Team Nanoose-September Tribal Challenge (Closed Group)



  • Bre_Deveraux
    no problem Michele !
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    Ok team, here we go!!!! This post will have both the Pygmy and Bushmen Challenges for this week, I wanted to get them out now since at least two of you are going out of town. Remember they do not start until September 1st (Thursday). There are currently youtube videos for some of the Pygmy exercises but the videos for the Bushmen challenges (and some Pygmy exercises) will be posted tomorrow.


    WEEK 1 – BUSHMEN SERIES (Advanced)

    Week One Daily Exercise Challenge
    Each team member that completes their daily exercise challenge receives one point, if all team members complete each daily exercise for all 6 days the team is then awarded an additional 5 Bonus Points.

    Welcome to 300 Week You will do 6 exercises at 50 reps as quickly as possible 2 times this week. These are not to be broken up into segments. You are the BUSHMEN it’s time to push yourself!

    Day 1 - 50 Squat Kicks, 50 Jumping Jacks , 50 Crunches, 50 Mountain Climbers, 50 Wood Chops and last but not least 50 Globe Jumps!

    Day 2 - 2 sets of 15 Swimmer’s Presses, 2 sets of 21’s, 2 sets of 15 Dumbbell Chest Fly’s, 2 Sets of 15 Lawnmowers, 2 sets of Tricep Kickbacks, 2 sets of 15 Shoulder Shrugs (weighted)

    Day 3 - 50 Squat Kicks, 50 Jumping Jacks , 50 Crunches, 50 Mountain Climbers, 50 Wood Chops and last but not least 50 Globe Jumps!




    This should be done in addition to your normal workout routine. This is a challenge and is not a replacement!

    Week One Daily Exercise Challenge
    Each team member that completes their daily exercise challenge receives one point, if all team members complete each daily exercise for all 6 days the team is then awarded an additional 5 Bonus Points.

    Day 1 Exercise Challenge - 30 Squat Kicks* and 50 Jumping Jacks
    ( )

    Day 2 Exercise Challenge – 2 sets of 15 Swimmer’s Presses + 1 Extra Mile jog, walk or run ( * You may use cans of soup, tomato juice or bottles of water if u don’t have weights

    Day 3 Exercise Challenge – 50 Crunches* + 20 Mountain Climbers
    ( )


    *Feel free to do these exercises in sets if you are unable to do them all at one time. Please do your best as you are much stronger than you believe.

    *******Please watch the videos as they may differ from your version of the exercise! *********

    Week One Weekly Team Challenge (BOTH PYGMY AND BUSHMEN)

    Each team member in order to get the weekly team bonus points must all log every day and not go over their target calories and log at least 64 oz. of water each day. If each team member does this all 6 days your team will be awarded 5 Bonus Points.

    Take a look at these, and let me know if you have questions. (Remember I'll post more videos tomorrow). You only pick one series to do (either complete the pygmy challenge for that day, or complete the bushmen challenge for that day), you are not required to do both (though you certainly can try).

    If you miss a daily exercise you can make up for it as long as you do so the same week. So if you have a bad day, regroup and double up-do them the next day along with that day's challenge.

    I will post again later with some additional advice, as well as instructions for check-in and points.

    Reminder, those of you who haven't done so please get me your starting weight ASAP. I will reply to your email so you know I've received it.
  • tanisha1990
    Ok this may sound really silly but how a i ment to logg in the dayily and weekly challanges??
    I already logg my workouts that i do and the amount of food and water i have but im a bit lost with the challanges :s
    Also where it says not to go over you target cals does that mean the 1200 that im aloud or does that include the extra that you earn if you have workedout???
    Sorry i probs sound really dump at the moment
    Tanisha x
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Who else is doing bushmen?

    Also why is it tracking 6 days and not 7? Do we get a day off from logging in?
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    Question time...
    Ok this may sound really silly but how a i ment to logg in the dayily and weekly challanges??
    I already logg my workouts that i do and the amount of food and water i have but im a bit lost with the challanges :s
    Also where it says not to go over you target cals does that mean the 1200 that im aloud or does that include the extra that you earn if you have workedout???
    Sorry i probs sound really dump at the moment
    Tanisha x

    These aren't dumb at all! I'm glad you asked. I want to make sure everything is clear before we start.

    As far as logging goes, it's referring to your normal logging of food, water, and exercise here on MFP. This way you can keep track of what days you are under, and what days you drank the proper amount of water etc.

    Staying under your calories just means not going into the red. If you are allowed 1200, stay under 1200. If you work out that day and are "given" an extra 350 calories, then you need to stay under 1550. Does that make sense?? Let me know if you have any other questions!
    Who else is doing bushmen?

    Also why is it tracking 6 days and not 7? Do we get a day off from logging in?

    I'll probably start out completing the pygmy challenges and trying out some of the bushmen exercises.

    Personally I would suggest logging every day. However, for the challenge Sunday is a day of rest and there are no points awarded for Sunday. So that's why is says 6 instead of 7.

    Keep the questions coming everyone. Let's make sure we are all clear about the challenges so we can concentrate on kicking their butts when the challenge starts Thursday!
  • tanisha1990
    ok thank yo its starting to make more sence to me
    So with the daily challanges and weekly ones do we logg them?? If so will the exercises come up when typed in and the amut of cals burned or do we just have to say that we have done them??
    Thank you x
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    ok thank yo its starting to make more sence to me
    So with the daily challanges and weekly ones do we logg them?? If so will the exercises come up when typed in and the amut of cals burned or do we just have to say that we have done them??
    Thank you x

    Another good question. I'll be posting more instructions later tonight about how we will do check-ins. That post should answer your question! Let me know later if it doesn't make sense!
  • ZannahDia
    Who else is doing bushmen?

    Also why is it tracking 6 days and not 7? Do we get a day off from logging in?

    I will be doing bushmen!
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    Ok, here are the check-in instructions for this challenge.

    -You will need to get me your starting weight no later than Thursday (Sept 1).

    -Each Sunday you will need to send me your current weight. Your total weight, NOT lbs lost or % lost. I will be tracking everything in a spreadsheet with the formulas already entered. As a team we will receive points for the % of weight you have lost.

    -When you send your weight on Sunday, you will also tell me if you did each daily challenge. If you missed days, remember you can make them up before check-in on Sunday...otherwise they count as missed days. If EVERYONE on the team does ALL of the daily exercises, our team will get bonus points.

    -You will also let me know if you have completed the weekly challenge. These consist of exercise and non-exercise goals. Again if EVERYONE on the team does ALL of these, our team will get bonus points.

    -So on Sunday's send me a message like this:

    CW: ### lbs
    Daily: # of days completed/6 (this week will be out of 3)
    Weekly: I completed the weekly challenge (or didn't, depending on what you did)

    I'll put all of that into the spreadsheet and calculate our points. Remember I will always reply to the message to show you that I got it. If you don't receive a reply by the next day, send it again.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: I will not be going and hunting everyone's numbers down. On Mondays I will post in the forum a list of who is missing but other than that I won't go bugging people. It's up to you to report them. If I don't get them, they don't get entered. If you are going to be out of town, or without access to a computer...just let me know ahead of time so we can work something out.

    Also, though the final check-in each week will be by sending me a message...we should all still be active in the forum. Post about your progress, struggles, etc. We are here to support one another! Seeing you kill these challenges will motivate others to do theirs, and when someone is struggling we can encourage them to keep going or give some helpful advice.

    Let me know if you have any questions about the check-ins!!!
  • tanisha1990
    thank you babybluz33 all makes sence to me now :)
    you have been a star for sorting all of this out and i cant thank you enough
    Im really excited about doing all of this and cant wait to start and see everyones progress
    One more question was just wondering do we have a group challange this week??
    Tanisha x
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    thank you babybluz33 all makes sence to me now :)
    you have been a star for sorting all of this out and i cant thank you enough
    Im really excited about doing all of this and cant wait to start and see everyones progress
    One more question was just wondering do we have a group challange this week??
    Tanisha x

    Yep, there will always be a weekly challenge. This week is starting out simple:


    Week One Weekly Team Challenge (BOTH PYGMY AND BUSHMEN)

    Each team member in order to get the weekly team bonus points must all log every day and not go over their target calories and log at least 64 oz. of water each day. If each team member does this all 3 days your team will be awarded 5 Bonus Points.

    And you're welcome, I'm glad it worked out and you all could be on my team!!!! I"m really excited!
  • bens_mommy
    bens_mommy Posts: 219
    babybluz33, thank you so much for all of the effort you're putting into all of this! I can't wait! I'll send you my weight tomorrow so it's more accurate. :drinker:
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Thank you very much for all the work you've done babybluz33.

    I think (read: hope) this is my last question. It says 6 days, can the seventh (or in this week's case, fourth) rest day be any day of the week or does it have to be Sunday? I have the same question regarding the weekly challenge. Thanks again.
  • AMKL2007
    You did send everyone the link. My error for not saving the link.

    I can maneuver around now.


    Ann Marie
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    In honor of our coming challenge, I'm going to point you all to some very pertinent scientific evidence that will help us in reaching our goals and in more accurately recording the events of each day:
    (Please note, while there are no graphic images or anything at this link, there is text activities. If this would offend you please don't click the link and get mad at me!)

    September's going to be a fun month...the 50 globe jumps are going to be brutal after 50 mountain climbers, at least wood chops break it up.

    Good luck everyone!
  • ZannahDia
    So excited about starting the challenge tomorrow!!!!
  • tanisha1990
    Sooo Team Nanoose tomorrow is the day when the challenge begins :)
    I just want to say good luck to everyone and I hope you all keep posting on here so we can help each other out and give support and motivation to one another
    Lets get ready to lose the pounds and kick septembers butt!!!!

    Tanisha x
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    Special Note about the BUSHMEN SERIES (from Gary's posts/other forums):

    We will be utilizing (HIIT) High Impact Interval Training along with TABATA Training**. A tabata timer will be provide for free in the future via mp3 file. This will be a free download and can help your teammates stay on the tabata cycle. Tabata training is a 20 second intense workout with a 10 second break over 4 exercises and then you repeat for a total of 4 minutes. It is designed to increase aerobic and anaerobic conditioning. You can google and read more about Tabata training.

    Another Bushmen series exercise program we will utilize is Wildman Training. This uses primarily bodyweight exercises to help tone, burn and shape our new bodies.

    ** Tabata training is designed to push the cardiovascular portion of your body to new levels. If you suffer from heart problems please check with your physician before attempting. This style of training puts the heart into a high workout in a very short time. If at any time you feel dizzy, stressed and have numbness or tingling immediately stop and seek medical assistance.

    I'll post any information I get as it comes in! So BUSHMEN, go check out your challenges for this week again now that you have this information. They are all to be done quickly back-to-back.

    Now question time...
    I think (read: hope) this is my last question. It says 6 days, can the seventh (or in this week's case, fourth) rest day be any day of the week or does it have to be Sunday? I have the same question regarding the weekly challenge. Thanks again.

    Since you can make up missed days (as long as it's before check-in) then yes you can choose a different rest day. For example, you decide to skip Friday for whatever reason (sick, out of town, whatever), then you have up until Sunday night to get Friday's exercises done. Just be sure to keep track of what you do, and report it at the check-in. HOWEVER, for logging food/calories tracking/non-exercise related stuff/etc. please keep Sunday as your off day (though you should be logging everyday anyway). Since we check-in Sunday I'd prefer everyone to be able to have everything logged before sending me all their info. This should keep things current and get rid of any check-ins sent before the day is over ("I'll send this check-in message now at 6pm and I'll just finish my water, or make sure I'm under calories later"). I don't think that was the clearest way to explain that so please let me know if it was confusing. [Also, I loved that link you posted!!]

    If you guys have any other questions, let me know!!! Get ready for the big day tomorrow!
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    Ok, I need a couple of starting weights from Ann Marie and Ashley. Send me a message with those ASAP.

    A slight modification to the check-in. The way the spreadsheet is set up I will enter 1 point for each day you complete. So, if you miss any days please let me know which day it was (day1, day 3, so on). It will be easier for me to keep track.

    Since we start tomorrow, please go back through my posts on the forum and make sure everything makes sense. Let me know if you have any questions so I can answer them before we start!
  • bens_mommy
    In honor of our coming challenge, I'm going to point you all to some very pertinent scientific evidence that will help us in reaching our goals and in more accurately recording the events of each day:
    (Please note, while there are no graphic images or anything at this link, there is text activities. If this would offend you please don't click the link and get mad at me!)

    September's going to be a fun month...the 50 globe jumps are going to be brutal after 50 mountain climbers, at least wood chops break it up.

    Good luck everyone!

    Hahaha I had forgotten about this! Thanks for sharing! :laugh: