(Closed Group) Confidence for Christmas Challenge!



  • hperowl
    hperowl Posts: 234 Member
    Thank you so much everyone for getting this started! I'm soooo excited and motivated to loose the weight!
  • christinad95
    christinad95 Posts: 201 Member
    You don't have to thank me, actually this is me being VERY selfish :blushing: I need the encouragement and motivation as much as the rest of you so I thought I would bribe others with the promise of sticking together and losing the weight!!!

    I don't think i've ever been so into the thought of losing weight as I am right now. We can and Will do this, I promise :drinker:

    Now..... Drink a glass of water!!!

    I was just wondering where did ya'll get your christmas tickers?? they are so cute and fitting for the challenge!!
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
  • lookpretty
    lookpretty Posts: 276 Member
    On track so far today for diet but am feeling guilty that I probably will not excercise, just no energy today (health condition), even after caffiene my body is weak, I am happy and perky for work but as far as up and go its just not there.
  • Davali
    Davali Posts: 225 Member
    Great to be on board for this. Off to get me a ticker! :)
  • lookpretty
    lookpretty Posts: 276 Member
    Im thinking I want to chagne the pic on my ticker, it was made for my personal use but wanted to put it up, think I will put a different pic on it, that pic was like 20 pounds ago anyway
  • jllipson
    jllipson Posts: 646
    Hopefully I'm awake enough to do a Christmas ticker tonight, if not I will create mine over the weekend.
  • officernorton
    officernorton Posts: 38 Member
  • lookpretty
    lookpretty Posts: 276 Member
    Ge off work in almost a hour, day did not go as I dreaded, was afraid eating my lunch early would throw the whole day but it didnt, changed my plans though to a sandwhich and salad for dinner, lot of protien, didnt work out, heads up to the group, please no one push me to excercise, I have a very personal health condition and some days it just makes me really tired physicallly, ive learned how to live with it but getting on a machine today or even walking is hard, I have a fairly physical job most days and I tough it out for it, other days Im just as perky as I can be though, so right now clocking in right under 800 calories, committed to not over eating tonite, will have a cup of coffee with cream, maybe a box of brussel sprouts, an herbal tea, dont think i feel like drinking alcohol tonite so thats good.
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    i simply cannot remove my butt from the couch today...i am totally dragging. hoping a nice cup of tea and good night's sleep will help get me in gear for tomorrow! planning on the gym right after work :)
  • lookpretty
    lookpretty Posts: 276 Member
    i simply cannot remove my butt from the couch today...i am totally dragging. hoping a nice cup of tea and good night's sleep will help get me in gear for tomorrow! planning on the gym right after work :)

    I feel you, could you get up and do 30 crunches? thats not so much, then in 20 minutes could you get up and do 30 side situps, thats not so much ither, but then later could you do30 going the other way, but now youve come so far, you really should do 30 full sit ups, I egg myself along all day and even on slow days like today I get ab work in, and Icount backwards
  • MrsBrosco
    MrsBrosco Posts: 295
    Having a good day today. First good day in (seems like) forever! Seem to have my eating under control again. I really really want this, I'm going to push myself (and you all) more than I ever have! I have new found motivation after a wonderful chat with my husband. I'll just say that I want my body in tip-top shape 6 months from now :love:

    Stay strong everyone, we can do this. We are all amazing and beautiful and inspirational.

  • lookpretty
    lookpretty Posts: 276 Member
    youre going to do so well, thanks for putting this group together, its very motivating
  • NurseLocke
    NurseLocke Posts: 103 Member
    Can't wait for Monday!
  • lailenm
    lailenm Posts: 203 Member
    While we're waiting for Monday, how about we all get to know one another? Sounds like something fun to do while we wait. :)
  • serendipitydoda
    serendipitydoda Posts: 15 Member
    So the sweet boots I ordered online came in the mail yesterday. I knew they wouldn't fit over my calves, I mean, who CAN actually get these things zipped up? So this is one of my goals for Christmas since it’s always good to measure by how things fit as well as by pounds lost. They are too small by 2.5 inches (photo is on my profile) on the largest part of my calf. So I shall call this portion of my personal goal “Mission Sexy Boots!”

    Does anyone else have a piece of clothing that they want to get in to by Christmas? I challenge you to include the inches that you need to lose to get into that “sexy black dress” or whatever it may be as part of your initial or weekly weigh-ins.
  • berv0009
    berv0009 Posts: 465 Member
    Sure, while I wait for the Monday weigh-in -- here is a little about me:

    My name is Natalie and I am 24 years old (will be 25 in one week). In high school I was an athlete. I was on the swim team, and played basketball and golf. Everyone in my family has a HUGE sweet tooth. I was used to eating anything and everything I wanted. It's funny I even felt insecure back then, when now I long to be that size! (amazing how that works isn't it?). Anyway, I gained about 50 lbs in college. I continued on with all my same eating habits, began drinking lots and lots of beer and didn't exercise. My senior year I finally realized that I needed to get my health back on track! I signed up for my first traithlon with my dad and completed that in 2009. I was able to lose 20 lbs during that training. Then I joined MFP!!!!!!!!! WHOOOOOOOP! Shocking and inspiring to realize how much crap you have been eating, right? I love this site. I love all of you! I have since lost another 20 lbs and am on my last 10. These are going to be the hardest I know -- so although I don't have many to lose by Christmas, I know it will not be easy. I am glad we are all in this together :)

    I threw away anything and everything I would have ever dreamed of wearing again (plus I think my sense of fashion has changed a bit since high school).... so I think for me once I hit my goal, I will work to maintain and build muscle -- and then purchase a fabulous new dress in a size I have never been at before! (6). Maybe. depends on how buff I get :)

    We are all beatiful inside and out -- lets work to be healthy together!

    GO TEAM!
  • lookpretty
    lookpretty Posts: 276 Member
    Today is an exciting day for me, I know weigh ins are on monday but I weight every morning after I potty, have been stuck right at 160 for the last month, just broke to 157.2, which just so happens to be.... drum roll please...... the weight I was right before I found out I was pregnant. I love the idea of picking a piece of cothing to fit into, I just need to decide on a realistic goal, I will do an intro later but I have a pretty bad history of having an eating disorder, my entire time in highschool I existed on under 300 calories a day with a weekly binge, as it is I try to stay over 4 or 500 calories a day but under 1000, its lower than most agree but if I shoot higher I freak out and go much lower so this is a safe amount for me, my goal nowadays is to be very thin but keep my sanity and health, when I starved myself I was moody and my health wasnt wonderful, now with a new out of my control problem I need to stay strong for work and my son and I actually am emotionally stable when Im healthy so want to keep it, the final goal is a size zero and given the frame under my fat I dont thihnk thats ridiculous, Im short, but I will shoot for a size 2 or 3, 4 looks awfully large to me but I think size 4 is my goal for this challenge, I set my weight goal to 126 with a safe 2 pounds a week lost but I do want to get to 115 or 110, the lowest Ive been was 95 and it was too thin, 100 was thin to others but at 110 I still had some meat on me so yea, have a great day everyone
  • Sweetpeagrl
    Sweetpeagrl Posts: 168 Member
    Im feeling a little bummed today. Went to the doctor yesterday and found out that I need to have surgery to remove a LARGE cyst on one of my ovaries. She explained that if everything goes as planned then it is just a day in the hospital, no over-night. HOWEVER, if the surgen gets in there and realizes that the ovary itself is bad then I will have to have the whole ovary removed. :-( I know it is a procedure they say they do all the time, but I have never actually have surgery before and am a little nervous. They are also sending samples to be tested to make sure the cells are not cancerous, so that in the back of my mind doesnt help either. Trying to stay focused. Has anyone else had surgery before while trying to lose weight? I am worried that during the recovery time or even before (from stress) that I am going to get off track and end up gaining weight back. Im hoping the recovery time is not too long because I dont get vacation days at work, so time off means no pay! :-/

    I might as well do my introductions now as well :-) My name is Ashley, I am 26 years old. I have been married for almost 2 years and have 2 awesome little boys (8yrs and 18 mo). I have never been super thin, but about 7 months into my 2nd pregnancy I lost my job and just decided to be a stay at home mom for a little while since I would be having him soon anyways. I ended up staying home until he was 11 months old. During that time home I would get bored and eat. Or stressed about money and eat. and I put on the most weight during that year. I finally looked at my self and though 'what are you doing to yourself?!' I get tired playing with the kids. I never feel like doing anything. and although i know my husband thinks im beautiful anyways, i know he would be excited for me to lose the extra weight. I started losing weight at the beginning of the year and have since last 39 pounds (falling off the wagon for a few months). Now i am back on track and looking to get healthier than i have ever been!! Idealy i would like to be 125, but I will be super happy when i hit 150! So that is my goal for the end of the year. Its about 3 pounds a week. Probably reaching a little high, but need to be motivated! :-) I dont have a certain piece of clothing that I want to fit by christmas, but i do have a dress that i want to wear next spring! Its a little black and white polka dot speghetti strap dress. super cute and i WILL fit into it!!! Sorry my post is so long...just wanted to get everything out! <3
  • lookpretty
    lookpretty Posts: 276 Member
    I know you didnt ask my advice for this but just I personally think that if you are going through a surgery your goal should be to maintain if it gets hard, dont gorge yourself for comfort but focus on getting better, when your body is healing it will need extra energy and food, it is proven that recovery time on surgeries is directly affected by the patients level of stress, if you are stressing yourself all out over not losing on your personal time line I dont think its in your best interest. Be good to yourself.