Dukan it out !!! - The Dukan Diet



  • Erin_26
    Erin_26 Posts: 97 Member
    Hi Julie

    I stayed on Attack for 6 days. And I mix my oat bran with fat free sugar-free yogurt.

    I am also a Condiment Queen and this has been hard! There are lots of Dukan-friendly sauces you can make yourself in the book, but I haven't done it yet. Even a barbeque sauce! However, these should all be used in moderation.
  • spalfrey
    spalfrey Posts: 11
    Hello everyone,

    I'm on day 16 of the Dukan diet and well and truely into the Cruise phase. I ws on the attack for 7 days.
    OMG I've never been on a diet were I just dont feel hungry and I have heaps of energy..this one is great! I've lost 8lbs so far and feel it continuing. I havent got that much to lose so really hope this is my triumph to losing and keeping it off!
    Go Dukan!! : )

    Sarah x
  • iwillbeoneday
    iwillbeoneday Posts: 48 Member
  • mrshickey
    mrshickey Posts: 239
  • Erin_26
    Erin_26 Posts: 97 Member
    How is everyone doing?

    I am on Day 49 and have lost 22 lbs. I have 13 left.

    Loving it, lovin it!!!
  • roxie_belle
    roxie_belle Posts: 45 Member
    Hi Girls. i'm going to join you if thats ok! Starting the attack phase tomorrow and im sooooo excitied. Hope i see good results like everybody else!
  • Erin_26
    Erin_26 Posts: 97 Member
    Hi Roxie,

    I can pretty much guarantee you that if you follow the Attack phase rules (only lean protein, at LEAST 2 litres water/day, min. sodium), you will see your numbers go down. I lost 4 lbs in 5 days the first time I did Attack. I had a relapse and did a do-over a couple weeks later and didn't do as well, because my body was feeling more resistent to letting go of the pounds. This is your opportunity to kick this diet into gear big-time, so go for it!!! :happy:

    Like I've said before, I'm not an expert on this diet, but I have read the book several times now, so any questions, please give me a shout and any Dukan followers are very welcome to add me as a friend, just send a msg. along with the request.

    Go Dukan!

  • Erin_26
    Erin_26 Posts: 97 Member
    Hi Dukanistas,

    Forgive me, Dukan, for I have sinned. On banana bread and toast!

    I mucked up last night, big time. I have been struggling to eat enough, as I don't eat beef, chicken, pork or much dairy.

    I am still 8 lbs from my True Weight, but have decided to move to Phase 3. I hope to continue to lose the last pounds with a bit of bread and fruit. I need to up my calories because my energy has dropped drastically and people at work are making comments about me being a zombie. Feeling quite irritated and grouchy, hungry, etc.

    Anyway, that's my strategy. Still eating the same diet, but adding a serving of fruit and 2 slices whole wheat bread per day. I won't touch the celebration meals or starches until I get to 135.

    Hope you're all doing well, I do definately see now how Hhan expressed difficulty sticking to Phase 2 over 6 mths. I only lasted about 2 months and it was getting quite trying.

    Let me know how you're all doing!!!! :)

  • TaraTipp
    TaraTipp Posts: 19 Member
    Bump :)
  • hhan
    hhan Posts: 74
    I do definately see now how Hhan expressed difficulty sticking to Phase 2 over 6 mths. I only lasted about 2 months and it was getting quite trying.

    You've done well Erin and I think in all likelihood that you will drop the rest over time on the maintenance cycle. It is a tough regime to stick to but I found that after a couple of months off the diet, life returned to normal and I still managed to keep off all the weight I had lost on it.

    When I returned to dieting I managed to drop the rest of my fat to get to my "true weight", however getting it recalculated has resulted in my alleged "true weight" dropping even lower. I guess at least I now have a new goal along with a new more nutritous eating regime that gives me the energy I need to incorporate more exercise into my day, to help me get to it.
  • Erin_26
    Erin_26 Posts: 97 Member
    Thanks, Hhan.

    I was actually reading DD the other night and it says that you can do Phase 2 several ways. I am a bottom heavy girl and have decided to try the 2:0 method, which means I'm still doing PP days (Mon, Thurs) and eating "normal" the other days. This is supposed to be effective for women who don't have much to lose on their upper half.

    Normal eating for me is eating large portions of carbs, so I'm not going down the road, but I'll be doing the Proteins, vegetables, 1 piece of bread and 1 serving of fruit per day the other 5 days.

    I have no intention of giving up before I get to my True Weight. I have great determination, I just need to not feel like fainting anymore! :)

    I hope you other Dukanites are doing great, check in if you have time!!

  • I just started the Diet yesterday, im totally missing my carbs, :( but i think i can do it.
  • mrshickey
    mrshickey Posts: 239
    started today, hope im doing it right, i will find it difficult to drink all the water but i will try my very best!!!
  • I have been on the dukan diet for almost 2 months now and have lost 23 pounds... I'm having a horrible time trying to lose the last 10 pounds... Any suggestions???
  • Erin_26
    Erin_26 Posts: 97 Member
    Hi khinkle

    Actually, I'm really struggling with the last 10 as well, it is certainly NOT coming off at the same speed as the first 20!

    I would suggest cutting your dairy down, if you can. Up your water and exercise. I think that's all you can do, unless you want to go back to Attack for a few days and try to jumpstart it.

    Be patient! I know it's hard, trust me, I'm right there with you! We can do it!
  • 1st day on cruise, lost 5lbs on 7days attack (not the 6lbs as expected but still happy). am i right in thinking that even on cruise we should try stick to 2 thirds protein on third veg?

    Also, I lost 5lbs within four days of attack, and not gained or lost anything during the following three days. should I be worried?
  • Erin_26
    Erin_26 Posts: 97 Member
    Mrs. - Yes, you're correct in keeping the veggie ratio smaller than the protein. I eat 2 cups steamed broccoli per day on PV days, if that gives you any indication. I am stuck on a plateau currently, but I was losing with that for a while.

    Congrats on an amazing jump start!!! That's really excellent. Expect slower loss now with the alternating veggies, as they have carbs, but you should still be very pleased with the results. :)

    Hope all other Dukanites are doing great! Stop in and say hello when you have time and let us know how your progress is going! :))
  • Erin_26
    Erin_26 Posts: 97 Member
    I forgot to mention that I was doing the 2:0 rhythym for a couple weeks, but not losing or even gaining, so I am back to the 1:1 method alternating PP and PV. This seems the most effective, besides the 5:5 rhythym.


  • how is everyone getting on? just wanted to hear any successes, tips for plateaus etc, as there seems to be more threads for other diets, ie atkins, paleo but not so much for dukan. we are here and can help each other!!!!1
  • Hi all you are all doing great! I'm starting the Dukan diet in the morning and would love a bit of support.Feel free to add me.:)
    Good luck to you all.
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