
  • sophiechaw
    sophiechaw Posts: 67 Member
    Original Start Weight (September): 215
    November Start Weight: 194.6
    November Goal Weight: 185
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 130-135

    Nov1 : 194.6
    Nov 8: 193.6 (-1 lb)
    Nov 15: 191.4 (-2.2 lb)
    Nov 22: 190.2 (-1.2 lb)
    Nov 29:
    Nov 30:
  • Kaitie9399
    Kaitie9399 Posts: 1,340 Member
    November Start Weight: 167.8
    November Goal Weight: 162
    Ultimate Goal Weight by August 2020: 135

    Nov1 : 167.8
    Nov 8: 165.6
    Nov 16: 164.2
    Nov 22: 162.6
    Nov 29:
    Nov 30:
  • TazPower229
    TazPower229 Posts: 24 Member
    November Start Weight: 229
    November Goal Weight: 225
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 200

    Nov1 : 229
    Nov 8: 232.4
    Nov 15: 227.4
    Nov 22: 229.0 (Roller Coaster Month)
    Nov 29:
    Nov 30:
  • Illusent
    Illusent Posts: 228 Member
    November Start Weight: 255
    November Goal Weight: 245
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 225

    Nov1: 255
    Nov 8: 246
    Nov 15: 245
    Nov 22: 242
    Nov 29:
    Nov 30:
  • quemalosuerte
    quemalosuerte Posts: 242 Member
    edited November 2019
    epangili wrote: Ā»
    Checking in
    Nov1 : 111.9 lbs
    Nov 8: 110.1 lbs
    Nov 15: 111.3 lbs
    Nov 22: 112.7 lbs
    Nov 29:
    Nov 30:

    Hanging my head in shame... Stress eating way too much. Missing the mark

    Youā€™re up less than a pound this month. I think youā€™re being too hard on yourself. If youā€™re experiencing unusual amounts of stress, is there someone you can talk to? Is there an activity you can participate in that relaxes you or that you enjoy? We have your back, but make sure you have your back, too.

  • epangili
    epangili Posts: 818 Member
    epangili wrote: Ā»
    Checking in
    Nov1 : 111.9 lbs
    Nov 8: 110.1 lbs
    Nov 15: 111.3 lbs
    Nov 22: 112.7 lbs
    Nov 29:
    Nov 30:

    Hanging my head in shame... Stress eating way too much. Missing the mark

    Youā€™re up less than a pound this month. I think youā€™re being too hard on yourself. If youā€™re experiencing unusual amounts of stress, is there someone you can talk to? Is there an activity you can participate in that relaxes you or that you enjoy? We have your back, but make sure you have your back, too.

    Thank you for putting it in perspective. Yes, I went to my group last night to talk about my emotional eating in celebrate recovery. I would like to exercise but can't due to the drunk driver accident till I finish physical therapy. It's a struggle for me.
  • quemalosuerte
    quemalosuerte Posts: 242 Member
    "epangili wrote:

    Thank you for putting it in perspective. Yes, I went to my group last night to talk about my emotional eating in celebrate recovery. I would like to exercise but can't due to the drunk driver accident till I finish physical therapy. It's a struggle for me.

    An activity you enjoy doesnā€™t have to be exercise. It could be putting work aside and watching a movie, going to a pottery class, sitting in a garden and writing poetry or sketching, or even taking an extra long bubble bath. Iā€™m glad you have a group you can talk to. I just donā€™t think it helps to beat yourself up about not making week to week goals.
  • epangili
    epangili Posts: 818 Member
    edited November 2019
    "epangili wrote:

    Thank you for putting it in perspective. Yes, I went to my group last night to talk about my emotional eating in celebrate recovery. I would like to exercise but can't due to the drunk driver accident till I finish physical therapy. It's a struggle for me.

    An activity you enjoy doesnā€™t have to be exercise. It could be putting work aside and watching a movie, going to a pottery class, sitting in a garden and writing poetry or sketching, or even taking an extra long bubble bath. Iā€™m glad you have a group you can talk to. I just donā€™t think it helps to beat yourself up about not making week to week goals.

    True. Although watching movies is dangerous for me in terms of mindless eating. I'm journaling my feelings but during work it's hard to find an activity I enjoy. I enjoy thrift store shopping but not motivated to do it because poundage gain. I enjoy ballroom dancing but dance partner is incapacitated like me. I enjoy kickboxing but again same reason. I enjoy hiking but same reason. I guess I need to find a new hobby... I've tried knitting and sewing but I'm gratified by instant results so not my cup of tea. I've tried painting but I'm so not artistic. I love gardening but live in a condo so no yard. Ive tried to learning guitar but not successful. Bubble baths, meh... What do you love to do to destress?