September Shred - RED TEAM! **CLOSED GROUP**

Welcome everyone! Please share a little about yourself and your weight loss journey, if you'd like, while we wait for opening day!

We are the sister team to September Shred - BLUE TEAM :) We'll be doing the same challenges they are.

At the moment, our general goals (copied from the Blue Team) are:

1. Try for 10 pounds in September - we might not each reach it but its good to have a start point.
2. Create weekly challenges that focus on specific nutritional or exercise goals.
3. Do weekly weigh ins - I like Fridays - I know some people like Mondays but I like to know what I weigh before the temptations of the weekend!
4. Be supportive to each other, share good recipes and work out tips.

Just a reminder we will need your sept. start weights by Thursday and we won't do an official weigh in again until the 9th, a Friday. First weekly challenge will be posted on Wednesday night/ Thursday morning so you can start planning your week! (Copied from the Blue Team)

Group members:


Here is our banner! (thanks Shalimarmandy!) Change the IMG to lowercase img and place it in your signature :)


I look forward to sharing this challenge with you all! Let's do this! :D


  • YMTaylor
    YMTaylor Posts: 230 Member
    I am 33 years old, wife of 8 years and mom to 2 wonderful boys ages 6 and 4. I have always been heavy, I remember having to go on a diet in 1st grade because the pediatrician told my mom I was way to heavy. Since then I've gone up and down but I'm sure I've been at least 200 pounds since middle school. In October 2009 I decided (finally) that I wasn't healthy, I wasn't living my life the way I wanted and I wasn't honoring God living that way. I got serious about the gym and set mini-goals for myself. I haven't always made the progress I've wanted but I've been losing little by little since. Sorry for the longer post but that explains me pretty good. Thanks!
  • ericarey85
    ericarey85 Posts: 312 Member
    HI!!! Current weight is 207.6. i will have to update later on everything else, currently fighting on awful cold, my head is about to explode, so i can barely think!
  • Tanya761
    Tanya761 Posts: 146
    Hi! My name is Tanya. I am a wife to my wonderful hubby, Darren for almost 3 years, and the mommy to the sweetest 20 month boy, Aidan. I have been overweight probably since middle school. I have been on many weight loss programs in the past, and always fall off the boat. My heaviest weight was 222lbs. About 4 months after having Aidan, I dropped 20 lbs, and have fluctuated between 200 and 210 since then. I NEED to get this weight off as I need to be around to see my grandchildren! I am starting school this week for a career change after 9 years of hairdressing and esthetics and wrecking my shoulders from it. It will be a challenge, as hubbs works out of town for 2 weeks at a time, having a busy boy, and homework and such....but it can, and WILL be done! Let's do this!
  • loristroud
    loristroud Posts: 138 Member
    Hey y'all! My name is Lori, I am 20, and I have been married to my high school sweetie for 2 years now. I have lost 40 pounds since December 2010 and am still trying to get down to my GW of 115lbs. I am currently a stay at home army wife and I spend my days with our fur-babies, Audrey (chihuahua-2 years old) and Chester (ferret-2, almost 3, years old). I really hope every one does well with this challenge, good luck! :)
  • BrigettaBennett
    Hi, I'm Brigetta. I'm 37, married and have 3 children ages 15, 13 and 20 months. I have been heavy since having my 2nd son and going through an awful divorce. After meeting my current hubby, I lost about 50 pounds only to quickly gain it back and more. I can't say my pregnancy with my daughter had anything to do with it cause I lost 10+ pounds while pregnant. I weighed 226 at my 6 week check up. I knew I had gained since then, but while on vacation 2 weeks ago I stepped on the scale in the bathroom to see 241, wth? That day in the bathroom I cried alone never letting anyone else know how disappointed I was in myself. I swore to myself, my father who died last year, and to God that I was not going to see this number again EVER! I have only been on this journey for 9 days and have lost 5 pounds. I am determined to do this! I am so thankful for my friend Kelly who showed me this website and who has been so awesome in supporting me through my journey to looking HOT! My goal is to be healthy, sexy and wear a size 10 again, because these size 20's are hidious!

  • ken1994
    ken1994 Posts: 495 Member
    My name is Ken, I am 43 years and married to a loving and supportive wife!I have two beautiful children ages 2 & 4 which is the main reason why I wanted to lose the weight. I have been overweight most of my life and I want to wake up in the morning and not make old guy noises! I try to be a positive person and look forward to supporting all of you in this challenge, Good Luck team!!! Please ad me as a friend if you would like.

  • jenwarship
    jenwarship Posts: 28 Member
    Hey everybody! I'm Jen, 29- 5'5" @ 185. I recently returned to college to get my teaching certificate for high school art (I have my b.a. in Art and Design). I have one semester left of clases, then student teaching, and then I'm an adult?! I have always been self-conscious about my weight (even weights now, that I would CRY to be!). I am currently at my heaviest and decided to do something for a number of reasons, namely though, that I find myself unable to do many physical things that I had always taken for granted and the realization that I'm not getting any younger. I am married, no kids, but care-taker of a lovely kitty.

    I'm excited to meet you all through this challenge and to jump-start my weight-loss!
  • kely8888
    kely8888 Posts: 11 Member
    Just seeing if this image thing worked.
  • Mygypsysoul
    Mygypsysoul Posts: 113 Member
    Do we message you with our starting weight or just post it in the forum?
  • lrfhunt
    lrfhunt Posts: 5
    Hi my name is lynette! I am married and a mother of 2 awesome little girls. a 2 and 4 yr old. I am a stay at home mom at the moment while my daughter is in her first year as a preschooler. I weigh 146lb @ 5'2'' my goal is to get to 126. my prior weight before i had babies. My husband are competing against each other as well to help motivate us. lol. really excited to take on this challenge..i hope we all succeed!

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • kelleman1
    kelleman1 Posts: 148 Member
    Do we message you with our starting weight or just post it in the forum?

    either is fine!
  • Kaycurrier
    Kaycurrier Posts: 231
    I my name is Kay, I go by kiwi. My current weight is 262.6. My goal weight is 140-ish. I have 3 step kids, a 2 year old with my husband, and I am a military wife woohoo! Since starting my weight loss journey at 276, I went to WW(weight watchers) and lost 35 pounds there. I could not afford for my husband and I to continue using their online tools so I gaines some weight back. Since stating here at MFP only last week, I have lost almost 6 pounds woohoo. I love being a part of a group and I hope that we can stay a group for all the months to come! My husband and I are full time students so it is hard to plan for meals at night (we are night students). Any suggestions are welcome. One of my strengths is that I drink tons of water! One of my weaknesses is that I am tempted by food easily, I am the only one dieting in my house :(

    Thanx for letting me be a part of the group, I hope to build strong bonds with everyone and hope that we can stay as a group. Who knows maybe we will have others want to be sister groups of ours and start a huge motion of support groups!
  • christilena
    christilena Posts: 4 Member
    HI! I'm 39 years old with an 18 year old son. I'm in management for the hospitality industry, and currently live in Kitchener ON, but moving to Naniamo BC in 2 years. I'm trying to loose 20lbs at the moment, I lost 30lbs last year and just need to work on the last 20lbs.... My current work out programs are P90X and Insanity.
    I'm excited for this challenge, something I think we could all benefit from, I wish everyone the best of luck!
  • Straitfanatic
    Hi, My name is Sandy. Im 43 years old, been married for 18 years & I have 2 boys (12 & 15), A step-daughter (22) & 2 grandkids. I live in Kansas & since I have turned 40 i have struggled with my weight. I started changing my eating habits in May to get my cholestorol down & when I starting losing weight i had alot more energy. I joined this site in June to help motivate me to continue losing weight. I recently went on a 2 week family vacation & I did not eat very healthy & gained weight. Now i am struggling to get back into my healthier eating habits. This is my first challenge & i am hoping it will keep me motivated to get back on track. Best of luck to everyone!
  • klsnell1981
    klsnell1981 Posts: 48 Member
    Hi, I am Kristin. I just turned 30 and I am a married mother of 4 crazy kids. :) I was always a little chubby through school until I hit senior yr. The weight slowly started creeping up, and after each of my pregnancies I never really tried to hard to lose any of it. I think my main motivators now are 1. I'm 30yrs old and the heaviest and most out of shape I have ever been in my life! and 2. Chasing my 2yr old son requires energy and flexibility that my size just will not allow. I started working out and semi-dieting back in May, SW was 264, I am 5'7" . I joined MFP about a week ago and it really helps me track my calories.

    SW- 264
    CW- 251
    1st GW- 225
    2nd GW- 199
    Final GW- 175 or less
  • ericarey85
    ericarey85 Posts: 312 Member
    k here goes, Erica 25, married for almost 5 years to my highscool sweetheart of 9 years. He is AWSOME!!! but he is a truck driver so we dont get to see each other much, only about 2 days out of the month if im lucky. WE have 2 furbabies (Q- jack russle mis and dozer- qrey hound pit mix) and a loud mouth opinionated parrot!:tongue: Anywho, i am a nail tech at an awsome salon, we were just voted #1 in our tri county area, for hair and nails! I know ya'll dont care about that, its just exciteing. Fixing to go back to school to get eastetician lic. and reflexology lic, so maybe one day i will own my own spa. Been on mfp on and off for a awhile now, really bad at sticking to my guns, but this is my last chance, i know if i dont get this weight off now i never will get rid of it, so here i am i have no excuses left, i always have access to internet for mfp, money to by healthy food is no longer an issue and my husband is not home long enough to whine because we are having couccous and vegetables for dinner, SO NO EXCUSES :tongue:
  • kelleman1
    kelleman1 Posts: 148 Member
    I've loved getting to know the ones who have posted thus far! :)

    I haven't participated much in the forums, so I'm trying to figure this all out. I thought I would be able to edit the original post with new info but you can only edit your posts for up to an hour after you post, grrrrr.


    My name is Kelly, and I'm 25 years old. I have two children and I stay at home with them. I've struggled with weight all my life, but have been able to get down to a healthy weight twice in my life, the last time being November 2007. My husband came home from a deployment in Feb 2008 and my weight slowly crept up. I got pregnant, and on the day I had her I weighed 213 lbs. 2 weeks later, I got on the scale and was 202 lbs. I was not happy, lol.

    Since then, I've been yo-yoing between 190-200 lbs. On July 25th, I decided enough was enough, and started tracking my calories. I'm now 17 lbs down. I have about 4-5 lbs until I hit my pre-pregnancy weight from my daughter. I can't tell much of a difference yet, but hopefully soon.

    I'm excited to start this challenge! I'd love to drop 10 lbs in September! :)
  • kelleman1
    kelleman1 Posts: 148 Member
    Remember to get your starting weights in by Thursday! :)

    **If you don't want your weight on here, please let me know!

  • kelleman1
    kelleman1 Posts: 148 Member
    I just wanted to point out that you can easily access this thread (after you comment on it) by clicking the "My Topics" link above the forum. This forum moves quickly, and it's going to be easy to lose it!
  • Mygypsysoul
    Mygypsysoul Posts: 113 Member

    I'm Ali, a 26 year old Canadian currently living in Alabama with my wonderful husband of four years. We recently had a surprise pregnancy in June and a miscarriage in July. I've always talked about losing weight before we tried to have a baby, but have never gotten serious until now. Looking forward to September. Hoping to lose the 10lbs and maybe then some. Good luck to everybody. It's going to be awesome getting to know you.