The Diamond Challenge - Shining Diamonds (Wk 2: Round 5)



  • meliturtlee
    We all know we should work out regularly in order to make a transition to a healthy life. But be honest: Do you enjoy working out? And what is your favorite workout? Can you give any tips/suggest any fun workouts for those who may still struggle with this part of getting healthy and losing weight?

    It depends. I have my days where I'm super pumped and can go longer. I also have my days where I hate every second. But the important part is, that I feel great after. I kinda like the sore feeling. I do a bootcamp. It's a small group and i love it because it's always challenging and we always do something diff. Eventually I want to start running, I love the natural high. I would suggest the buddy system would be a good motivator to get anyone going. It makes you accountable.
  • majikwon1961
    I have to be motivated to do something but once i get going I want to exercise and enjoy it. I have had my grandson for the last 8 days he went home yesterday and I can't get it together to get going.
  • nafroese
    nafroese Posts: 122 Member
    I actually love working out once I am there...I have a hard time getting motivated to start and the first 10 minutes can be a real pain but you get over that hump and often i feel like i could run for an hour after that..and by run I mean run on my elliptical because of my shin splints and knee injuries. I have always loved sports and being so big has stopped me from participating so losing it for that reason is a big motivator and makes me want to work out more! i would like to join a soccer league next spring!
  • TWood10
    TWood10 Posts: 41 Member
    Day 2 question--I love working out--only when Im done, lol. Acutally there are parts of it that i like--i enjoy when I feel stronger. I enjoy when I can see my body do the things i've always wanted it to do and never have been able to in the past. But, the first step is always a hard one--i dont WANT to get on the elliptical machine...and the first few minutes seem to be the hardest, but once i get going---i keep going at least 30 minutes---and afterwards, the sweat dripping off my face, i ALWAYS feel better about myself!
  • mom715of2
    I really dont love it or hate it. Right now I am powering walking an hour with a friend. I really enjoy that we chat the whole time and it the hour goes by. When we are done my legs are like jello, but up to the next day. Next month or two I plan on joining a gym.
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    I never enjoyed working out. Even when I was young and under weight. I always prefered to diet and be a couch potato. Now I love exercising. I am in the best shape of my life. I started using Leslie Sansone walk at home dvds. They were something I could do and stick with. 5 months later they are still my go to exercise. Now I have worked my way up to jogging, which I absolutely love. I probably shouldn't do it so much as I have had 2 surgeries on my knee and 1 on my foot. Exercising really makes me feel better and I am enjoying the look and feel of my new muscles!
  • Chirron40
    Chirron40 Posts: 169 Member
    QOTD for Day 2:
    We all know we should work out regularly in order to make a transition to a healthy life. But be honest: Do you enjoy working out? And what is your favorite workout? Can you give any tips/suggest any fun workouts for those who may still struggle with this part of getting healthy and losing weight?

    I don't enjoy most types of workouts, I never have. I do enjoy walking & hiking. A few years ago I started taking akido and loved it. It motivated me to workout on the days I didn't go to akido so I could do better in class. Unfortunately, I had to stop because of a previous neck injury.
  • psychofied
    psychofied Posts: 138
    QOTD for Day 2:
    We all know we should work out regularly in order to make a transition to a healthy life. But be honest: Do you enjoy working out? And what is your favorite workout? Can you give any tips/suggest any fun workouts for those who may still struggle with this part of getting healthy and losing weight?

    To be honest, I don't. But I enjoy walking with my headphones on. I also enjoy Badminton and Soccer but I can't play those.
  • Jycooper
    Jycooper Posts: 195
    QOTD for Day 3:

    Good morning fellow Diamonds. I am responsible for QOTD for today, wed, day#3. Hope everyones day is going well thus far.
    My question to you ladies, well its actually several questions. Do you use supplements or vitamins. If so which ones do u use and why. And if you do not why?

    I am currently taking a prenatal vitamin. No im not pregnant but i have found for myself that this multivitamin does better for my body then a regular multivitamin. I also take vitamin B12. I take the multivitamin bc it seems to give me more energy for the day and its filled with vitamins that I need that I may not necessarily be getting from the foods I eat. I take the vit B12 for added energy and to help with my metabolism.
  • Crooks0204
    Crooks0204 Posts: 189
    QOTD for Day 3:

    . Do you use supplements or vitamins. If so which ones do u use and why. And if you do not why?

    I have a medicine cabinet full of multi's, cinnamon, B-12, magnesium, etc but I have a very hard time remembering to take them!! I wish I could remember to take them daily just to balance my nutrition since I am on the run all the time. Sometimes I make protein shakes as a meal on the run but I don't do this very often!
  • nosugarcoating
    nosugarcoating Posts: 194 Member
    QOTD for Day 3:

    Good morning fellow Diamonds. I am responsible for QOTD for today, wed, day#3. Hope everyones day is going well thus far.
    My question to you ladies, well its actually several questions. Do you use supplements or vitamins. If so which ones do u use and why. And if you do not why?
    Excellent question. I've been meaning to blog about this on my weight loss/healthy living blog. I don't take any supplements or vitamins. Why? Why would I? When you eat healthily and keep a balanced diet you should get all the vitamins from what you eat. I think the idea of taking vitamins or supplements is something that is actually a cultural difference between Germany and the States. In Germany, it's not that common to take vitamins nor would doctors recommend it. They would recommend a balanced diet with plenty of fruit and veggies. In the States it's really unusual when you don't take any. By the way, tap water doesn't contain fluoride here either.
  • emi_esp
    emi_esp Posts: 24
    QOTD for Day 3:

    Good morning fellow Diamonds. I am responsible for QOTD for today, wed, day#3. Hope everyones day is going well thus far.
    My question to you ladies, well its actually several questions. Do you use supplements or vitamins. If so which ones do u use and why. And if you do not why?

    I used to take a general daily vitamin for women, or for weight loss, or energy or something like that. But I stopped taking them when a guy at this talk said something about not taking vitamins if you haven't talked to your doctor or examined all of the ingredients. Idk, it was one of those things where someone just expressed the things I was thinking myself. I finished up my last thing of vitamins and haven't gotten them again. I haven't noticed any decrease in my health, if anything there may have been an increase in my stamina but that could just be due to eating healthier and more strength training.

    I do sometimes think about it, I recently became vegetarian and I wonder if there are any nutrients or vitamins I'm not getting, but it something I'd like to talk to a nutritionist or doctor about first...
  • meggers123
    meggers123 Posts: 711 Member
    QOTD for Day 3:

    Good morning fellow Diamonds. I am responsible for QOTD for today, wed, day#3. Hope everyones day is going well thus far.
    My question to you ladies, well its actually several questions. Do you use supplements or vitamins. If so which ones do u use and why. And if you do not why?

    I've taken omega 3-6 and potassium for a few years, since i would get bad muscle cramps. I talked to my doctor, and he recommended it. Since I've been working out a lot and losing weight, I've also started taking iron and a mutli-vitamin. I have a pretty extensive health history, so I've talked to my GP (in the states, who I email, even though he isn't my doctor in germany- he's a family friend as well) and those are the ones he recommends. A lot of homopathic doctors recommend vitamins as preventative and curative health management. Obvious side-effect- I'm not bruising as easilly (I'm super clumsy and my legs usually look like I lost a fight with a 4 year old soccer player).
  • mom715of2
    I take a daily nutritionals vitamin with add B-12. I mainly take it for engery. I can see a difference when I don't take it. I figured that since I am just now really start to exercise I need that extra boost. Also I thought since I didnt healty that adding a vitamin might do my body good. Have A GREAT DAY SHINING DIAMONDS!!
  • majikwon1961
    All I take is a multi-vitamin. Sometimes I cant eat right so I want to get the vitamins I am missing in foods. I've considered taking more except I had my thyroid removed and when my numbers go crazy I can get sick just don't want to push it.
  • nomerebutterfly
    nomerebutterfly Posts: 62 Member
    QOTD for Day 3:

    Do you use supplements or vitamins. If so which ones do u use and why. And if you do not why?

    Nope, mostly because I am a creature of habit in the mornings (since I am a zombie -- hate mornings) and it's just not part of my routine yet. I suppose there's no down side to taking a morning vitamin supplement or two.
  • meliturtlee
    QOTD 3
    Do you use supplements or vitamins. If so which ones do u use and why. And if you do not why?

    I do not use anything actively. I do have a protien powder. O believe it's called no carb isopure or something. I'll get back to anyone if they are interested. I use it to get my protien. It can double as a meal replacement as well.
  • duqtape
    duqtape Posts: 121 Member
    I take a daily multi vitamin year round and vitamin D in the winter. It's not hard to remember since I already take meds twice a day, so I just make a handful and toss 'em down.
  • Chirron40
    Chirron40 Posts: 169 Member
    QOTD 3
    Do you use supplements or vitamins. If so which ones do u use and why. And if you do not why?

    No, I have bought a few things and tried them but I can never remember to take them on a consistant basis.
  • nafroese
    nafroese Posts: 122 Member
    I do not take vitamins or supplements through the summer as my family and I spend a lot of time outside and eat mostly from our own garden and fruit tress. Through the winter when we are eating more frozen vegetables and store bought products and seeing less sun I do take a vitamin C, fish oil, and one or two others that is a prepackeaged thing for women through Nutrilife.