Leslie Sansone Walking Challenge



  • Jerzeeblondie
    I walked with the family and my dog for 2 miles on Saturday, just need to add that to my ticker. I'll definitely be getting a walk in at some point tonight to add to the ticker later also. I hope everyone gets their walks in this week! We are getting closer to reaching our goal at the end of the month!
  • Zonegirl51
    I have not been doing the video walk but I have been walking with my dog and getting in walks about 5-6 days a week. It is hot in Texas but try to get out there before 10 in the morning and not sweat myself to death! Cool off in front of fan and hop in the shower but enjoy my walk to the fishing dock and back. Enjoyable walk. I have been charting my food and staying under but the weight just isn't coming off and I seem to yoyo. I am weighing daily at the same time each day. Maybe its the water...I'm better some days than other. Someone thought I should have my thyroid checked.
  • Jerzeeblondie
    I have not been doing the video walk but I have been walking with my dog and getting in walks about 5-6 days a week. It is hot in Texas but try to get out there before 10 in the morning and not sweat myself to death! Cool off in front of fan and hop in the shower but enjoy my walk to the fishing dock and back. Enjoyable walk. I have been charting my food and staying under but the weight just isn't coming off and I seem to yoyo. I am weighing daily at the same time each day. Maybe its the water...I'm better some days than other. Someone thought I should have my thyroid checked.

    That is a good idea, I had my thyroid checked before because I lose weight so slowly. It could be from a few years ago when I was on diet pills and now they screwed my system up. My Dr. said I didn't have a thyroid problem, but the numbers weren't where they should be either so he gave me pills to take anyway. Unfortunately now that I'm out of work and don't have insurance, I don't have those thyroid pills anymore... I think that is why I lose weight so slowly. I gave up fast food about 2 months ago, I drink 12-14 cups of water (some days more) a day, and I try to exercise 30 minutes or more a day. Some days I'll get 60-90 minutes or more in. But still I'm lucky to lose a pound a week. At my height and weight it should be coming off a little faster in the beginning, but its not. As soon as I can afford it, I want to see a nutritionist and definitely want to get back on the thyroid pills.
  • Zonegirl51
    I have no prescription coverage either so I guess if he puts me on one....I won't be able to afford it either. A depressing thought. I wonder if anyone knows of foods that aid the thyroid in getting it moving a little and improves the metabolism. It seems I can only lose weight if I totally stop eating. I know that isn't healthy and but that is how I lost the 40 lbs I lost before my knee replacements! Minimal food intake a few bites a day and a drink or two. Stress on the job and I lost my position due to boss not liking me.
  • Jerzeeblondie
    I have no prescription coverage either so I guess if he puts me on one....I won't be able to afford it either. A depressing thought. I wonder if anyone knows of foods that aid the thyroid in getting it moving a little and improves the metabolism. It seems I can only lose weight if I totally stop eating. I know that isn't healthy and but that is how I lost the 40 lbs I lost before my knee replacements! Minimal food intake a few bites a day and a drink or two. Stress on the job and I lost my position due to boss not liking me.

    I know what you mean, I lose weight if I barely eat & when I do eat it's only protein... I'm trying so hard to do it the right way and I barely lose half a pound a week. The thyroid pills only helped a little bit, but hopefully there are foods to help it.
  • Jerzeeblondie
    2 miles from Saturday and my 5 miles from today puts me at 37 miles done so far.

    August Goal: 60 miles
    Miles so far: 37
    Miles to go: 23
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    with all the upper body stuff she does in the advanced dvds, do you still just count it as walking? i was thinking low impact aerobics or something, but i'm just not sure. i'm just trying to get back on track.
  • Zonegirl51
    The doctor was not that supportive...my nurse that calls from BCBS said that she wanted my thyroid checked and Doc said that he does every year and he didn't think that was it. He says that not all diets work and that my metabolism might be different than someone else my size. He wants me to up the exercise and cut the calories and use a weight watcher type diet. We will see what the blood work shows and I will try to do what he wants. I'm going to find some other things to do for muscle building. Ups the metabolism I guess.
  • patricia184
    patricia184 Posts: 49 Member
    bump..i'm interested but need to check into it..will do that tomorrow and let you know. I've been walking an hour a day...hooray...for 20 days straight now! Yahoo! I could use the extra incentive
  • Jerzeeblondie
    Hey ladies, the hurricane has passed and I can get back to walking. I have 23 miles left for the month and I'm thinking I wont reach that goal... I'm aiming for 10 miles today to make up for not walking this weekend. But that leaves 13 miles the next couple of days uh oh! We'll see if I can make it.... at least September will be easier because I can start from September 1st not the 8th or 9th as I did this month.

    Hope you are all getting closer to your goal!
  • Zonegirl51
    Glad you are safe. You know each mile we walk is worth it. We want to stretch and see if we reach our goal! I read an interesting post today about eating the suggested calories and how our bodies work...it was very good.

    http://www.myfitnesspal.com/forums/show/9-general-diet-and-weight-loss-help I found this awesome explanation for my lack of movement and regaining on the scale at this message board post. It is entitled " Living With Obesity At 700 Calories Per Day! By David Greenwalt I

    It is a good message and is encouraging for sticking it out and giving your body a chance to reset. My Thyroid came back okay---towards the low normal but my potassium and RBW were off. Potassium Low 3.3 and RBW 16.5 High. I think the potassium is caused by all of the sweating that I do walking in this heat...I am soaked by the time I get home. The nurse said the heat could cause the RBW also...its an indication of low B 12 and folic acid so I am going to start a multivitamin and potassium pills. I will try to up my intake of fruits and veggies that have these. She said orange juice and bananas, I like those and I love watermelon, cantaloupe and strawberries also. I hope these changes will improve those counts. Any help on these would be appreciated. I'm going to up my water also.

    A new month and new goal is around the corner. Read that article it is good!
  • Jerzeeblondie
    That's definitely good advice. I'm hoping to change some things also. So far I'm drinking plenty of water a day anywhere from 12-18 cups a day usually. My thighs and calves are rock hard from all the walking and elliptical.
    Don't think I'll reach my goal this month. I realized that with doing other exercise like the ellitpical and soon I'll be starting 30 Day Shred again, getting all those miles in is really tough. I end up burning so many calories with other exercise plus with a few miles of walking, then I end up not being able to eat enough.

    But I did 6 miles yesterday, so that puts me at 17 left. I did 5 today but am going to try to do 2-5 more miles tonight (not sure if I'll get that in though, so I'll update my ticker later in case I do have the time)
  • Jerzeeblondie
    did not reach my goal of 60 miles for the month :( I came close, needing 12 more miles, walked 2 with the dog early this morning at a very leisurely pace.. thanks to the dog.. guess he really didn't want to go for a walk haha
  • Zonegirl51
    I did meet my goal for the exercise but it hasn't made a difference in my weight...I am still yo-yoing over 2 lbs. Staying within the guidelines...not eating over 1500 but not all the way up to the 1647 that is recommended. My Doctor thought I needed to eat less than that.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I signed up for this challenge, and don't want you to think I was a total poop for not posting again, but I broke my foot shortly after!
    Have had to stay off it for 6 weeks, but have been lurking and following all your progress and give you all great applause for your efforts! Also cut back on calories due to total lack of exercise but mainly I have remained at same weight. Am waiting to get back on my elliptical machine as I was in a challenge for that too.
    Its funny how at first I hated exercise and now that I can't do it, I miss it and feel like achy bones for not doing it.