August ~ 3 Things Challenge!



  • CindyJoy1108
    CindyJoy1108 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! Hope you are all having a great first day! To answer Jannicke7, to me clean eating means focusing on lean meats or fish, fruits/veggies, natural nuts/seeds and other healthy fats, specific carbs such as brown rice and sweet potatoes, and cutting out processed foods (junk food, boxed “sides” such as Mac n cheese or those flavored rice dishes, white bread, etc).
  • CaityGracie67
    CaityGracie67 Posts: 64 Member
    Female 20y
    166cm / 5"5
    SW: 61kg / 135lb
    GW1: 58kg / 127lb
    GW2: 55kg / 121lb

    Goal #1: Stop eating/snacking after dinner or when I'm not hungry (substitute with a cup of tea if I need)
    Goal #2: Exercise daily - I will be doing Chloe Ting's Ab challenge as well as walking daily and attending the gym when I can
    Goal #3: Make healthier food choices (choosing vege/fruit and also choosing smaller portions of the more classical 'unhealthy foods')

    1/8 - 60.7kg - Y Y ~
    2/8 - 60.8kg - I started drinking more water so I'm assuming that's why the scale went up even though my count was low yesterday. But I went over my calorie count today which was super disappointing :( , but I stopped myself from giving in and snacking/eating extra! Proud of myself for acknowledging that I didn't need to make the day worse and give into my cravings. I'm making a change!! Exercised as per usual and chose a salad and a piece of carrot cake for lunch, so probs need to work more on eating healthier oops
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,101 Member
    What a great idea! Thank you!

    SW: 157.4 (7/31)
    GW: 153-155
    T🌀 W♻️ Th💠 F🍀Sa 🦋 Su M❄️
    Goal for week met:🗝

    Focus: rebuild fitness after lingering bad cold.
    Goal #1: Upper Body/Arms:T, R (or Su)
    UB workout2x/wk🌀♻️wts
    Arm stretches daily🌀♻️
    Knee Planks daily🌀

    Goal #2: Lower Body: MWF (or Sat)
    LB workout 3X/week♻️
    Leg stretches daily

    Goal #3: Cardio
    Ex bike intervals - 15-20 mins every other day 🌀♻️(30, no intervals)
    + walk 20 mins. 🌀47♻️16

    Walk 60 mins on the alternate days 💠(75)

    This has already helped me! I have a plan & a way to track it! Thank you!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,101 Member
    What a great idea! Thank you!

    SW: 157.4 (7/31)
    GW: 153-155
    T🌀 W♻️ Th💠 F🍀Sa 🦋 Su M❄️
    Goal for week met:🗝

    Focus: rebuild fitness after lingering bad cold.
    Goal #1: Upper Body/Arms:T, R (or Su)
    UB workout2x/wk🌀♻️wts🍀(partial)
    Arm stretches daily🌀♻️🍀 partial)
    Knee Planks daily🌀

    Goal #2: Lower Body: MWF (or Sat)
    LB workout 3X/week♻️
    Leg stretches daily

    Goal #3: Cardio
    Ex bike intervals - 15-20 mins every other day 🌀♻️(30, no intervals)🍀(19)
    + walk 20 mins. 🌀47♻️16🍀34

    Walk 60 mins on the alternate days 💠(75)

    This has already helped me! I have a plan & a way to track it! Thank you!

  • CaityGracie67
    CaityGracie67 Posts: 64 Member
    Female 20y
    166cm / 5"5
    SW: 61kg / 135lb
    GW1: 58kg / 127lb
    GW2: 55kg / 121lb

    Goal #1: Stop eating/snacking after dinner or when I'm not hungry (substitute with a cup of tea if I need)
    Goal #2: Exercise daily - I will be doing Chloe Ting's Ab challenge as well as walking daily and attending the gym when I can
    Goal #3: Make healthier food choices (choosing vege/fruit and also choosing smaller portions of the more classical 'unhealthy foods')

    1/8 - 60.7kg - Really excited to start, and it's so lovely to see how many people are wanting to join in! Today was pretty good. I bought a cookie at lunch (not very healthy) and totally regretted it, but otherwise I was pretty healthy and stuck to my calorie counts. Also currently enjoying my tea instead of snacking which I'm really proud of! Would have been so easy to give in as I'm pretty exhausted but yay for tea! :)
    2/8 - 60.8kg - I started drinking more water so I'm assuming that's why the scale went up even though my count was low yesterday. But I went over my calorie count today which was super disappointing :( , but I stopped myself from giving in and snacking/eating extra! Proud of myself for acknowledging that I didn't need to make the day worse and give into my cravings. I'm making a change!! Exercised as per usual and chose a salad and a piece of carrot cake for lunch, so probs need to work more on eating healthier oops
    3/8 - 61.1kg - bad day, feeling very discouraged & upset. But hopefully tomorrow will be better
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,101 Member
    What a great idea! Thank you!

    SW: 157.4 (7/31)
    GW: 153-155
    T🌀 W♻️ Th💠 F🍀Sa 🦋 Su M🐠
    Goal for week met:🗝

    Focus: rebuild fitness after lingering bad cold.

    Goal #1: Upper Body/Arms:T, R (or Su)
    UB workout2x/wk wts ♻️
    Arm stretches/home bands daily🌀(partial)🍀 (partial)
    Knee Planks daily🌀⚠️

    Goal #2: Lower Body: MWF (or Sat)
    LB workout 3X/week♻️⚠️
    Leg stretches daily ⚠️

    Goal #3: Cardio
    Ex bike intervals - 15-20 mins every other day 🌀♻️(30, no intervals)🍀(19, no intervals)⚠️
    + walk 20 mins. 🌀47♻️16🍀34

    Walk 60 mins on the alternate days 💠(75)

    This has already helped me! I have a plan & a way to track it! Thank you!
  • thedgree
    thedgree Posts: 6 Member
    SW: 175
    GW: 165

    Goal #1: Meet my daily step goal. Current goal is 4218 and end of August goal will be 6174.
    Goal #2: Go for two ten minute walks 5 days per week and go to the gym two days a week.
    Goal #3: Meet hydration goal. Currently set at 32 oz and intend to be at 64 oz by the end of the month.

    I am not off to a great start. I basically threw my weekend away as far as meeting goals and checking in. I am down 2.2 pounds since my most recent weigh in. It's too early in the challenge to be saying that I need to refocus but here I am. To the rest of August...
  • stephendiotte
    stephendiotte Posts: 12 Member
    I’m in.
    SW: 302.8
    GW: 277.8

    Goal #1: Record food intake and exercise on MFP everyday
    Goal #2: work out for 60 minutes four times per week
    Goal #3: Intermittent fasting with a nine hour window between 11:00 hrs AM and 20:00 hrs pm
  • jujola11
    jujola11 Posts: 10 Member
    Checking in...

    SW: 137.4
    GW by end of August: 132
    GW final: 120

    As of this morning, my weight was 135.6.
    Off to a good start! We'll see if that holds out or if I'm just dehydrated haha!
  • thedgree
    thedgree Posts: 6 Member
    Checking in

    SW: 175
    GW by end of August: 165
    Final GW: 140

    All goals for the day have been met :)
  • happysophia
    happysophia Posts: 7 Member
    Aug SW: 60,5kg
    Aug GW: 57kg
    Ultimate GW: 55kg

    1: take a 15 min - 1hour walk with dog every day at 8 after I've dropped kids off.
    2: talk to my husband when I feel down or tired (instead of eating). And then take a 15 min break on my bed.
    3: be present with the kids in the afternoons after school. Play Lego, fetch S early, play hide and seek, build puzzles, kick a ball, play dominoes.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,101 Member
    What a great idea! Thank you!

    SW: 157.4 (7/31)
    GW: 153-155
    T🌀 W♻️ Th💠 F🍀Sa 🦋 Su 🍋 M🐠
    Goal for week met:🗝

    Focus: rebuild fitness after lingering bad cold.

    Goal #1: Upper Body/Arms:T, R (or Su)
    UB workout2x/wk wts ♻️⚠️
    Arm stretches/home bands daily🌀(partial)🍀 (partial)⚠️
    Knee Planks daily🌀⚠️
    ▶️Week 1: only one UB workout. Go for 2 this week. Schedule them in calendar

    Goal #2: Lower Body: MWF (or Sat)
    LB workout 3X/week♻️⚠️
    ▶️Week 1: only one legs workout. Go for 3 this week. Schedukebthem in calendar.

    Goal #3: Cardio
    Ex bike intervals - 15-20 mins every other day 🌀♻️(30, no intervals)🍀(19, no intervals)⚠️
    ▶️Week 1: Good, but you can do better. Schedule 3 HIIT Ex Bike in calendar.
    + walk 20 mins. 🌀47♻️16🍀34
    Walk 60 mins on the alternate days 💠(75)🍋54 🐠 81
    ▶️GREAT JOB❣️
    Remember, the goal now is to shift to STRENGTH BUILDING.

    V.Good progress over prior 6-7 weeks. Definitely building back muscle.

    Have begun exercising earlier in the day so other things don’t get in the way.

    On to Week 2!
  • suzy899601
    suzy899601 Posts: 16 Member
    Great Challenge!
    1-Stay within daily calorie budget. 2-No midnight snacking. 3-Exercise 4 days per week.
  • Hollis100
    Hollis100 Posts: 1,408 Member
    Count me in!

    SW July: 173
    CW Aug 6: 166
    GW: 145-150

    My three things:
    1. Continue with my semi-fast breakfast, which has reduced my appetite
    2. A protein-filled salad every day
    3. Walk/run every day
  • thedgree
    thedgree Posts: 6 Member
    SW: 175
    GW by end of August: 165
    Final GW: 140

    8/7 - Better day yesterday. Monday through Friday are definitely my better days though so the real test will be the weekend. Met all my goals by about 4pm. The easiest thing right now is meeting my step goal but, ironically, the most challenging thing is going for the two walks. Sometimes I just don't feel like it!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,101 Member
    "]What a great idea! Thank you!

    SW: 157.4 (7/31)
    GW: 153-155
    T🌀 W♻️ Th💠 F🍀Sa 🦋 Su 🍋 M🐠
    Goal for week met:🗝

    Focus: rebuild fitness after lingering bad cold.

    Goal #1: Upper Body/Arms:T, R (or Su)
    UB workout2x/wk wts ♻️⚠️
    Arm stretches/home bands daily🌀(partial)🍀 (partial)⚠️
    Knee Planks daily🌀⚠️
    ▶️Week 1: only one UB workout. Go for 2 this week. Schedule them in calendar

    Goal #2: Lower Body: MWF (or Sat)
    LB workout 3X/week♻️⚠️
    ▶️Week 1: only one legs workout. Go for 3 this week. Schedukebthem in calendar.

    Goal #3: Cardio
    Ex bike intervals - 15-20 mins every other day 🌀♻️(30, no intervals)🍀(19, no intervals)⚠️
    ▶️Week 1: Good, but you can do better. Schedule 3 HIIT Ex Bike in calendar.
    + walk 20 mins. 🌀47♻️16🍀34
    Walk 60 mins on the alternate days 💠(75)🍋54 🐠 81
    ▶️GREAT JOB❣️
    Remember, the goal now is to shift to STRENGTH BUILDING.

    V.Good progress over prior 6-7 weeks. Definitely building back muscle.

    Have begun exercising earlier in the day so other things don’t get in the way.

    On to Week 2!
    T walk, walk, arm exercises, planks♥️
    W HIIT Ex Bike, planks, arm stretches♥️

  • jbyers877
    jbyers877 Posts: 21 Member
    Checking in
    SW: 245 (4/1/19) 205 (7/31)
    GW: 195

    Goal 1) bike 100 miles - 40 miles this week, off to a great start
    Goal 2) run 30 miles - only 7 so far , but should pick up next week
    Goal 3) accurately track my meals and calorie intake - the calorie count in a couple of ipas is a swift kick in the shorts

  • MsLaTisha83
    MsLaTisha83 Posts: 54 Member
    SW: 203 as of 8/1/2019
    GW: 140

    Goal #1: Track calories daily
    Goal #2: Eat a primarily plant based diet
    Goal #3: Exercise for 30 minutes, 3x per week
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,101 Member
    What a great idea! Thank you!

    SW: 157.4 (7/31)
    GW: 153-155
    T🌀 W♻️ Th💠 F🍀Sa 🦋 Su 🍋 M🐠
    Goal for week met:🗝

    Focus: rebuild fitness after lingering bad cold.
    Remember, your goal is now to shift to STRENGTH BUILDING!

    Goal #1 Gym arm exercises 2X & home arm ex 2X, stretches daily
    Goal#2 Gym leg exercises 3X & home leg ex 3X, stretches & hyperbole daily
    Goal #3 15-20m HITT 3X, walking daily, planks daily

    On to Week 2!
    🌀 T walk, walk, HOME arm exercises, planks♥️
    ♻️ W Light Hitt Ex Bike, planks, arm stretches♥️
    💠 Th HIIT elliptical, GYM leg wts, GYM UB/arms wts, Light treadmill♥️

    🍀Fr scheduled: 20 m slow Walk, 15 m Ex Bike, Home exercises: arm & LEG exercises & stretches + planks & other core ex

    🦋 Sa scheduled:

    🍋 Su scheduled: same as Friday

    🐠 M (PT) long walk?
    🌀T scheduled: same as Th+ planks
    ♻️W same as Friday
    💠 Th scheduled: same as Th+ planks
    ☘️ F scheduled: same as Friday
    🦋 Sa scheduled: same as Th+ planks
    🍋 Su scheduled: same as Friday
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,101 Member
    What a great idea! Thank you!

    SW: 157.4 (7/31)
    GW: 153-155
    T🌀 W♻️ Th💠 F🍀Sa 🦋 Su 🍋 M🐠
    Goal for week met:🗝

    Focus: rebuild fitness after lingering bad cold.
    Remember, your goal is now to shift to STRENGTH BUILDING!

    Goal #1 Gym arm exercises 2X & home arm ex 2X, stretches daily
    Goal#2 Gym leg exercises 3X & home leg ex 3X, stretches & hyperbolt daily
    Goal #3 15-20m HITT 3X, walking daily, planks daily

    On to Week 2!
    🌀 T walk, walk, HOME arm exercises, planks♥️
    ♻️ W Light Hitt Ex Bike, planks, arm stretches♥️
    💠 Th HIIT elliptical, GYM leg wts, GYM UB/arms wts, Light treadmill♥️
    🍀Fr: 67 m slow Walk, 25 min Home exercises: arm & LEG exercises & stretches + planks & core tapping ex♥️

    🦋 Sa scheduled: same as Thursday

    🍋 Su scheduled: same as Friday

    🐠 M (PT) long walk?
    🌀T scheduled: same as Th+ planks
    ♻️W same as Friday
    💠 Th scheduled: same as Th+ planks
    ☘️ F scheduled: same as Friday
    🦋 Sa scheduled: same as Th+ planks
    🍋 Su scheduled: same as Friday