I am tired of being fat.

I weigh 345 lbs. A few months ago I dropped from 360 to 345 by watching my calorie intake, but I didn't stick to my goal and just kinda homeostasis-ed at 345. I'm using this app this time because I want to incorporate working out instead of just lowering calorie intake. If anyone has any advice I would be more than happy to hear it :) thanks for the help.


  • giancarlov1191
    giancarlov1191 Posts: 493 Member
    Consistent caloric deficit is still going to be what results in weight loss, so keep at it, slow and steady
  • BrettNS
    BrettNS Posts: 41 Member
    edited October 2019
    Having a group of friends has helped motivate me. I'm only in a month this time around but feel free to Add me.
  • jojodc1222
    jojodc1222 Posts: 4 Member
    You are not alone...and you can do it.. Add me as well.. We can help, check in and motivate each other..you got this💪💪💪
  • mholl15
    mholl15 Posts: 139 Member
    you know what works, my only advice is to stick with it because results are not that far away, feel free to connect
  • Deanner03
    Deanner03 Posts: 371 Member
    I started out with a goal to lose 100lbs. I’ve lost just shy of 90 now. It’s not always been pretty, and I’ve struggled with consistency lately. Feel free to add me.
  • ohortert14
    ohortert14 Posts: 42 Member
    Yepp that’s calorie deficit is the way to go but adding in some cardio work won’t hurt either and will make your heart stronger. Good Luck and feel free to add me as well. Friends on here really help.
  • MelindaTat
    MelindaTat Posts: 84 Member
    Welcome and good luck. Happy to be friends and share the support too.
  • mayrhodes
    mayrhodes Posts: 2 Member
    First off, 15 lbs is a great start! My tips are drink lots of water, take a multi vitamin daily. I do better if I eat the same type of breakfast daily so at least one meal is set. For me that is a protein shakes with cold coffee, a frozen banana, and chocolate protein powder. Protein rich foods keep me from being too hungry. Saturday I have a cheat meal, usually Mexican and I allow myself alcohol on Saturday. Good luck!
  • Tangx63
    Tangx63 Posts: 1 Member
    What worked for me during my weight plateau (it’s really unmotivating when this happens) is to increase caloric intake to your maintaining level instead of your deficit for a week. Also when I was really heavy and unable to run, I walked for a good 30 minutes each day Monday- Friday. And by walking I mean a good brisk pace that should get you out of breath a bit. Then I went back to caloric deficit.
    Your body is like a smart machine. It will get used to lower energy levels and adapt. Which in result in maintaining same body weight even with a deficit.
    But my recommendation for exercise is start off walking for 30 min. When that gets easy, try jogging and/or add light resistance training 3x week or make your walks longer.
    But don’t give up. You are doing great.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    Tangx63 wrote: »
    What worked for me during my weight plateau (it’s really unmotivating when this happens) is to increase caloric intake to your maintaining level instead of your deficit for a week. Also when I was really heavy and unable to run, I walked for a good 30 minutes each day Monday- Friday. And by walking I mean a good brisk pace that should get you out of breath a bit. Then I went back to caloric deficit.
    Your body is like a smart machine. It will get used to lower energy levels and adapt. Which in result in maintaining same body weight even with a deficit.
    But my recommendation for exercise is start off walking for 30 min. When that gets easy, try jogging and/or add light resistance training 3x week or make your walks longer.
    But don’t give up. You are doing great.

    While it is recommended to take maintenance breaks during any long period of weight loss, and it is important to occasionally reset your stats to lower your calorie goal as you lose weight, your body will not all of a sudden "adapt" and stop losing weight if you are actually at a deficit. It is perfectly normal to have a couple of weeks here or there where you don't see weight loss on the scale, and often people think that what they did to "break the plateau" worked, when really you were going to start losing again at that point anyway.

  • amy19355
    amy19355 Posts: 805 Member
    Consistent caloric deficit is still going to be what results in weight loss, so keep at it, slow and steady

    ^ this.

    adding workouts is good for strength, flexibility, and heart health. There are approximately 3500 calories in a pound of fat. What kind of work out is going to give you that kind of calorie burn on a regular basis?

    You already stated that you didn't stick to the goal that allowed you to lose the weight in the beginning. Go back to doing what you proved to yourself that works.

    Here's an informative article that discusses calorie deficits. https://www.aworkoutroutine.com/how-many-calories-in-a-pound/

    THere aren't any shortcuts, but the journey is worth it. good luck to you!
  • ekim2016
    ekim2016 Posts: 1,199 Member
    edited October 2019
    I put a el blobbo photo of me in shorts on my refrigerator and must see it every time I go near the door. That is enough to scare me into staying on track...
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    I did both - gradually decreased my caloric intake based on the MFP model of ~1 lb/week and gradually increased my activity.

    I set a large goal - to lose 60 lbs in a year and set a number of smaller goals in support of this along the way. I started a program similar to C25K and took it slow to make sure I didn't injure myself and set myself up for failure.

    I never set up something I wasn't going to stick with long term. I made small changes, but built habits and behaviors around these to make sure these stuck for the long haul.

  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    Welcome and congratulations on your loss of 15 lbs! Might not seem like alot but it's a great start. I am especially impressed that you kept it off even though you hit a rough patch. Lots of good advice here but what I would say is don't overdo it at the beginning. That's what makes people give up. Work at a deficit and I like what @Tangx63 says about walking. That's what I did and I lost 100 lbs. Take your time and work up to more time and a faster pace. If you like the gym that's great but if you hate it you won't stick with it. Most of weight loss happens in the kitchen anyway. Keep coming back and check out the Large Losers group. Lots of men on that one who started around the same weight as you and are being successful. https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/133315-larger-losers
  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    ekim2016 wrote: »
    I put a el blobbo photo of me in shorts on my refrigerator and must see it every time I go near the door. That is enough to scare me into staying on track...

    ROFL. Oh dear.
  • JBanx256
    JBanx256 Posts: 1,477 Member
    welcome & good luck!
  • SageJJ93
    SageJJ93 Posts: 96 Member
    I've been on here since January. I began at 315.1lbs, now I'm at 230! I have incorporated small exercises, but nothing MAJOR. So that loss is like 95% calorie deficit ONLY. I am like small walks, yoga, and I dabble with fasting 😎 I sent you a request!😁
  • donnadee1984
    donnadee1984 Posts: 46 Member
    Deanner03 wrote: »
    I started out with a goal to lose 100lbs. I’ve lost just shy of 90 now. It’s not always been pretty, and I’ve struggled with consistency lately. Feel free to add me.

    Hey can you add me please. X
  • Wycaoak
    Wycaoak Posts: 26 Member
    I am getting started and have 250 to lose. If you would like a cheering section, feel free to add me, and we'll each knock "being fat" to the curb. You got this!