(Closed Group) Confidence for Christmas Challenge!



  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    oh you guys!! you cant have me excited about christmas in august!!! i lovvvve christmas. The reason for the season, Jesus, and all of the christmas songs...those top the long list! I love all of the family time and i now have 2 small boys so im sure i will love it even more! i love all of the decorations and the love and happiness! ahhh christmas!
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    :heart: Christmas!

    I love it ALL. I love decorating right after thanksgiving. I love the smells and burning candles at night and making hot apple cider ( sometimes spiced cided :drinker: ) I love the snowing and being snowed in a cuddling up watching christmas movies on tv. I love all my christmas CD play lists and listen to them on repeat alllll day cleaning, or night cooking. I love the feeling of giving, and showing love to those most important in my life.

    Most important, I love having Christmas eve with my family. We meet early in the day and cook and drink wine like mad woman, then we change, have apps, more wine, and then dinner. Then we watch the muppet christmas carol before we go to the mignight candlelight service at my church. I love love when they sing, "oh holy night". I think it is the MOST beautiful christmas song. ahh, I am getting the shivers imagining christmas.

    What I hate? on street parking by my apartment :)
  • nikniki
    nikniki Posts: 21
    Christmas is just about my favorite holiday of the year I love the decorating and all the lights the music. Having cider while its snowing outside or at least cold :) I love spending the day with friends and family having good food and watching movies and playing games.

    Last weeks weight 163
    CW: 162
    GW: 120
    Min of Exercise: 230
    High of the week seeing the scale go back down to 162
    Low of the week eating out a lot.
    How to fix my low will be planning my meals for the week.
  • berv0009
    berv0009 Posts: 465 Member
    OHHH my favorite things about Christmas...

    I love love love love hot cocoa on a cold day :) I have over 600 christmas songs in my Itunes... huge nerd :)
    My family does steak,shrimp,veggie and cheese fondue on Christmas Eve. I cannot even begin to describe how delicious it is! And I only get it once a year. The reason for the season! Celebrating the birth of Jesus! Playing with my nieces and nephews and seeing the joy on their faces when they wake up on Christmas day!!!! Egg nogg lattes at Caribou coffee. YES PLEASE! CANDY CANES. I always buy those mini ones. BAKING cookies! I know it isn't really ideal for MFP, but my family loves to bake. I go and help my aunt mass produce baked goods and candies and cookies for all of her employees! And then I do tons of baking on my own. Usually at least 6 different holiday cookies that are in my family. That is what I give as gifts :) I love playing in the snow. I just love everything about Christmas!
  • lrappaport
    lrappaport Posts: 18 Member
    Challenge Starting Weight: 211.6
    Current Weight: 210.6#
    Difference: 1#
    Christmas Goal Weight: 180#
    Current Size: 14
    Goal Size: 10
    Aprox Minutes of Weekly Exercise: 240
    Highs of last week: Saw the scale go down a little.
    Lows of last week: Ate WAY too much over the weekend! My girlfriend had an eggroll party at my house! And she makes really good eggrolls! They're fried!
    How to Improve (the lows):Remember that everything should be enjoyed in moderation.
    Tricks: Don't get LAZY! Dancers are only dancers when they are actively working on it!
    Piece of Clothing I'm dying to get into: My jeans so that they comfortably fit my waist.

    So, I changed my weight from last week and I had to guesstimate today's because my scale is on the fritz and of course I forgot to weigh in at the gym.
  • lrappaport
    lrappaport Posts: 18 Member
    I'll be buying a new scale after dance tonight.
  • Davali
    Davali Posts: 225 Member
    Favourite thing about Christmas...?

    I've gone off Christmas (I know, I know!!) somewhat over recent years - I don't have children and it always seems a little bit of an anti-climax. But this year I am definitely looking forward to having a special Christmas Day outfit in a size smaller than I've ever been in my adult life. Maybe this is the year that I get the buzz back at Christmas :)
  • lailenm
    lailenm Posts: 203 Member
    My favorite thing about Christmas is the fact that its winter, and that's my favorite season. I also love spending time with family and seeing people I haven't seen in a while. I couldn't care any less about the presents than I do now.
  • lookpretty
    lookpretty Posts: 276 Member
    Current weight and weigh in original 158.9
    difference none
    Goal weight for challenge 126
    Current size 8-10
    Goal size 3 or 4
    excercise- very active job and adhd, idk
    Highs of week, hitting pre pregnancy weight, period started (no bun in oven- was raped last month)
    lowes of week, that nite getting on scale, it being lower, getting back on and it going from 156 to 162, it sucked, a lot, my health has not been great this week, not a lot of stength and worked too much
    tips and tricks- take your clothes off at home when you eat, reminds me how fat I still am

    About me, not sure what all to include but am a mom, a single one, has a 2 year old so n, am field supervisor for a mobile medical company with about 20 offices now so work too much, I was not raised in mainstream society and because of that live a very different life than many.

    As to what I like about the holidays I actually didnt celebrate Christmas until my son was born just because I dont want him to feel different from other kids, I guess I simply see it as a time to turn over new clothes and toys and get rid of ones too little. I make it a very homey and warm holiday. What I really like is here they have 28 days of Christmas film festival outisde every nite and I like to go out and ge the hot drink and sit on the bare *kitten* cold grass cuddling watching old movies. Winter scares me because I live in Florida and am constantly cold so I literally worry about not getting through the season because I cant keep my home warm enough because I cant justify the heating bill. This really is my favorite part of the year right now.
  • hperowl
    hperowl Posts: 234 Member
    Week 1: Heather

    Challenge Starting Weight: 200 (week 1)
    Current Weight: 200
    Difference: 10
    Christmas Goal Weight: 169 (-31#)
    Aprox Minutes of Exercise: 45 min (5-6 days a week)
    Highes of last week: Able to complete workout without stopping or modifying
    Lows of last week: The Italian Beef and the soda
    How to Improve (the lows): Stick to what's good for me
    Tips or Tricks: Mix up my exercises so I don't get bored
    Ultimate Goal: To wear a size 8 Current size: 16
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • hperowl
    hperowl Posts: 234 Member

    What is your favorite thing about the holiday season??

    It's family! I love watching my 4 kids go crazy on Christmas day and I love cooking Christmas dinner for my family (including all of my in-laws). It is one of the few times of the year that we can all be together and this year will be especially important because my mother-in-law, whom I adore, is battling cancer and may not be here next year. I also love the traditions associated with the holidays, baking cookies, Christmas eve service at church, Christmas eve preps, and the chaos that comes in the morning.
  • xjlishey1
    xjlishey1 Posts: 286

    What is your favorite thing about the holiday season??

    All of the little "events" that we do with the kids during the season....pictures done for our christmas cards, visiting Santa, another breakfast w Santa that we do, shopping (I LOVE the mall at Christmas!!!!! Not even the shopping, just the ENERGY!), I love baking (ugh, lord help me!) and decorating cookies, chrismas carols, christmas cards, christmas parties....

    And I will be SO MUCH THINNER THIS YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am LOVING this group already---THANKS TO YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I love everything about Christmas...the songs, parties, decorating, shopping. I use to do a play called Christmas Celebration...did it for many years at my church. We had live animals..such as Sheeps, camels, horses, dogs...Oh so much fun. Christmas is the best time of the year. I just told my daughter yesterday that I was going to start shopping in September instead of waiting to the last minute.
    I love this groups...I am so motivated to lose and for Christmas...YAY!!
  • lrappaport
    lrappaport Posts: 18 Member
    PICKED UP A NEW SCALE!!! This one says I weigh less than I guesstimated and my husband says it's pretty accurate, I am excited because according to new scale I've lost about 2.5 lbs. this week : )

    Challenge Starting Weight: 211.6
    Current Weight: 208.9#
    Difference: 2.7#
    Christmas Goal Weight: 180#
    Current Size: 14
    Goal Size: 10
    Approx Minutes of Weekly Exercise: 240
    Highs of last week: Saw the scale go down a little.
    Lows of last week: Ate WAY too much over the weekend! My girlfriend had an eggroll party at my house! And she makes really good eggrolls! They're fried!
    How to Improve (the lows):Remember that everything should be enjoyed in moderation.
    Tricks: Don't get LAZY! Dancers are only dancers when they are actively working on it!
    Piece of Clothing I'm dying to get into: My jeans so that they comfortably fit my waist.
  • christinad95
    christinad95 Posts: 201 Member
    :smile: Response to fun question:
    My favorite thing about the holidays are the smells, the cool or cold air, coming into a warm house and making some snowman soup. I love baking with the kids, watching holiday movies. I love the electricity in the air when you're out shopping and looking at all the beautifully decorated homes. My biggest thing is every year we have traditions that we do, but we try to add a new one each year just to keep us on our toes!! I love being with family and friends and the fellowship is wonderful. Most of all I love that it's the celebration of the birth of Christ. I love to listen to my children read the stories about His birth. :smile:
  • MrsBrosco
    MrsBrosco Posts: 295
    I had a pretty bad evening yesterday. My daughter (2 years old) and I attend Mom & Tot gymnastics and she has been the "example" child many times, makes her Momma proud. She's always been really good at following directions and she stays on task most days. Last night she was a child that I didn't even recognize!! She was running around like a chicken with her head cut off and being naughty and not doing anything she was supposed to. Drove me NUTTS!

    Apparently I had been on edge to begin with because I really let it get to me. We had Subway sandwhiches for dinner (yum!) but then it happened...


    Pissed me off so bad, the more I ate the more mad I became. Now, let me start by saying that this binge didn't have *kitten* on other binges i've done in the past. I had a 6" sub for dinner followed by 2 servings of wheat thins (reduced fat), 4 tootsie rolls, a vanilla snack pack, and then I made my husband bring me home a (small) reese's flurry from McDonalds (low-fat vanilla ice cream). It truly didn't set me over my calories but by 300-400 but it's the thought of it. Why can't I control it?? all because I was irritated.

    If you start irritated and then you eat because your irritated and it just irritates you more, why do it??

    Something to think about. If you have the answer, please... do tell!
  • MrsBrosco
    MrsBrosco Posts: 295

    I'm back on track today :happy: And drinking plenty of water to flush the system :drinker:
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member

    I'm back on track today :happy: And drinking plenty of water to flush the system :drinker:

    back on track daily is step one! day by day and we will shred this weight!
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    i know you should eat back your exercise calories, but do you guys do this? i go either way, but im wondering if i should just go ahead and make an effort to start eating them all back...comments..
  • Sweetpeagrl
    Sweetpeagrl Posts: 168 Member
    i know you should eat back your exercise calories, but do you guys do this? i go either way, but im wondering if i should just go ahead and make an effort to start eating them all back...comments..

    I have heard a lot of stuff on this site about how you are supposed to eat back your exercise calories but i personally do not do that. I think about it, but i just cant get myself to do it. Its definitely a head thing for me. I see it as being counter-productive. I just worked really hard to get those calories off and then i am just supposed to eat them again?? no thank you! I think it is something i need to work on though. from what i've read, it helps you progress in weight loss better, but i dont know. I am doing alright right now with how im doing things. if i come to a plataeu or something, maybe i will try it. This probably wasnt much help to you, but thought i would share my comments on it! :-)
  • berv0009
    berv0009 Posts: 465 Member
    i know you should eat back your exercise calories, but do you guys do this? i go either way, but im wondering if i should just go ahead and make an effort to start eating them all back...comments..

    Depends on the day for me! If I exercise for a long time and work really hard, I find I usually eat most of them back because I am that hungry. On a day when I only burn 200 cals or under, chances are I will not eat them back as I am not that hungry. I think either way is fine :) and I am sure most people find different tactics work for them, and not for others!