF
    7/5 - bad :(

    Thank you all for your kind words and a really awesome welcome back! To feel the care and remembrance really motivated me to do better. To make myself apart of this group again and my old lifestyle!

    Sorry to hear your pup gave herself a painful sore. Mine are like my kids....well ok, they are my kids as I have no human children. Lol.
    It is never easy to see them go through stress or pain.
    The good news is, it sounds as if you and someone else are trying to drink less together? Or at least recognizing what triggers the drinking urge at times?

    You have your foot in the door, so that is a good direction.

    Yes! My pups are my kids as well, I dont have children so my dogs are definitely my children lol it's so sad and hard because I have to keep a cone on her now unless I am with her and able to watch her closely. But yes my husband and I are both trying to cut way back and not use drinking as a stress relieving mechanism. I know for me stress and my own personal anxiety is a trigger.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    beebva4 wrote: »

    She has the cone of shame <3

    Awww, my brother and SIL renamed theirs the “cone of courage” for their pup wigs persistent issue to help him not feel so shamed...
  • beebva4
    beebva4 Posts: 130 Member
    @WinoGelato aw I love that! I'm totally going to start using that now! I just think of the movie Up when its used as the shame term, I always picture the cute dog Doug lol
  • globalhiker
    globalhiker Posts: 1,522 Member
    Mainelylisa, great post. Cool stuff. Thanks for inspiring me!