(Closed Group) Confidence for Christmas Challenge!



  • smlamb33
    smlamb33 Posts: 342 Member
    Sorry guys! I didn't make it very clear. My Mom and Dad have been divorced since I was 2. My Mom re-married when I was 4. My Dad re-married when I was 10 and has since gotten divorced and re-married to the same woman 2 times. That doesn't include aunts and uncles and (recently) friends.

    It's totaly something that i'm used to I just haven't had to go through it in quite some time now. It's definately a little foreign going through it as an adult.

    Thank you all for your support, you are wonderful =)

    So sorry to hear that you are going through such a difficult time. I'll be keeping you in my prayers. Hope everything starts to smooth out for you and your family soon.
  • smlamb33
    smlamb33 Posts: 342 Member
    Ok, since we are thinking about the holiday because we want to lose weight by then, I started thinking. What happens when the holidays get here? There will be all of this delicious tempting food, will portion control be enough? So I went to my favorite website for low cal, low carb, delicious food recipes...www.hungry-girl.com There I emailed them and asked them for some substitutions on some holiday favorites and shortly after I received an email with the following web address http://www.hungry-girl.com/biteout/show/1642

    This is a Thanksgiving Round Up of most of our favorite holiday foods, Hungry Girl style! There is a recipe for pumpkin pie, egg nog, bean casserole, sweet potatoes and more! I don't know about you but, after finding these, I am more excited than ever to get to the holidays! Hope these help you out too!

    That's great girl!

    Thanks for sharing. Too bad we can't all meet up and do an official meet ang greet!!!:ohwell:

    A meet and greet would be awesome!!!
  • MrsBrosco
    25 things about me....

    1. I have been married just over a year. August 7, 2010. I sometimes wonder why I got married but overall, my husband is one of the best things that has ever happened to me.

    2. I have three of the most amazing kids; Ages Girl 7 (almost 8), Boy 7, Boy 3. I didn't give birth to our middle son but I have helped raise him from 1-years-old to present. I'm convinced my daughter will be something phenomenal when she gets older. Her intelligence blows my mind. My baby boy never ceases to amaze me with his comments. And no, he never he shuts up.

    3. I have a tendency to get obsessed with things quickly. "Twilight", men, work, vacations, MFP, FB, etc.

    4. I get very shaky anytime I get confrontational.

    5. I'm VERY judgemental. I can find a flaw in anyone. I have no self-esteem and I make up for it by knocking others. But damnit... it's so damn easy. People just annoy me.

    6. I don't know how to "make friends".

    7. I'm VERY shy in social situations.

    8. I could Mexican food all day, every day.

    9. I have a problem spending money I don't have on stupid stuff. Primarily, things for other people. If someone is pregnant, I feel the need to go overboard and buy them everything I think they need.

    10. I absolutely love my job. I love working with the elderly. They have so many stories to share. The fiestier, the better.

    11. I'm very jealous of my younger brother. He's a very successful young man. I feel as if I am constantly getting compared to him. My mother has told me several times how proud she is of him but has never told me that she is proud of me.

    12. My husband would rather be punched than get smacked. He said it's more degrading. =)

    13. I got knocked up for my baby boy by reading a book during sex. (Husband was being a **** to me and I wanted to piss him off.) :laugh:

    14. I own Poison Sugar Cupcakes - an at home "bakery" (look me up on FB!) Love the concept but I really don't get into it as much as I did when I first started it.

    15. I want to open my own nursing home someday. An EDEN home to be exact. I want it to be the epitome of homes for the elderly. A place I would want to live when I am unable to care for myself.

    16. I would die if my mom ever died. I tell her everything.

    17. I despise my in-laws to no end. My mothers-in-law (that's right, there's 2 - they're gay) are the biggest ****s I have ever met in my entire life. My husbands ex-wife places a close second.

    18. If it has apple in it, I will eat it. I love them. Turnovers, pie, cake, apples & sausage....

    19. I have been to Jamaica once and think it's the most beautiful place in the entire world.

    20. I'm a chronic procrastinator. (sp?)

    21. One of my (many) pet peeves is people who sit and ***** about not having enough time to do something. Keyword there being 'sit'.

    22. I miss my friend Melissa. She was the closest things I have ever had to a best friend.

    23. I used to hide in the bathroom, in highschool, during an assembly if I didn't have anyone to sit by.

    24. I think Seinfeld is the most annoying & ridiculous show ever made.

    25. My grandparents died when I was relatively young. I miss them more than anything.

    I just cried, not just a tear... strait up sobbed. Thank God my 9am appt isn't here yet. I miss you too so much! 16 f-en days :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • berv0009
    berv0009 Posts: 465 Member
    1. I am a nerd -- not even a closet one I don't think -- I like Harry Potter and Eragon and Twilight and Lord of the Rings and Star Wars and Enders Game... the list could go on :)

    2. I graduated college with a degree in broadcast journalism and have always dreamed of working at ESPN. Instead I am an Admin assistant.

    3. My current dream now is to open a bakery someday with my big sister. She is my best friend and I love her to pieces. And we make DAMN good cookies, cakes, pies etc !!!! Not so good for my eating habits but I have come to accept I will never give up sweets. LOL

    4. I am a sports fanatic. I own more sports apparrel than my boyfriend, and I am OK with this.

    5. I have played fantasy football for 6 years with 9 guys from college. I have been the league champion TWICE.

    6. I am a proud aunt of 9 fabulous nieces and nephews. 10 is on the way in January :) (My sister has 3 and my brother has 6 with 7 on the way!) they are all such blessings in my life.

    7. I still do not have a smart phone. In fact, i wish I still had my nokia. I could text so fast on that thing... and snake... yes what a great game.

    8. Fall is my favorite season!!!!!!!!!! I love seeing the leaves change here in MN. I also love going for runs outside when the air is cool and crisp and it smells SOOOOO good. And I love anything and everything that has pumpkin in it. Yum.

    9. I want to marry Bing Crosby's voice. Too bad he was a bad person. I think I heard he hit his kids. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! That voice is too good!!!! And White Christmas just might be my favorite movie of all time.

    10. I am going to name my first dog (which will be a yellow lab) Cuddy after Michael Cuddyer of the MN Twins.

    11. I am a Green Bay Packers fan but I grew up in Northern MN. I was in love with Brett Favre from the age of 9 and never looked back. Considering how bad the Vikigns are -- I am so glad at a young age I made this choice :)

    12. I grew up in a small town in Northern MN on a lake. Until I moved to the city I did not realize how wonderful and beautful it is up there. I was spoiled rotten! I grew up on a lake with a boat and a jetski!!!!!!!! AHHH the life. I hope to move back someday.

    13. I love country music!!!!!!!!!! Those were the only radio stations I had growing up and I am still a huge country fan to this day. It probably helps that I love beer.

    14. I love my family more than anything in the world. My mom and my sister are my rocks. (my dad and bro are ok too :)

    15. I used to be a swimmer in high school and I HATED running. I just completed my second half marathon this summer. Who knew I could run? -- side note -- this always helps me remember that you CAN do ANYTHING you put your mind to. Just keep working at it.

    16. I think that cheese should be its own food group. LOVE.

    17. I wish I could eat pizza everyday. Seriously. Why does it have to be so bad for us!?!?!?!?!

    18. I used to nanny for 2 years for a little fellow starting when he was 2 and ending when he was 4. I am SO glad that I am still friends with that family and I go to play every few months. I can wait to have kids, but I love kids and it was fun to help raise that one :)

    19. My birthday was last Friday and I am now a quarter of a century old. I don't feel much different!

    20. I leave for LA tomorrow morning to spend the weekend with my 3 best girls from college! We are going to the USC vs. MN Gophers football game (we all went to the University of MN). Look for me Saturday on ABC 12:30 pacific time! LOL

    21. Last night I went to the Eric Church/ Toby Keith concert. Lots of water this morning. And coffee. I could use a nap :) Did I mention Toby Keith really makes me feel proud to be an American!!!?!?!?!?!??!

    22. I have lost 40 pounds and these last 10 are driving me nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    23. I went to a wedding of a great friend on Saturday -- at the reception they had a photo booth - this way all the guests go in, take photos and then that is what they put in the guest book and you sign next to it, plus you get to keep a copy. Well. My boyfriend and I are doing good for 1, 2, 3... and then he tries to swing my legs up on his lap and we topple over backwards my drink spills everywhere and we are laying on the ground out the back of the photo booth. The picture is EPIC. The Bride, "You just made my wedding."

    24. I did not get my ears pierced until I was 22. Now I have like 50 pairs of earrings.

    25. I love MFP and everyone in this community. We can do it and we are going to look great for Christmas!!!!!!!! Which, is my favorite holiday :)
  • hperowl
    hperowl Posts: 234 Member
    This really stinks! My knee is bothering me a lot to day and I don't know what cardio I can do that doesn't use the knees. Squats and lunges of any kind are out! I don't mind taking it easy but I can't take more than 2 days off or else I'll revert back to the lazy days. Did 25 min of Pilates today and tried to do some yoga but the down facing dog even hurt so I quit! Any suggestions to keep me active without using my knee to let it heal?
  • serendipitydoda
    serendipitydoda Posts: 15 Member
    Uh, so I'm a little behind here... but I thought this would be fun so here's mine!!


    1) I have two girls, one is eight and the other is three months. I adore them both, but think I want to try again for a boy…

    2) I am a GLEEK!

    3) My hubby is my best friend’s husband’s best friend. We got together at their wedding reception more than six years after meeting for the first time.

    4) I am exactly what I wanted to be when I “grew up,” a graphic designer.

    5) I don’t have any tattoos and I didn’t get my ears pierced until I was 27!

    6) I love the smell of popcorn.

    7) I am a Yankee living in Canada! I was born in Iowa and moved to Canada with my mom & step-dad when I was three.

    8) I LOVE “name that tune.” I know more of the songs & artists than most of the people who grew up in the 70’s! (but maybe that’s because they were too stoned to care?)

    9) I have a secret crush on Rivers Cuomo from Weezer.

    10) My favorite movie is “The Princess Bride.”

    11) My food weakness is cheese…

    12) I HATE being cold too! Living in Alberta is brutal because we get lots of cold arctic air from the north. No we don’t live in igloos, and yes, we do get summer, but I do wish I lived somewhere a little warmer.

    13) I have no patience for people who are ignorant about people living in Canada (see #12). I tried to pay for something with Canadian money in Seattle and they thought I was giving them pesos.

    14) I LOVE ethnic food. Mexican, Thai, Indian, Greek….. LOVE…IT…ALL!

    15) I have always wanted to go to Hawaii.

    16) I adore Pamela Anderson even if people think she is trashy.

    17) I don’t really like Christmas….I prefer Easter because of the bunnies, and eggs, and soft colours, and spring. I love spring!

    18) I don’t tan very well, but I have a spot on my wrist that has tanned-looking skin (like a birth mark?). My hubby tans very well and he has a spot on his same wrist that doesn’t tan. When we hold our arms up to each other it looks like I have the skin he is missing.

    19) I love music and I love singing. I do it in the car, shower, and karaoke when I’ve had a few drinks. Yes, I’m one of those. I’m not good my any means, but I sure love belting out the tunes.

    20) I cut off my cable once for two years because I couldn’t stand all the reality TV. Now I’m addicted to Survivor, Big Brother, and pretty much every reality cooking show out there.

    21) I love to cook which means I also love to eat! I love trying new foods and attempting to make them at home. I just bought three of Gordon Ramsay’s cook books and I’m going to make one of his (healthy) recipes each week.

    22) I am so envious of girls with skinny legs!

    23) I have been friends with my closest girlfriend for 20 years this September. We met in Grade 10 Biology class.

    24) I never used to like following professional sports, but I joined an online Fantasy Baseball team this year with my hubby and now I’m hooked! I love watching sports now, and understanding the stats, and the knowing teams. I can’t wait for football to start!

    25) Once I get this weight off, I will also be picking out some sexy undergarments for mommy & daddy time! Victoria’s Secret, here I come!! Pssst…see #1…. haha
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I've been doing pretty well with my eating and staying close to my calories for the day... been eating a salad with lots of healthy fat, lean protein and at least one fruit everyday at work for the last few days (except yesterday I had pizza). I'm still trying to allow myself treats but not as often as long as they don't put me over my calories. I feel thinner but I'm still holding onto at least 1 lb of water weight from a few high sodium days. But I'm chugging my water and expect at least 1.5 lbs loss tomorrow (1 for this week, and .5 for last week since I went over by at least 1000 calories one day - so not sure how much I'll lose for last week). We'll see!!! And now my turn:

    25 things about me....

    1. I tried out for American Idol in 2007 the year David Cook won - I even saw Jason Castro at the auditions in Dallas... but I didn't make it past the producers.

    2. I'm the youngest of four but have always been assertive and "bossy". Would love to have a management position before I get onto my "real career"...

    3. I'm studying to be a psychologist. I want to have my own counseling center for kids and teenagers who can come for various types of therapy, whether it's clinical, art, music, or just sitting in a room to read a book and escape whatever plagues them.

    4. I lost about 40 lbs as a teenager after gaining 35 ... and I'm finding it harder to lose the weight this time around. Am starting out 5 lbs heavier and aiming for 5 lbs lighter. Oie.

    5. I'm somewhat of a prude. I get very uncomfortable watching sex or nudity in movies or hearing about it on the radio in music.

    6. I'm very much a people person. All my jobs have been customer service-related and I love dealing with people - yet hate it at the same time.

    7. I've never smoked a cigarette or tried drugs.

    8. Although I've been high once at a concert due to smoke being blown in my direction - lol

    9. I love to write. I write music & lyrics, poetry, short stories, essays, etc. I'm taking my basic English class this semester and so far love it...

    10. I'm a liiiiiiittle nerdy.

    11. I come from an Italian father and a Dutch mother. My dad's parents couldn't cook but my mother's parents were chefs and owned a 5-star restaurant in New York City. I got the cooking gene/bug. I LOVE to cook.

    12. If I had several lives, I could do everything I want with my life: be a writer, chef, psychologist/therapist, cosmetologist (hair and makeup preferably), interior decorater, personal trainer, owner of a restaurant/bar/bakery

    13. I'm the first person in my family to live with a significant other before marriage.

    14. I was raised Christian and now am agnostic.

    15. I've never been further outside the U.S. than Niagara Falls and the only "exciting" state I've been to is Florida.

    16. I'm a hardcore water baby and love swimming but the thought of drowning scares me.

    17. I was engaged at 18 for 5 months before I broke up with him.

    18. I'm addicted to Listia.com - a site where you bid/buy items with credits instead of money. It's great & you should sign up under me to get 100 EXTRA credits when you start (they start you with 400 I believe) :bigsmile: http://www.listia.com/signup/717612

    19. I have one sister & always wished I had more.

    20. When I was a child, I wanted to be a boy when I grew up. Once I discovered the peni, I changed my mind. :happy:

    21. I only have one grandparent alive and she's recovering from lung cancer quite beautifully actually. She's almost 79.

    22. I love to eat out. Growing up it was a privilege and I still get excited about going out to dinner even if it's something simple such as pizza.

    23. I never had a "go crazy" phase, i.e.: I've never gone clubbing, gotten super drunk, done drugs, slept with someone I wasn't in a relationship with or played beer pong.

    24. I don't think I could ever be a stay at home mom. Just being unemployed for 2 months gave me cabin fever.

    25. I'm scared of childbirth but would like to be able to say I did it. We'll see.
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    1. I see a counselor for my eating issues and I'm not afraid to admit it. Every once of us eats for a reason, not just because it tastes good, and I've learned through counseling how to deal with my issues in a healthier way.

    2. I've looked a convicted terrorist straight in the eye. The experience sent chills running through my body, and it's something I will never forget.

    3. I swam in college at Marshall University - but most of my records were from weightlifting. I could power clean 175 (more than my bodyweight at the time)

    4. I ended my relationship with my grandmother 2 years and 4 months ago and it was the best decision for me. That may sound terrible, but I did it for me, and I am much happier now without her in my life.

    5. I am obsessed with MomAgenda day planners and have recruited at least 16 other people into buying one because they're amazing!

    6. I still struggle with something my mom said to me in high school - "don't blame me when you weigh 200 lbs!" - at that time, I knew she was wrong because I'd control my weight, but she ended up being right and that still bothers me to this day that I couldn't be different.

    7. I'm scared to death of pregnancy. I know everyone says having your own child is worth it, but some days I question if I can do it or not.

    8. My husband and I have been "married" twice - a secret ceremony that very few people (including my in-laws) know about so he could get a transfer to another city with me at work (we work together) and a "real" wedding in a church 8 months later. We celebrate two anniversaries - March 20th and November 6th!

    9. After 30 years of marriage, my in-laws separated this year. It scares me that after 30 years you can leave your spouse and not even think twice about it.

    10. I feel closer to most of my MFP friends than I do to people in real life. Y'all have been more supportive of my journey than most of my friends!

    11. My grandmother (the "good" one) needs double knee replacement for the second time, and she's had her hips replaced too, yet she still manages to go to "chair aerobics" twice a week at her church. If she can work out despite her physical condition and lose 8.5lbs in August, I can surely get up and do something myself. She's such an insipiration to me!

    12. I started my weight loss journey after reading a blog of a facebook friend I barely knew. I swam against her in high school and we never really knew each other - but I read her blog which was brutally honest about her struggles after being an athlete and her embarrassment of letting herself go. She allowed me to realize other people with my background also struggle and it was okay. She's become one of my biggest supporters!

    13. I'm a Braves fan and my husband is a Phillies fan. Enough said!

    14. We have a German Shepherd puppy who is 9 months old - I love him to death 98% of the time, but some days he completely overwhelms me with his energy and size.

    15. I didn't try coffee until my sophomore year of college - my friend convinced me to get a mocha frap from starbucks and I've loved all kinds of coffee ever since.

    16. I go on mission trips with my dad (team leader) and my husband, and the 1-2 weeks a year we spend together serving Him is such a blessing.

    17. I cuss at work, and I know I shouldn't, but I just can't help myself sometimes.

    18. I can't sleep past 7AM on the weekends - I have never been able to do it because I feel so lazy if I sleep the day away.

    19. I used to drink 2-3 cans of diet coke/diet dr. pepper per day. For some reason it doesn't taste the same now that I'm eating healthier, and I have only had a few since June.

    20. I'm a homebody - I'd rather stay home with my husband and watch a movie or go to dinner with friends. I HATE when college friends are in town and call me up to go out drinking with them - I stopped that when I graduated college and don't see how it serves a purpose in my life now.

    21. I met my husband on our first day of work - we were in the same training class 4 years ago! We sat next to each other at work over the next few years and kept our relationship a secret until he proposed - when we told people we were together, they didn't believe us.

    22. My husband and I go to a professional football game every year - I know it costs way too much, but it's our Christmas present to each other.

    23. I rarely check facebook anymore now that I'm on MFP. I just have much more in common with people here than people on facebook.

    24. I started swimming to cure my asthma when I was 5 years old - I never dreamed it would pay for my college, but I'm so glad I stuck with it.

    25. I went to an all girls' high school and would send my daughter there in a heartbeat!
  • jllipson

    1) I have 2 beautiful little girls - the oldest just started kindergarten and youngest is 2.

    2) I have 3 angel babies in heaven (all miscarriages)

    3) I am 38 years old, having the time of my life getting into shape and making a healthier, happier family!

    4) I was born and raised in Northern Kentucky and have never lived out of the state of Kentucky.

    5) My father was a police officer and I have feared being in trouble with the law my entire life! Even now when I work with police officers (I'm a clerk in a city office)

    6) I had meningitis when I was 6 months old - 38 years ago, I was a lucky one that survived.

    7) I have worn hearing aids since I was 4 years old - nerve damage from the meningitis.

    8) In high school and college I was on a shooting team - shooting rifles - in high school I even qualified to go to Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs for tryouts - truly amazing experience (also found out that I wasn't as good on that level as I was in my state...)

    9) I am in a Get Fit program, which helps steer you in the right direction - teaches Clean Eating, and attend boot camps to get my butt kicked!

    10) I'm obsessed with this website - and I too spend much more time here than on Facebook!

    11) I am definitely not a clean freak! I keep my house clean, but lived in...

    12) I work 2 part time jobs - would love to find a full time, but with this economy - the 2 part time ones pay way more than what is available in full time positions!

    13) I want a dog, but feel it is unfair to have a puppy at a home when nobody is there all day, so we don't have one. Right now the girls are happy with their fish - they each had 1 until a couple days ago when we got home on the oldest one's was floating - surprisingly she took it very well, accepting that fish have short lives - her aunt who gave it to her gave us a month - he lived almost 15 months!

    14) I love my parents, but I wish they both cared more about their health and weight!

    15) I would love to move to Florida, I love the beaches and hate that I can't afford to visit them (or my sister) more often - back to the job issue...

    16) I didn't have braces on my teeth until I was almost 30, but I had them and feel so much better than I did before

    17) I have a 16 year old stepdaughter, who is becoming harder and harder to get along with - I honestly can't wait for her to turn 18...

    18) In 2 years, this will be a favorite number to me - see above... I know it's bad, but if you knew her, you would understand

    19) My girls are my life to me - I would do anything and everything for them - yes including spoiling them - I have bought them so many Build A Bears that we have no place to put them, but you know something, I will continue to buy them, cause we all love them :tongue:

    20) I used to wear tight clothing when I was heavier, never cared what I looked like - now I'm ashamed of the old me, but happy with the transitioning me!

    21) I started seeing my husband before he was divorced from his ex...:blushing:

    22) My husband was also my first and only :blushing:

    23) yep, I'm running out of fresh ideas here... oh, my favorite food is pizza and also chocolate mousse - they have been the hardest to resist, but I have learned MODERATION!!!

    24) I used to drink 4-8 Cokes per day, now they are soooo nasty to me, that I haven't had any soft drinks since February! Tea, milk, juice and of course WATER!!!

    25) Drum roll... just cause I made it to 25 ---- what shall it be --- I really despise my boss and mayor for cutting me to part time, literally, wheneve I see either one, when I am done doing whatever, I walk away thinking how much I don't like them...

    and for a fun add on... I'm a crazy - if I win lots of money, my priorities would be paying off all my bills, then my parents, then help other family members, quit working, and at the bottom of the list is a trip and having fun... :wink:
  • smlamb33
    smlamb33 Posts: 342 Member
    WEEK 3 - Stephanie

    Challenge Starting Weight: 220

    Current Weight: 213

    Difference: - 7 pounds

    Christmas Goal Weight: 185

    Pounds to go until my Christmas Goal Weight: 28

    Aprox Minutes of Exercise: 45 min a day

    Highes of last week: Ate at Chipotle and still stayed under my calories!

    Lows of last week: Still having alot of foot pain, can't wait for this to heal!

    How to Improve (the lows): Using athletic tape for extra support.

    Tips or Tricks: Eating lots of fiber. Fiber flushes fat, so don't skimp on getting all of your daily fiber in!
  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    Week 3: Emma

    Challenge Starting Weight: 150
    Current Weight: 145.4
    Difference: -2.2
    Christmas Goal Weight: 140
    Aprox Minutes of Exercise: this week I exercised 672 minutes! I hope to exercise 700 this week
    Highes of last week: TRACKED my weekend eating for the first time
    Lows of last week: I was soooo hungry last night
    How to Improve (the lows): find more filling foods
    Tips or Tricks: make a mini goals you can attain while working for an overall big goal
    Ultimate Goal: My goal is to complete my Olympic distance triathlon September 18! My BIG goal is to get in shape and feel good about myself
  • xjlishey1
    Week 3 - Jlishey

    Challenge starting weight: 226
    Current Weight: 223.8
    Difference: - 2.2
    Christmas Goal Weight: 175
    Aprox. minutes of Exercise: 315 minutes
    Lows of last week: PARTY FOR MY SISTER
    How to improve: Continue to do what I did last week.
  • Sweetpeagrl
    Sweetpeagrl Posts: 168 Member
    WEEK THREE: Ashley

    CURRENT SIZE: 14 (one size down since the last time i went shopping! super excited!)
    GOAL: 7-9
    HIGHS OF LAST WEEK: Staying on track even though I went out to eat one or two times. Made very good choices and I am very proud of myself.
    LOWS OF LAST WEEK: Giving in to temptation and having a cupcake when I really didnt need it.
    HOW TO IMPROVE (THE LOWS): I need to have better will power for sweets when they are in front of me.

    Surgery day tomorrow to remove this evil cyst from my ovary. Hoping that I am not layed up for too many days. If everything goes as planned he said only 1-2 days recovery. But not sure how long before I can do extensive exercises again. Bought lots of low cal snacks this weekend in case I start munching in while laying in bed. at least I will be munching on healthy stuff!! crossing my fingers that I can stay on track and focused. feeling good about it...gotta stay optimistic!!!! :happy:
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    Week 2 - Emily

    Challenge Starting Weight: 219.9
    Current Weight: 215.1
    Difference from last week: 3.8 lbs
    Christmas Goal Weight: 199
    Aprox Minutes of Exercise: 1132 (which included 14 hours of painting my house - I counted that as exercise bc I was sweating my *kitten* off!)
    Highs of last week: Making my 50,000 yard swimming goal for the month and making good choices while eating out
    Lows of last week: Quitting halfway through my Friday morning workout because I had no energy due to eating a bunch of crap the night before. I never quit on anything, but I just stopped the kickboxing workout and went to work early. So disappointed in myself for that one...
    How to Improve (the lows): Ensure I eat a good dinner every night, especially when I am planning on working out the next morning before work.
    Tips or Tricks: Getting a bigger bottle for my water has really helped - I use a 32oz nalgene bottle and aim to drink at least 3 of those per day.
  • serendipitydoda
    serendipitydoda Posts: 15 Member
    Week 2: Julie
    Challenge Starting Weight : 174.2
    Current Weight: 171.6
    Difference from last week: 0
    Christmas Goal Weight: 140
    Mission Sexy Boots (piece of clothing I'm dying to get into): 2.5 inches too small around calves
    Aprox. Minutes of Exercise: 100
    Highs of last week: Stayed under my calorie goal most days
    Lows of last week: Ate wayyy too much sushi on Friday...but mmmm it was good!
    How to Improve (the lows): Moderation, moderation, moderation!!
    Tips or Tricks: If the labels have ingredients you can't pronounce, don't eat it!!
  • jllipson
    WEEK 2: Jennifer

    Challenge Starting Weight: 218.0
    Current Weight: 212.8
    Difference: 5.2
    Christmas Goal Weight: 175
    Approx Minutes of Exercise: 500 minutes, lots of walking - 2 boot camps, bike a couple of times during the week and lots more walking!
    Highs of last week: Lost almost 3 pounds! Working it hard to lose the weight...
    Lows of last week: Ate out 4 times in past week, 3 times more than intended!
    How to Improve (the lows): Stick to my game plans and do like I did today - girls begged for McDonald's - did drive thru, got me an unsweet tea, and food for them, went home and made me a chicken breast sandwich!
    Tips or Tricks: Moderation! Also, give yourself a set cheat day - stick to the game plan beyond that!!!
  • hperowl
    hperowl Posts: 234 Member
    Week 3: Heather

    Challenge Starting Weight: 200 (as of today)
    Current Weight: 197
    Difference: 3
    Christmas Goal Weight: 169
    Aprox Minutes of Exercise: 60+ minutes a day x 6
    Highs of last week: not really sure, had several setbacks
    Lows of last week: injured knee
    How to Improve (the lows): took it easy this week on exercising
    Tips or Tricks: VEGGIES! VEGGIES! VEGGIES!
    Ultimate Goal: To wear a size 8 Current size: 16

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • hperowl
    hperowl Posts: 234 Member
    Week 3: Heather

    Challenge Starting Weight: 200 (as of today)

    Current Weight: 197

    Difference: 3

    Christmas Goal Weight: 169

    Aprox Minutes of Exercise: 60+ minutes a day x 6

    Highs of last week: not really sure, had several setbacks, I suppose it would be that I lost back the 2 pounds I had gained

    Lows of last week: injured knee

    How to Improve (the lows): took it easy this week on exercising

    Tips or Tricks: VEGGIES! VEGGIES! VEGGIES!

    Ultimate Goal: To wear a size 8 Current size: 16

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • hperowl
    hperowl Posts: 234 Member
    Sorry, didn't mean to post twice!:blushing:

    Great job everyone!:wink:
  • berv0009
    berv0009 Posts: 465 Member
    Week three: Natalie

    Challenge Starting Weight: 149
    Current Weight: 149
    Difference: 00000000000
    Christmas Goal Weight: 135
    Aprox Minutes of Exercise: 100
    Highes of last week: I went to LA to see my best friend from college!
    Lows of last week: We ate out all the time and I didn't work out at all while on vacation.

    Time to crack down and get serious!!!!!!