"Who Wants to Be a Hot Mom " Group 7



  • mrsjohnson75
    mrsjohnson75 Posts: 182 Member
    Hello Hot Moms!

    Im so happy to report that I weighed in at 150.2 :smile: My BMI is in the normal category :heart:

    I hope everyone is having a great week and I wish you all the best.
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    Welcome Tammy & Cherrie!

    Ken: OMG! Congrats! What an AWESOME milestone!!! That's just an amazing feeling, isn't it? I'm so thrilled for you :D

    -As for me, to refresh, my pre-op weight was 151.0, my implants added 2.6lbs so for me to consider myself fully recovered swelling-wise, that goal weight is 153.6lbs.
    -For me to feel recovered enough to rejoin officially without hurting numbers accounts for my implants so that goal is anything below 151.0.
    -My weight yesterday & today was 154.2, so that's 3 whole pounds of pure swelling down in just a matter of 5 days, leaving only 0.6 of a pound and 1/2" of swelling in my waist (ribcage is back to pre-op 31.5"!).

    I'm officially 2wks post-op so I think I'll be switching from Tylenol to Motrin now that the bleeding risk is minimal. That should nix the last of the swelling! :)
  • curlyjayne
    curlyjayne Posts: 120
    hi all, i just thought i would tell you a little about me, as i have now joined your group!
    I have been married for a life time (21 years) to Ian we have been together nearly 25 years! ( i need a medal or something)
    i have two beautiful children. toni lizzy who is 23 and gareth who is 18.
    i love riding motorbike, currently i ride a red cbf600.
    i am currently rearing 5 kittens, about 14 baby chixs - 5 of whom follow me around all day - i think they think i am their mummy!
    another 5 chickens, 1 german shepherd dog and 7 marine fish.
    currently i live in a caravan because we have moved on site as we are renovating an old primary school. when finished it will be an eco centre.
    i love chocolate and wine, i try to stay away from both as much as possible as i have no self control!
    i love to laugh and i try to run at least twice a week with my beloved dog norn.
    ideally i would love to get my weight down to under 150 by christmas.
    since joining this site i have dropped at least one dress size.
    i look forward to getting to know everyone
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    We're having some great numbers this week!!! Keep up the fabulous work ladies!!!

    Since the new ladies are all giving a brief background on themselves I think the rest of us should briefly introduce ourselves to them. I'll go first! :smile:

    I'm Heather, and I am mom to a wonderfully headstrong 2 1/2 year old little girl, and currently about 8 1/2 weeks along with number 2. Feeling like crap right now, ithe nausea hits me around 2pm and stays until bedtime. Whoever decided to call it morning sickness was on crack. It affected me the same way last time, and lasted until about 14 weeks so I've got a ways to go. I've been married to my husband, Alan, for 9 years. He is a stay at home daddy (God bless him!). I am a Physician and I work 55-60 hours per week, sometimes more, so my only option for working out is 5am during the week, and then try to squeeze it in sometimes on the weekends. I was doing great with the workouts until first trimester fatigue knocked me on my butt. Hoping to get back into it very soon!

    I joined MFP back in November but got serious about it in January. Before I found out I was pregnant I had lost 24 pounds and was officially back in the "normal" BMI category, which was a great way to start my pregnancy. With my daughter I was about 25 pounds overweight when I got pregnant. So MUCH happier to be in a healthier situation now, and I will continue using this site throughout the pregnancy to ensure healthy weight gain, and then will need it to whip myself back into shape after baby comes.
  • tamcrit
    tamcrit Posts: 340 Member
    Welcome Cherrie!! We're happy to have you! Congrats on the weight loss so far. You ladies from Group 5 have majorly been kicking butt!!!

    I'll add Jayne, Tammy and Cherrie to our weigh in charts. Ladies--can you guys supply me with a few things:
    1. Initial weight
    2. Goal weight
    3. Intermediate weight (if you had that for a goal, not sure the significance but it's in the chart)
    4. Weight from last week
    5. Weigh from this week.

    Thanks ladies, and have a great day!! :)

    Wow, you guys have had a pretty good week!! Way to go! I have done fairly well myself. Here are my stats for the week:
    1. Initial weight 169
    2. Goal weight 135
    3. Intermediate weight (if you had that for a goal, not sure the significance but it's in the chart) 149
    4. Weight from last week 162
    5. Weigh from this week. 159

    So, 3 pound loss from last Friday, for a total of 10 pounds since starting Hot Moms...yeah!!
    Keep up the good work ladies and Happy Friday!!
  • curlyjayne
    curlyjayne Posts: 120
    Welcome Cherrie!! We're happy to have you! Congrats on the weight loss so far. You ladies from Group 5 have majorly been kicking butt!!!

    I'll add Jayne, Tammy and Cherrie to our weigh in charts. Ladies--can you guys supply me with a few things:
    1. Initial weight
    2. Goal weight
    3. Intermediate weight (if you had that for a goal, not sure the significance but it's in the chart)
    4. Weight from last week
    5. Weigh from this week.

    Thanks ladies, and have a great day!! :)

    hi all
    my initial weight was 170 lbs
    my goal weight is 149 lbs
    3 did not have one
    4 week before last weight 164 lbs, last weeks weight 163 lbs
    5 this weeks weight 162 lbs

    total weight loss since joining hot mums is 8 lbs
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    My reintroduction from page 1:
    I'm Elizabeth (izzie), a SAHM to 3 kiddos... 10 & 6 year old boys and my 17 month old girl. I was in the Marine Corps awhile but got medically retired. I'm in the Denver area. My fave workout is circuit weight training!!! I LOVE getting my strength and cardio rolled into one efficient time slot :) I don't eat so clean; I'm more from the "everything in moderation" camp. Married 8 years to my Combat Instructor-Trainer. Oooh, speaking of which, I'm looking into taking up Krav Maga :) Anyways, there's a few snippets about me...

    also I should update to add that my official participation is on hiatus while I recover from Mommy Makeover surgery from 8/12/11. I had abdominoplasty/full tummy-tuck with muscle repair and breast augmentation/boob-job as a way to celebrate being done with the pregnancy & babies part of my life and moving onto the next chapter.
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    Okay ladies, drumroll please!!! Here's the new chart:


    I think that I've got everyone's information correct--let me know if you see something that doesn't look right. According to the numbers that everyone has given me we totally ROCKED it this week. Keep up the great work ladies, it looks like Group 7 is out of the slump!! :smile:
  • Cherilea
    Cherilea Posts: 1,118 Member
    Okay ladies, drumroll please!!! Here's the new chart:


    I think that I've got everyone's information correct--let me know if you see something that doesn't look right. According to the numbers that everyone has given me we totally ROCKED it this week. Keep up the great work ladies, it looks like Group 7 is out of the slump!! :smile:

    LOOKING GOOD!!! :smile: Great job everyone!
  • tamcrit
    tamcrit Posts: 340 Member
    Okay ladies, drumroll please!!! Here's the new chart:


    I think that I've got everyone's information correct--let me know if you see something that doesn't look right. According to the numbers that everyone has given me we totally ROCKED it this week. Keep up the great work ladies, it looks like Group 7 is out of the slump!! :smile:

    Way to go Group!!
    I hope everyone had a good weekend!! Mine was fairly relaxing and I actually had a weight loss success!! I actually lost 1.2 pounds over the weekend...and am lower on Monday than I was on Friday!!! This has been the hardest thing for me to accomplish. I would do so well during the week, and then blow it on the weekend. I spent months yo-yo'ing each week...drop 3 pounds during the week, only to regain them on the weekend. My weight chart was a zigzag up and down each week...up on Monday, back down by Friday, only to be back up again on Monday. But I have been doing fairly well with this since starting Hot Moms and have actually been succeeding with some losses over the weekends...this is a big step in the right direction for me. I did indulge a little this weekend, but kept things in check. Sorry to ramble, but had to share a little success as this has been a big barrier for me in recent months. Thanks for listening!! Make it a great Monday!! Tammy
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Great job everyone.

    Quick reintro - I am a stay at home mom but also do books out of my home and we also farm I have a son who will be 6 in Oct and a daughter who is 3.5. I enjoy the treadmill or walking/jogging outside and doing biggest loser dvds. I also like doing wii fit. I have been off and on again all summer, but Sept 1 is the official get back on track day.

    We are all done camping for the summer, school starts here on Thurs, so finally things will be getting back in to a routine. But I must run, time to take lunch out to the field.

    I have my old computer up and running while I wait to get ours back from warranty work, so I will try to be more active on the thread. Hope everyone is having a great day.
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    First day back in the gym!!! Took it super easy. I'm technically not supposed to be back at it for another 4 days and only allowed to walk on the treadmill. I got in a good 20min of 2.8-3.4mph on 6-10incline and some traditional/circuit weight training hybrid that worked non-effected muscle groups; about a 300-350cal burn I think. Followed up with a much needed tanning bed trip & shower and now I need a nap!

    Tammy: congrats on getting your weekends under control!
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Very dreary here today, and 2 more sleeps till school starts. yay.

    Got on the treadmill today for 30 minutes and went 2 miles burning 316 calories.

    Going to putts around the house today doing laundry and sorting and organizing kids toys, there room is a mess.
  • Babbe
    Babbe Posts: 143 Member
    Hey girls just checking in while on vacation. Trying not to over do it to much. :wink: I won't be weigh in this week while on vacation. I will do a bio for the new girls when I get back but I have to go get some sleep been up since about 4am.:yawn:
  • amers55
    amers55 Posts: 46
    Its my birthday today! So im not really going to track my floor today but definitely tomorrow!
  • Cherilea
    Cherilea Posts: 1,118 Member
    Its my birthday today! So im not really going to track my floor today but definitely tomorrow!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! :flowerforyou: I hope you have a wonderful day!
  • tamcrit
    tamcrit Posts: 340 Member
    Just popping in to check in...hope everyone is having a good week!! It is birthday week at our house!! Yesterday, my oldest daughter turned 15 and it was my dad's birthday too. Today, my youngest daughter turns 13. I can't believe I have two teenagers...seems like I just had them!! To those of you who still have younger children, enjoy every second...the time flies by somehow!! We went out to dinner last night at Forever Fondue (like the Melting Pot). It was sooo good!! I think I ate fairly well, it was just more food than I usually eat in one sitting, so I am still feeling full this morning....TOM coming this morning is probably part of it too...ugh!! So, feeling full, bloated and gross today, but scale was only up .4, so not too bad. I did indulge in a little of the cheese fondue and dark chocolate fondue, and I had two glasses of red wine, but I have been doing really well the past few weeks, so I am not going to worry about it...back on track today!! My youngest has soccer practice this evening, so we won't be going out again today...doing her dinner out either Friday or Saturday evening, so at least spacing it out a few days. I need to get my butt moving again...I have been being lazy and "recovering" ever since my half marathon on 8/21...time to get going again. Take care all...Happy Hump Day!! Tammy
  • tamcrit
    tamcrit Posts: 340 Member
    Its my birthday today! So im not really going to track my floor today but definitely tomorrow!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Make it a great day!! My daughter turns 13 today also :)
  • Cherilea
    Cherilea Posts: 1,118 Member
    Very dreary here today, and 2 more sleeps till school starts. yay.

    I miss the days when my youngest used to judge time by how many sleeps it took from one event to another.:heart::heart:
  • Cherilea
    Cherilea Posts: 1,118 Member
    Its my birthday today! So im not really going to track my floor today but definitely tomorrow!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Make it a great day!! My daughter turns 13 today also :)

    Happy Birthday to your daughter as well! :smile: My (3rd) son can't wait until he turns 14, in Feb. He knows 1) that he will finally get a cell phone & 2) he will be able to get his drivers permit. He can't wait to drive :sad: