I can never stick to it, how do you?!



  • Tab122377
    Tab122377 Posts: 81 Member
    First time i did Great with this I had exercise buddy's and co-workers who did stairs at breaks. I back at it again after few year hiatus due to life twisting me up and spitting me out. This time we got a new pup and I been walking her daily.... and logging my food. you have to make choice to do it.. first 2 weeks is hard after that it comes easier.
  • zombiemomjo
    zombiemomjo Posts: 546 Member
    Great pointers so far! I find that mini-goals are the best motivators for her. Small rewards for logging regularly, each 5 lbs down, sticking to my workout plan, etc. I map them out, and finding a buddy to set up the same mini-goals to motivate each other was super helpful! Our rewards were shopping days together, movie nights, new fitness gear, makeover day, etc. It makes it easier to stay focused when I can cross things off the list! What would your first goal be? To make it to the gym? What's a good non-food motivator for a reward?
  • RovP6
    RovP6 Posts: 108 Member
    I find it really hard too. I did really well at the beginning of the year and then it was my birthday in a June and it all went a bit Pete Tong and I stopped measuring food and cut down on the exercise. BUT I am back on it now and it seems not too much damage was done which is more luck that judgement. It’s all about managing your chimp. My chip really loves a lot of cheese and chocolate and crisps and cake and eating far too much of a million other things and not doing exercise. This video really helped me understand what I am doing and why. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=e6bHxhfJGIU

    I like this analogy. The Chimp brain for me has always been called the lizard brain becasue it's the oldest part of the brain. The technical term is Amygdala, it's where all our emotions live.

    Your starting point has to be you "why?". Why are you trying to lose weight? Is it for you, is it for an event, is it for someone else, is there a medical condition etc? The why is your motivation. If you don't have a why you just end up drifting. SO WHAT IS YOUR "WHY?".

    Motivation is also a strange concept. Do you need to be motivated to get dressed every day, to brush your teeth, to do the many mundane day-to-day tasks, or do you simply do them because they need to be done?

    If you can translate that into your weight loss mindset then you're sorted.
  • brittgreenlikethecolor88
    If at first you don't succeed, try and try again. I just keep "restarting" until it sticks. Sometimes it takes 10-20 restarts... but evenutally it does stick. It's not "JUST DO IT" it's " JUST DON'T GIVE UP"
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,300 Member
    I hope you can discover the attitude/approach which will let you see, if you keep going as you are you will weigh more than you now or want to be in say 6 months time. If you are prepared to adapt your ways so you can build up the knowledge, "today I achieved my dietary restriction to enable me to loose", tomorrow I will endeavour to do the same, then in a month I should have achieved, then hold that thought and the day after, do your best to reach the end of the day in deficit, and repeat, and repeat, then repeat. I think there is a thread, "just for today". Each today on its own will move you into your new you. I can't promise you every day will be perfect, some will be much harder than others and some could get away from you, if this happens, start again the next day, working to keep to your deficit so off you go again, the occasional blip will not break you, giving in to two many blips too close together will. I hope this helps. Be strong, you can do this, without a happy you in your world its not much fun.
  • Dreamwa1ker
    Dreamwa1ker Posts: 196 Member
    1. Choose what will be the least resistance/least hated/ most enjoyable exercise for you, not just whatever is "expected" or everyone else does
    2. Small changes incrementally over time - don't try to change everything all at once

    I absolutely HATE going to a gym. I've tried in the past and couldn't stand it. So I don't do it! I found something I didn't hate - walking - and started doing that (I'd listen to podcasts I enjoy while I walk, or play a game like Pokemon Go or Harry Potter Wizards Unite that rewards you for walking too). Some people like to dance, or ride a bike, or do indoor rock-climbing. Sounds like you enjoy swimming - that's great! Go with that! Now that I've lost a good chunk of weight and feel better with my body and have more energy I am starting to consider adding some other things to add a little strength because that sounds fun/motivating, but probably something that I could do at home. Find something that you at least don't hate and that works as easily as possible with your lifestyle or schedule so you won't skip it. Trick yourself into exercise is one way to put it - this isn't exercise, this is de-stressing :-)

    For food, I made small changes. First I just started logging everything and just watching my portions of the same things I already ate to make it fit in the calorie goal. When I was having trouble staying in my goal while still staying full on that, I started to swap some items or rework the proportion of meat to veggie to starch on my plate - it took some experimentation to figure out what was satiating for me. Turned out tracking and increasing fiber did the trick for me (I had tried cutting back carbs first because I LOVE meat - but was hungry all the time on that). This seems to vary a lot person to person, so just know it might take you a few weeks to figure out what works for you. It's a process, so the biggest thing is to view it as a process not a light-switch so you don't have one off day and just quit - instead you just readjust and keep going.
  • jjpptt2
    jjpptt2 Posts: 5,650 Member
    edited August 2019
    xDaynie wrote: »
    I want it more than anything, to lose weight, be happy and confident in my skin.. But laziness, unmotivated, procrastination, self pity always takes over with the stresses of life.

    In my experience... I either want to lose weight and feel better about myself, or I want to be lazy and unmotivated. For me, the 2 are at odds with each other, so I can't say something like "I want it more than anything" and then go sit on the couch in front of the TV all day... because that proves that I didn't want it more than anything... I actually wanted to be lazy more than anything, and so I was.

    Self pity and stress are different... at least for me. And there's not much I can do about those things. It took me a long time to figure out my tendencies, my triggers, and my knee-jerk responses, but once I did, I was able to get better at setting myself up for success.

    To be clear though...
    It's not like 1 day a light bulb went on and suddenly everything was easy. Every day is a struggle, regardless of how good or bad the day before was. It will always be like that for me.
  • lexusjade
    lexusjade Posts: 45 Member
    edited August 2019
    I am thinking of my current journey as a new way of life, which means the things I am doing may not result in a 20lb loss in a month but I am not deprived, I eat and do things I enjoy, but I find ways to do it in a more healthful way. I am working on my mind just as much as my body. I am also learning (though it is a struggle in a weight oriented society) to not focus on the scale as a measure of success. I have been working out consistently for over a year for the first time in a decade, and I have seen my resting heart rate drop 20 bpm, my blood pressure normalized, my anxiety has been reduced and my overall sense of well-being has increased.

    I try not to use the word diet anymore and I have unsubscribed to groups, web pages and forums that I felt promoted behaviors that was not desirable to me in the long run (like the promotion of unsustainable diet fads). I'm down 60 lbs in the last year, and I honestly have not cut a single food out of my diet. I also only do exercises I enjoy, not based on a target calorie burn but based on personal milestones and goals I set for myself.

    I've been reading books on building/maintaining good habits along the way also, Atomic Habits is a good one. It is really insightful about how to desired behaviors ingrained in your daily life as a habit.
  • Satisfiedwithbetter
    Satisfiedwithbetter Posts: 970 Member
    edited August 2019
    It’s 99% Mental and 1% Physical. Willpower ultimately gets its *kitten* kicked by the primal part of your brain every time until you understand it’s role in your life and you learn to control it. Period. I came across this interview and website in my current weight loss journey and it has made all the difference.


    Everyone’s advice above is great, but in the end, learning to understand how the different parts of your brain work and how to control the negative counterproductive thoughts is almost everything to lose the excess weight forever more!

    1. Learn and understand your brain and how to control the negative counterproductive thoughts coming from the amygdala or habit or primal, or addicted portion of brain.
    2. Understand that your thoughts ALWAYS create your feelings/emotions, your feelings/emotions ALWAYS drive your actions, and your actions ALWAYS create your results......
    3. Develop a realistic and sustainable plan.
    4. Be 100% committed to yourself,and your plan.
    5. Be patient and love yourself ALWAYS. Treat yourself with kindness and understanding. Better than you would treat your dearest friend.
    6. Fail forward quickly. Make small constant realistic and sustainable improvements to your plan.