What was your wake-up call to lose weight?



  • Having swollen optic nerves.
    In the past three months, I have had a mri, a lumbar puncture (spinal tap), and blood work done to make sure my swollen optic nerves and headaches were not a sign of something more serious like a brain tumor or other conditions that make for many a sleepless night.
    It all came down to that I was one of those unlucky people whose extra weight causes their optic nerves to swell. I am hoping that after I lose twenty pounds my optic nerves will return to normal so I can stop seeing a neuro-ophthalmologist. I want to lose more than that though.
  • sittoojo5
    sittoojo5 Posts: 42 Member
    You would think that after having bypass surgery 5 years ago that I'd realize that I needed to be healthy and keep my weight in check etc. I did for a while and then fell back into the old habits. In January I was looking thru the wedding album of my nephew that got married last September and saw a picture of myself - I thought I looked pretty good the day of the wedding, but in reality I looked like an old stuffed sasusage! Well - that did it - so here I am 26 lbs lighter with at least another 5 to 10 to go. Love this website! Good luck on your journey!!!!
  • Ireshgurl
    Ireshgurl Posts: 559
    Picutres, pictures, pictures. The fact that i couldn't fit into some of my favorite clothes. The fact when i take my clothes off, i still have that wonderful "muffin top". That cute little back crease when i move a certain way, which doesn't make my tattoos look so pretty. And last but not least, the last time I visited my dad, he asked if i was pregnant :sad: .
  • Sad thing is i am still ashamed of my current weight that i refuse to tell people and even post on the site so i have my goal listed. But i am sure most people can estimate by looking at me.

    But i got my ZUMBA DVDs in the mail today so i am excited about that. I can take them on the road with me for work.
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    not really per-say a wakeup call but more my motivation was that at the mall the only place i could shop was the food court
  • I got out of breath on a 1/2 mile hike over July 4th weekend. I didn't like it.
    I decided I wanted to run a 5k...to be able to do that, I needed to be healthy!
  • momcindy
    momcindy Posts: 194 Member
    I am tired all the time, joints hurt walking up the stairs and I hated the way I look in pictures! I have never been athletic and at 44 realized I want to be strong, healthy, and looking good for the 2nd half of my life!

    I should have added that to my list...fatigue and pain in my feet and knees. Even walking hurts. I'm too young to feel this old. I'm right there with you.
  • momcindy
    momcindy Posts: 194 Member
    I got out of breath on a 1/2 mile hike over July 4th weekend. I didn't like it.
    I decided I wanted to run a 5k...to be able to do that, I needed to be healthy!

    Good for you! Good luck with the 5K. I'm just trying to commit to walking 30 minutes a day! lol Maybe someday I'll have the courage to try for something bigger.
  • momcindy
    momcindy Posts: 194 Member
    not really per-say a wakeup call but more my motivation was that at the mall the only place i could shop was the food court

    lol! But sadly, I know what you mean.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    weighing myself the morning of January 1st, 2011 and realizing I was 210 pounds and not happy about it. Also seeing TERRIBLE pictures of myself. Now that I'm 170, I never want to go back there!

    175 is my goal. I'm inspired by your success!

    Thank you so much! :) that means a lot to me!
  • healermoon
    healermoon Posts: 74 Member
    My wake call was in January...I stepped on the scale and weighed a few more pounds than I had when I was 9 months pregnant with my son. That is when I looked up what a BMI was, and typed in my height and weight....and it was 41, I was shocked, and sad and decided right then and here I was going to start losing weight. I am losing as quickly as I want but the fact that I have been losing for the last 8 months and it hasn't really been coming back (not to mention new low today) keeps me from giving up. My BMI is now at 36.3, and I feel like I am making great progress, maybe by next year I will no longer be in the obese category, and by the end of next year I will reach my goal weight..and the best that has been working for me is....Eat Less, Move More. :)
  • momcindy
    momcindy Posts: 194 Member
    Having swollen optic nerves.
    In the past three months, I have had a mri, a lumbar puncture (spinal tap), and blood work done to make sure my swollen optic nerves and headaches were not a sign of something more serious like a brain tumor or other conditions that make for many a sleepless night.
    It all came down to that I was one of those unlucky people whose extra weight causes their optic nerves to swell. I am hoping that after I lose twenty pounds my optic nerves will return to normal so I can stop seeing a neuro-ophthalmologist. I want to lose more than that though.

    That's a good reason to lose weight. I suspect a lot of what ails me will diminish as I lose the fat.
  • Several embarassing situations....my daughter folding laundry, holding up a pair of my underwear and asking "Mama, who's shirt is this"......going to Six Flags and waiting in line for 2 hours to ride SuperMan only to hear "Sorry Ma'am, you don't fit" and having to do the walk of shame while my family rode without me.....
  • momcindy
    momcindy Posts: 194 Member
    My wake call was in January...I stepped on the scale and weighed a few more pounds than I had when I was 9 months pregnant with my son. That is when I looked up what a BMI was, and typed in my height and weight....and it was 41, I was shocked, and sad and decided right then and here I was going to start losing weight. I am losing as quickly as I want but the fact that I have been losing for the last 8 months and it hasn't really been coming back (not to mention new low today) keeps me from giving up. My BMI is now at 36.3, and I feel like I am making great progress, maybe by next year I will no longer be in the obese category, and by the end of next year I will reach my goal weight..and the best that has been working for me is....Eat Less, Move More. :)

    You've really done well. The BMI is good at making us face the reality. It's sad to discover I'm half fat, half lean.
  • momcindy
    momcindy Posts: 194 Member
    You would think that after having bypass surgery 5 years ago that I'd realize that I needed to be healthy and keep my weight in check etc. I did for a while and then fell back into the old habits. In January I was looking thru the wedding album of my nephew that got married last September and saw a picture of myself - I thought I looked pretty good the day of the wedding, but in reality I looked like an old stuffed sasusage! Well - that did it - so here I am 26 lbs lighter with at least another 5 to 10 to go. Love this website! Good luck on your journey!!!!

    I'm usually the one taking pictures or else I hide behind everyone else in the shot, but at my daughter's wedding I couldn't do either. Great job on your success so far!
  • momcindy
    momcindy Posts: 194 Member
    Sad thing is i am still ashamed of my current weight that i refuse to tell people and even post on the site so i have my goal listed. But i am sure most people can estimate by looking at me.

    But i got my ZUMBA DVDs in the mail today so i am excited about that. I can take them on the road with me for work.

    It took a lot of courage for me to post my acutal weight in my ticker here. I didn't do it at first then decided if I was going to be accountable I may as well put it out there. I still sort of cringe when I see it though, so I understand what you're feeling.
  • hikeout470
    hikeout470 Posts: 628 Member
    I have to step on the scale every 6 months for my company medical exam, and then that weight is public record in the computer.
  • momcindy
    momcindy Posts: 194 Member
    Picutres, pictures, pictures. The fact that i couldn't fit into some of my favorite clothes. The fact when i take my clothes off, i still have that wonderful "muffin top". That cute little back crease when i move a certain way, which doesn't make my tattoos look so pretty. And last but not least, the last time I visited my dad, he asked if i was pregnant :sad: .

    I hate having pictures taken of me because they don't lie. I sometimes would rather be in denial. Yes, the pregnant comments are the worst.
  • myfriendamy
    myfriendamy Posts: 131 Member
    I've had a lot of "nudges" - being too big to ride some rides at Disneyland with my son, getting winded just playing at the park... but my slap in the face was when I hit the scale at my doctors office and it said 298. I about crapped my pants! that was too flipping close to 300, and about 10lbs more than I weighed the day my son was born!!

    I started the next Monday, and I'm going strong 6 weeks later :)
  • Cindy, don't look at the total amount of weight you need to lose! That is too overwhelming and can be horribly discouraging! I am 5'11" and weigh 307 pounds; I need to lose another 127 pounds and if I thought after every pound lost that I still had 126, 125, 124 to go, I think I would just give up and eat a whole chocolate cake! It helps me to look forward to meeting 10 pound goals (I have lost from 333) and I mark these on my calendar.