Looking good for the New Year- challenge!



  • nikmay
    nikmay Posts: 21 Member
    My Weigh in is 246.5 so one pound last, need to get a little better at the calorie watching, doing ok but need to make smarter choices. Water intake has been going well this week but still no exercise so if I want that weight drop to increase weekly NEED TO FIND the time to exercise.

    Hope everyone had a good week and good luck over the weekend, My weekends are always hard to stay on track and cheers to less weight next Friday.

    Good luck challenge partners. Even when i dont reply, your posts are motivating
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    178.8...if I stay at this pace, I'm going to look like **** by the new year :grumble:

    Being sick for 2 weeks with a horrible virus, 6 days of traveling and the state fair yesterday. I knew this was going to be a rough couple of weeks and anticipated that I would not do so well. So, now it's over and I definitely need to get back into the swing of real life.

    Ummm, since I have been gone, what's this partners thing?
  • CarissaNew
    CarissaNew Posts: 223 Member
    Lost 2 pounds this week!!!!

    SW:189 (For challenge)
    CW: 185

    only 25 pounds away from my challenge goal!!! :)
  • Sardine239
    Sardine239 Posts: 72 Member
    SW: 232.5

    I can't take much credit for this loss, I've been extremely busy with the start of school that I haven't had much time to eat. As I get settled in, I plan to make more of an effort to have regular and healthy meals and to drink my water.
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    SW- 156
    CW- 153.4
  • chelsiburnett
    no change in weight this week for me. :( I had a allergic reaction to something and my face has been swollen for 3 days and thats with getting a steroid shot!! Hopefully a better week next week!
  • MommyRobot
    MommyRobot Posts: 268 Member
    Nice losses ladies!!

    Hoping you're all staying safe if you're on the East Coast! <3

    chelsiburnett- Yikes! I hope it gets better for you soon!
  • jeniineko
    My weight is the same for this week as well. =/
  • bethanyjarvis
    bethanyjarvis Posts: 5 Member

    Hoping I can join this group so I have people to keep me completely accountable.. I am an Aussie girl so we work in Kilo's but I can transfer to pounds.. basically last year I dropped from 180pounds to 152 .. pretty great.. but I am back up at 167 and need some inspiration with our summer just around the corner.. Also I am going to Thailand for NYE and I realllyyy want to live in a bikini the whole time.. pleeasse help me!! I want to be closer to the 132 mark..

    I am 24 and would love people to keep me motivated and inspired.. but mostly I would love to make some friends, plus I hear Australia is super fun.. didn't ya'll watch Oprah!!

    Add me, inspire me.

    your B xx
  • SarahHays82
    Forgot about weigh in Friday! Oops! Down 2.7 lbs this week! YAY!!! :)
  • Sunnimyst
    Sunnimyst Posts: 14 Member
    Aww crap. . .I keep forgetting about weigh in. . .I weighed myself this morning and I'm at 207. YAY! 74 pounds to go!! =oD
  • ReneeJM
    ReneeJM Posts: 117 Member
    I survived the camping trip with only one day over my calorie goal. I was tripped up by the potluck! I'm still pleased because I didn't go crazy with the snacks like I typically do on a camping trip. Hopefully I can make up for it by Friday weigh-in!
  • nikmay
    nikmay Posts: 21 Member
    I had a horrible eating weekend that resulted in 2lb gain so I am hoping that with some extra hard work and 2 trips to the gym this week, i can hopefully resolve before Friday's weigh in. Hope everyone has a good week.
  • MommyRobot
    MommyRobot Posts: 268 Member
    So, we went to the fair yesterday. I didn't eat very well.....uhh..well...it tasted good...but it was soooo bad for me. LOL! We walked all day though, so that's good!

    I'll update the spreadsheet with what I've got when I get a chance today.

    Is everyone getting their water in??? :)
  • Sardine239
    Sardine239 Posts: 72 Member
    I'm failing miserably with getting my water in. I'm getting 8 cups in, but I'm used to drinking 30 or so, and my body can definitely tell the difference. Will be taking a water bottle to class, so hopefully that'll help.
  • nikmay
    nikmay Posts: 21 Member
    I am doing ok with the water during the week while at my desk but not doing very good at all on the weekends. Sardine239 - 30 glasses of water a day, amazing. I would float away or else have to move my work computer into the bathroom.
  • mrsjimmo
    I know it's a late start but I would love to join this challenge. The motivation would be great! I've kind falled off the wagon late and need to kick it up a few notches and drop those lbs. My current weight is 350, would like to be 300 by new years. My current total loss is 30lbs in 9 months. Will post measurements soon!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    So, we went to the fair yesterday. I didn't eat very well.....uhh..well...it tasted good...but it was soooo bad for me. LOL! We walked all day though, so that's good!

    I'll update the spreadsheet with what I've got when I get a chance today.

    Is everyone getting their water in??? :)

    Ha, I went to the fair on last Thursday and again this Thursday. So, I will probably have another dismal weigh-in....
  • elli0702
    elli0702 Posts: 16
    Okay ladies, I need some serious help. I just keep failing to stick with my plan. I'll do two weeks on a MFP on a 1300 a day diet, lose a pound, then stop counting calories for a week and gain 2 pounds. I've gained 8 pounds since I started my fitness pal in this manner. Any suggestions about how to stay motivated and keep the weight from coming back? I almost want to quit because since I've started using MFP I've gained two dress sizes :( HELP PLEASE!
  • MommyRobot
    MommyRobot Posts: 268 Member
    Okay ladies, I need some serious help. I just keep failing to stick with my plan. I'll do two weeks on a MFP on a 1300 a day diet, lose a pound, then stop counting calories for a week and gain 2 pounds. I've gained 8 pounds since I started my fitness pal in this manner. Any suggestions about how to stay motivated and keep the weight from coming back? I almost want to quit because since I've started using MFP I've gained two dress sizes :( HELP PLEASE!

    I have the same problems... Aaand I'm pretty good at giving advice, and not taking it. When I was losing weight pretty steadily, I literally planned out every single thing that I was going to put into my mouth everyday for a week (or month, depending on how much I was shopping for) in advance. I mean, down to the cream in my coffee. I wrote it all in a notebook, and made my meals and snacks at night for the next day. I didn't stray from that plan, and if for some reason I had to, I worked it into my plan (changed my exercise or something) for the day, and then just continued with what I had planned. When I would start to get bored, or unmotivated or whatever, I'd come on here at look at success stories, some are pretty inspiring. Also, I would look at some really awful pictures of myself. That really got me back in the game.