How many # until your goal?



  • sexynurse801ms
    sexynurse801ms Posts: 37 Member
    I have 7 lbs to go to reach my first goal of 170 lbs. I've lost 33 lbs since June 20th. My ultimate goal is 150lbs which is the high end of a normal BMI.
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,051 Member
    5-15 pounds away.

    It's a very wide range because the last 6 pounds have made a massive difference in my appearance. My goal was set based on my weight in my 20's and early 30's, but I've been doing a LOT more focused weight lifting the past few years (not always consistent), and believe I may have a bit more mass than I used to carry - even though I was "strong" I didn't really do focused weight lifting back then.

    I feel like another 10 pounds sounds about right, but like I said, the last 6 was such a dramatic difference, I'm really not sure. 10 pounds would be ~3-5 over my old "happy weight." 15 would be slightly under that weight (but a weight that I always thought I looked best at), and 5 I think is a bit higher than I'll be happy with, but based on the last 6, might actually be about right.

    I'll know when my saddle bags are gone LOL.
  • wmweeza
    wmweeza Posts: 319 Member
    11 to next goal, 39 to ugw
  • rumbaimom
    rumbaimom Posts: 46 Member
    22 down and 30 to go!
  • mouser36
    mouser36 Posts: 15 Member
    I’ve lost 19.
    Want to lose 10-15 more.
  • sarko15
    sarko15 Posts: 330 Member
    I've lost 12, and have about 5 stubborn pounds left to go. Five years ago I would have been horrified to think of 140 as my goal weight, I was too intent on cardio-ing down to 115 or so, which is still healthy for my height (just shy of 5'4") but just not sustainable for me.

    I really just want to bump up to maintenance to see how that impacts my weight lifting, but I started at a pretty high body fat % and wanted to cut it down a couple of percentage points before I increased my calories.
  • whoami67
    whoami67 Posts: 297 Member
    2.4 lbs before I get to my first major goal. Then another 20 lbs.
  • ~50 hashtags
  • lgfrie
    lgfrie Posts: 1,449 Member
    edited November 2019
    Lost 64. 66 remaining to get to my original goal, and 81 to my new stretch goal of "normal' BMI.
  • foreverblissful
    foreverblissful Posts: 50 Member
    edited November 2019
    12! I’m 142 right now, the goal is 130. I started at 170 though so I’m almost there! Once I hit 130, I’m thinking about doing body recomp from there if my stomach still isn’t flat. Longer term, I may even consider gaining up to 150 in muscle mass(depending on how my body will look, I still have no idea)! Technically only a pound off from normal BMI(although I am sure I have built muscle so I am likely already at a normal “BMI” weight), but I want to have a leaner stomach and back! Also curious to see any other changes to my body, since I’ve never been “lean” or healthy always overweight!
  • gemiller87
    gemiller87 Posts: 135 Member
    edited November 2019
    20lbs to goal (335-350ish to 225) at 6'6". At 225 I will reassess. I'm thinking at 225 I will reduce the drop rate to .5-1lb a week calorie count if I feel like I still need to drop some weight but based on current condition I think 225 will be close to ideal and then put most focus in strength training.
  • foreverblissful
    foreverblissful Posts: 50 Member
    edited November 2019
    1.2lbs below my "goal". 1.8lbs until I hit my low end of my maintenance range. Now the fun part starts!

  • NicbPNW
    NicbPNW Posts: 47 Member
    I just started Monday but my goal is to lose 20#
  • Heathe_r
    Heathe_r Posts: 61 Member
    I'm 5 pounds away from my goal.
    I started at 206, and I'm currently 161.
  • tartanshep
    tartanshep Posts: 13 Member
    15lb to go ...
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,720 Member
    2.4 pounds away from my goal of 125. Those last few pounds are the hardest! Buying a food scale and being diligent about logging food and exercise have been game changers for me.
  • kymmixxx
    kymmixxx Posts: 151 Member
    5lbs to go and I'll have lost 5 stone!! I'd love to hit it b4 xmas
  • shlbyirl
    shlbyirl Posts: 42 Member