What was your wake-up call to lose weight?



  • muitobem
    muitobem Posts: 436 Member
    My wake up call was when I realized I was almost 200 lbs and was going to have to buy size 20 jeans.....
  • becalee26
    becalee26 Posts: 185 Member
    Having to wear PJ bottoms or "yoga" pants everyday because I had no clothes that fit me. My bras didn't even fit me anymore! My 4 year old daughter always would ask me why I never got dressed.

    and the finally wake up call was getting tagged in photos at the end of June. Couldn't believe it was me!
  • espruell
    espruell Posts: 12
    When my husband had a massive heart attack 10 months ago (not due to being overweight or living an unhealthy lifestyle) and all I could think of afterward was "what if he hadn't survived AND I am so unhealthy right now, who will be there for my 5 year old." Thankfully my husband recovered and is doing great. I'm determined to loose the weight, change my habits, be more active and live a long life so my child doesn't have to live without either of her parents.
  • adjones_21
    adjones_21 Posts: 234 Member
    Waking one morning and realized I was 355 pounds. I lost down to 300 but then I packed half of it back on. (started this yr at 321) I looked at my beautiful family and told myself...they are more important than EVERYTHING else...started working out and eating right and so far 57 pounds lighter this year and a total of 91 pounds from my highest.
  • ignatiusreilly
    ignatiusreilly Posts: 411 Member
    Seeing pictures of myself and people asking if I was pregnant. :grumble:

    How incredibly rude of them.
    Right up there with the multitude of people who immediately asked "Was he a smoker" after my father died of lung cancer.
  • JoanNLV
    JoanNLV Posts: 83
    For me, it was when my doctor told me that I had Diabetes Type ll. I knew that it was very important to lose some weight and then he sent me to this pharmacist friend of his for her and three 3rd year pharmacy students to help with my dietary requirements. I think that going to that meeting, and knowing that my doctor was concerned about my weight to the point that he would go the extra mile to get me additional help. I didn't eat much before and the weight kept coming on due to steroids and not being able to do too much physically with my spine issues and also arthritis and torn meniscus in my knees. They jump started me on 2300 calories a day for the first week, but yesterday I was started on 1200 calories and I lost an entire pound between yesterday's scale and today's.
    I am happy to be here because I know that I am not the only obese person that needs to lose some weight. Going to the gym is harder because the in-shape ones outnumber the ones that are overweight and way outnumber those that are obese.
  • acarter33664
    acarter33664 Posts: 53 Member
    My wake-up call was going to the doctor after a year and realizing that I weigh more now than I ever had. I couldn't believe the scale had said 192, though I knew my jeans and tshirts were getting tighter and size 14s weren't cutting it anymore. I really just wanted to be able to look in the mirror and like what I see.
  • brocantrs
    brocantrs Posts: 273 Member
    Couldn't see my weiner anymore.
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Thanks to everyone who responded to this post. It's so good to see that I'm not alone in the struggle. I enjoyed responding to the comments but now I have some housework to do. Maybe if I do it aerobically I can count it toward my exercise for the day...

    Actually housework is listed: search under 'cleaning', there's 2 options depending on how enthusiastic you are!

    My wake up call was constantly being congratulated on a non-existent pregnancy. I'm a slim build, but have a belly. It had to go. But my genes are working against me. I'm still going to try tho!
  • Magalo
    Magalo Posts: 3
    I feel odd because I'm so lightweight compare to you but here's my story:
    I always was in the skinniest. At my highest weight of 120 pounds I felt bigger than average. Girls here are pretty thin, and feeling bigger than others made me felt bad. I had a septic choc, went to the hospital and lost 5 pounds during hospitalization. It felt so good to be ligher than I continued and I'm now 104 pounds and happy. :) By the way I'm 5"3 and only 18 years old.
  • I'm not sure if I'd call them 'wake up calls'....but here's a couple of serious OUCH moments....

    -being picked very last for P.E.
    -freshman year of highschool we had a blood pressure monitor in Health class, and I was pretty much the only one with mildly high blood pressure
    -catching myself being hostile/jealous towards every skinny person I see, or obsessively attempting to find out what exactly their 'secret' is for being that way
    -being too lazy to do things I use to love
    -being almost kicked off the soccer team since I was too lazy to go to practices
    -seeing a video of me at the beach looking fat in my shorts and tank top because I'm way too humiliated to go in a bikini
    -me working out a little bit, then being closely scrutinized by my mom and having her say, "well, at least you look better than you had in Mexico' (a few months earlier on vacation...I didn't know I looked THAT bad)
    -grandmother asking me if I did any sports, and when I said 'no' she was like 'well that explains it! Exercise!'
    -my best friend telling me I'm squishy and constantly using me as a pillow
    -my mom saying it hurts her to look at me
    -realizing that the reason there's hardly any pictures of me smiling is because I'm too busy sucking in my cheeks so my face doesn't look so round
    -a friend telling me that none of my Facebook pictures actually show my face without them being brightened beyond recognition
    -showering without the bathroom light on
    -walking by the reflective mall windows
    -realizing that sucking in my gut 24/7 has been completely normal for me
    -avoiding well lit mirrors or even freaking windows at all cost
    -going emo just so because the dark clothes are 'slimming'
    -running a straight mile is impossible for me, and people at my school laughed at other people who could only manage an 8 minute mile

    I can't believe the people in your life are so mean to you! Just remember you are a wonderful person and your not alone. And when you do lose the weight and your family notices you can say that you did it without there support.
  • I guess I don't have much weight to lose (56kg, want to be back to 52-53kg) but for me I always know it's time to lose weight when I don't have a flat tummy in the morning and when I twist I have a little roll of fat on the side of my stomach. Oh and when my clothes are tight to do up-lucky I wear tight fitting clothes :D
  • I feel odd because I'm so lightweight compare to you but here's my story:
    I always was in the skinniest. At my highest weight of 120 pounds I felt bigger than average. Girls here are pretty thin, and feeling bigger than others made me felt bad. I had a septic choc, went to the hospital and lost 5 pounds during hospitalization. It felt so good to be ligher than I continued and I'm now 104 pounds and happy. :) By the way I'm 5"3 and only 18 years old.
    Lol I am always the skinniest too! In high school I was 5'9.5'' and 110-115lb and usual weight 10 years later (when everyone else is bigger than high school) is 114-116lb (wouldn't actually WANT to be 110lb again as my legs looks scarily skinny instead of slim and long-skinny and scrawny is NOT a good look)
    5'3'' and 104 pounds is perfect, you don't need to lose any more weight-just enjoy and maintain :D
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    In January 2007, I realized I had gained a bit of weight; I was comfortable at 150 lb at the time, and tended to bounce up to 163 lb pretty easily. So, when I noticed the weight creeping on, I figured I was at 163 again. I stepped on the scale at the gym at work and was a bit upset to see 168 lb, but started buckling down anyway.

    The wake up call came two weeks later, when I realized I had been misreading the scale. It was 188, not 168. I must have looked at the thing upside down and sideways and looked away and looked back about a hundred times before I registered what was happening, at which point I locked myself in a changeroom stall and started hyperventilating.

    Looking back, it didn't take too long to lose, and I'm so glad I caught it there before my weight skyrocketed...but at the time, that was a real panic moment!
  • Wow...it is interesting how I stumbled across this thread this week!

    My wake-up call occurred 6 years ago this week. With Katrina having made landfall 6 years ago today in the Gulf, NC Disaster Medical teams were preparing to respond if needed. I had my ID photo made during this prep and this pic was my wake-up call as to how OUT.OF.CONTROL my weight was! Was that ~really~ me???

    I even decided to pull that old ID out and post it to remind me of how far I have journeyed~
  • i gain all my weight in my mid section, and i gained over 30 pounds in one year after starting home school. & people we're spreading rumors that i was pregnant. :/ & im only a teen.
    better fat than pregnant.
  • Beautifylgirl
    Beautifylgirl Posts: 55 Member
    Well honestly, I saw a picture of myself and thought "wow what a face face". Mind you I'm only 20# overweight but I definitely have it in my face, and *kitten* lol. And then this last weekend my husband and I had our 6th anniversary and he took a picture of me and I wanted to vomit. Seriously I look totally different that when we first got married 45# heavier :( Most of that is due to medication gain but still not cool. Now I'm off Depakote aka Depabloat and will hopefully be able to shed this weight quickly or I might vomit again.
    Today was day 2 of the gym and I have a new rule. No video games unless I go to the gym or zumba. No exercise no games. That's a big thing for me as I'm an avid gamer.
  • helloburger
    helloburger Posts: 243 Member
    For me, SWEATING! So more of an experiment, I was sick to death of sweating just after walking a little bit. I dont want to be restricted to black or white tops just because I sweat! haha. But I so feel its working! so Its good :)
  • leilaphoenix
    leilaphoenix Posts: 839 Member
    When I found myself having to try on a size 18 (UK) in the shop. This was the last straw and I cracked and decided I was not buyinig any size 18 clothes and instead was going to lose the weight. Its crazy how lots of people have a sudden realisation of how they've let themselves go...
  • ElementalEscapee
    ElementalEscapee Posts: 552 Member
    Thanks x3
    I'm not sure if I'd call them 'wake up calls'....but here's a couple of serious OUCH moments....

    -being picked very last for P.E.
    -freshman year of highschool we had a blood pressure monitor in Health class, and I was pretty much the only one with mildly high blood pressure
    -catching myself being hostile/jealous towards every skinny person I see, or obsessively attempting to find out what exactly their 'secret' is for being that way
    -being too lazy to do things I use to love
    -being almost kicked off the soccer team since I was too lazy to go to practices
    -seeing a video of me at the beach looking fat in my shorts and tank top because I'm way too humiliated to go in a bikini
    -me working out a little bit, then being closely scrutinized by my mom and having her say, "well, at least you look better than you had in Mexico' (a few months earlier on vacation...I didn't know I looked THAT bad)
    -grandmother asking me if I did any sports, and when I said 'no' she was like 'well that explains it! Exercise!'
    -my best friend telling me I'm squishy and constantly using me as a pillow
    -my mom saying it hurts her to look at me
    -realizing that the reason there's hardly any pictures of me smiling is because I'm too busy sucking in my cheeks so my face doesn't look so round
    -a friend telling me that none of my Facebook pictures actually show my face without them being brightened beyond recognition
    -showering without the bathroom light on
    -walking by the reflective mall windows
    -realizing that sucking in my gut 24/7 has been completely normal for me
    -avoiding well lit mirrors or even freaking windows at all cost
    -going emo just so because the dark clothes are 'slimming'
    -running a straight mile is impossible for me, and people at my school laughed at other people who could only manage an 8 minute mile

    I can't believe the people in your life are so mean to you! Just remember you are a wonderful person and your not alone. And when you do lose the weight and your family notices you can say that you did it without there support.