Thanksgiving Challenge - 08/17-11/23 // (CLOSED GROUP)



  • jrnygirl
    jrnygirl Posts: 183 Member
    Hope you have all survived through Week 2....
    We weigh ourselves again tomorrow. I must say I'm not looking forward to it. Daughter and I did some fatty-food binging this weekend and needless to say, I highly doubt I will see a loss for this week.
    I'll admit that it is a minor setback, but sometimes we have those now and then. All we can do is pick ourselves back up, dust off the grime and get back into the game.
    We still have two more weeks before we measure again. So if you've encountered minor setbacks, don't worry. We still have the ability to get back on track and see some positive numbers in our future.
  • ceh2468
    ceh2468 Posts: 9
    i think i want to try out the 30ds. i have to try to get up and do it before work because when i get home there is no way i have time to do it! but i have been trying to get up and i am so dead in the morning! i need motivtion! kick it in high gear!!!
  • shauna121211
    shauna121211 Posts: 575 Member
    i think i want to try out the 30ds. i have to try to get up and do it before work because when i get home there is no way i have time to do it! but i have been trying to get up and i am so dead in the morning! i need motivtion! kick it in high gear!!!

    I'm going to try to do mine in the morning as well! I'll motivate you! :D
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    i think i want to try out the 30ds. i have to try to get up and do it before work because when i get home there is no way i have time to do it! but i have been trying to get up and i am so dead in the morning! i need motivtion! kick it in high gear!!!

    I'm going to try to do mine in the morning as well! I'll motivate you! :D

    I guess if I am gonna do it - I need to hit the store tomorrow :)
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    Good luck on the 30DS everyone! I can't do it myself but I look forward to hearing how it's going for you.

    I think I may have lost a couple of pounds this week, but I at salt today, so I hope that doesn't mess up my weigh-in tomorrow.

    I'm going on vacation for 9 days starting Sept 1. I plan to eat well, but there will be a birthday dinner in there somewhere, so I have to plan for that. I'll still be online everyday to check in with everyone.

    Best of luck on your weigh-in tomorrow!
  • Seagazer
    Seagazer Posts: 66
    Well my weigh in wasn't what I hoped for- but some of that could be down to TOM.
    My measurements are dropping steadily though, so that's a good sign. I have walked more in the past few weeks than I can remember.

    My goal for next week is to eat clean.

    I hope you all see the numbers decreasing when you weigh in today!
  • Hey everyone! So my weigh-in for this week is 165 pounds. Lost 1 pound! Not tons, but at least its a loss. I hope everyone's weigh-ins go well, but if they don't remember this is a fresh week coming up and you can turn it around with some good eating habits and exercise!

    Happy Wednesday!
  • m36an
    m36an Posts: 7
    Hi! I finally have most of my measurements!! Better late than never!
    Left Arm 13
    Right arm 13
    Waist 31 1/2
    Right thigh 25 1/4
    Left thigh 24 7/8
    Right calf 16
    Left calf 15 1/2
    Hips 44

    And my weigh in for this week is 163

    Hoping to have better weeks coming soon!

  • vdlomas
    vdlomas Posts: 36
    My weight for today is 209.8.... I'm down 1.2 lbs from last week... Yay!
  • jrnygirl
    jrnygirl Posts: 183 Member
    Today is weigh-in day.....
    Congrats to those who lost this week. I had a bingeful weekend, so needless to say I had no loss. Oh well. I have this coming week to make it up.

    How is everyone doing? Are you experiencing any struggles that maybe we can address as a group and give some helpful hints or solutions to?
  • jrnygirl
    jrnygirl Posts: 183 Member
    @m36an - I put your measurements in, but since I only have one field for arms and legs (bicep, forearm, thigh, calf), I only used your right-side measurements. Here's a few measurements that you are missing if you'd like to submit them: neck, chest, bust, forearm. If not, that's okay too!
  • AmyMW7
    AmyMW7 Posts: 364 Member
    I did great this week, but had a rough day yesterday, so the scale only says that i lost 1/2 pound.
  • tambink
    tambink Posts: 349
    I was 164 now I am 162 YAY :)
  • mdagenb
    mdagenb Posts: 49 Member
    Down to 199! Finally reached the 100's again!! woohooO! 11pounds down total! :-)
  • jrnygirl
    jrnygirl Posts: 183 Member
    @dajndae - no worries on that. any additional loss will be reflected in next week's weigh-in.

    @tambink - yay for the 2 lb loss!!

    @mdagenb - That's fantastic!
  • This mornings weight- 167.8
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    Finally broke the most recent plateau! New weight 320.4. I lost 5.8 lbs!!! :bigsmile:
  • jrnygirl
    jrnygirl Posts: 183 Member
    Way to go! Looks like we have some good weight loss that happened this past week.
    :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    Finally broke the most recent plateau! New weight 320.4. I lost 5.8 lbs!!! :bigsmile:
    Broke it? You blasted it to pieces!!! WTG
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    I am at 193 - but it's my TOM and I have stepped the exercise up which always messes with my weigh-ins.