What do you put in your coffee?



  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,273 Member
    I found that 2 TBS of half and half is just enough for me. There are times when I'll splurge for a latte, but if I'm going to do that, then it's the real deal-whole milk. The numbers for 2 TBS of half and half are worth it to me.
  • ku140
    ku140 Posts: 65 Member
    A splash of unsweetened vanilla almond milk (truly just a splash)
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I drink my coffee black but I used to use unsweetened almond milk to lighten it, and that worked for me. If I wanted something sweeter I would go for vanilla almond milk or some other type of nut milk - maybe cashew or coconut milk.

    I was once a "ton of pumpkin spice creamer & squirt of agave" person and have gradually stepped it down to black.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    I don't make my coffee very strong, and 1 teaspoon each half & half and sugar was all I needed.

    These days though I add protein powder, chia seeds, and dried coconut, and call it breakfast.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    either almond joy coffee cream, amaretto coffee cream or some other YUMMY flavored cream (about 1 maybe 2 tablespoons per cup 35 cals per tblsp)
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,988 Member
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,703 Member
    2% milk.
  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    edited September 2019
    I went Cold Turkey with heavy whipping cream on 11-20-18. I been swilling 3 or 4 espressos every morning and have grown accustomed to quality coffee vs. all of those doctored-up cups of breakroom coffee.

    I'm headed out for the grocery store. I can't quit thinking about pumpkin pie spice, sounds really good.
  • squiffiegirl
    squiffiegirl Posts: 14 Member
  • FireyChimera
    FireyChimera Posts: 155 Member
    1 tablespoon of creamer of my choice. Right now I have snickers creamer and Bailey's creamer! When I don't have creamer on hand, I use heavy whipping cream
  • amckholmes
    amckholmes Posts: 119 Member
    Heavy Whipping Cream, 1T - it has enough natural sweetness that I don’t need anything else
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,711 Member
    I've done this in steps. First I tried cutting back on creamer to one serving which is 35 calories. I then switched to a natural half-and-half with monkfruit. Next I tried all the alternative milks and the only one I really liked was oat milk. I then decided to try sugar-free syrup (I know it's a bunch of chemicals). I make my own cold brew and poured too much in my glass not leaving room for the cream so I drank a little to make room and discovered I didn't need it with cold brew. I also add cinnamon to it. If I get hot coffee I still use half-and-half.
  • mosdef93
    mosdef93 Posts: 5 Member
    1 packet stevia and 2 tablespoons of Califa Farms "Better Half" Unsweetened Coconut Cream & Almond Milk (15 calories, zero carbs)
  • Gisel2015
    Gisel2015 Posts: 4,146 Member
    Twice a day black coffee with one splenda or stevia. Nothing else.
  • millardthemiller
    I'll occasionally use a little agave nectar/syrup, and a bit of skim milk (kind of sacrilege, I know). Otherwise I'll just use a bit of vanilla or caramel creamer and make room for it in my daily intake
  • skelterhelter
    skelterhelter Posts: 803 Member
    I alternate between a tablespoon of half-and-half or cashew milk. A couple of Splenda and I'm good to go.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    I"m with skelterhelter - I usually use splenda and about 1/2 cup of unsweetened cashew milk. My preference is splenda with fat free or low fat milk, and since I've been trying to get my protein goals in better, I have been using the milk again lately, even if its more calories than the cashew milk.

    i'm actually not a fan of coffee and can't stand it black, but put enough milk in it and sweetener and it's not so bad. And I figure coffee is a much better source of caffeine for me to get through the work day than tons of soda pop!
  • BarbaraHelen2013
    BarbaraHelen2013 Posts: 1,940 Member

    I decided when I was 11 or 12 to try coffee black without sugar to cut the calories (was drinking it with milk and one and a half tsps sugar as that’s how both my parents took it). Just told myself it was a drink I’d not had before and assessed it that way to see if I liked it. I did and am still drinking it that way 46 years later!
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    What do I put in my coffee?? All my hopes and dreams that every morning the first sip will be bliss, it will be perfectly hot and comforting, I will feel the sleepy haze slowly falling from my brain, and by the second cup I will be sufficiently motivated, satisfied and zippy to go down to the basement and get on the treadmill....not too much pressure on a bunch of beans....LOL

    I want to change my answer.