(Closed Group) Confidence for Christmas Challenge!



  • MrsBrosco
    1. What is your goal weight for Halloween?
    :devil: Halloween is 6.5 weeks from today so I would like to be at 164.0. That is a 8 lb loss for me in that time, I don't think that is unrealistic.

    2. What will you gain by getting to this goal?
    :devil: Confidence and Motivation to continue on my way towards my Christmas goal.

    3. What is your Halloween tradition?
    :devil: Get Ella all dolled up and take her to family's homes to trick-or-treat and show her off :heart: This year my husband wants to take her trick-or-treating to a few homes around our neighborhood, we'll see. She really doesn't eat much candy so I don't see it as completely neccesary but she can have a couple and we can donate the rest. There are a lot of groups in the area that you can donate your junk food to :happy:

    4. What are you planning to dress up as this year?
    :devil: Depends on if we have a party to go to or not this year (hint hint NurseLocke:wink: ) But I would LOVE to feel confident enough to be something naughty this year for the first time ever!

    5. What is your favorite thing about the Fall Season?
    :heart: Lewis Farm Market near our home. We are making it our family tradition to go there. It's about a 35 minute drive through a beautiful setting full of changing colors on the trees. You get there and there's an amazing petting zoo for the kids and all sorts of activities to be done. We go to the pumpkin and apple patch and load up with goodies to bring home. Last year Ella was asleep before we even left the parking lot. I cannot wait for this trip, it's the highlite of my year :heart:
  • berv0009
    berv0009 Posts: 465 Member
    1. What is your goal weight for Halloween?

    2. What will you gain by getting to this goal?
    Confidence confidence confidence! And knowing that I only have 5 more lbs to lose by Christmas to reach my goal!!!

    3. What is your Halloween tradition?
    Well, I live in a really friendly neighborhood -- so on the actual day of halloween I like to stay home, get dressed up and hand out candy to the little trick-or-treaters!!! they are so cute :) on the weekend that all the halloween festivities go on - I like to go out to a haloween party!!!!!!!

    4. What are you planning to dress up as this year?
    One of my friends is having a Harry Potter themed party -- sooooooo I havent decided which character to be yet. Bellatrix Lestrange would probably be the most fun :)

    5. What is your favorite thing about the Fall Season?
    Going to get pumpkins from the pumpkin patch! Carving them! Toasting the seeds for snacks! BAKING PUMPKIN ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!! PUMPKIN SPICE LATTES!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
  • jllipson
    :devil: Halloween Challenge :devil:

    1. What is your goal weight for Halloween?
    2. What will you gain by getting to this goal?
    Finally being under 200 pounds!
    3. What is your Halloween tradition?
    Normally take my girls trick or treating, but will be a little different - we are going to Gatlinburg this year, so we will see what happens!
    4. What are you planning to dress up as this year?
    Not sure if I will or not... will need to see what is going on near our destination! 6 years ago I was a jar of Prego Sauce... :laugh:
    How I mad the grand announcement that we were expecting my oldest!
    5. What is your favorite thing about the Fall Season?
    Cooler weather - great scenery of fall leaves, pumpkin patches, having fun with the family on hayrides!
  • hperowl
    hperowl Posts: 234 Member
    1. What is your goal weight for Halloween?
    I would like to be at 185. That would be a 25 lb total loss. At this time that feels a little unrealistic since my loss has slowed down, but I'm optimistic!

    2. What will you gain by getting to this goal?
    The same as MrsBrosco: Confidence and Motivation to continue on my way towards my Christmas goal.

    3. What is your Halloween tradition?
    Pull out all of the costume stuff we have and let the kids put together their own costumes (they get VERY creative). Go trick-or-treating around our neighborhood.

    4. What are you planning to dress up as this year?
    I don't usually dress up. I have some costumes but haven't felt comfortable in them for some time.

    5. What is your favorite thing about the Fall Season?
    Where do I start? I love the Fall! Our family has 3 birthdays in the fall, the Apple Orchard (fresh apple cider doughnuts YUM!), the Pumpkin Patch, carving pumpkins (a huge event with 6 people in the fam), TRICK-OR-TREATING!, leaves turning and falling, the crisp cool air, Thanksgiving dinner at my house... it goes on and on. I LOVE THE FALL!!!!!!
  • xjlishey1
    1. What is your goal weight for Halloween?
    215 pounds

    2. What will you gain by getting to this goal?
    motivation to continue on my weightloss journey

    3. What is your Halloween tradition?
    don't have one

    4. What are you planning to dress up as this year?
    I don't usually dress up.

    5. What is your favorite thing about the Fall Season?
    The brisk air...the color of the leaves and Thanksgiving dinner... I LOVE THE FALL!!!!!!
  • NurseLocke
    NurseLocke Posts: 103 Member
    1. What is your goal weight for Halloween?
    :devil: I'm a c.h.:happy: under 200# and would like to be 180#. A 16# deficit isn't too unrealistic in 6.5 weeks.

    2. What will you gain by getting to this goal?
    :devil: Attention in a sexy *kitten* Halloween costume. Vain, I know.

    3. What is your Halloween tradition?
    :devil: In years past, we have dressed up our monsters and taken them to grandparents, great-grandparents, aunts, & uncles homes to show them off. Until we realized we were out on the road longer than we were actually 'showing them off'. We finally decided, prior to trick-or-treating, we take them to the great grandparents house and then have a small Halloween party at home. At 6p, we go trick-or-treating down our road. It's amazing how many times last year we heard, "We NEVER get Trick-or-Treaters" -as they shovel 2 handfuls of candy into their bags. It works for me, I need the candy for cupcake toppings! :wink:

    4. What are you planning to dress up as this year?
    :devil: It depends on where I'm at weight-wise. My husband and I REALLY want to be He-Man & She-Ra, but otherwise a Greek Goddess. ...For our Halloween Party (hint hint MrsBrosco) :drinker:

    5. What is your favorite thing about the Fall Season?
    :love: The colder weather, the leaves, back-to-school, & HALLOWEEN! We also visit a pumpkin patch. We try to go to different ones each year to explore Michigan. We try to find ones with an apple orchard, hay rides, caramel apples, etc. We've found some pretty sweet ones in the surrounding area, so far.
  • MrsBrosco

    The countdown starts now :happy:

    Who will you be 100 days from now? Will you be a completely new person with confidence and want all eyes on you? Will you knock the socks off of those that love you and don't see you often enough? Will you LOVE what you see when you look in the mirror for the first time in years?

    That is my question, WHO WILL YOU BE?

  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    devil devil devil Halloween Challengedevil devil devil

    1. What is your goal weight for Halloween?
    My goal is to hit 140lb...5lb loss
    2. What will you gain by getting to this goal?
    I will gain confidence to maybe dress up this Halloween!
    3. What is your Halloween tradition?
    I spend the week before Halloween making my girls their Halloween costumes. On Halloween night we go over to a friends house for snacks and then take the kids trick or treating!
    4. What are you planning to dress up as this year?
    No idea
    5. What is your favorite thing about the Fall Season?
    Good luck everyone! We can totally rock some costumes this year!
  • Sweetpeagrl
    Sweetpeagrl Posts: 168 Member
    :devil: Halloween Challenge :devil:

    1. What is your goal weight for Halloween?
    I would LOVE to be at 185 which would be -10 pounds. Don't know if its too unrealistic, but I will make that my goal!! :smile:

    2. What will you gain by getting to this goal?
    More Confidence. I get excited at every 5 pounds I lose. ha. but to be out of the 190's would be AMAZING!!

    3. What is your Halloween tradition?
    We make cookies or some kind of treat (last year we made halloween shaped Jello Jigglers :happy: ) Then we get all dressed up, go over to Great Grandmas house to show off the kids (she lives right down the street), then go trick or treating around the neighborhood for an hour or so.

    4. What are you planning to dress up as this year?
    Not sure yet. My husband usually dresses up with the kids and I dont because I never feel comfortable in anything. but this year I WILL dress up. Want to a 'theme' as a family, but not sure what yet and need to get the hubby on board! :happy:

    5. What is your favorite thing about the Fall Season?
    EVERYTHING! The cooler weather...the leaves changing colors...i LOVE the pumpkin farm!!
  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    Triathlon this SUNDAY!!!!
    Also my 25th Birthday!!

    NSV: tried on my triathlon suit and it's too big!!! Just got back from buying new pants so they don't fall off! :laugh:
  • berv0009
    berv0009 Posts: 465 Member
    Triathlon this SUNDAY!!!!
    Also my 25th Birthday!!

    NSV: tried on my triathlon suit and it's too big!!! Just got back from buying new pants so they don't fall off! :laugh:

    That is great! Good luck and have fun!!!!!
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    1. What is your goal weight for Halloween? 204

    2. What will you gain by getting to this goal? Knowing I'm 5lbs away from ONEDERLAND!

    3. What is your Halloween tradition? Not gonna lie - my parents wouldn't ever let me trick-or-treat or participate in Halloween stuff (I know, right??) so I don't really have a tradition

    4. What are you planning to dress up as this year? See #3 - although, I'll be handing out candy to the kiddos in the neighborhood!

    5. What is your favorite thing about the Fall Season? Getting pumpkins for the front porch and pumpkin white chocolate mochas from caribou coffee (my favorite coffee place ever!). I LOVE pumpkin anything, cookies, bread, muffins, cake, etc...I'm determined to "health up" my favorite pumpkin chocolate chip cookie recipe this fall!
  • MrsBrosco
    :heart: WEEK FIVE: Melissa

    Challenge Starting Weight: 172.6#
    Current Weight: 171.4#
    Difference: -1.2
    Christmas Goal Weight: 149#
    Current Size: 14
    Goal Size: 10
    Aprox Minutes of Weekly Exercise: 15

    Highs of last week: I Made myself get on the elliptical, it was only for 15 minutes but I DID IT!

    Lows of last week: Crazy news coming from the doctor, still awaiting results. Led me to care less how I eat.

    How to Improve (the lows): I'm not ever going to be perfect especially when these types of things come knocking on my door. I have to live and let it go. All i can do is move forward

    Tricks: No eating after 8:00pm- this seems to have really started to help me get back on track. It helps me start my next day feeling better.

    Nothing tastes as good as SKINNY feels, Nothing tastes as good as SKINNY feels, NOTHING TASTES AS GOOD AS SKINNY FEELS!!!! Repeat, Repeat, Repeat!

    :heart: :heart: :heart: 96 DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS!:heart::heart: :heart:
  • berv0009
    berv0009 Posts: 465 Member
    WEEK FIVE: Nat

    Challenge Starting Weight: 149
    Current Weight: ? Not weighing until the end of the 30 day shred!
    Christmas Goal Weight: 135
    Aprox Minutes of Weekly Exercise: 200

    Highs of last week: I went for a 4 mile run! I haven't ran that far since I was training for my half marathon last spring. It felt great! I have a 10k coming up in 3 weeks.

    Lows of last week: Now that football has started, WEEKENDS ARE KILLER! Beer and pizza and wings and all sorts of delicious naughty food!!!!

    How to Improve (the lows): I need to make lower calorie snacks to have during the game. No escaping the beer though. I will not give it up. MGD 64 it is!

    Nothing tastes as good as SKINNY feels, Nothing tastes as good as SKINNY feels, NOTHING TASTES AS GOOD AS SKINNY FEELS!!!! Repeat, Repeat, Repeat!
  • maygs
    maygs Posts: 63 Member
    WEEK Five: Mayra
    Challenge Starting Weight: 230.2
    Current Weight: 222.4
    Difference: 0
    Christmas Goal Weight: 199
    Current Size: 18
    Goal Size: 16
    Aprox Minutes of Weekly Exercise: 127
    Highs of last week:
    Lows of last week: Not enough exercise and ate with a friend who doesn't care about how she cooks and adds cheese and butter to EVERYTHING!
    How to Improve (the lows): Get more excersice in this week...have to work it out!
    Tricks: I have a pair of jeans and a dress on my closet door so every time I go into my room I see them and they make me want to keep at it
    Piece of Clothing I'm dying to get into: A pretty turquoise dress that is hanging on my closet door for insperation
  • smlamb33
    smlamb33 Posts: 342 Member
    Challenge Starting Weight: 220

    Current Weight: 208

    Difference: - 12.0

    Christmas Goal Weight: 185

    Current Size: 20

    Goal Size: 10/12

    Aprox Minutes of Weekly Exercise: 315

    Highs of last week: I got a lot of extra exercise this weekend! YAY!

    Lows of last week: Missed luncha couple of times this weekend because we were so busy.

    How to Improve (the lows): I've got to make time to get my lunch in!

    Tricks: Starting taking vitamin b12 supplements to help increase my energy in the afternoon.
  • Sweetpeagrl
    Sweetpeagrl Posts: 168 Member
    WEEK FIVE: Ashley

    DIFFERENCE: -9 (overall)
    GOAL: 7-9
    HIGHS OF LAST WEEK: managing to lose a pound when i really didnt do anything. also recovering from surgery to almost 100%. ready to get back to some good exercising.
    LOWS OF LAST WEEK: feel like i starting slipping. not walking everyday like i had been i had a little bit of soda which i was trying to cut out completely and also some snacking that was not all too healthy. luckily didnt gain any weight back but feel like if i kept it up i definitely would.
    HOW TO IMPROVE (THE LOWS): better self dicipline. Espicially with the holidays coming up. I am worried that i will start eating toooo many sweets. my father in law bought some candy corn (which i LOVE) for my kids last night and i ended up eating 5 before i had to just walk away and out of site of the bag. ha.

    Starting 30 Day Shred tonight and hoping that gives me a little more motivation this month. I want to see really good results so I feel like I will make sure to eat better so i dont sabatage myself! Havent watched the DVD yet, so crossing my fingers that it is not too hard! :laugh:
  • officernorton
    officernorton Posts: 38 Member
    Week 5

    Challenge Starting Weight: 240
    Current Weight: 228
    Last Weeks Weight: 230
    Difference: -2
    Total Difference: -10
    Christmas Goal Weight: 200

    Exercise: 240 minutes
  • mrspenton2009
    mrspenton2009 Posts: 84 Member
    Week 5: Sheila

    Challenge starting weight: 322

    Last weeks weight: 314.2

    Current weight: 315.4 :cry:

    Difference: +1.2

    Highs: Never went over my calories

    Lows: Only exercised a few days last week

    How to improve the lows: Get up and moving no matter what.

    Christmas goal: Not really going by pounds but rather by size (16/18)

    I am more motivated today than ever before. I didn't get to exercise and I truly felt like crap.
  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    Week 5: Emma

    Challenge Starting Weight: 150
    Current Weight: 145.6
    Difference: +0.4
    Christmas Goal Weight: 140
    Aprox Minutes of Exercise: 553 as I was tapering
    Highes of last week:I completed my triathlon and did very well! 1:52.24 for 700 yard swim, 18 mile bike, and 4 mile run
    Lows of last week: I really didn't like tapering! I felt lazy and I had to keep reminding myself I didn't want to loss weight but focus on triathlon
    How to Improve (the lows): no need
    Tips or Tricks: make a mini goals you can attain while working for an overall big goal I need another goal!!
    Ultimate Goal: My BIG goal is to get in shape and feel good about myself