

  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    edited December 2019



    πŸπŸ‚I can do this! I am worth this! πŸ‚πŸ

    Sept 02: __ 193.6
    Sept 09: __ 189.1 __ -4.5
    Sept 16: __ 187.2 __ -6.4
    Sept 23: __ 190.2 __ -3.4 😝
    Sept 30: __ 184.9 __ -8.7 πŸ˜€

    Sept Goal: ___ 190.0
    Sept Actual: __ 184.9

    Oct 07: __ 184.8
    Oct 14: __ 183.3 __ -1.5
    Oct 21: __ 185.4 __ +0.6 😝
    Oct 28: __ 183.9 __ -0.9

    Oct Goal: ___ 180.0
    Oct Actual: __ 183.9

    Nov 04: __ 181.3
    Nov 11: __ 180.1 __ -1.2
    Nov 18: __ 180.0 __ -1.3
    Nov 25: __ 182.2 __ +0.9

    Nov Goal: ___ 180.0
    Nov Actual: __ 182.2

    Dec 02: __ 182.0
    Dec 09: __
    Dec 16: __
    Dec 23: __
    Dec 30: __

    Dec Goal: ___ 177.0
    Dec Actual: __

    Challenge weight loss goal: 177.0

    Actual weight loss for the challenge:


  • brittgreenlikethecolor88

    Sept.2: 159
    Sept. 9: 159.5
    Sept.16: 158.5
    Sept.23: 157
    Sept.30: 155.5

    Sept. Goal: 155 lbs
    Sept. Actual: 155.5 lb

    Oct. 7: 154.2
    Oct. 15:153.2
    Oct. 21: 149.6
    Oct. 28: 150.6

    Oct. Goal:151.5 lb
    Oct. Actual:150.6 lb

    Nov. 4: No weigh
    Nov. 12: 148.6 lb
    Nov. 19: 153.0 lb
    Nov. 25: 148.8 lb - I'll take it I guess lol
    Nov 29: 152.4 lb

    Nov. Goal: 146 lbs
    Nov. Actual:152.4 lbs

    Dec. 2: 152.4 lbs
    Dec. 9:
    Dec. 16:
    Dec. 23:
    Dec. 30:

    Dec. Goal: 149 lb
    Dec. Actual:

    Weight lost this week: 0 lb
    Challenge Weight loss goal: 143 lb
    Actual Weight loss for the challenge: -7 lb
  • tapwaters
    tapwaters Posts: 428 Member
    STARTING WEIGHT AND DATE WITH MFP (MY FITNESS PAL): 250lbs, September 2015 - New Starting weight, 185.6, August 19, 2019.
    CHALLENGE STARTING WEIGHT: 8/23/2019: 178.6, I'd like to be 171 on Sept. 2.

    Sept.2: 174.8
    Sept. 9: 173.2
    Sept.16: 168.4
    Sept.23: 166
    Sept.30: 164

    Sept. Goal: 155
    Sept. Actual: 164

    Oct. 7: 163
    Oct. 14: 160
    Oct. 21: 159
    Oct. 28:157

    Oct. Goal: 157
    Oct. Actual: 157

    Nov. 4: 157 (took a week off while my husband was in Vegas)
    Nov. 11: 154
    Nov. 18: 153
    Nov. 25:154

    Nov. Goal: 149
    Nov. Actual:154

    Dec. 2: 156 (took Thanksgiving week off, back on track now. Revised December goal.)
    Dec. 9:
    Dec. 16:
    Dec. 23:
    Dec. 30:

    Dec. Goal: 149
    Dec. Actual:

    Weight lost this week:+2lbs
    Challenge Weight loss goal: 34lb
    Actual Weight loss for the challenge:
  • jenn990205
    jenn990205 Posts: 1,207 Member
    Hoping to reach my final goal weight by the end of this year and start to figure out maintenance. I lost just over 6 pounds in the summer challenge so the weight is coming off super slow these days, but I am ok with that. My weigh-in days are on Tuesdays. Good luck everyone!


    Sept.3: 148.7 just got back from a 4 day trip to Texas for FIL funeral. Lots of alcohol, stress, and food out.
    Sept.10: 146.5 still trying to get back down to pre-Texas weight. Haven't really been trying though.
    Sept.17: 146.3 Was much lower all week, but TOM showed up yesterday. Water retention!
    Sept.24: 144.3 started back logging and CICO last week, so this is a nice drop. 1 more week to lose a couple more pounds

    Sept. Goal: 140
    Sept. Actual: 140.9 = 9/30 weigh-in (super happy with this)

    Oct. 1: 145.9 have been super high the last couple of days. Hopefully it will come down soon
    Oct. 8: 144.9 it's movement. Have been lower all week, but this is after a 3 day weekend.
    Oct.15: 142.3 Finally some progress! Now to keep it up
    Oct. 22: 144.6 No words except for frustrating
    Oct. 29: 142.3 I am having to fight for every single ounce. I don't know if I am ever going to get below 140

    Oct. Goal: 138.5
    Oct. Actual: 140.7 = 10/31 weigh in (I lost a whole 2/10 of a pound last month)

    Nov. 5: 139.7 Finally into a new decade. I have seen this number a couple of times now this week, but it hasn't stuck yet.
    Nov. 12: 141.3 Up a little from husbands birthday celebrations last weekend. Should be back down by the end of the week
    Nov. 19: 142.0 well this is definitely going the wrong direction. Although this is my weigh-in after a much needed 3 day weekend so I can't complain to much
    Nov. 26: 137.7 This is after a week on shingle medication and not eating very well at all. Hoping now that I am off and back to normal food I don't take a huge jump up. Technically I am in maintenance though!!!

    Nov. Goal: 137 made goal, but messed up on Thanksgiving
    Nov. Actual: 139.6 11/29 weigh in

    Dec. 3: 142.2 still working on getting rid of my 5 day Thanksgiving holiday weight gain!

    Dec. 10:
    Dec. 17:
    Dec. 24:
    Dec. 33:

    Dec. Goal: 135.5
    Dec. Actual:

    Weight lost this week:
    Challenge Weight loss goal: 135-138 where ever I can get and settle comfortably (this is my final goal weight)
    Actual Weight loss for the challenge:
  • Pascooty
    Pascooty Posts: 48 Member
    HEAVIEST: 270 lbs

    Sept.2: 207.6 lbs
    Sept. 9: 206 lbs
    Sept.16: 203.8 lbs
    Sept.23: 200.4 lbs
    Sept.30: 200 lbs

    Sept. Goal: 200 lbs
    Sept. Actual: 200 lbs

    Oct. 7: 198.6 lbs
    Oct. 14: 197.8 lbs
    Oct. 21: 196.6 lbs
    Oct. 28: 193.6 lbs

    Oct. Goal: 192 lbs
    Oct. Actual: 193.2 lbs

    Nov. 4: 192.6 lbs
    Nov. 11: 192.2 lbs
    Nov. 18: 191 lbs
    Nov. 25:. 188.7 lbs

    Nov. Goal: 186 lbs
    Nov. Actual:. 188.7 lbs

    Dec. 2:
    Dec. 9:
    Dec. 16:
    Dec. 23:
    Dec. 30:

    Dec. Goal: 180 lbs
    Dec. Actual:

    Weight lost this week: 1.3 lbs
    Challenge Weight loss goal: 30 lbs
    Actual Weight loss for the challenge:
  • docbeauty1
    docbeauty1 Posts: 126 Member
    Sept. 9: on holiday

    Sept. Goal: 189.2lb ( -10lb)
    Sept. Actual:192.8lb (-6.4lb)

    Oct. 7: 189.2lb
    Oct. 14: 189.2lb
    Oct. 21: 186.8lb
    Oct. 28: 185 lb

    Oct. Goal: 182.8 (-10lb)
    Oct. Actual: 185 (7.8lb)

    Nov. 4: 185lb
    Nov. 11:187
    Nov. 18: 182.8
    Nov. 25:182.8

    Nov. Goal: 5bl
    Nov. Actual: 2.2lb

    Dec. 2: 182
    Dec. 9:
    Dec. 16:
    Dec. 23:
    Dec. 30:

    Dec. Goal: 10lb
    Dec. Actual:

    Weight lost this week: - .8lb
    Challenge Weight loss goal:
    Actual Weight loss for the challenge: -17.2lb
  • happysquidmuffin
    happysquidmuffin Posts: 651 Member
    STARTING WEIGHT & DATE WITH MFP: 205 lb 6/08/19 (highest weight before I gave birth)
    CHALLENGE START WT: 171.5 lb 8/23/19.

    Sept.2: 169.5
    Sept. 9: 168
    Sept.16: 166.5
    Sept.23: 166
    Sept.30: 162.5

    Sept. Goal: 165
    Sept. Actual: 162.5

    Oct. 7: 162
    Oct. 14: 162
    Oct. 21: 161.5
    Oct. 28: 160.5

    Oct. Goal: 162 (revised goal: 159)
    Oct. Actual: 160.5

    Nov. 4: 159
    Nov. 12: 160
    Nov. 18: 159
    Nov. 25: 158.5

    Nov. Goal: 160 (rev. goal: 157)
    Nov. 30 Actual: 157.5!!!!

    Dec. 2: 158
    Dec. 9:
    Dec. 16:
    Dec. 23:
    Dec. 30:

    Dec. Goal: 158 (rev. goal: 155)
    Dec. Actual:

    Weight lost this week: 0.5 lb
    Challenge Weight loss goal: 16.5 lb
    Actual Weight loss for the challenge: 13.5 lb

    3 lb to go!
  • yelliezx
    yelliezx Posts: 633 Member
    Challenge start weight: 206.6 (September 1, 2019)

    Sept.2: 206.5
    Sept. 9: 205.6
    Sept.16: 202.9
    Sept.23: 199.7
    Sept.30: 197.7

    Sept. Goal: 198
    Sept. Actual: 197.7

    Oct. 7: 196.2
    Oct. 14: 193.1
    Oct. 21: 191.9
    Oct. 28: 192.3

    Oct. Goal: 190
    Oct. Actual: 192.3

    Nov. 4: 193.3
    Nov. 11: 187.6
    Nov. 18: 185.7
    Nov. 25: 185.1

    Nov. Goal: 182
    Nov. Actual: 185.1

    Dec. 2: 187.5
    Dec. 9:
    Dec. 16:
    Dec. 23:
    Dec. 30:

    Dec. Goal: 176
    Dec. Actual:

    Weight lost so far this challenge: 19.1lbs
    Challenge Weight loss goal: 30lbs
    Actual Weight loss for the challenge:
  • myjourneytobefitme
    myjourneytobefitme Posts: 101 Member
    edited December 2019

    Sept.2: 149.9
    Sept. 9: 148.3

    Sept. Goal: 145
    Sept. Actual: 146.4 ( -3.5lbs this month and 16.7lbs so far since the start of my journey )

    Oct. 7 : 145.5
    Oct. 14: 143.1
    Oct. 21: 142
    Oct. 28: 140.6

    Oct. Goal: 140
    Oct. Actual: 140.6 ( -5.8lbs this month and 22.5 lbs so far since the start of my journey)

    Nov. 4: 141.7
    Nov. 11: 139.5
    Nov. 18: 137.5
    Nov. 25: 137.1

    Nov. Goal: 135
    Nov. Actual: 136.4 (-5.3 lbs this month and 27.8 lbs so far since the start of my journey )

    Dec. 2: 136.4
    Dec. 9:
    Dec. 16:
    Dec. 23:
    Dec. 30:

    Dec. Goal: 130
    Dec. Actual:

    Weight lost this week: 0.7 lbs
    Challenge Weight loss goal: 20 lbs
    Actual Weight loss for the challenge: 14.6 lbs (so far)
  • marezac6815
    marezac6815 Posts: 69 Member
    edited December 2019
    Sept.2: 204.6
    Sept. 9: 203.2
    Sept.16: 201.8
    Sept.23: 201.6
    Sept.30: 198.8

    Sept. Goal:198.0
    Sept. Actual:198.8 ( Almost) I'm Satisfied with it...

    Oct. 7: ---
    Oct. 14: 197.8
    Oct. 27: 195.4

    Oct. Goal:192.0
    Oct. Actual: 195.4

    Nov. 4: ---
    Nov. 11: 194.8
    Nov. Goal:186.0
    Nov. Actual:194.8

    Dec. 2:194.8
    Dec. 9:
    Dec. 16:
    Dec. 23:
    Dec. 30:

    Dec. Goal:180.0
    Dec. Actual:

    Weight lost this week:
    Challenge Weight loss goal: 25.6lbs.
    Actual Weight loss for the challenge
  • Pascooty
    Pascooty Posts: 48 Member
    Revised... Somehow, I missed or messed a weigh in date.

    HEAVIEST: 270 lbs

    Sept.2: 207.6 lbs
    Sept. 9: 206 lbs
    Sept.16: 203.8 lbs
    Sept.23: 200.4 lbs
    Sept.30: 200 lbs

    Sept. Goal: 200 lbs
    Sept. Actual: 200 lbs

    Oct. 7: 198.6 lbs
    Oct. 14: 197.8 lbs
    Oct. 21: 196.6 lbs
    Oct. 28: 193.6 lbs

    Oct. Goal: 192 lbs
    Oct. Actual: 193.2 lbs

    Nov. 4: 192.6 lbs
    Nov. 11: 192.2 lbs
    Nov. 18: 191 lbs
    Nov. 25:. 188.7 lbs

    Nov. Goal: 186 lbs
    Nov. Actual:. 188.7 lbs

    Dec. 2: 188 lbs
    Dec. 9:
    Dec. 16:
    Dec. 23:
    Dec. 30:

    Dec. Goal: 180 lbs
    Dec. Actual:

    Weight lost this week: 0.7 lbs
    Challenge Weight loss goal: 30 lbs
    Actual Weight loss for the challenge:
  • whitewave39
    whitewave39 Posts: 118 Member
    Posts: 35 Member

    Sept.2: 183.6
    Sept. 9: 184.6 (I believe this is actually correct...got a new scale last week, was not calibrated correctly! 😑)
    Sept.16: 184.6 ...weighed in again today (Sept. 20) scale said: 182.2!! so...I'm very happy about this! 😁 I'll try again on Mon., the 23rd...
    Sept.23: 181.6 (I am more used to weighing myself on Fridays so I will probably be posting to my updates here 2x per week...if I keep that up! So far, I'm doing OK... πŸ˜‰ ...On Friday Sept. 27 I weighed in @ 180.6.~ lost another pound!! yea!
    Sept.30: 181.6 ...Well, that's kinda disappointing! I think it's partly due to swelling in my ankles, plus extra calories yesterday, AND most of all a real lack of exercise last week! But no worries here...I've hit plateaus before! I'll just keep on keepin' on!! Here's to a better week, right?!? πŸ˜‰

    Sept. Goal: by the 30th I want to be down to 180.
    Sept. Actual: 181.6 (loss of 5.4 lbs)

    Oct 7: (will weigh in for this date when the time comes) Today, the 4th, I weighed in @ 179.6! So it pays to PAY ATTENTION,. .....right?!? LOL ....weighed in again today, Monday, the 7th ~ still @ 179.6. I was hoping to lose that ".6" over the weekend...but who can resist homemade mac'n'cheese??! Oh well...back to the treadmill...onward and downward, as they say.... πŸ’ͺ
    Oct 14: OK...so here it is, Friday 11 Oct ~ weighing in @ 177.6! lost another 2 lbs!!! 😁 See you all on Monday! ...~~ And now it's Monday the 14th, so once again....GOOD NEWS for yours truly: 176.8 lbs! I am feeling REALLY good about all this....lost 10.2 lbs, very hopeful about making my goal by the end of the year!
    Oct 21: And now, for my Friday weigh-in, I am now down another 1/2 lb: 176.2. ...very encouraging! I've lost 1.5 lbs in the past week, even tho' I have not had a chance to do any real workout in the past few days. But today will be different, I have promised myself! I am home all day so there is NO excuse! ...and I will see how Monday's results shape up... ... ... Monday, the 21st: OUCH!! Today, Monday Oct 21 ~ UP a pound. weighed in this morning @ 177.2...I knew that 2nd cupcake yesterday was a mistake, but how many times does my youngest turn 31yo, right? πŸŽ‚ ...I don't see myself making my Oct goal of 175 lbs, but we shall see...I still have over a week til then, so maybe if I FOCUS this week I can come close! (even tho next week I have my granddaughter's b*day party ~ turning 8yo, born on Halloween πŸŽƒ) ...I will be more careful...
    Oct 28: And here we are, on Friday 25 Oct, with my usual end-of-week post: This morning I came in @ 176.2 ~ so I lost that lb that was nagging at my conscience all week!! haha Big family get-together this Sunday @ my sister's house, so I will have to be especially diligent. *fingers crossed* ..... Monday, the 28th: 176.2 lbs. I am not gonna be disappointed about this ~ didn't gain, didn't lose (since Friday) and just relieved that I maintained yesterday @ the party! Only ONE slice of pizza...lol. The trouble with parties is this: the company is a delight. The food is delicious...but...I never know the count on anything!! 😱 ...but it was wonderful to see everybody! 😍 ...so I don't care lol.

    Oct goal: 175
    Oct actual: 174.4 (loss of another 7.2 lbs) πŸ˜‚

    Nov. 4: Today, Friday Nov 1 ~ weighed in this morning @ 174.4!! So I made my goal after all...and then some! It was a bit of a surprise ~ but a happy one. No one was home last night so I have no idea if we had any beggars or not...but we had no candy to give out because of other plans. And now I discovered a huge bag of leftover Halloween candy that my daughter brought home from a friend's house! I will just NOT snack too much on that. LOL ... πŸŽƒπŸ«πŸ­....And once again, it's weigh-in day: Monday Nov 4 ~ down to 173 lbs!! so happy and proud of myself (if I may be allowed to boast here LOL) ...another birthday yesterday ~ my granddaughter turned 8yo on Halloween, so once again, cupcakes & IC all around! It was lots of fun πŸ˜‚ but, remembering last week I made sure to hold back on those extra treats, and now it's paid off! kinda proud of myself .... 🀣...
    Nov 11: Today is actually Sunday Nov 10, but I'm logging in early (rather late cuz I wasn't here on Friday) but I'm still @ 173lbs. I was holding more than usual on Friday ~ actually went UP 2lbs due to not enough working out, water weight, probably those darned cupcakes sitting on the kitchen counter all week(even tho' I counted them as meals, not snacks: eat one, skip lunch πŸ˜–) ~ so I decided to weigh myself a day early just to check up on myself. So, I'm happy that I lost those 2lbs but I still wish I could be lighter than this. I feel like this past week has been a waste.... from now on NO MORE CUPCAKES. ...even if they get thrown OUT! 😑
    Nov. 18: It is the morning of Friday, Nov. 16. This is SO DEPRESSING! I weighed in @ 173.8 lbs. ...I have not lost a single ounce; as a matter of fact, I have gained nearly a lb back! And I was sure to get in a couple of workouts, I was as careful as possible counting my caloric intake...I've hit plateaus before, but THIS is RIDICULOUS! From now on, I am doing a workout every single day (except Sundays) & I'll see if that helps! (I don't even think I lost any inches, either!! 😭) But I am NOT giving up!! And I'll check in again on Monday, the 18th...hopefully with better news!
    ....UPDATE: On Sunday, Nov 17, I weighed myself (a day early) cuz for some reason that plateau was really buggin' me & my weight was down to 171.2! So finally, I rested easier...and then ~ This morning, Monday Nov 18, I was up a lb again: 172.2...but I'm thinkin' it must be water weight, right?!? No matter, at least I'm DOWN!! ...'bout time! 😊...
    Nov. 25: 172.8 ...depressing? YES! I don't know what I did wrong all week, but I guess I'll just keep at it; sooner or later, it's gotta get better! 😩

    Nov. Goal: 170 *revised*
    Nov. Actual:

    Challenge weight loss goal: 20-25lbs (my own goal ~ 20lbs)

    Dec. 2: 172.6 ~ I actually lost .2 lb! I must admit to being happily surprised by this even tho' I had hoped for better during this past month. But at least I can be relieved that I didn't gain during all that Thanksgiving feasting! πŸ¦ƒπŸ₯§
    Dec. 9: ...Fri Dec. 6~ back up to 172.8...I was hoping to lose at least a lb this past week, but I guess it just wasn't meant to be! Anyway, not losing hope, not giving up! I'll just have to watch it over the weekend, try again on Mon! (BTW...are we doing this again for the Winter?? I feel like I need to be held accountable LOL.)
    Dec. 16:
    Dec. 23:
    Dec. 30:

    Dec. Goal:
    Dec. Actual:

    Weight lost this week:
    Challenge Weight loss goal: 167 (This will bring me to my challenge goal of 20 lbs.)
    Actual Weight loss for the challenge:
  • denjan333
    denjan333 Posts: 158 Member

    Sept.2: 256.2 lbs
    Sept. 9: 254.4 lbs
    Sept.16: 252.8 lbs
    Sept.23: 252.2 lbs
    Sept.30: 248.8 lbs

    Sept. Goal: 248.0 lbs
    Sept. Actual: 248.8 lbs

    Oct. 7: 247.0 lbs
    Oct. 14: 244.6 lbs
    Oct. 21: 242.0 lbs
    Oct. 28: 240.2 lbs

    Oct. Goal: 240.0 lbs
    Oct. Actual: 240.2

    Nov. 4: 237.8
    Nov. 11: 235.8
    Nov. 18: 232.6
    Nov. 25: 233.0

    Nov. Goal: 232.0 lbs
    Nov. Actual: 233.0 lbs

    Dec. 2: 228.6 lbs
    Dec. 9:
    Dec. 16:
    Dec. 23:
    Dec. 30:

    Dec. Goal: 224.0 lbs
    Dec. Actual:

    Weight lost this week: 4.4 lbs
    Challenge Weight loss goal: 32.2 lbs
    Actual Weight loss for the challenge: 27.6 lbs (to date)

    Sorry I've been MIA. I've still been at it and weighing daily. I think I will make my goal for the end of December, and I'm super happy about that. I can bend over and tie my shoes!! That is a fantastic feeling!
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,613 Member

    Original starting weight (March 2013) - 175.4
    Original MFP starting weight (January 2018) - 168.2
    August 30, 2019 starting weight - 146.0 (ten-day rolling average 146.7)
    Ultimate goal - Maintain around 143 (range between 140 - 150)

    I had achieved my goal last Winter and gone into maintenance. I have mostly stayed within my goal range, but have bounced around a bit. Now as the seasons change again, a new maintenance challenge awaits. I'm sticking to it!

    September 1: 143.0 (10-day average 145.8) This is the meteorological beginning of fall.
    September 2: 148.2 (10-day average 146.0) Look how the scale went up so much but the average just a little.
    September 9: 147.2 (10-day average 145.2)
    September 16: 144.0 (10-day average 144.4)
    September 23: 141.8 (10-day average 142.7) Equinox - astronomical start of fall. I am now at my goal weight.
    September 30: 139.4 (10-day average 141.4)
    September Goal: 143
    September Actual: I passed my goal and kept losing. Not a real problem yet, and I'm happy with it.

    October 7: 139.2 (10-day average 140.0)
    October 14: 144.4 (10-day average 141.1)
    October 21: 142.2 (10-day average 142.4)
    October 28: 142.6 (10-day average 143.3)
    October 31 - 144.6 (10-day average 143.8)
    October Goal: 143
    October Actual: Uh oh. I am up from my monthly goal.

    November 4: 146.0 (10-day average 143.8)
    November 11: 145.6 (10-day average 144.6) - checking in a day early this week as I'm going to be in a rush tomorrow at 05:30
    November 18: 143.6 (10-day average 144.8)
    November 25: 145.2 (10-day average 143.8)
    November 30: 146.2 (10-day average 144.4)
    November Goal: 143.0
    November Actual: Close, but... nope.

    December 7: 145.4 (10-day average 144.7)
    December 14:
    End of Fall (08:18 PST December 21):

    I moved my weigh-in day to Saturday for convenience, and because that sets me up for my last weigh-in at the end of the season.

    Weight lost this week: If you just go by the scale, I'm down almost a pound. If you look at my average, I'm up about a third of a pound.

    December Goal: 143.0s
    December Actual: Still over

    Challenge Weight loss goal: Range between 142-148
    Actual Weight loss for the challenge: I'm still in my goal range by scale and average, just not by as much as I prefer.
  • MySlimGoals
    MySlimGoals Posts: 754 Member
    edited December 2019
    STARTING WEIGHT AND DATE WITH MFP (MY FITNESS PAL): 121.7kg/268.3lb on 6 August 2019
    CHALLENGE STARTING WEIGHT: 116.7kg/253.9lb

    Sept.02: 116.7kg/257.2lb
    Sept.09: 115.2kg/253.9lb
    Sept.16: 114.1kg/251.5lb
    Sept.23: 113.3kg/249.7lb
    Sept.30: 111.8kg/246.4lb

    Sept. Goal: 113kg/249lb
    Sept. Actual: 111.8kg/246.4lb

    Oct. 07: 111.3kg/245.3lb
    Oct. 14: 109.0kg/240.3lb
    Oct. 21: 108.7kg/239.6lb
    Oct. 28: 106.4kg/234.5lb

    Oct. Goal: 108kg/238lb
    Oct. Actual:106.4kg/234.5lb

    Nov. 04: 106.2kg/234.1lb
    Nov. 11: 104.8kg/231.0lb
    Nov. 18: 103.6kg/228.3lb
    Nov. 25: 102.6kg/226.1lb

    Nov. Goal: 103.0kg/227lb
    Nov. Actual: 102.6kg/226.1lb

    Dec. 2: 101.2kg/223.1lb
    Dec. 9: 99.9kg/220.2lb
    Dec. 16:
    Dec. 23:
    Dec. 30:

    Dec. Goal:
    Dec. Actual: 2.6kg/5.7lb

    Weight lost this week: 1.3kg/2.8lb
    Challenge Weight loss goal: 100kg/220.4lb βœ… Done! 9/12/2019
    Actual Weight loss for the challenge: 16.8kg/37lb

  • CrystalEverhart
    CrystalEverhart Posts: 31 Member
    edited December 2019
    STARTING WEIGHT AND DATE WITH MFP: 295 lbs on 7/11/2019

    Sept.2: 273.3 lbs.
    Sept. 9: 270.5 lbs, -2.8
    Sept.16: 266.5 lbs, -4.0
    Sept.23: 265.7 lbs, -0.8
    Sept.30: 262.6 lbs, -3.1
    Total loss for September: 10.7 lbs

    Sept. Goal: 265 lbs
    Sept. Actual: 262.6 lbs

    Oct. 7: 260.5 lbs, -2.1
    Oct. 14: 258.6 lbs, -1.9
    Oct. 21: 253.0 lbs, -5.6 lbs
    Oct. 29: 252.3 lbs, -0.7

    Oct. Goal: 252 lbs
    Oct. 31 Actual: 251.4 lbs
    Total loss for October: 10.3 lbs

    Nov. 4: 250.6, -1.7 lbs
    Nov 11: 249.3, -1.3 lbs
    Nov 18: 247.1, -1.2 lbs
    Nov 25: 244.5, -2.6 lbs

    Nov goal: 244 lbs
    Nov actual: 244.5 lbs
    Total loss for November: 6.8 lbs

    Traveled 5 of 7 last days through Thanksgiving. Ready to get back on track!

    Dec. 2: 244.6, + 0.1 lbs
    Dec. 9: 242.7, -1.9 lbs
    Dec. 16:
    Dec. 23:
    Dec. 30:

    Loss this week: 1.9 lbs
    Challenge total loss: 33.0 lbs
  • SERmom3
    SERmom3 Posts: 568 Member
    Original starting weight: 180
    Challenge starting weight: 151.4

    Sept.2: 151.4
    Sept. 9: 151.4
    Sept.16: 151.4
    Sept.23: 152.2
    Sept.30: 148.4

    Sept. Goal: 147 (4.4lbs)
    Sept. Actual: 148.4 (3 lbs)

    Oct. 7: 146.2
    Oct. 14: 149.4
    Oct. 21: 148.8
    Oct. 28: 149.4

    Oct. Goal: 143 (-3.2 lbs)
    Oct. Actual: 149.4 (+3.2 lbs)

    Nov. 4: 148.4
    Nov. 11: 147.4
    Nov. 18: 145.6
    Nov. 25: 143.8

    Nov. Goal: 140 (-8.4lbs)
    Nov. Actual: 143.8 (-4.6 lbs)

    Dec. 2: 143.4

    Dec. 9: 142.4 - Genuinely shocked to see a loss this morning! I was bad this week...barely tracked my food and my excercise routine was completely thrown off by the first snow storm of the season. I guess all that shoveling paid off! πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

    Dec. 16:
    Dec. 23:
    Dec. 30:

    Dec. Goal: 140
    Dec. Actual:

    Weight lost this week: -1 lb
    Challenge Weight loss goal: 140
    Actual Weight loss for the challenge:
  • whitewave39
    whitewave39 Posts: 118 Member
    Posts: 35 Member

    Sept.2: 183.6
    Sept. 9: 184.6 (I believe this is actually correct...got a new scale last week, was not calibrated correctly! 😑)
    Sept.16: 184.6 ...weighed in again today (Sept. 20) scale said: 182.2!! so...I'm very happy about this! 😁 I'll try again on Mon., the 23rd...
    Sept.23: 181.6 (I am more used to weighing myself on Fridays so I will probably be posting to my updates here 2x per week...if I keep that up! So far, I'm doing OK... πŸ˜‰ ...On Friday Sept. 27 I weighed in @ 180.6.~ lost another pound!! yea!
    Sept.30: 181.6 ...Well, that's kinda disappointing! I think it's partly due to swelling in my ankles, plus extra calories yesterday, AND most of all a real lack of exercise last week! But no worries here...I've hit plateaus before! I'll just keep on keepin' on!! Here's to a better week, right?!? πŸ˜‰

    Sept. Goal: by the 30th I want to be down to 180.
    Sept. Actual: 181.6 (loss of 5.4 lbs)

    Oct 7: (will weigh in for this date when the time comes) Today, the 4th, I weighed in @ 179.6! So it pays to PAY ATTENTION,. .....right?!? LOL ....weighed in again today, Monday, the 7th ~ still @ 179.6. I was hoping to lose that ".6" over the weekend...but who can resist homemade mac'n'cheese??! Oh well...back to the treadmill...onward and downward, as they say.... πŸ’ͺ
    Oct 14: OK...so here it is, Friday 11 Oct ~ weighing in @ 177.6! lost another 2 lbs!!! 😁 See you all on Monday! ...~~ And now it's Monday the 14th, so once again....GOOD NEWS for yours truly: 176.8 lbs! I am feeling REALLY good about all this....lost 10.2 lbs, very hopeful about making my goal by the end of the year!
    Oct 21: And now, for my Friday weigh-in, I am now down another 1/2 lb: 176.2. ...very encouraging! I've lost 1.5 lbs in the past week, even tho' I have not had a chance to do any real workout in the past few days. But today will be different, I have promised myself! I am home all day so there is NO excuse! ...and I will see how Monday's results shape up... ... ... Monday, the 21st: OUCH!! Today, Monday Oct 21 ~ UP a pound. weighed in this morning @ 177.2...I knew that 2nd cupcake yesterday was a mistake, but how many times does my youngest turn 31yo, right? πŸŽ‚ ...I don't see myself making my Oct goal of 175 lbs, but we shall see...I still have over a week til then, so maybe if I FOCUS this week I can come close! (even tho next week I have my granddaughter's b*day party ~ turning 8yo, born on Halloween πŸŽƒ) ...I will be more careful...
    Oct 28: And here we are, on Friday 25 Oct, with my usual end-of-week post: This morning I came in @ 176.2 ~ so I lost that lb that was nagging at my conscience all week!! haha Big family get-together this Sunday @ my sister's house, so I will have to be especially diligent. *fingers crossed* ..... Monday, the 28th: 176.2 lbs. I am not gonna be disappointed about this ~ didn't gain, didn't lose (since Friday) and just relieved that I maintained yesterday @ the party! Only ONE slice of pizza...lol. The trouble with parties is this: the company is a delight. The food is delicious...but...I never know the count on anything!! 😱 ...but it was wonderful to see everybody! 😍 ...so I don't care lol.

    Oct goal: 175
    Oct actual: 174.4 (loss of another 7.2 lbs) πŸ˜‚

    Nov. 4: Today, Friday Nov 1 ~ weighed in this morning @ 174.4!! So I made my goal after all...and then some! It was a bit of a surprise ~ but a happy one. No one was home last night so I have no idea if we had any beggars or not...but we had no candy to give out because of other plans. And now I discovered a huge bag of leftover Halloween candy that my daughter brought home from a friend's house! I will just NOT snack too much on that. LOL ... πŸŽƒπŸ«πŸ­....And once again, it's weigh-in day: Monday Nov 4 ~ down to 173 lbs!! so happy and proud of myself (if I may be allowed to boast here LOL) ...another birthday yesterday ~ my granddaughter turned 8yo on Halloween, so once again, cupcakes & IC all around! It was lots of fun πŸ˜‚ but, remembering last week I made sure to hold back on those extra treats, and now it's paid off! kinda proud of myself .... 🀣...
    Nov 11: Today is actually Sunday Nov 10, but I'm logging in early (rather late cuz I wasn't here on Friday) but I'm still @ 173lbs. I was holding more than usual on Friday ~ actually went UP 2lbs due to not enough working out, water weight, probably those darned cupcakes sitting on the kitchen counter all week(even tho' I counted them as meals, not snacks: eat one, skip lunch πŸ˜–) ~ so I decided to weigh myself a day early just to check up on myself. So, I'm happy that I lost those 2lbs but I still wish I could be lighter than this. I feel like this past week has been a waste.... from now on NO MORE CUPCAKES. ...even if they get thrown OUT! 😑
    Nov. 18: It is the morning of Friday, Nov. 16. This is SO DEPRESSING! I weighed in @ 173.8 lbs. ...I have not lost a single ounce; as a matter of fact, I have gained nearly a lb back! And I was sure to get in a couple of workouts, I was as careful as possible counting my caloric intake...I've hit plateaus before, but THIS is RIDICULOUS! From now on, I am doing a workout every single day (except Sundays) & I'll see if that helps! (I don't even think I lost any inches, either!! 😭) But I am NOT giving up!! And I'll check in again on Monday, the 18th...hopefully with better news!
    ....UPDATE: On Sunday, Nov 17, I weighed myself (a day early) cuz for some reason that plateau was really buggin' me & my weight was down to 171.2! So finally, I rested easier...and then ~ This morning, Monday Nov 18, I was up a lb again: 172.2...but I'm thinkin' it must be water weight, right?!? No matter, at least I'm DOWN!! ...'bout time! 😊...
    Nov. 25: 172.8 ...depressing? YES! I don't know what I did wrong all week, but I guess I'll just keep at it; sooner or later, it's gotta get better! 😩

    Nov. Goal: 170 *revised*
    Nov. Actual:

    Challenge weight loss goal: 20-25lbs (my own goal ~ 20lbs)

    Dec. 2: 172.6 ~ I actually lost .2 lb! I must admit to being happily surprised by this even tho' I had hoped for better during this past month. But at least I can be relieved that I didn't gain during all that Thanksgiving feasting! πŸ¦ƒπŸ₯§
    Dec. 9: ...Fri Dec. 6~ back up to 172.8...I was hoping to lose at least a lb this past week, but I guess it just wasn't meant to be! Anyway, not losing hope, not giving up! I'll just have to watch it over the weekend, try again on Mon! (BTW...are we doing this again for the Winter?? I feel like I need to be held accountable LOL.) ....AGH!!! It's a TOTAL MONDAY this week, folks~ my weigh-in was NOT good. I went up to 174.2 lbs. This is such a bad time of the year for me...THREE birthdays celebrated yesterday, plus Thanksgiving last week and all that pumpkin pie sitting in the fridge with no one home to eat it but myself, so of course it made my lunch a couple of times 😩 ...it was, of course, the only thing I ate, but still....Anyway, I don't see myself making my goal by the end of Dec. unless I knock it off & GET BUSY!! No more cheating (birthday cakes are DONE, thank goodness!) Back to WORK!!! 😑😭 .....
    Dec. 16:
    Dec. 23:
    Dec. 30:

    Dec. Goal:
    Dec. Actual:

    Weight lost this week:
    Challenge Weight loss goal: 167 (This will bring me to my challenge goal of 20 lbs.)
    Actual Weight loss for the challenge:
  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    edited December 2019



    πŸπŸ‚I can do this! I am worth this! πŸ‚πŸ

    Sept 02: __ 193.6
    Sept 09: __ 189.1 __ -4.5
    Sept 16: __ 187.2 __ -6.4
    Sept 23: __ 190.2 __ -3.4 😝
    Sept 30: __ 184.9 __ -8.7 πŸ˜€

    Sept Goal: ___ 190.0
    Sept Actual: __ 184.9

    Oct 07: __ 184.8
    Oct 14: __ 183.3 __ -1.5
    Oct 21: __ 185.4 __ +0.6 😝
    Oct 28: __ 183.9 __ -0.9

    Oct Goal: ___ 180.0
    Oct Actual: __ 183.9

    Nov 04: __ 181.3
    Nov 11: __ 180.1 __ -1.2
    Nov 18: __ 180.0 __ -1.3
    Nov 25: __ 182.2 __ +0.9

    Nov Goal: ___ 180.0
    Nov Actual: __ 182.2

    Dec 02: __ 182.0
    Dec 09: __ 180.0 __ -2.0
    Dec 16: __
    Dec 23: __
    Dec 30: __

    Dec Goal: ___ 177.0
    Dec Actual: __

    Challenge weight loss goal: 177.0

    Actual weight loss for the challenge:


  • teresadannar
    teresadannar Posts: 199 Member

    Sept. 9:159.4
    Sept 30: 154.2

    Sept. Goal: 4lbs
    Sept. Actual: 6.8lbs

    Oct. 7: 153.8
    Oct. 14: 152.4
    Oct. 21: 148.8
    Oct. 28: 149.2

    Oct. Goal: 4lbs
    Oct. Actual: 5lbs

    Nov. 4: 145.6
    Nov. 11: 144.2
    Nov. 18:143.0
    Nov. 25: 141.6

    Nov. Goal: 4lbs
    Nov. Actual: 7.6lbs

    Dec. 2: 139.8
    Dec. 9: 138.0 I’m surprised with this morning’s #, I did make a bit of merry yesterday watching the Chiefs/Patriots game! Does cheering count for cardio???
    Dec. 16:
    Dec. 23:
    Dec. 30:

    Dec. Goal: 4lbs
    Dec. Actual:

    Weight lost this week: 1.8lbs
    Challenge Weight loss goal:16lbs
    Actual Weight loss for the challenge: