TEAM BLUE- SAHM 60 day challenge....yay!



  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I did all the strength moves in 13 minutes and burned 144 more calories....whew! Total calories burned today 477!!
  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    So first of all I need to vent a little bit... So earlier this week my neighbor came by and asked if I would like to join her bootcamp group that her and her boyfriend are doing and I immediately said sure because I can take my kids. So she told me that they will be getting together at 7. Well when I got there yesterday they had already started and she was like ohhh your late. I was there right at 7pm. Not my fault they started earlier than 7 she could have said something so Im like whatever. So after we finished yesterday I made sure to ask what time they were going to be out there today and she said around 6:45pm. So I was like ok I'll be here at 6:45. Well today I had seen that they were still at home, but i figured they are probably still getting ready. So I take my kids and we walk over to the school where we exercise and I walked the trail and waited until they show up. Well they never showed up. They never came to my door or nothing. I live right next to her. She could of have came and told me that they were not going to exercise today. I dont know but I think she could have showed a little bit of common courtesy. Yea she could have came while I was over there but I highly doubt it. So I dont know if I am going to continue going since I really dont know their schedule..Soooo I'll just continue doing what I have been doing here at home think that will be best. I'm not going to count on anyone but myself....Sorry for it being so long but it just made me a little frustrated.

    Anyways on another note I did:

    Pushing or pulling stroller with child
    20mins - 58 calories burned

    Circuit training, general JM 30DS and Butt Bible Lower 1
    46mins - 428 calories burned

    Nutrition: Under calories I didnt even get up to 700, wasn't to hungry today dont know what going on
    Exercise: 50 Pushups Complete

    Hope you guys had an awesome day today!
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Sorry your neighbor was a turd! is best to depend only on yourself! I have tried to get 2 friends on here because they REALLY need to do something before its too late but have gotten them to sign up and that's it. Some people are all talk and no action! Ya got some calories burned today though so that super awesome!! Its almost the weekend, thank goodness!
  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    I know exactly what you mean. I tried getting my sis n law on here because she has been saying she's been wanting to lose weight, but still nothing. She lost a good 14lbs but I think she gained some back. They have to do it because they want to do it, ya know?! Yes I did burn some calories today! I finished level 2 of JM 30DS (its about damn time lol) today, and will be starting level 3. I cant believe I only have 10 days left. I also started doing the butt bible and man I can already tell my butt is going to be sore in the morning. I kinda dont want it to be the weekend yet. Thats when i mess up cuz the hubby is home, but he motivates me which is a good thing. I love him to pieces :love:
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I did the 30 Day Shred end of June-end of July..only lost 5lbs but lost 24 inches overall!! Is this your 1st time doing it? I have so much more strength and endurance since then! I did Jillian Michales "No More Trouble Zones" tues and my *kitten* and legs are still sore.....feels like it did the first couple of days of the "Shred"...takes me a while to walk downstairs!! :bigsmile: I wanna burn as much as possible for this weeks challenge so this pain best subside by 2mrrw! Think I may do this again 2mrrw if my baby allows me to for this long....about oldest usually entertains her but thats a long time and she is a momma's girl!! So here's a hoping!! I wanna drop some poundage this week!!
  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    Well back in feb i did only lvl 1 for like 4 weeks only because it was on free on demand..since starting mfp i thought it be best just to buy it..I wanna burn alot 2 since I didnt really burn anything last week because of school. Now that my daughter is in school and my class is over I have me time sort of. My son is still here but I'm trying to exercise before he wakes up and he sleeps alot. But he wont really bother me too too much if spongebob is on or if my hubby is awake to distract him. My son is such a mama's boy.. I cant even go to the restroom without him being there. I'm like omg can I use the restroom in peace geez. lol He cries so hard if I dont let him in. I really want to drop some pounds too. School starts back up for me again on Monday. I'm so excited..So I'm going to figure out my schedule and see what works and go from there.
  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    Oh I was going to ask, You have a HRM, right? What kind is it? and about how much did u pay? Ive been wanting to get one to see where i'm actually at.
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    "No More Trouble Zones" today...50 minutes...665 calories!!! I pushed thru eventhough I was still sore from tues!!

    Jennifer....I got a MIO watch from Best Buy and I think it was $65. Everyone suggest getting one with a chest-strap one but I sweat WAY too much and didnt want to be uncomfortable. I think $65 was well worth it...I didnt want to pay ike $100...not in the budget!! :)

    Calories Burned:
  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    Done for tonight. Not going to log lunch or dinner. I feel really good about my workout tonight. I really didnt want to do JM 30DS since I had already did Butt Bible level 1 upper, and walked for a good 30 mins, but I ended up doing it anyways. YAyyyy!!

    Walking, 3.5 mph, brisk pace

    30mins - 133 calories burned

    Circuit training, general JM 30DS level 3 day 1 and butt bible level 1 upper

    46mins - 428 calories burned

    Have 9 more days left of JM 30DS!
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Yesterday was my day off from exercise.....and logging cuz I had a bday party to attend and that's just to hard to log without measure stuff out! Today may be the same as I have a baby shower....but I squeezed a small workout in and might go for a walk this evening with the fam.

    20 minutes of 10 Minute Soulutions- Buns and Thighs 217 calories burned
  • mlpaint
    mlpaint Posts: 85 Member
    This should be fun! I have been sick (still kinda am) all week so I am way behind. I'm lucky I was able to get my walks in. So tonight I will be doing all of this
    25 hip flexor
    50 pushups
    50 bike crunches
    50 bridges
    I figure I can break them up and get in a super burn :)
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Melanie....I did mine all at once earlier last week...wasn't so bad!! Feel better girly!! So after being naughty this weekend...I am back on track!!!

    Cardio: Resculpt.......42minutes= 445 calories burned!!

    Calories Burned:
  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    Yesterday's Exercise:
    Circuit training, general: JM 30DS level 3 Day 2 and Butt Bible Level 1 Lower
    46 mins - 428 Calories Burned
    Kickboxing (including Turbo Jam)
    20 mins - 244 calories burned

    672 total calories burned

    Today's Exercise:
    Circuit training, general: JM 30DS level 3 Day 3 and Butt Bible Level 1 Upper
    46 mins - 428 Calories Burned

    428 total calories burned

    I also finished all exercises for this week as well.

    Emotional Challenge: My moment of clarity was when my size 11 pants/shorts were starting to fit really tight. That made say to myself enough is enough; there was no way I was going to go any higher in size. It helps me because I know I dont want to be in that place again. I want to be where I feel good about myself. I'm not saying I want to be super duper skinny I want to be healthy and when I look at myself in the mirror I want to like what I see. When I go shopping I dont want to be disappointed when I try something on and it does not fit or doesnt fit right because of my weight.
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Happy Tuesday gals!! Are we ready to tally our points up and weigh-in 2mrrw????

    Today: Jillian Michaels "No More Trouble Zones"......50 minutes- 603 calories burned

    Cardio: Exceeded my goal of 2600 calories this week = 1pt
    Strength: Completed all strength moves in one day!! =7 pts
    Food: was under for all designated days =7pts
    Emotional: did this earlier in the week = 1pt

    Total points for me.....16 pts
    If any of us completes all of one challenge our team gets a point
    Post a picture for this week: 1pt
    Let's get in gear ladies!!!
    Remeber to fill in the spreadsheets also!!

    Calories Burned:
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Cardio: Exceeded my goal of 2600 calories this week = 1pt
    Strength: Completed all strength moves =7 pts
    Food: was under for all designated days =7pts
    Emotional: did this earlier in the week = 1pt
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Cardio: Exceeded my goal of 2600 calories this week = 1pt
    Strength: Completed all strength moves in one day!! =7 pts
    Food: was under for all designated days =7pts
    Emotional: did this earlier in the week = 1pt

    Total points for me.....16 pts
    If any of us completes all of one challenge our team gets a point
    Post a picture for this week: 1pt
    Let's get in gear ladies!!!
    Remeber to fill in the spreadsheets also!!

    Stacey= 16pts
    Devin= 16pts
    Jennifer= 16pts

    Calories Burned:
  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    Cardio: Exceeded my goal of 3000 calories this week = 1pt
    Strength: Completed all strength moves =7 pts
    Food: was under for all designated days =7pts
    Emotional: did this yesterday = 1pt

    Total Points= 16pts
  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    Cardio: Exceeded my goal of 2600 calories this week = 1pt
    Strength: Completed all strength moves in one day!! =7 pts
    Food: was under for all designated days =7pts
    Emotional: did this earlier in the week = 1pt

    Total points for me.....16 pts
    If any of us completes all of one challenge our team gets a point
    Post a picture for this week: 1pt
    Let's get in gear ladies!!!
    Remeber to fill in the spreadsheets also!!

    Stacey= 16pts

    Calories Burned:
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    If any of us completes all of one challenge our team gets a point
    Post a picture for this week: 1pt
    Let's get in gear ladies!!!
    Remeber to fill in the spreadsheets also!!

    Stacey= 16pts

    Team Points:

    Calories Burned:
    Jennifer= I just edited mine to add you...haha!!
  • mlpaint
    mlpaint Posts: 85 Member
    Cardio: Exceeded my goal of 4500 calories this week = Missed
    Strength: Completed all strength moves in one day!! =7 pts ( I did as well, it's a good workout!)
    Food: =5pts
    Emotional: did this earlier in the week = 1pt

    Total points for me.....13 pts
    If any of us completes all of one challenge our team gets a point
    Post a picture for this week:0
    Let's get in gear ladies!!!
    Remeber to fill in the spreadsheets also!!

    Stacey= 16pts
    Melanie= 13pts (I feel awful... I've been under the weather and so has my son this week. Sorry ladies :( )

    Calories Burned: