Over 200 New Year New Me Part 51



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    :mad: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :explode:

    What are we thinking this week???????????????????????????? There must be something in the water

    At least we're here owning up to it. :smile:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member

    Looks like I didn't want to be left out! Craziness.

    Allison: Hopefully you'll make it through the hurricane with little to no damage. Scary stuff.

    Jess: I hope boxing helped you get some aggression out. Admit it, you saw Curtis' head while you were punching, didn't you? Best thing ever! I love boxing workouts.

    Sunday is another 5k for me and I'm hoping the course isn't too hilly so I can set a new PR. I really think I can crank the speed up since I've done a 10k with enough energy to finish fairly strong. I'm excited about this one.

    Anyway, leaving work now to get a pedi before my friend's wedding tonight! Have a great weekend!!
  • purpleprose
    Thanks for all the love, ladies! I'm getting a little anxious since I'll be by myself, but am doing my best to stay calm and prepare.

    It was really calm and beautiful here this morning, but the outer bands are coming ashore and the wind is kicking up. What's weird is that there are no birds anywhere. They're all gone.

    I'm baking and cooking and just trying to get enough food stored away and ice made to keep a cooler cold through Monday, at which point I should be able to head inland if the power is still out here.

    Wish me luck!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Yesterday I took Meghan to this new Thai restaurant in town. OMG SO GOOD!!! We were extolling its virtues as we headed to the county fair last night. After sitting in fair traffic for almost 45 minutes then finding out all the parking was filled (I've NEVER seen that happen before!) we decided to forget the fair and go back to the Thai place so Ken could experience its awesomeness. Thankfully I was only over by like 500 calories!

    So checking in for Friday and Saturday...

    Calories - under by about 500
    Water - OK
    Exercise - Week 2 of 5K101 plus 20 minutes on the elliptical machine

    Calories over by about 500
    Water - OK
    Exercise - ZIP :grumble:

    Heather - GOOD LUCK on your 5K - and what is PR? I assume its something like personal best time?:wink:

    Alison - we'll be thinking of you! :flowerforyou:

    Julie - LOOK at her holding up her own head! WHOOT! amazing! What a cutie!:smooched:

    Jess - I really want to take a kickboxing class once I'm in some sort of decent shape. Right now I'm still suffering from my sore hamstrings from LAST weekend's garden work! Such a whimp!:embarassed:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Melinda -- Mmmmmmm.... thai food. Amazing you were only 500 calories over! I can not control myself around thai food.

    I did it! I logged everything I ate yesterday and yep, mystery solved as to why I'm gaining weight! :laugh: About 2400 calories in; about 2200 calories out. Damn brownies. I *will* do better today (there are still brownies so I'll probably eat as much, but I plan to exercise more).
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Melinda: yes, PR is short for personal record. I did well with a 32:46 this morning, which was a new PR by about a minute and a half. The course was hilly, so I'm excited to see what I can do on a flat course when it isn't 7am on a Sunday morning. It was brutal!

    Julie: Maisie looks like she's growing SO fast! Crazy!!

    Checking in for the weekend:
    Calories: Over
    Water: Didn't track
    Exercise: None, except dancing at the wedding reception.

    Calories: Over
    Water: None
    Exercise: Chased Alex around the playground.

    Calories: Over
    Water: 40 oz.
    Exercise: 32 minutes 5k and 56 minutes bike ride. I'm happy I rode for an hour without my hand going numb! It was me, Nate, Alex and Nate's parents. It was nice and it felt good to be on my bike again and staying active.

    Tomorrow, I'll weigh myself in the morning and then I won't be weighing again until September 30th. I will also not be tracking calories, but will be keeping a paper food journal with what I ate and quantities. Fitness will be my main focus. I just want to see how I do. I think it will give me a benchmark of what I've learned through this two year journey and what I need to work on. It should be interesting.

    Have a happy Monday tomorrow!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Heather-Great job on your 5k!!! Always amazing to hear how well your doing! On a side note..My cousin did the Warrior Dash in Colorado a few weeks ago...she did it in like 33 minutes...she's a beast!

    Julie-Great job tracking! You never realize how quickly it all adds up. How long are you off of work? Your baby girl is precious!

    mstahl-Sounds like you had a great day with Megan. 500 calories isn't all that bad! I say it was a win!

    I woke up in a Monday morning funk. I'm slowly snapping out of it! I'm trying a kickboxing class tonight. I hope I love it! I'm still feeling the soreness in my thighs from all the squats from the boxing club circuit class. I will be going back to that one again, maybe not every week but I will be back. My plan for now is to attempt 2-3 classes a week. Not the same classes every week but get a couple that I enjoy. I haven't found one I absoultely hated yet so that's a plus! Scale is still showing up 5+ pounds and I'm not happy! I'm not busting out of my work pants so I know it's not a real 5 pound gain, cause if it was I would be. Okay I'll stop rambling!!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I made it to the Rec Center again this morning. I had Ken and Meghan in tow. Ken was willing, Meghan much less so "I've decided I'm not going to work out with you in the mornings - its just too early":huh: I was all "yeah that's true and it sucks but you're going anyway because it's good for you and it's one of those things I'm going to stick to doing" she took it well considering...

    We were about 20 minutes later than I'd hoped but Meghan was at least friendly and walked laps with me for a bit. I think that once she gets into the grove she'll do much better getting some exercise before school. We had some peanut butter for her this morning and then a smoothie for after so at least she left for school with a full belly! Meghan is super thin but she doesn't get any exercise - and I think being fully awake with some blood flow through to her brain will help her function better in class. :ohwell:

    Our cafeteria had Portobello Stew which tasted and looked like a very noodle based straganaugh, but they said it was only 140 calories. That seems too good to be true? I think I'll log it as they have it listed but mentally try to limit my calories tonight so I come up negative. This could be hard since its "Margarita Monday!" :drinker: The plan is to make black bean tacos with cabbage leaves for dinner - then maybe go out for "just one" margarita!:drinker: :drinker: :bigsmile: :embarassed:

    I made it through 5K101 Week 3 today!!! It was only 3 minute runs but I'm still super happy! I'm still focusing on form - using the Chi Running book so I'm going super slow speed wise but today NO WALKERS PASSED ME!!! It was a small but important victory :blushing:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member

    I'm joining the movin on up team from last week?! What happened to my good goals for August??? I know exactly where I have been slipping up ... carbs, carbs, carbs .... I have been feeling sorry for myself both post-vacation and pre-senior-year in high school for my daughter. but I have to get back into the right mindset. Just because I'm done with my nutrition class doesn't mean that I'm done with trying to eat right! I havent' changed my ticker yet ... hoping I can lose those 2.8 by this Friday. I'm still exercising plenty, just need to get back to eating no junk.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Lauren..............+4.5 lbs

    Hey girls! I've missed you and it should be no surprise that I'm UP UP too! August totally got away from me and I wasn't really caring about what I ate and I barely exercise - hence, why I wasn't coming around here - there wasn't anything really to say other than boo to me!

    I'll try and catch up later today, but I just wanted to say I'M BACK and will be more focused. Up to 177 now and I'm ready to lose that stuff again!

    This morning was day 2 of the Shred - oh boy am I feeling it!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Okay ladies, are you ready?

    I have my postpartum doc appointment today so I should be cleared to do everything again. Woohoo!! No more excuses not to exercise.

    I'm going to be embarrassed about not losing much weight since baby (I actually weigh 4 pounds more now than I did 2 weeks postpartum!! :noway:) so that kicks me into gear, too.

    I started tracking my food on Saturday. Saturday was bad but at least Sunday and yesterday I had a small deficit (thanks to pumping breastmilk, whew!). Slowly but surely getting back on track with eating more healthy stuff and less crap.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Jess: Your cousin is a beast! 33 minutes? Awesome. My goal is to knock 10 minutes of of this year's time, so Nate and I will be snowshoeing and hiking a lot of hills between now and then.

    Julie: I'm looking forward to seeing your progress once you're cleared for exercise. When do we start training for our half marathon?

    Melinda: Nice job getting to the rec center again yesterday. How did the "just one" margarita go last night?

    So the pics and full stats from Sunday's 5k were posted online. They got some good pics, but nothing special enough to spend money on. The stats showed that only 31 people who started behind me passed me. I also finished in the UPPER 50% of both the overall and the women in my division, so that's good! It still amazes me at how much progress I've made in less than 1 year! Wow.

    Anyway, I don't know if I'll get a chance to come on here tomorrow with month end at work, but I'll try. Have a great evening!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Congrats HeatherMN on the great stats from your last 5k!

    I once again had a bad day yesterday ... going way over on calories and carbs. My motivation is alluding me.....
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Since you asked Heather...

    Yeah. Me and Margaritas - a combination guaranteed to correlate to a massive amount of calories! :noway:

    Checking in for (Margarita) Monday:
    Calories - over by several hundred :huh:
    Water - OK (only because I chugged some before bed time!) :drinker:
    Exercise - good! :wink:

    Proud - I'm proud I got to the rec center and did week 3 of the 5K101 :bigsmile:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Woot, cleared for all normal activity except um.. bed pilates (doc told me to wait 2 more weeks). I don't think the hubby believes me. :laugh:

    Heather -- We start today! Maisie and I covered 4 miles this afternoon. I won't tell you how long it took us but, we did it. :laugh:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Julie: Wow, from no activity right to 4 miles? You're a rockstar. Just be careful. Oh, and you should have had the doctor write you a note excusing you from bed pilates to give to your husband. That's so something I would do in your situation...because I'm a brat! So, are you going to be using any formal training plan for the half marathon or just "winging it"? Oh, and Cris says hi and that Maisie is adorable!

    Melinda: I can never have just one margarita, but I usually stop at two. Mostly because we start late enough that I'm tired and ready for bed by the time I finish the second. I'm lame like that.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: No idea, not logging!
    Water: 32 oz....oops
    Exercise: 41 minute hike in the rain with Nate. We LOVE our new water proof mountaineering Eddie Bauer jackets that I picked up at half price.
    Proud: We didn't let a little rain stop us from being active, even though it would have been much easier to curl up on the couch for the entire evening.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Heather, a note from the doctor....too funny! Glad you had a great hike yesterday! Impressed you took on the rain.
    Julie, GREAT walk yesterday - slow and steady wins the race!
    Melinda, nice work on getting to the rec center!

    Checking in for Monday and Tuesday
    Cals - Over by 261
    Water - 48 oz (not great)
    Exercise - Day 1, Level 1 30 Day Shred
    Proud - Limited myself to half a cupcake!

    Cals - Over by 300
    Water - 96 oz
    Exercise - Day 2, Level 1 30 Day Shred
    Proud - Got up and did the Shred!

    I didn't do the Shred this morning for a rest (and I slept horribly!) but I am planning on going to hot yoga tonight. A little stretching would do me good!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Lauren -- Wow, half a cupcake!! That's some willpower!

    Heather -- :laugh: about the doc excuse. I'll see if they can fax one over. :tongue: Awesome job hiking in the rain!

    Melinda -- You're rocking the rec center!

    I'm CHECKING IN! *gasp*
    Calories: 1451 net (yes, I'll be reporting net calories here to keep myself focused on eating enough this time around). That should put me at about a 700 calorie deficit.
    Exercise: 4 mile walk/jog
    Water: I didn't exactly keep track but I have no problem getting in enough water lately.
    Proud: Exercise, yay! (and holy soreness! So sad. :laugh:)
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Julie-Great job on the exercise yesterday

    Mstahl-Margaritas are so delicious! I can't seem to drink too many though, I get full and sleepy like Heather. I'm lame too! HA!

    Heather-Great job on your hinking in the rain. I love being in the rain as well!

    Well I went to cycling class last night. I struggeled hardcore! I felt like I was going to die. I couldn't figure out why I was struggling so much. I woke up this morning feeling like complete crap so maybe that's why I had such a hard time last night. I still managed to burn 500 calories though. I'm all drugged up on medicine. I'm going to a Ranger game tonight and a concert tomorrow night. Then I'm resting this weekend. Plan on working out Friday Saturday and Monday. I can't wait to finally get to try out a kickboxing class! I think I'm really going to like it, or I hope at least!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Lilspy: Yeah to getting back into exercise! good for you!

    RedneckWmn: I hope you feel better soon!

    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: over by almost 400 ... but really I think it wasn't bad considering I was almost out of calories by 2pm... so could have been much worse ... and it was a no exercise day
    exercise: none - needed a day off
    water: not enough
    veggies: not enough, protein pretty good
    proud: that I managed to keep the calories at dinner down