Lose 10 lbs in September Challenge

So here's the scoop...

Several of us have been participating in a monthly challenge to lose 10 lbs (10 lbs each month!) and since August is nearing its end, it's time to get ready for September!!

If you want to strive to lose 10 lbs in the month of September and participate in some FUN mini-challenges, message me your starting weight by September 1 and I'll get you added to our roster.

1. Weigh in with me every Friday.
2. Check the thread for mini-challenges (not required but provide good motivation) and updates (I will post an update every Sunday evening).
3. Don't automatically send me a friend request just because you want to be part of the challenge - I can't keep up with that many people on my news feed. The BEST way to get a hold of me is by sending me a message.

Updates will be posted in the form of a google spreadsheet. I will post the link every Sunday evening and all you have to do is copy and paste the link into your browser and you'll be able to view the stats.

So - who's down for another 10 lbs down?!?!
