Role of the sexes



  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    When I was a stay at home mom and my hubby worked, I took care of the kids, washed the laundry, dishes and cleaned up. My hubby took care of the yard and trash. We worked together folding and putting away clothes and dishes. He helped me clean up after dinner too. On the weekends he would make breakfast for the family and we would clean up together. We had a monthly deep cleaning on a Saturday and everyone pitched in to help.
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    My hubby works and I stay home with our kiddo and working on growing the other one.

    I cook, clean, etc. But he has no problem stepping up and helping me especially since I'm pregnant. His job is dishes, trash and cat box.
  • LeanerBeef
    LeanerBeef Posts: 1,432 Member
    Do you really want me to answer this???

    Just kidding, every household is different but if one spouse is staying home I would expect that person to carry the bulk of the household chores. I was layed off last year and I can tell you that my cooking and cleaning skills improved tremendously during that time. :laugh: My wife is a teacher and off in the summer so she normally picks up the load during that time.

    An arguement over who does what and when is probably an eternal arguement at times in most one really "wants" to clean the toilet, lol.
  • FollowThatUnicorn
    FollowThatUnicorn Posts: 200 Member
    My husband & I both work full time at the same office so our schedules are exactly the same. We both do things around the house. The only "chore" that is really assigned is the bill paying - he does it because I SUCK with math. And I usually vaccuum because I like doing it for some odd reason.
  • Nikki_is_Knotty
    Nikki_is_Knotty Posts: 248 Member
    We both work full time. He cooks, i do the dishes. I mow the lawn, he takes out the trash. Everything else is split 50/50. No kids or pets to take care of yet.
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    Well my husbands opinion is that if he is working, he should come home to a clean house cooked meal with me waiting on the couch to give him a foot rub... lol. Fortunately he knows better than that.

    Hubby works full time during the week, usually out of town. I work part time weekends. So on the weekend he does the housework, kid stuff etc and i do my job, the cooking and grocery shopping. I do EVERYTHING while he is gone because honestly waiting a week, or sometimes more is a little unreasonable. I also believe that the person who is home should be the one focused on the budget, bills and such because we have the time during the day to go to the bank, balance the books, and pay bills at the store. It just works.

    Opinions and feelings about how a household should be run are varied, especially between husband and wives and they need to be dealt with by compromising and making it work. And yeah it sucks and its hard... but if you don't like it... stay single :P
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    They should work together.
    But if it just so happens that the wife stays at home with the kids and the husband is the only one that works, for example if it was me at home, I'd cook for him, but expect a hand with the dishes. I'd clean up generally, but expect them to take care of their own cleaning up. Like clothes washing, I'd expect them to pile up what they want washing, I'd do it, but if they complain that something didn't get washed that they wanted, it's their fault.
    Kids duties should be EQUAL. So should bills, although if one person doesn't work, the majority rules towards the bread-winner, because it's their money.

  • jnettiedotson

    Cooking and bill paying/finance are the only things I can see being "assigned", but that's only because they actually take some degree of talent. If one person is clearly a better cook than the other then most of the cooking should fall on that person. There is no substitute for good food. Similarly, if one person is clearly better at managing bills/finances, then it should fall primarily on that person as missed payments, bounced checks, etc is bad.

    Agree...if my husband "cooked", we'd have microwaved chicken patties or pizza every night, and juice. If he paid the bills, he'd make me sit there while asking me a million questions about what to do.

    I suck at this quoting thing, LOL
  • Dtrmnd86
    Dtrmnd86 Posts: 406 Member
    My ideal role is the husband works and the wife stays home with the kids, etc. I am a stay at home mom right now, but due to the economy I need to work. I have a part time evening job that helps pay the bills. Right now, my fiance and I are equals. We both work to pay the bills, we both have equal parts in caring for the kids and we share the responsibility of keeping the house clean, of course I do more in that department since I'm home during the days, but he does do dishes, sweeps and occasionally vacuums. When we have another kid (sometime in the next 5 years) I want to stay at home for at least the first year. Or at the very least, have something minimal in the evenings like I do now.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    As someone vehemently opposed to marriage BECAUSE of its roles, I firmly believe that each couple should talk about what their roles will be BEFORE they are married. But if in the whirlwind of weddings and other things that happen this somehow is overlooked, it's never too late to have these discussions. You don't need to live a role that you didn't choose. That's BS
  • KathyEarhart
    KathyEarhart Posts: 94 Member
    I stay at home and have 3 kiddos. I do all the cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping etc. I also do the bills, but we decided that because I'm a very OCD/ mathematical person, not to mention when he did the checkbook, it never ever got balanced. He does all the cooking, he likes to cook, I don't, so it works. Plus he thinks he needs a 5 course meal every night and if I'm cooking, it's going to be a casserole or something very easy. He does all the outdoor work too. Basically, if it's an inside job, I do it, if it's outside he does it.
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    WIfe works 3-4 8 hour shifts a week as a nurse, I stay home with two small sons. I cook about 80% of the meals, clean up the clutter upstairs and down, dishes, garbage, mow the lawn most of the time, and trim the yard. She still does the laundry, cooks some meals on her days off, gardens and takes care of the plants. We share vaccuming.
  • LeanerBeef
    LeanerBeef Posts: 1,432 Member
  • brittanydaniel79
    When I was married, we had a deal where she was responsible for everything that went into the cat,

    I was responsible for everything that came out of the cat.


    perfect teamwork. lol
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    My husband does the majority of the cooking and cleaning. Work schedules have that making way more sense that me trying to accomplish the "traditional female roles". Besides, I suck at cooking.
  • unmitigatedbadassery
    unmitigatedbadassery Posts: 653 Member
    Doesn't matter which sex does what. But one should take care of the house i.e. clean, laundry,and kids. The other one should bring in the mula. Or if both of them work, they share the responsibilities.

  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member
    I'd prefer a sugar mama so I can be a full time triathlete in training. No kids, we'd sell them on the black market for new bikes.
    Plus she'd make enough to pay for a maid to do all the cleaning, laundry etc., and a personal chef to make sure I'm properly fed.
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    my husband works full time and I stay home. I do everything except he takes out the trash, he cleans one litter box (I clean the other, we have 3 cats and 2 are currently on the porch so I clean theirs and he cleans the one inside) and he puts his clothes away after I washed dried and folded them. He helps with bedtimes and usually bathes and puts our daughter to bed while I do the same for our son (DD is a HUGE daddys girl and DS is a HUGE mamas boy so this works for us) Otherwise, I do most everything else. He does help with more if Im sick or whatnot.
  • jamieannmcgee
    im a stay at home mom and my hubby is the bread winner. i cook for him, clean, take care of the baby. but that doesnt mean he can shirk his duties as dad. he helps with the baby, most time she only wants him anyways, and if i ask him to help me clean or cook, hes always right there with me. we share all the responsibilities. other than working obviously, otherwise thered be no one to take care of the baby!
  • Kalee34
    Kalee34 Posts: 674 Member
    I am a stay at home Mother of 4 with #5 on the way. I also homeschool my oldest 2 (5 &7), and I coach highschool volleyball.
    I try to keep up the house(cleaning, laundry, etc.) during the week. I cook dinner everynight and he usually washes the dishes after dinner. On the weekends we generally work together to give the house a good cleaning. And right now he is bathing the kids because it is hard for me, being 31 wks prego. He keeps up the yard and outside stuff. We never really sat down and decided on our roles, we just work together as a team!!! We sit down together to work out our budget and pay our bills. Hope this helps!!