(Closed Group) Confidence for Christmas Challenge!



  • hperowl
    hperowl Posts: 234 Member
    Doing some searching on healthier foods and I keep coming across an ingredient called stevia. I know it's plant based sweetener but I've never seen it used or tasted it. Anyone familiar with it? What's it like?
  • serendipitydoda
    serendipitydoda Posts: 15 Member
    Doing some searching on healthier foods and I keep coming across an ingredient called stevia. I know it's plant based sweetener but I've never seen it used or tasted it. Anyone familiar with it? What's it like?

    Stevia is really strong so you only need a very, very small amount, like 1/8 of a teaspoon (keep this in mind when you buy it bc it can be quite pricey).
    It tastes just like regular sugar to me, but I've heard some people say it has a licorice-flavoured aftertaste.
    It doesn't spike your blood sugar like sugar or artificial sweeteners and it's all-natural so you don't have to worry about chemicals like what's in aspartame.
    I like it and the only reason I don't use it more often is bc I bought a bottle of it so it's not the most convenient to lug around with a spoon. I think if you can find it in packets that would be better.
    It's definitely worth a try!
  • lookpretty
    lookpretty Posts: 276 Member
    Posting some before and progress pictures of my stomacho n my profile, no comments on originals please, I had some very alcohol assisted moments after I left my husband
  • berv0009
    berv0009 Posts: 465 Member
    Doing some searching on healthier foods and I keep coming across an ingredient called stevia. I know it's plant based sweetener but I've never seen it used or tasted it. Anyone familiar with it? What's it like?

    I put Truvia in my coffee -- you can get it in the little packets at the grocery store and it is made from the Stevia leaf :)

    Tastes like sugar to me!!!!! I like it better than sweet n low or splenda etc. But that is just my opinion!
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member

    Challenge Starting Weight: 156
    Current Weight: 152.4
    Difference: -3.6
    Christmas Goal Weight: 135
    Aprox Minutes of Exercise: NOT MUCH LAST WEEK
    Highes of last week: ATE WITHIN GOAL
    Lows of last week: NO WORKOUTS
    How to Improve (the lows): FOLLOW THE PLAN
    Tips or Tricks: STAY FOCUSED
  • MrsBrosco
    MrsBrosco Posts: 295

    1) My Birthday is December 27. Most people assume that this is a kick *kitten* birthday to have because you get double the gifts. Although I was very spoiled as a child I have ALWAYS hated my birthday. Too much Holiday all at once!

    2) I have a half brother and 2 "step" brothers. My half brother I have always known, my other 2 brothers I met when I was 3, can't remember life without them. I'm one of the middles. We range in age from 27, 26, 25 & 23. We were really close growing up, Monopoly night rocked =)

    3) I was raised living with my grandparents, they mean more to me than anything in the world. Well, maybe not more than Ella...

    4) I married my husband on May 10, 2008 and I have nothing but bad memories from that day due to my weight. Everyone says (still) that I looked beautiful but they will NEVER convince me of that.

    5) I am a Twilight FREAK. I truly don't have a side (Edward or Jacob), I melt over them both :blushing:

    6) If I could live somewhere tropical I would, my husband wants to live in Alaska... not good.

    7) I was a complete band geek in high school, was always within the top 3 chairs and I can hardly read music.

    8) I despise Fran Drescher. Her laugh makes me want to crawl in a ball and pour acid all over myself.

    9) My husband in an avid hunter. I HATE venison, it's too bad because it's a very lean meat.

    10) I started smoking when I was 15 (damn peer-pressure) and quit when I was 24. September 21, 2011 will be 1 year!

    11) I am a collage drop out but have managed to land a pretty amazing job.

    12) One of my biggest pet peeves is eating with your mouth open... I want to punch people in their teeth.

    13) My favorite past-time in the summer is floating down the river in a giant semi-truck tire tube. What us Michiganders call tubing :happy:

    14) My grandparents 50th wedding anniversary is next week and I couldn't be more proud of them

    15) I have kissed a girl and enjoyed it, that's all.

    16) I HATE clowns

    17) I am 25 years old and have a herniated disk in my back, have had heart surgery (at 14) and have had a lumpectomy from my left breast (at 19).

    18) I LOVE to dance, don't care how foolish I look. Intoxicated or sober, doesn't matter.

    19) I don't have many friends (anymore) but the ones I do have are the ones that matter most.

    20) I really want a small dog of some sort, preferably a yorkie although I hear they are not the best with children.

    21) I didn't get my ears pierced until I was 11. By the time I graduated high school I had a total of 9 holes in my body. I miss wearing my nose ring the most.

    22) My husband HATES to be hung up on. I do it when i'm really pist off just to throw that extra jab in :wink:

    23) My favorite season is Fall. Hoodie and jeans weather is the best. Plus the leaves are amazing when they turn colors and I LOVE going to the pumpkin patch :heart:

    24) I LOVE the smell of gasoline!

    25) I am soooo addicted to MFP, it's rediculous. I am on here WAY more than facebook.

    HOLY CRAP! I dare you to try and come up with 25 things about you! That was WAY more tough than it should have been.
  • mrspenton2009
    mrspenton2009 Posts: 84 Member
    MrsBrosco....I am over here drying laughing, especially at your # 12.....I hate that with a passion, especially when they have a mouth full of food and want to talk.....B%ITCH, close your dam mouth. Unless you are trying to tell me you are chiking, whatever you have to say can wait....ughhhh

    Let me see what 25 I can come up with....:devil:
  • NurseLocke
    NurseLocke Posts: 103 Member
    25 things about me....

    1. I have been married just over a year. August 7, 2010. I sometimes wonder why I got married but overall, my husband is one of the best things that has ever happened to me.

    2. I have three of the most amazing kids; Ages Girl 7 (almost 8), Boy 7, Boy 3. I didn't give birth to our middle son but I have helped raise him from 1-years-old to present. I'm convinced my daughter will be something phenomenal when she gets older. Her intelligence blows my mind. My baby boy never ceases to amaze me with his comments. And no, he never he shuts up.

    3. I have a tendency to get obsessed with things quickly. "Twilight", men, work, vacations, MFP, FB, etc.

    4. I get very shaky anytime I get confrontational.

    5. I'm VERY judgemental. I can find a flaw in anyone. I have no self-esteem and I make up for it by knocking others. But damnit... it's so damn easy. People just annoy me.

    6. I don't know how to "make friends".

    7. I'm VERY shy in social situations.

    8. I could Mexican food all day, every day.

    9. I have a problem spending money I don't have on stupid stuff. Primarily, things for other people. If someone is pregnant, I feel the need to go overboard and buy them everything I think they need.

    10. I absolutely love my job. I love working with the elderly. They have so many stories to share. The fiestier, the better.

    11. I'm very jealous of my younger brother. He's a very successful young man. I feel as if I am constantly getting compared to him. My mother has told me several times how proud she is of him but has never told me that she is proud of me.

    12. My husband would rather be punched than get smacked. He said it's more degrading. =)

    13. I got knocked up for my baby boy by reading a book during sex. (Husband was being a **** to me and I wanted to piss him off.) :laugh:

    14. I own Poison Sugar Cupcakes - an at home "bakery" (look me up on FB!) Love the concept but I really don't get into it as much as I did when I first started it.

    15. I want to open my own nursing home someday. An EDEN home to be exact. I want it to be the epitome of homes for the elderly. A place I would want to live when I am unable to care for myself.

    16. I would die if my mom ever died. I tell her everything.

    17. I despise my in-laws to no end. My mothers-in-law (that's right, there's 2 - they're gay) are the biggest ****s I have ever met in my entire life. My husbands ex-wife places a close second.

    18. If it has apple in it, I will eat it. I love them. Turnovers, pie, cake, apples & sausage....

    19. I have been to Jamaica once and think it's the most beautiful place in the entire world.

    20. I'm a chronic procrastinator. (sp?)

    21. One of my (many) pet peeves is people who sit and ***** about not having enough time to do something. Keyword there being 'sit'.

    22. I miss my friend Melissa. She was the closest things I have ever had to a best friend.

    23. I used to hide in the bathroom, in highschool, during an assembly if I didn't have anyone to sit by.

    24. I think Seinfeld is the most annoying & ridiculous show ever made.

    25. My grandparents died when I was relatively young. I miss them more than anything.
  • smlamb33
    smlamb33 Posts: 342 Member
    Week 2: Julie
    Challenge Starting Weight : 174.2
    Current Weight: 171.6
    Difference: -2.6
    Christmas Goal Weight: 140
    Mission Sexy Boots (piece of clothing I'm dying to get into): 2.5 inches too small around calves
    Aprox. Minutes of Exercise: 230
    Highs of last week: Found some new salad recipes that the hubby loves too!
    Lows of last week: Skipped lunch on Wednesday which made me feel drained & couldn't make up the calories
    How to Improve (the lows): Pack a lunch or snack when going out (over to other people's house). Is that rude?
    Tips or Tricks: Read "In Defense of Food" by Michael Pollan. It will change the way you think about what you put in your body

    I am going to go check this book out! We have it here at our library! YAY! Thanks for the suggestion!
  • smlamb33
    smlamb33 Posts: 342 Member
    MrsBrosco....I am over here drying laughing, especially at your # 12.....I hate that with a passion, especially when they have a mouth full of food and want to talk.....B%ITCH, close your dam mouth. Unless you are trying to tell me you are chiking, whatever you have to say can wait....ughhhh

    Let me see what 25 I can come up with....:devil:

    Ha ha ha! I feel the exact same way!!! That is too funny!
  • lailenm
    lailenm Posts: 203 Member
    Week Two - Nika

    Challenge Starting Weight: 362
    Last Week's Weight: 357.4
    Current Weight: 359.8
    Difference: +2.4
    Christmas Goal Weight: 330
    Aprox Minutes of Exercise: Not a whole lot.
    Highes of last week: I managed to get a couple walks in and sweated when moving.
    Lows of last week: Didn't stick to my food goals because of all the craziness going on with moving.
    How to Improve (the lows): No more moving! So, I'm straight back to it!
    Tips or Tricks: I gotta make a plan and stick to it!

    Sorry that was late!

    And 25 things you probably don't know about me:

    1. My birthday is December 9th... And that birthday sucks too, in terms of quality of presents anyway. I'd get a few presents, and then half of them would be saved until Christmas.

    2. I have no actual siblings, but I have several step-siblings and one half-brother. On my dad's side, I've got two step-brothers and my half-brother; on my mom's side, I've got two step-sisters and two step-brothers.

    3. My dad left my mom right after I was born. He tried to come back into my life (via a custody hearing) when I was five, and I was ordered to go on visitation, but I stopped regularly seeing him when I was 13 because I was always angry at him for what he did. I haven't physically seen my father, or his family, for the better part of three years now.

    4. Being a winter baby, I love the cold. I hate hate hate hate HATE being hot, though I'm starting to get used to sweating (and starting to like it). Summer is my least favorite season because of all the heat. I even have to sleep with a fan so that I stay cold.

    5. I'm a total Harry Potter nerd and I do text-based roleplaying on different forums. I've been doing it for nearly 12 years now, and though I've stopped off and on, I keep coming back to it as a means of expression and being able to get away from my own problems.

    6. I was a long time PC user, but I'm slowly switching over to everything Mac-based. Slowly.

    7. I have a one year old shih tzu-pekingese pup named Lily and she's like my little child. I love her to bits and pieces. She's named after my favorite character in the Harry Potter series (Harry Potter's mom, Lily).

    8. I just moved in with my mother, my stepfather, and my grandmother. I've been taking care of my grandmother for two years, but she's a handful, so we moved back in with my mother and stepfather.

    9. I've only known my stepfather for a few years (5, I think), but he's been more of a father to me than my biological one has in the nearly 23 years I've been alive.

    10. I've been with my boyfriend, Tim, for nearly 3 years now, and I'm very happy with him. The move has put us at a bit of a distance right now, but we're working with it.

    11. I was caught drinking, underage, and I had to pay a fine and do community service for it.

    12. I'm girly in many aspects - perfume, stuff like that - but I love watching football and baseball. I may not understand everything completely, but I enjoy it.

    13. I'm a video gamer - albeit not a very good one. I'm currently playing LA Noire right now and I looooove it! And there's a NCIS game coming out in November that I'm excited about.

    14. I was a choir girl in high school, singing both alto and soprano. I only auditioned for, and got, one solo - the opening of "On My Own" from Les Miserables.

    15. I love crime drama shows, but not all of them. NCIS is my favorite, by far.

    16. I also enjoy some reality tv - but not the same ones everyone else does. I love Big Brother, and Billy the Exterminator. I'm pretty easy to please with reality tv, but I HATE Jersey Shore, The Kardashians (who the hell are they anyway and why do they matter?), and anything spawned from VH1 or MTV (especially since MTV lost all the M from its TV).

    17. I love dance music - Ke$ha is my favorite artist to dance to, but Cobra Starship is a close second.

    18. My best friend, and my adopted sister (we've adopted each other, really), is deaf and lives in Tennessee. I met her online. She's the one person I trust more than anyone else in the world.

    19. I love to fish! My mom and (step-)dad and I go out to lakes all the time.

    20. Writing is my favorite form of expression. I feel the most comfortable doing it.

    21. I've been overweight my entire life, and shedding the pounds now makes me feel kinda dumb for not doing it before, or for being too lazy to do it before.

    22. I was a part of my school's stage crew in the first couple years of high school. I was a stage hand at first, but then got moved to lights my second year.

    23. I love my XBox 360. I had PlayStation for a long time as a kid, but I know more people on Xbox, so I got it this year and have loved it ever since.

    24. My favorite holiday is Christmas!

    25. I really want a sister - a biological one. It kinda sucked being an only child.
  • hperowl
    hperowl Posts: 234 Member
    Okay, Here goes!
    1) I am 37 years old but sometimes I feel like I'm still 25 other times I feel 55.

    2) I have been married to a wonderful man for the last 14 years. (not always easy!)

    3) I have 4 beautiful children ages 10, 7, 2 (going on 22,:laugh: ) and 19 months

    4) I have lived in 4 different states during my life (Georgia born, Florida raised, California married, Illinois settled)

    5) I love music!!!!!!!!!! All kinds and I too love to dance (love to embarrass my children in public!) Miss clubbing when I was in college.

    6) I'm a stay at home mom, loving it, and fortunate that I can

    7) I was a college drop out (3 times) then I finally decided what I wanted to be when I grew up so I went back to school AGAIN and I've only to do my internship in order to complete my AS degree in Early Childhood Education.

    8) I'm a crafty person, that's to say, I love making crafts: jewelry, scrapbooking, card making, sewing, stuff with the kids, etc.

    9) I am an avid reader and I love murder mysteries and smut books! My favorite authors are Nora Roberts, J.D. Robb (Nora Roberts writing under an assumed name, Patricia Cornwell, & John Grisham, I also loved the Harry Potter books!

    10) One of my favorite things to do with my husband is to go to the movies. I love all kinds of movies but especially Sci-fi, Fantasy, and Historical epics. Not to big on romantic comedies, the usually fall short for me.

    11)Fall is my favorite season too! Least favorite is summer

    12)My favorite people are my children! They crack me up on a daily basis. You never know what will come out of their mouth!:love:

    13) I was an only child for the first 5 years of my life Then my mom remarried and I gained a step-brother 7 years older than I was.

    14) My mother had me two weeks after her 18th birthday. (HUGE scandal in rural Georgia in 1974!)

    15) I can't stand it when people get in 'MY SPACE' when they are trying to talk to me! Dude, back up, I can still hear you!

    16) Vomit makes me vomit!!!!!! I have never been able to see, hear, or clean up other peoples vomit! Poop is a close second!

    17) My Hollywood Hotties are : Gerod Butler (300), Chris Hemsworth (Thor), Alexander Skarsgard (True Blood), and Sam Worthington (Avatar), just to name a few.

    18) Before I die I want to sky dive, scuba dive, and visit the great pyramids, Scotland (ancestors), and Greece.

    19) My greatest wish is for my children to live happy lives, be at peace with who they are, be honest and live to their greatest potential.

    20) I have never owned a new car, but someday I will!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    21) I love the smell and feel of new babies. There's something magical about the presence of new life!

    22) I can't stand little yappy dogs. There's something about their incessant barking that really grates on my nerves. (No offense to owner's of such dogs)

    23) I was obsessed with FB games until I started MFP, now I log on at least 6 times a day!

    24)I do believe in love at first sight! I called my mother the day after I met my husband and told her I had met the man I was going to spend the rest of my life with!

    25) Come hell or high water, I'm gonna loose this weight and wear a bikini again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That's my story and I'm sticking to it!:bigsmile:
  • mrspenton2009
    mrspenton2009 Posts: 84 Member
    25 Things about Sheila......:flowerforyou:

    1. I was the biggest TOM BOY ever...all the way until my high school graduation

    2. I met the love of my life on the internet:love: .....And to think I was totally against that ****...haa haa

    3. I have 2 beautiful daughters and a amazing step son...and to think, I never wanted kids!!! Crazy me, huh?

    4. Growing up, I wanted to be either a plus sized model or a singer...now, I sing and I model....HAAAAYYYY!!!! :tongue:

    5. I am orginally from Louisiana....the boot baby!!! STAND UP!!!

    6. I am the 6th of 7 children...and all of us are spoiled brats :laugh:

    7. My hero (my big Brother Brandon) passed away and my heart has been broken ever since. I MISS HIM SO MUCH :brokenheart:

    8. I am the best friend you could ever ask for....I keep secrets well and give great advice.

    9. I have ZERO tolerance for rude individuals....ZERO!!!!!

    10. I feel like the best thing a man can do is to be a gentleman...so sweet. Chivalry is so not dead.

    11. I am so very particular about my hair and my feet...gotta have those on point at all times.
    I was being wheeled into the OR for an emergency cesarean and asked to see my mirror before leaving the room...haa haa is that vain or what??

    12. I am a junior in college (working in my Bachelor's in Education EC-6)

    13. I am secretly in love with John Cena...he is so dam fine!!!

    14. I am officially addicted to MFP...shhh don't tell anyone.

    15. I love to spend time with my family, they mean the world to me.

    16. I am dying to go on a cruise....one day :yawn:

    17. My baby sister is my first child, she means the world to me.

    18. Right now, I would love to be swinging in a hammock sippin on a cold drink (alcoholic of course!!)

    19. My food addiction is red velvet cupcakes....I have a birthday coming up in less than a week so I am going to have at least 2....:devil:

    20. I love the smell of freshly cut grass:bigsmile:

    21. I was very athletic in high school: volleyball, basketball, and track. Oh how I miss those days

    22. I am so in love with the Christmas holidays!!!!! Jingle Bells...Jingle Bells.....Jingle all the way

    23. I have about 5 tattoos...I want about 4 more

    24. I love to get comfy on the couch and read a good book

    25. MY name is Sheila and I ROCK!!!!! :bigsmile: :blushing: :yawn: :flowerforyou: :laugh:
    I have so much confidence now, can you imagine me once all of my weight is loss....GOODNESS!!!!

    ha ahaaa
  • smlamb33
    smlamb33 Posts: 342 Member

    1) I am a Christian and I love Jesus. However, I will never cram GOD down anyone's throat or look down upon anyone because I am a Christian and they are not.

    2) I am a people person and love making new friends. I will talk to a total stranger just to get to know someone knew. It drives my husband crazy!

    3) I am one of 4 children. I am the only girl!

    4) I love Dr. Who and David Tennat is my favorite doctor!

    5) I have 2 children, 1 in college and 1 in highschool.

    6) If I could visit anywhere in the world, it would be England & Ireland.

    7) I would love to live in the country in a log home.

    8) I love Halloween & Christmas!!

    9) My favorite color is purple!

    10) I am secretly a little emo! I love dying my hair dark burgundy and looking a little goth with my pale complexion.

    11) I am a teen librarian at our public library and I love it!

    12) I hate when people come to work sick!

    13) I am a germaphob!

    14) I love planning parties!

    15) I am addicted to crime shows & comedies, but my favorite shows are the combination of both! Btw, Abby Scuito is my favorite televsion character.

    16) I used to work as a singing telegram.

    17) Autumn is my favorite season!

    18) I love curling up with a good book, a hoodie sweatshirt and hot cup of coffee by my fireplace.

    19) I have a pet lab rat. He was rescued from my daughter's college.

    20) I married my high school sweetheart.

    21) I have several tattoos and would have a stud in my nose if I my employer would allow it.

    22) I worked in a Halloween store last fall and I loved it!!

    23) My favorite movie of all time is "A Christmas Story" ..."You'll shoot you eye out!"

    24) I am a techno gadget junkie! I am always one of the first people at work to have the newest gadgets!

    25) My favorite place to shop is Hot Topic, which incidentally is where I am going to buy some new clothes when I hit my goal weight once and for all!
  • Sweetpeagrl
    Sweetpeagrl Posts: 168 Member
    I think this was a GREAT idea! :smile:

    1) I was born July 1st 1985 (26 years old) and I share a birthday with my cousin. Same day, same year. I am about 30 minutes older than him! It's cool, but at the same time kinda stunk growing up because we would always have family get togethers for 4th of July every year and we would share the same cake and get pretty small gifts (if any) since the family had to get two gifts at the same time. ha. But it was nice to hang out with family.

    2) This Sunday (Sept. 4) makes 2 years that I have been married!!

    3) I met my husband on MYSPACE 6 years ago! :laugh:

    4) I have 2 wonderful boys. The oldest is 8 years old. He is extremely creative and artistic. If he doesnt become an author when he grows up then I will be shocked. He has been reading chapter books since he was 6 and writing his own since he could write. ha. My other baby is 20 months old. He is a handful!!! Polar opposite my first child. Haha.

    5) I grew up with my dad in the coast guard. He was out on a ship when I was born and did not get to see me until I was 6 weeks old.

    6) My husband and I spent $2000 (that we didnt have) on our English Bulldog! It helped get us into credit card debt. But 3 years later, I wouldnt trade my Zeus for anything. We LOOOOVE him. :heart:

    7) When I was 7 months pregnant with my second child I was let go from my job (I still HATE them for it). We had to let our townhouse go into foreclosure, file bankruptcy, and move in with his mom and step dad. It drives me crazy when I think about it, but on the brighter side, it gave me time home with our son after he was born and that is precious time that I loved having.

    8) My sister lives in Italy because her husband is in the Navy and I have not been able to see her in 3 years! I have never met my 2 year old neice in person. :cry: Skype is our best friend right now.

    9) My husband proposed to me in Germany while we were on vacation.....9 months later our son was born...:bigsmile:

    10) I LOOOOOOVE ginger ale! It is the only soda that I can not cut out completely...i tried. but have recently been allowing myself 1 a week because I feel like i need it! haha.

    11) I always tell people I want to have a baby girl...but secretly, I love having all boys! :love:

    12) I love video games, super heros and wrestling!

    13) I have to have surgery next Tuesday to remove a cyst on my ovary and I am scared that they will get in there and find that something else is wrong and they need to take out both my ovaries and I will not be able to have anymore children. Even though my husband says he is perfectly content with the two we have, it makes me sad to think that we couldnt if we wanted to.

    14) My biological parents got divorced when I was 3. My brother and I had to go back and forth for visitation until I was 7 and my biological mom took my dad to court for custody of my BROTHER. I wanted to stay with my dad anyways. She has met my oldest son once (when he was 5 months old) and has never once said anything to me about my newest son.

    15) I havent talked to my brother in almost 2 years and havent seen him in about 5.

    16) My step mom and my dad got divorced this year. But I still consider her my MOM. My sister is also my step sister but I have been with her since she was 2 so I dont see her as anything other than my real sister.

    17) I love backstreet boys! :tongue:

    18) I sometimes lick my husbans food before I give it to him if I am mad at him and then laugh to myself when he eats it!!!! :laugh:

    19) I like to imagine myself winning the lottery one day and think about all the things I would do with the money. Sometimes the daydream lasts a while. haha.

    20) I snore really loud when I am not feeling well. So bad that my husband can't even sleep in the same room as me until I am better. :frown:

    21) I did Air Force ROTC all throughout high school. Dorky. But I got to travel all up and down the east coast for competitions. Then got suspended for a day in 10th grade for drinking on a trip and couldnt go to that years homecoming dance.

    22) I made it through my entire senior year being pregnant with only my very close friends and family knowing, as well as my ROTC teacher who was like a second dad to me. No one else knew until I had my son 2 weeks before graduation.

    23) Sometimes I feel like my dad is my best friend (pretty much all the times). I can talk to him about whatever i want and I always know he is going to give me good, honest advice. And I know he is the ONE person that would help me anytime I needed it no matter what it was.

    24) Project Runway and American Idol are my two favorite Reality type shows.

    25) Once I get all this weight off and hit my goal, one of the first things I am going to buy is some new lingerie for mommy/daddy time!!! :wink: :wink:

    This list was actually much harder than I thought it would be. Goodness. Hope you had fun reading!! :glasses:
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    WEEK 2: Chani

    Challenge Starting Weight: 284.4
    Current Weight: 285
    Difference: +.6
    Christmas Goal Weight: 260 (-24.4 lbs)
    Current Size: 22ish
    Goal Size: 20 for the challenge, 8-10 overall
    Aprox Minutes of Weekly Exercise: 240ish
    Highs of last week: i went to the zoo! i finally saw the elephants :)
    Lows of last week: i ate way too much stuff when my inlaws visited over the weekend. i went wild with free food.
    How to Improve (the lows): plan better the next time i go out.
    Tricks: use my food diary as a planner as well! i really need to take time out each Saturday or Sunday to plan foods out. i'm going to start this weekend.
  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member

    1) My Birthday is December 27. Most people assume that this is a kick *kitten* birthday to have because you get double the gifts. Although I was very spoiled as a child I have ALWAYS hated my birthday. Too much Holiday all at once!

    2) I have a half brother and 2 "step" brothers. My half brother I have always known, my other 2 brothers I met when I was 3, can't remember life without them. I'm one of the middles. We range in age from 27, 26, 25 & 23. We were really close growing up, Monopoly night rocked =)

    3) I was raised living with my grandparents, they mean more to me than anything in the world. Well, maybe not more than Ella...

    4) I married my husband on May 10, 2008 and I have nothing but bad memories from that day due to my weight. Everyone says (still) that I looked beautiful but they will NEVER convince me of that.

    5) I am a Twilight FREAK. I truly don't have a side (Edward or Jacob), I melt over them both :blushing:

    6) If I could live somewhere tropical I would, my husband wants to live in Alaska... not good.

    7) I was a complete band geek in high school, was always within the top 3 chairs and I can hardly read music.

    8) I despise Fran Drescher. Her laugh makes me want to crawl in a ball and pour acid all over myself.

    9) My husband in an avid hunter. I HATE venison, it's too bad because it's a very lean meat.

    10) I started smoking when I was 15 (damn peer-pressure) and quit when I was 24. September 21, 2011 will be 1 year!

    11) I am a collage drop out but have managed to land a pretty amazing job.

    12) One of my biggest pet peeves is eating with your mouth open... I want to punch people in their teeth.

    13) My favorite past-time in the summer is floating down the river in a giant semi-truck tire tube. What us Michiganders call tubing :happy:

    14) My grandparents 50th wedding anniversary is next week and I couldn't be more proud of them

    15) I have kissed a girl and enjoyed it, that's all.

    16) I HATE clowns

    17) I am 25 years old and have a herniated disk in my back, have had heart surgery (at 14) and have had a lumpectomy from my left breast (at 19).

    18) I LOVE to dance, don't care how foolish I look. Intoxicated or sober, doesn't matter.

    19) I don't have many friends (anymore) but the ones I do have are the ones that matter most.

    20) I really want a small dog of some sort, preferably a yorkie although I hear they are not the best with children.

    21) I didn't get my ears pierced until I was 11. By the time I graduated high school I had a total of 9 holes in my body. I miss wearing my nose ring the most.

    22) My husband HATES to be hung up on. I do it when i'm really pist off just to throw that extra jab in :wink:

    23) My favorite season is Fall. Hoodie and jeans weather is the best. Plus the leaves are amazing when they turn colors and I LOVE going to the pumpkin patch :heart:

    24) I LOVE the smell of gasoline!

    25) I am soooo addicted to MFP, it's rediculous. I am on here WAY more than facebook.

    HOLY CRAP! I dare you to try and come up with 25 things about you! That was WAY more tough than it should have been.

    Kinda cool to see we have A LOT in common! I'll do my 25
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member

    1) My name came from the book "Dune" by Frank Herbert. (It's Chani)

    2) I have 4 half siblings, and I knew the older two when I was younger, but I met my two littlest ones for the first time when I was 23.

    3) I met my husband on match.com :) We've been married for 13 months now.

    4) I am obsessed with pigs, capybaras, and elephants.

    5) My dream job is taking animals around so sick kids can pet them in hospitals. (my mom called this "volunteering"...unfortunately).

    6) I have read the entire DSM-IV TR (mental health diagnostic book) from cover to cover, twice. For fun. It's around 900 pages.

    7) I have some serious road rage. I bet I burn hundreds of calories a day just driving to and from work.

    8) I hate the sound of velcro. I get goosebumps whenever I hear it.

    9) Likewise, I hate the words "panties", "moist", and "nostril". They just gross me out.

    10) I failed one class in my entire life: organic chemistry.

    11) I have never gotten a speeding ticket. This is amazing considering I think the speed limit is just a guideline. Same with stop signs.

    12) Slow walking people make me want to run them over. Seriously, speed up or move over.

    13) I love NPR. Like, a lot.

    14) If I didn't live in a place where it snowed, I would wear flip flops year round.

    15) I love Britney Spears. Don't hate.

    16) I HATE clowns. They make me cry. I'm 26.

    17) I love to do crossword puzzles. I'm obsessed.

    18) I am awesome at spelling, but I need a calculator to add 3 digit numbers together.

    19) I hate mushrooms. PEOPLE THEY ARE A FUNGUS.

    20) I have two cats that I consider my children. I talk to them and sometimes they talk back.

    21) I love the show "Hoarders".

    22) I would be happy if I never had to do the dishes ever again in my life.

    23) If I could wear jeans and hoodies every day, I'd be the happiest girl alive.

    24) I LOVE the smell of gasoline!

    25) I feel lost without my cell phone. It's really sad. :(
  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    25 things:

    1. I am a christian and try to live that way. I do not however through bible verse or anything in anyone's face.

    2. I married my high school sweet heart in May 2009

    3. I hated my wedding because I was very unhappy with how I looked and where my relationship was with my now husband

    4. My oldest daughter K was born March 13. Her birthday is very important to me because she shares that day with my grandfather whom I was very close too.

    5. My youngest daughter L was born August 3. She was due on my dad's birthday but came early.

    6. I was born and raised in Atlanta Georgia

    7. June 2009 I moved to Northern CA

    8. I love my friends and although I don't have a lot I am so thankful for them

    9. My family and hub's family all live in GA...we miss them

    10. We want to move back to the Southeast in the next 5 years

    11. I was once a competitive swimmer. I spent 4 hours in the pool a day and 1 hour a day running!

    12. In 2006 I won the fastest women under 20 in the Southeast for Olympic distance triathlons. (I think back and wonder what I have done to myself)

    13. I am the youngest of 3 girls but in many ways I had to raise my older sisters

    14. I experienced my first heart problem at the age of 15 years old and since then I have suffered from erratic heart rate. The doctors are not sure why this is but I take beta blockers and it helps

    15. Summer of 2007 I was guiding a rafting tour and fractured my spin. It was then it was discovered I have narrowing of the spine

    16. I went to a military college until we moved to California. I am now finishing my degree online through the University of Pheonix.

    17. I am a first generation American. My family is from England

    18. I love to read! I love science fiction: Orson Scott Card is my favorite author!

    19. I too was addicted to Twlight...I found help though :tongue:

    20. A new found love is biking around town! For L's first Birthday we bought a bike trailer and since them I us it all the time!!

    21. My birthday is going to be a big this year not because I am 25 years old but because I am doing my first Olympic triathlon since 2006

    22. I get addicted to things easily....FB...then Weight watchers...now MFP

    23. Moving away from everything we knew was the best thing for my marriage

    24. Before my husband went to college we went on a trip to visit all of my family in England. I can not express how much this meant to me!

    25. I don't like to take showers :happy:
  • hperowl
    hperowl Posts: 234 Member
    It's amazing that I have at least 5 things in common with every single person that has posted so far! That blows my mind!

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