Considering going 90% vegan for better skin?



  • teeenabeana
    teeenabeana Posts: 92 Member
    When my friend stopped eating dairy, her skin cleared up big time. We all noticed! It's different for everyone, but I don't think it hurts to give it a try!
  • Anabirgite
    Anabirgite Posts: 517 Member
    edited August 2019
    I am allergic to tree nuts and have reactions to many organic, natural, plant based products, sadly the more chemical the better for my face. I do have a dermotologist and she has commented this is actually not uncommon and many individuals not allergic to tree nuts also react. IDK ...But finding skin care products that work for you is trial and error journey-and what works for you at one time may not work at another and/or does not work for your friend. As your skin ages it will react differently (before pregnancy, pregnancy, post pregnancy, premenopausal, postmenopausal). I have had different challenges living in different climates and aging has not been kind. As they said when my husband was with the Marines -Semper Gumby- just be- Always Flexible.
  • lalalacroix
    lalalacroix Posts: 834 Member
    earlnabby wrote: »
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    <snip to reduce reply length>
    So it's not realistic to imagine that eating an avocado or a piece of salmon will deliver healthy fatty acids straight to your skin. That being said, it's a good idea to incorporate skin-healthy foods into your diet, especially olive oil, avocados, salmon, sunflower seeds, Brazil nuts, wheat germ, broccoli, and leafy greens.

    Not disputing anything in the quoted post, but please don't use a "more is better" rule with brazil nuts and eat an ounce daily.

    They're such an excellent source of selenium that 5-6 nuts daily could exceed recommended safe upper limits.

    I love brazil nuts: It made me sad to learn this.

    The only time i get Brazil nuts is when I buy a bag of mixed nuts in the shell for winter. Takes so long to crack those shells eating too many is not an issue (the filberts in the bag on the other hand . . . )

    I was thinking the same thing when I heard some other people talking about the benefits of Brazil nuts. It seems like the only time I ever see them is during the winter holiday season and then it takes forever to get them out of the shell.
  • tequila5000
    tequila5000 Posts: 128 Member
    I think there is no harm in experimenting with eating differently, or trying different skin cae products. Each of us is different, and each of us will react (or not react) to different foods or skin care ingredients.

    I grew up in a 4-food groups family. Eat dairy products because it is healthy! When I was a kid, my mom wouldn’t let me eat pudding or ice cream in the evening because then would be coughing in the night and I needed a lot of cough syrup. Nobody ever considered that maybe I was sensitive to something in the dairy. I would get bronchitis a few times a year, requiring antibiotics.

    Fast forward to high school, I had terrible acne, and my mom took me to the dermatologist, who declared that nothing in my diet could possibly cause acne. I was prescribed a very intense drug regimen which did in fact improve the acne. But it was so much medicine every day.

    Fast forward to my early twenties and I started reading about diet and nutrition. I decided to try no dairy and my skin improved. I became very diligent about no dairy and guess what...the coughing and phlegm when away. I can go years now in between a case of bronchitis.

    And when I get less diligent and enjoy some regular pizza or some delicious regular ice cream, I notice my skin can get red and inflamed. So I’m convinced I am sensitive to something in the dairy.

    Would this work for everybody? Maybe not. But it won’t hurt a person to try it fora month or so and see if they notice a difference.

    I also agree with the idea of using extremely gentle skin care products and mineral sunscreens rather than chemical.
  • DaddieCat
    DaddieCat Posts: 3,643 Member
    EmBeatie wrote: »
    Why would an ethical vegan want to discourage other people from going vegan? That's a first.

    Not every ethical belief comes with the built-in requirement to persuade others to your cause. Maybe the person posting respects others ability to come to their own decisions and doesn’t feel the need to impose their own set of morals on others, particularly when it isn’t relevant to the question asked.

    The OP’s issue she wanted resolving had nothing to do with ethics. It was a question relating to her skin. Given this, I find it comforting that the poster providing their response did so directly and objectively, despite its relevance to a strongly-held ethical belief of theirs.

    This person gets it.
  • pinaycoco
    pinaycoco Posts: 59 Member
    I am 26 years old. I experimented with a vegan diet in high school and remember having excellent skin and vibrant energy. I got up to 200 lbs. and in February last year started counting calories, and am now 130 lbs. I did this through a high protein diet, not restricting carbs or anything, just eating meat with every meal, cottage cheese, and also some fruits and veggies.

    I am still trying to lose about five more pounds or so at this point, I definitely have a very soft midsection. I am getting much happier with my body, however, I do have stretch marks (they are kind of hard to notice), my skin feels a looser but not usually noticeable unless it is tugged on, and I don't like the condition of my skin. I have been wearing sunscreen every day. But my skin I feel is not smoothly colored, it also has an inflamed, reddish look. I am still eating in a deficit and high protein, but next time I grocery shop I am considering trying to do every meal except dinner vegan. Can my skin improve? As I get older I feel I am losing hope, I have major regrets about being overweight but what can you do.

    Hello! I have been vegan since I was a child and the only two times during my adult life my skin became really bad was when I ate dairy (it gave me horrible cystic acne) as well during a short stint eating fish and eggs (it made me puffy and, looking back at pictures from that time, a lot older). So being vegan has worked for me. I have Hashimoto's so I'm here to keep my weight stable and exercise daily not so much to lose it. It should be pretty easy for you to lose weight on a vegan diet. Just watch your refined carbs and sugar intake - and exercise every day. However, I would highly recommend you get some labs done and speak to a doctor. Good luck!