Teachers or Future Teachers



  • alemj
    alemj Posts: 8
    I'm tired of inviting my friends and not getting any replies...I guess i have something in common with you guys, well that is aside from being a teacher, hahahaha. Kinder teacher in Texas.
  • tekavincent
    tekavincent Posts: 160 Member
    Climbingpanda, Awesome news!!

    Tempation -- augh! Today in my department meeting, one of our admins brought in a big ol' bag of peanut butter cups. I had to walk on the other side of my classroom, so I couldn't smell them. The meeting was over, and the bag of candy was left. I will fully admit that part of me wanted to run right over there and scarf down some chocolate! :) I didn't, but, man, it was tough.
  • flipfilly
    flipfilly Posts: 2 Member
    I like this thread!. Well, I've taught P.E grades K-6. I have homeschooled four kids. I have taught preschool and mostly coached over the years. Well, all the kids have been off to college and graduated, and some are starting their own families. So, I decided to become a college student-I am 49! :smile: In 2013 I will have my certification for SpED. So, I would like to join in with you all on our fitness quest. I am currently doing p90X+.
  • tekavincent
    tekavincent Posts: 160 Member
    Good luck with all of it!
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    This sounds like a great thread! I teach high school English in Central Pennsylvania. I have access to a microwave and fridge in my classroom and need easy, quick low-cal ideas for lunch. I get sick of frozen dinners pretty quick. I have been away from exercise during the summer and hope to get back into the swing of things this Thursday (on September 1st I'm reactivating my gym membership). I would like to train for a 5K, as I did one in the spring with no training and placed 40 out of 82. I want to see how I do with training!:-) I was married two months ago, so I want to keep those newlywed pounds at bay.

    Please feel free to friend me!

  • joimichele
    joimichele Posts: 382
    This sounds like a great thread! I teach high school English in Central Pennsylvania. I have access to a microwave and fridge in my classroom and need easy, quick low-cal ideas for lunch. I get sick of frozen dinners pretty quick. I have been away from exercise during the summer and hope to get back into the swing of things this Thursday (on September 1st I'm reactivating my gym membership). I would like to train for a 5K, as I did one in the spring with no training and placed 40 out of 82. I want to see how I do with training!:-) I was married two months ago, so I want to keep those newlywed pounds at bay.

    Please feel free to friend me!


    Congrats and you might want to try C25k.
  • joimichele
    joimichele Posts: 382
    I like this thread!. Well, I've taught P.E grades K-6. I have homeschooled four kids. I have taught preschool and mostly coached over the years. Well, all the kids have been off to college and graduated, and some are starting their own families. So, I decided to become a college student-I am 49! :smile: In 2013 I will have my certification for SpED. So, I would like to join in with you all on our fitness quest. I am currently doing p90X+.

    How is the p90x?
  • joimichele
    joimichele Posts: 382
    Climbingpanda, Awesome news!!

    Tempation -- augh! Today in my department meeting, one of our admins brought in a big ol' bag of peanut butter cups. I had to walk on the other side of my classroom, so I couldn't smell them. The meeting was over, and the bag of candy was left. I will fully admit that part of me wanted to run right over there and scarf down some chocolate! :) I didn't, but, man, it was tough.

    Congrats on that huge victory. You did better than I would have. I would have at least had one. lol
  • joimichele
    joimichele Posts: 382
    This is my first post...and I can't wait to see if it turns out right.

    I am a teacher also but have been home raising children for 11 years (that's when the last stage of my weight gain happened). I have been subbing for the last few years so the staff room nightmares weren't really a problem since it feels funny eating other people's snacks when you're a guest. BUT, I am going back to the classroom this year. I will be teaching a 2nd Grade Dual Language. I worked long term in this building last year and everyone was doing Weight Watchers (as a free insurance benefit that I couldn't get as a sub). They lost a ton of weight and the snacks changed significantly in the staff room. I have to admit that when I got the job it did cross my mind that I wouldn't/shouldn't bring the yummy goodies that I love to bake to the staff room this year! That disappointed me because it's something I enjoy. I will have to learn to make more weight-loss friendly snacks.

    My best friend introduced me to this website in the last 2 weeks while I was on a 3-week road trip with my family. The first few days of the trip I knew I was going to be in trouble because of all of the fast food meals, snacking and family cooking. I told her there was no way I could start this on the road. BUT, about a week ago before we started our trek back from Independence, MO to Oregon (we drove the Oregon Trail) I decided to commit to it! It was easy to PLAN what I would eat at the fast food places having the mobile site with me to check ahead of time! There were a few days I went over but all-in-all I had a successful week. I returned late last night and weighed in this morning. I am down 2 pounds which I never thought possible 3 weeks ago starting out on this trip! Off I go...back to the classroom with healthy lunches and no staff room naughtiness...I think I can lose 5 pounds a month each month until Feb. 23 - my 45th birthday and be at my first goal of 150!

    Congrats on your success! What are your plans to continue and reach your goal?
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member

    I think that non-teachers don't realize the unique stress of teaching. Most think, it is an 8-3 job that we can leave at the office. NOT SO! So it will be nice to have other teachers to de-stress and/or celebrate victories with!

    SO TRUE! My husband always compares the hours we put in for our jobs, supposedly taking into account summer vacations, claiming that teachers truly only work 4 days a week. He thinks I stress out too much over my job and says he'd like to give teaching a try. I'd like to see him in action, if he thinks his job is stressful!:-P Non-teachers really have difficultly understanding how complicated our jobs are!

  • climbingpanda
    climbingpanda Posts: 36 Member
    What's even worse is that everyone has an opinion on education and could do a teachers job without trying!

    In the UK I'm sick to death of reading in comments on news stories that teachers are lazy slackers who work from 9am to 3pm and don't know the meaning of stress. Excuse me, I've come into teaching from a very high powered job in the city and find teaching way more stressful ... if only because parents (and students tbh) think that they know best and can question every decision that I make! Urgh. I can feel the chocolate urge coming on at the mere thought of it!


    Sums it up for me every time :0)
  • tekavincent
    tekavincent Posts: 160 Member
    A commitment I made myself before school started was to actually take my lunch and care about myself. I'm one of those who find it hard to say "No" when someone needs some help and proper lunches took a back burner last school year and summer school. I think that had a lot to do with why I lost control of my habits again - how easy it is to grab a coke and candy bar when you don't make time to heat the dinner or sit and eat a salad.

    Therefore, I have stayed faithful for the past week to that, however I felt truly guilty today when someone really wanted something from me during lunch. I had to ask them to wait till my conference period. Though they politely agreed, you could see the surprise and disappointment.
  • Where is everyone?
  • tekavincent
    tekavincent Posts: 160 Member
    swamped with 1st/2nd week responsibilities! :D

    Got frustrated today because I had to get supplies to make density columns in science lab tomorrow and several of the supplies are found on the baking isle. What luck! I was good though. No chocolate chips. Bypassed the coke, candy and chip displays. Almost caved in at the smell of the popcorn at the concession area. Somehow I made it out. Woo Hoo!!! I was reaaaaallly wanting to cheat but I didn't want to have to admit it in my diary.:bigsmile:
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    With the budget cuts, I had to pay money to keep my fridge and microwave in the classroom, but I think it's totally worth it! I've been keeping salad goodies in the fridge and have been eating a pairing of soup with it. Any other quick ideas would be helpful. I only have 30 minutes to eat....

  • KristinL19
    KristinL19 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi everyone! I'd love to have more friends on MFP - and teacher friends at that, who understand what its like to be so busy all the time! I'm from Barrie, ON going into my second year of teaching at a private school. There are a small amount of kids - but all with different course loads (and exceptionalities, and behavioural issues and so on) so I often end up teaching two completely different courses in one period! This semester I have 8 different courses to prepare for and teach - so I am often very stressed and very busy with lesson planning. This will be my first year teaching while belonging to MFP (I didn't know about it last year) So I am a little worried about finding time to exercise and plan meals among all the prep and lesson planning. I want to lose about 50 lbs within the next year, so its definitely going to take a lot of determination. I'd love to have some support from fellow teachers! :) Feel free to add me!!
  • I'm a PreK teacher and Afterschool teacher so I hope that counts! You would think keeping up with four year olds 15 of them would keep anyone in shape! But I'm struggling and would love to have a support system here!
  • charelaine
    charelaine Posts: 712 Member
    Wow! It has been a super stressful start of the year. I think things may finally start to settle in now. I have already had my first observation--- 1 down, 5 to go. Love the new evaluation models. I have not been working out at all, but I am definitely moving all day long. I have been eating right, but I have to get my workout back in. I hope those of you who just started will have a little less stress than I did in Tennessee. I love this group. : )
  • anna_b1
    anna_b1 Posts: 588 Member
    Beginning back to work tomorrow and dreading it! Have the before-school butterflies that attack almost all teachers when they go back and have added anxiety about beginning to teach a new course in a new department. I'll be teaching high school Cooperative Education and the task is daunting because there is just so much that needs to get done before the kids go out to work. Once they're out, the job should be easier (or at least I hope it is). Right now, having to adhere to a strict already laid-out curriculum and worrying about the eventuality about job placement problems, parental and student pressure (rampantly high at my school) is daunting.

    But we all get through these first-day back jitters and with the "stuff" that comes with this job. People who have never taught just can't understand no matter how empathetic they claim to be.
  • climbingpanda
    climbingpanda Posts: 36 Member
    Well made it through day one :0) and felt very proud of myself for not eating any of the cakes of biscuits that were up for grabs in my faculty office and making healthy choices at lunchtime!

    Slightly thrown by this years timetable though. As they're not sure how well I'll cope with being back at school they decided that they can't give me any A-level classes (this normally makes up over a third of my timetable) and so instead I'm going to start teaching year 9 ICT after Christmas! It's a case of ARGH!?!?! I've no idea what students even really study in ICT and am going to stress even more about teaching a subject that I have no idea about. Humph. I'd be much happier with a physics class or a first year A-level class instead :0(