Less Alcohol - NOVEMBER 2019 - One Day at a Time



  • tracybear86
    tracybear86 Posts: 163 Member
    I don't drink every night but feel like I drink more than I should on the weekends and I think it's hindering my progress on the last 10 pounds. I am going for No Drink November to see if it improves my progress and how I feel overall. So far I am 7/7 AF but only 1 weekend down. :#
    I am wondering if anyone who has done an alcohol free month and then returned to drinking noticed a difference in your ability to moderate your drinking or if you just went back into your normal routine?
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,626 Member
    My goal is 16-20 AF days for the month.
    I didn't get there in October, ended up with 10 or 11AF days. Daily drinking is so very easy to slip back into!

    November 01 - AF - Really felt like having drinks, but didn't.
    November 02 - AF - Worked my *kitten* off in the yard and again really wanted drinks afterward. But didn't.
    November 03 - 3 drinks hours ago at a friend's place. Not planned. My plan is for drinks on Tuesdays and either Saturday OR Sunday, although I have two theatre outings (involving wine) on Thursdays this month, but will try to keep it to 2-3 days per week.
    OMG, just discovered what "kitten" is!! I have asked people what that meant and didn't get a reply. I see that what I wrote in my last post got rewritten as "kitten". Hahaha : - )
    November 04 - AF
    November 05 - 3 drinks. Actually, I haven't had any at all yet, but unbelievably just finished work - I was up at 4am and it was a very long grueling day. Definitely going to have some food and some cocktails. I will be happy to stick to my plan of drinks on Tuesdays and one or two other days of the week. October turned into almost drinks every day again. I feel like I am back on track to moderate, definitely glad to allow myself Tuesdays, they are a bit *kitten* ridiculous. Wrote that just to test the kitten thing lol.
    November 06 - AF - Not difficult at all. That gives me 4 AF for the 1st week so far, going to try for 5.
    November 07 - Not a planned drink day at all. I pulled something in my back this morning during a simple workout, this has never happened. I still had to go into the field and do a whole bunch of jobs (including lifting, bending, pushing, pulling, and as it turns out screaming in pain). I had hurt knees this past week and couldn't even skate...only 59, like seriously? Anyway, having a couple of drinks, after the first one I relaxed quite a bit, on the second now. I have some of that icy hot stuff on and bought some robax-type stuff which should be interesting on top of alcohol. I am an active girl, being sidelined from activity is not my jam nor good for my mental/emotional/physical health. No doubt alcohol is probably not the answer, but for now it has relaxed my back a little.
    November 08 - AF. Definitely thought about having at least 1/2 glass of wine to soothe me, but had Bengal spice tea instead which was soothing. Hurting unit today, good thing that it is the weekend and I can take it easy and rest.

    Running tally 5AF days out of 8 days so far.
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,626 Member
    Womona wrote: »
    Sorry to hear about your back @dawnbgethealthy ! Hope it heals well and quickly. Meanwhile it stinks to be sidelined when you’re so active. I hear ya!

    I love that so many people have joined this thread! Yes it is possible to not be a daily drinker anymore, and to sub out drinks after sports leagues with a non alcoholic one. Love seeing that others figures this out too! (Sorry for no individual tags! )

    Thanks @Womona
    Took a Robax type of thing last night so at least I slept, but haven't been able to move much at all today.
  • anglilacs
    anglilacs Posts: 165 Member
    Had fun going out last night. Had two drinks at the restaurant and then poured myself another when I got home. I didn’t even take a sip of the drink. Just set it in my bedside table and fell asleep. :)

    @fitand50inSD - nice job! I know you were aiming for an AF month but you have done amazing for only having 2 AF days out of 39!!

    7/8 AF for me

    next planned drinking day is Monday at book club.
  • whitpauly
    whitpauly Posts: 1,483 Member
    I don't drink every night but feel like I drink more than I should on the weekends and I think it's hindering my progress on the last 10 pounds. I am going for No Drink November to see if it improves my progress and how I feel overall. So far I am 7/7 AF but only 1 weekend down. :#
    I am wondering if anyone who has done an alcohol free month and then returned to drinking noticed a difference in your ability to moderate your drinking or if you just went back into your normal routine?

    Some people feel like their tolerance lowers after some time off and drink less, others (like me) pick up right where they left off and sometimes more I think it just depends on the person 🤷 6:44 in Vegas another 24 💖
  • yamabachi
    yamabachi Posts: 273 Member
    Nov 1 AF
    Nov 2 AF
    Nov 3 AF
    Nov 4 AF
    Nov 5 3 drinks! Always happens when we go to the movies.
    Nov 6 AF. I smelled the wine hubs was drinking and was envious. Then I remembered this challenge. It really helped to strengthen my resolve. Thanks, y'all
    Nov 7 AF
    Nov 8 AF Was tempted while watching TV and saw people drinking wine with dinner on the show. Starting to realize that I'm easily triggered. Helps to have pre-made cold-brew green tea in the fridge pre-portioned in individual sized (pint) mason jars. I can just grab one when I get the urge to drink.

    My mini-goal over the next several days is to make it 7 days AF, based on @Womona 's post about it taking 7 days for your body to detoxify. (Thanks for the tip!)
  • ducky133
    ducky133 Posts: 82 Member
    Great job on the 10 days. So sorry to hear about the mammogram results. I hope the in depth testing will be negative.
  • fitand50inSD
    fitand50inSD Posts: 166 Member
    Planning for No Drinks November following a completely Sober October.

    Oct - AF 31 of 31

    Nov 1 - AF
    Nov 2 - 2 drinks - very disappointed that I used the excuse of stress caused by working too much to break the promise I made to myself. I really wanted to continue Sober October into November.
    Nov 3 - AF
    Nov 4 - AF
    Nov 5 - AF
    Nov 6 - AF Still plugging away except for the minor slip on 11/2. I believe in the last 40 days I am AF-39 and A-1. Not too bad considering I was a daily drinker (generally 1 or 2 drinks....rarely more.) Still killing myself with work, but have only turned to alcohol once.
    Nov 7 - AF
    Nov 8 - 2 oz vodka, 5 oz wine (running tally since Oct 1 AF-37, A-2
    Nov 9 - AF
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,626 Member
    My goal is 16-20 AF days for the month.
    I didn't get there in October, ended up with 10 or 11AF days. Daily drinking is so very easy to slip back into!

    November 01 - AF - Really felt like having drinks, but didn't.
    November 02 - AF - Worked my *kitten* off in the yard and again really wanted drinks afterward. But didn't.
    November 03 - 3 drinks hours ago at a friend's place. Not planned. My plan is for drinks on Tuesdays and either Saturday OR Sunday, although I have two theatre outings (involving wine) on Thursdays this month, but will try to keep it to 2-3 days per week.
    OMG, just discovered what "kitten" is!! I have asked people what that meant and didn't get a reply. I see that what I wrote in my last post got rewritten as "kitten". Hahaha : - )
    November 04 - AF
    November 05 - 3 drinks. Actually, I haven't had any at all yet, but unbelievably just finished work - I was up at 4am and it was a very long grueling day. Definitely going to have some food and some cocktails. I will be happy to stick to my plan of drinks on Tuesdays and one or two other days of the week. October turned into almost drinks every day again. I feel like I am back on track to moderate, definitely glad to allow myself Tuesdays, they are a bit *kitten* ridiculous. Wrote that just to test the kitten thing lol.
    November 06 - AF - Not difficult at all. That gives me 4 AF for the 1st week so far, going to try for 5.
    November 07 - Not a planned drink day at all. I pulled something in my back this morning during a simple workout, this has never happened. I still had to go into the field and do a whole bunch of jobs (including lifting, bending, pushing, pulling, and as it turns out screaming in pain). I had hurt knees this past week and couldn't even skate...only 59, like seriously? Anyway, having a couple of drinks, after the first one I relaxed quite a bit, on the second now. I have some of that icy hot stuff on and bought some robax-type stuff which should be interesting on top of alcohol. I am an active girl, being sidelined from activity is not my jam nor good for my mental/emotional/physical health. No doubt alcohol is probably not the answer, but for now it has relaxed my back a little.
    November 08 - AF. Definitely thought about having at least 1/2 glass of wine to soothe me, but had Bengal spice tea instead which was soothing. Hurting unit today, good thing that it is the weekend and I can take it easy and rest.
    November 09 - 3 drinks. Can't workout or ice skate right now, my usual way of balancing. Booze probably wasn't the answer, but I had drinks and sort of numbed myself.

    Running tally 5AF days out of 9 days so far.
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,626 Member
    Oh my. How horrible to have to wait 20 days!! And then wait for results after that!
    Good for you to not drown your sorrows in alcohol.
    How scary.

    @yamabachi had some very good advice.

    I have no advice, but I do care.
    Stay strong.
  • whitpauly
    whitpauly Posts: 1,483 Member
    @LoveyChar try not to stress,I'd be worried too so me saying not to worry sounds hypocritical but know I'm thinking of you and hope everything is ok 💖 9:35 another 24 of no booze for me!
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,626 Member
    edited November 2019
    Dinner out with hubby on Friday night, had a nice glass of wine. Then he ordered a Sambuca for after dinner, and I thought that sounded good so I ordered one too. Should have just had a couple of sips of his and not ordered one. I was expecting the usual small glass. Nope- this was a huge pour! There was no way I was going to finish it. A few sips in and I realized it could make me really drunk really fast, so I just left most of it.

    Like clockwork woke up at 2:00 AM and had an awful nights sleep! Ugh never again.

    Last night hosted dinner party and had only one and a half glasses, then switched to seltzer/cranberry. Feel much better! Back to AF. Still not bad, 8/10 AF days. Some kind of record for me!