JUST FOR TODAY -- One Day at a Time .... Daily commitment thread for 2019



  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    Good Morning Everyone... I have Missed You. I've been on this site, but
    loading problems wouldn't allow me to get through to the COMMUNITY part of this
    of this site, leaving me unable to connect to this thread. I'm sure I've missed out
    on events, losses, gains, and the works... Awww I need hugs, I missed you sooo

    *big fat hug!!!!!*

    I've missed you!!! I posted on your wall because i had seen you had been online but not on the thread!

    How is everything with you!!

    @Bex953172 Awww Sister girlfriend... Thank you. Awww. I wanna cry I've missed you. Hug!
    Hug! Hug!... ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ’ going through some rough patches, but I'm so happy to be able to talk to
    you. And yes I'm crying.
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    @maryrobinson40 Hey! We were wondering how you were doing :)
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,605 Member
    Thank you for the b-day wishes, JFTers! You helped make my day sweeter. <3

    Recap R 10/10
    1) Walked dog before work 3.3.58 mi 1:03:37, heard owl, stretched = happy dog & happy me :smiley:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks / 5 somethings = Fitbit 16,143 steps, 250+ 14/14 boom! & 68 floors :smiley:
    3) Meals & snacks prelogged / net cals < 100 red / 14c water = Yay! Net cals -80 :) , sodium -397, sugar -2, fiber & protein good, 14c water
    4) Continue update records request lists :) GA-B finally done, GA-S in progress / Cognos online training no time, next week instead
    5) Evening: choir rehearsal canceled / make meatloaf, cheesed cauliflower & delicata squash (I never had before) / whatever I want to do = Had a relaxing evening (except for all. the. paperwork. for F blood spot test ~ SUCH a pain!) :smiley:
    6) Unplug 10:00 :neutral: / FLOSS :s / RETAINERS :s / prep blood spot test :) / bed & tv 10:30 :) (rain forecast & no dog walk F a.m.)

    JFT F 10/11 ~ raining again *sigh*
    1) Move hourly / stairs breaks / 5 somethings / Fitbit 10,000
    2) Meals & snacks prelogged / carb-loading tonight / net calories < 100 red / 14c water
    3) Complete GA-S records request list & start GA-C/V list / usual weekly updates / clear Inbox a little?
    4) Evening: pick up race packet / pick up supper at Chili John's (chili with noodles for carbs) / prep race clothes & extra clothes to change ~ temps will drop into 30s (F) overnight so remember gloves, etc. / prep money purse for farmers market (Sat. market goes thru Oct.) / take laundry upstairs & put away / other?
    5) Unplug 9:00 / FLOSS / RETAINERS / bed & tv off 10:20 (leave 8 a.m. for 5K)

    Tomorrow morning I am walking (for 4th time) in Run for the Hill of It 5K. All trail and grass in a parkway, some trail paved, mostly not. Means with wet Sept. course will be muddy so wearing an old pair of shoes. UP the steep sledding hill is end of race (and timed). Last year, I did hill in 2:01 and total time of 48:13. My goal this year is twofold: 45:00 total time & beat that hill ~ want to finish < 2 min. Last year only about 25 racers were under 2 min. on the hill, and the fastest win King/Queen of the Hill honors.
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    Thank you for the b-day wishes, JFTers! You helped make my day sweeter. <3

    Recap R 10/10
    1) Walked dog before work 3.3.58 mi 1:03:37, heard owl, stretched = happy dog & happy me :smiley:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks / 5 somethings = Fitbit 16,143 steps, 250+ 14/14 boom! & 68 floors :smiley:
    3) Meals & snacks prelogged / net cals < 100 red / 14c water = Yay! Net cals -80 :) , sodium -397, sugar -2, fiber & protein good, 14c water
    4) Continue update records request lists :) GA-B finally done, GA-S in progress / Cognos online training no time, next week instead
    5) Evening: choir rehearsal canceled / make meatloaf, cheesed cauliflower & delicata squash (I never had before) / whatever I want to do = Had a relaxing evening (except for all. the. paperwork. for F blood spot test ~ SUCH a pain!) :smiley:
    6) Unplug 10:00 :neutral: / FLOSS :s / RETAINERS :s / prep blood spot test :) / bed & tv 10:30 :) (rain forecast & no dog walk F a.m.)

    JFT F 10/11 ~ raining again *sigh*
    1) Move hourly / stairs breaks / 5 somethings / Fitbit 10,000
    2) Meals & snacks prelogged / carb-loading tonight / net calories < 100 red / 14c water
    3) Complete GA-S records request list & start GA-C/V list / usual weekly updates / clear Inbox a little?
    4) Evening: pick up race packet / pick up supper at Chili John's (chili with noodles for carbs) / prep race clothes & extra clothes to change ~ temps will drop into 30s (F) overnight so remember gloves, etc. / prep money purse for farmers market (Sat. market goes thru Oct.) / take laundry upstairs & put away / other?
    5) Unplug 9:00 / FLOSS / RETAINERS / bed & tv off 10:20 (leave 8 a.m. for 5K)

    Tomorrow morning I am walking (for 4th time) in Run for the Hill of It 5K. All trail and grass in a parkway, some trail paved, mostly not. Means with wet Sept. course will be muddy so wearing an old pair of shoes. UP the steep sledding hill is end of race (and timed). Last year, I did hill in 2:01 and total time of 48:13. My goal this year is twofold: 45:00 total time & beat that hill ~ want to finish < 2 min. Last year only about 25 racers were under 2 min. on the hill, and the fastest win King/Queen of the Hill honors.

  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    I missed everyone so much. These darn electronics... Lol.w7iod9en77gd.jpg
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member

    Wednesday - J4T
    Journal every bite. :star:
    Drink 68+ oz of water :star:
    Get up and move every hour :naughty:
    Reach step goal :star:
    30 minutes intentional activity :star:
    30 minutes of self-care :star:
    Spend time reading the Word tonight :wink: I read some Bible verses, but not out of the Bible. I think that counts?
    Half Size Me podcast :star:
    Prep for tomorrow, tonight :star:
    Evening Routine :star:
    Lights out by 10:30 p.m. :naughty:not until after 11:00...was reading a mystery and couldn't put it down!

    Thursday- J4T
    Journal every bite. :star:
    Drink 80+ oz of water :naughty: Close, but not 80.
    Get up and move every hour :star:
    Reach step goal :naughty:Had a hair appointment last night so didn't have time to get a walk in last night. Poor Maddie, sad me. I am actually growing to look forward to them! Will wonders ever cease?! LOL
    30 minutes intentional activity :naughty:See above
    30 minutes of self-care :star::star:2 hours at the hair salon getting pampered. It was awesome!
    Eat only between 10:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. :star:
    No sugar, no flour :star:
    Joyce Meyer podcast :star:
    Prep for tomorrow, tonight :star:
    Evening Routine :star:
    Lights out by 10:30 p.m. :star:

    SW: 188.6 on 10/8
    CW: 187 -1.6
    GW: 183.6 would be a 5 lb loss

    Hello my MFP JFT Peeps!

    I saw an Integrative Medicine doctor at the medical clinic where I work on Wednesday. It is a new department we just opened and I was so glad! She saw me for a 60-minute consult, and I think she is just what I need! I feel so much hope that just because I've felt lousy for 8 years since cancer treatments, doesn't mean that is what I have to feel like forever as my "new normal". Pretty exciting stuff!

    First thing she has me doing is eating between set hours (8 hour stretch) and cutting out sugar and flour...pretty much eating whole foods. It is not no carb or low carb...it is no sugary foods and no flour foods. So I'm on Day 4 today of that. I can use Stevia in my coffee so that has helped me to give up the flavored creamer I love. I have to drink 80 oz of water every day. Journal my food for two weeks and bring back to next appointment. I started L-Theanine to help with anxiety and will be starting Vitamin D as I am really low and that causes a lot of my symptoms. I'm praying this is the start of a new healthier me! I've also been walking Maddie every night (except last night because it was pretty dark by the time I got home) and listening to podcasts or nature, which has really been helpful. I feel physically better having walked, and I get alone time as an introvert, and I get my spiritual fill by listening to podcasts or nature.

    Life is starting to feel happy again. I'm really feeling grateful for that.

    Have a great Friday!

    Just for Friday
    Eat only between 10:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m.
    Eat no sugar, no flour foods
    Journal everything I eat
    Drink 80 oz of water
    30 minutes of activity
    30 minutes of self-care
    Evening routine - brush/floss, wash face & moisturize, gratitude journal, spiritual readings, Calm app and lights out by 10:30

    WOY 2019: TENACITY I will NOT give up!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    @cschmitz110515 HAPPY BIRTHDAY YESTERDAY! I hope you had a great day, and I hope you have a wonderful evening out this weekend with the hubby. Good luck in your race tomorrow also! Thanks for adding how long the Saturday's farmers market runs. LOL! I'm so bad at knowing what's going on around town!

    @maryrobinson40 I am so glad to see you!! We miss you when you're gone. I hope things are getting a little brighter for you. You are a beautiful woman, both inside and out! Great pics!

    @Bex953172 I have same belly symptoms going on since I gained. I have noticed though over the past few days just by cutting out a few of the really bad things I was eating, that it's easing up a little bit. Not sure what to tell you about Biggie....I'm trying to teach my dog not to jump all over me the minue I walk in the door too. She's so high strung when I get home and so darn excited that she doesn't realize her nails are scratching me, and she's wrecking some of my work sweaters. I have been trying to teach her "Off" when she jumps on me, then "sit" while I pet her, and while I pet her I tell her "be gentle" and "good girl, gentle". Does it work? Hell no. But I'm not giving up... HAHAHA!

    Welcome to the newcomers! So happy to have you join us! :smile:

    AT EVERYONE ELSE, I'm at work so have to jump off here but I'm thinking of you all and following your successes and your struggles with cheers and jeers! Mwah! :kissing_heart:
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,605 Member
    @cschmitz110515 HAPPY BIRTHDAY YESTERDAY! I hope you had a great day, and I hope you have a wonderful evening out this weekend with the hubby. Good luck in your race tomorrow also! Thanks for adding how long the Saturday's farmers market runs. LOL! I'm so bad at knowing what's going on around town!

    @maryrobinson40 I am so glad to see you!! We miss you when you're gone. I hope things are getting a little brighter for you. You are a beautiful woman, both inside and out! Great pics!

    @Bex953172 I have same belly symptoms going on since I gained. I have noticed though over the past few days just by cutting out a few of the really bad things I was eating, that it's easing up a little bit. Not sure what to tell you about Biggie....I'm trying to teach my dog not to jump all over me the minue I walk in the door too. She's so high strung when I get home and so darn excited that she doesn't realize her nails are scratching me, and she's wrecking some of my work sweaters. I have been trying to teach her "Off" when she jumps on me, then "sit" while I pet her, and while I pet her I tell her "be gentle" and "good girl, gentle". Does it work? Hell no. But I'm not giving up... HAHAHA!

    Welcome to the newcomers! So happy to have you join us! :smile:

    AT EVERYONE ELSE, I'm at work so have to jump off here but I'm thinking of you all and following your successes and your struggles with cheers and jeers! Mwah! :kissing_heart:

    @PackerFanInGB I thought of you when I wrote the farmers market note. :D Glad to "see" you and so glad you're getting some good days!

    @maryrobinson40 Gorgeous!!! Hugs to you!

    @Bex953172 I'm no dog expert, but a friend gave me a tip about jumping dogs: IMMEDIATELY when the dog jumps at Ash, he should knee the dog in the chest (not to hurt) to teach him NO. I've tried this in the past and it definitely helped distance the dog from me. Our dog now still tries jumping on me when I walk in the front door, and I can't knee her b/c there's a step to get inside; hard to step up & knee at the same time. Dog is great at the back door b/c she doesn't like the linoleum floor. hahaha
  • chemjenny
    chemjenny Posts: 75 Member
    JFT 10/11
    Dinner plans at a friend who is a good cook, so will enjoy and not worry about going over on calories :) definitely went over
    Walk AND meet exercise goal :) elliptical today
    Track calories :) did the best I could.
    Eat packed lunch :/ well, I ate what I packed until someone gifted me with a sticky bun.
    Drink one container water :)
    Review presentation for work :)
    Clean out email :/ did other things at work.

    JFT 10/12
    Shopping for work
    Figure out play date for L
    Track and stay green
    Self care - massage!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,254 Member
    Spent most of the day crying, and then drank a half can of Red Bull and made me some veggie soup in the crock pot..

    Why are you crying mary?? Is everything OK? Hugs to you dear friend! We all missed you so much on here, and hope that you have a better day tomorrow <3
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,254 Member
    I didn't get my goals set this morning, but total failure today. I did great all day until hubby made me a small margarita. I ate a very healthy dinner ... then I saw the opened bag of Halloween candy corn. Finished the bag off!!

    THen, my daughter had 2 frozen pieces of cheesecake in the freezer .... I ate one, then so mad at myself, so what do I do ... but eat the other one so it would be gone!! Now, does that make any sense at all!!

    But, I turned the evening around, and cleaned and cleaned from 8 pm until 10:30. So the house is cleaned at least. I am still upset with myself for giving in and eating all that junk. I know I'll feel awful tomorrow, but at least it is a new day.

    So my goals for tomorrow, Saturday, Oct 12
    1. GO TO THE GYM
    2. work in the yard
    3. taking daughter out for breakfast, but I will eat my eggs here, and just get a diet soda
    4. going to the mall with my daughter .. going to the Yankee candle store!
    5. get out halloween decorations
    6. clean garage so we can paint garage door
    7. dig up ornamental grass for my neighbor, and plant some in another neighbors yard (this neighbor is 80, and needs help).
    8. clean up our yard (it is suppose to be near 60 out!)
    10. WATER
  • CocoLoris
    CocoLoris Posts: 115 Member
    JFT Saturday 12/10/19
    Finish audiobook - The Now Habit ๐Ÿ„๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ
    Journal - 2 negative beliefs ๐Ÿง˜๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ
    Choose motivational visuals for wall ๐ŸŠ๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ
    Print said motivational pics ๐ŸŠ๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ
    Open pc to work on CV ๐ŸŠ๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ

    Ok, 2 out of 5 for this day. I must say, I am very tired, not sure why, itโ€™s very unusual so I just took it easy and will try again

    Iโ€™m grateful for being able to have a platform to write this on. On a subconscious level it is very

    JFT Sunday 13/10/19
    Look for motivational images in my photo albums
    Read 20 pages of ยซย Story Tellingย ยป book
    Make a rough draft of my portfolio
    Mindfulness session
  • aubyshortcake
    aubyshortcake Posts: 796 Member
    edited October 2019
    Good morning! I did okay yesterday but not great. This week at work has been a week from Hell. There is just so much to do and not enough time to do it in and I'm really struggling to keep up. There is no one else that knows my position so I can't really get help in that regard. I stayed late several times this past week but I can't make that a habit again as that is really bad for my mental health.

    I know I need to be better at setting work boundaries but it's really hard when we are a very small company and the amount of work I get done in one day directly impacts the flow of everything and how quickly our clients can receive their orders. Everything I do at work is time sensitive so I just feel like I have this huge weight on my shoulders and I don't know when it will subside. The only new person my boss wants to (and has hired) is a sales rep to bring us even more business which then will create even more workload .. I'm drowning...

    @maryrobinson40 I'm so happy to see you back and so sad to see you're crying ๐Ÿ˜” big big hugs, and you're looking gorgeous as always!

    @Bex953172 I guess that makes sense, I just want to be fair! I am extremely susceptible to bloating (yayyyy genes lol) so there have been times where I've lost up to 7 lbs of water in a 24 hour period ๐Ÿ˜ณ

    @littleblackskirt I am so so sorry, big hugs to you, we're all here for you!

    @Snowflake1968 you can do this I believe in you!

    Yesterday 10/11:

    1. Stay within calorie goal๐Ÿ˜”
    2. Finish work at 5:20๐Ÿ˜”
    3. Do NOT let stress take over๐Ÿ˜”
    4. Light cleaning๐Ÿ˜”

    JFT 10/12:

    1. Stay within calorie goal
    2. Do NOT let stress take over
    3. Light cleaning
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,254 Member
    Year 2017 Jan 1: 217
    Year 2018 January 1: 195.5
    Year 2019 January : 206
    Feb 1, 2019: 201.6
    March 4: 205
    April 1: 196.8
    May 5: 195
    June: : 191.2
    July: 192.4
    August: 189.4
    September: 184.6

    NAME: Joan
    SW :187.6 (starting weight for the 5 pound challenge - round 1)
    GW for this challenge: 182.6
    CW: 188.6 = didn't do so great with this challenge.

    DISCARD 5 LBS CHALLENGE 2 -- Starting Date Thursday, Aug 29
    NAME: Joan
    SW :188.6 (starting weight for the 5 pound challenge - round 2)
    GW for this challenge: 183.6
    CW: 184.6 (current weight today)

    DISCARD 5 LBS CHALLENGE 3 -- Starting Date Tuesday, September 24
    NAME: Joan
    SW :184.6 (starting weight for the 5 pound challenge - round 3)
    GW for this challenge: 180 (my goal is to get to 178... and be out of the overweight on the charts! Those last few pounds are so hard to get off it seems!
    CW: 182.6 (current weight today)

    DISCARD 5 LBS CHALLENGE 4 -- Starting Date Tuesday, October 8
    NAME: Joan
    SW :182.6 (starting weight for the 5 pound challenge - round 4)
    GW for this challenge: 177.6 --- This would put me in the "normal" weight range... something I have been trying to do for the past 2 years, but just could never get there!!
    CW: 181.6 (current weight today) -1

    My goal are basically the same. I am going to do this until these become habits.. then I will change them. Trying to keep it simple

    So my goals for tomorrow, Saturday, Oct 12
    1. GO TO THE GYM
    2. work in the yard
    3. taking daughter out for breakfast, but I will eat my eggs here, and just get a diet soda
    4. going to the mall with my daughter .. going to the Yankee candle store!
    5. get out halloween decorations
    6. clean garage so we can paint garage door
    7. dig up ornamental grass for my neighbor, and plant some in another neighbors yard (this neighbor is 80, and needs help).
    8. clean up our yard (it is suppose to be near 60 out!)
    10. WATER

    Plus my regular ones:
    Goals for today
    1. mindful eating
    2. drink 4 glasses of water before I drink a diet pepsi
    3. 8+ water
    4. drink water in the evening ... no snacking, or just ONE planned snack