Eliminating SUGAR



  • Theoldguy1
    Theoldguy1 Posts: 2,477 Member
    MikePTY wrote: »
    OldHobo wrote: »
    I won't say I've eliminated sugar. For all practical purposes I have in fact done just that but I won't say it because of the irrational replies it invokes from people who act offended by the possibility.

    For me, it came about gradually by phasing out categories of "foods" one at a time. Didn't switch to sweeteners. Just got used to, and eventually came to prefer foods unsweetened. I never swore an oath of sugar abstinence though. Last year I might have made a cup of hot cocoa three or four times. I might have three or four next year too. If pressed I could come up with more examples of very occasional use.

    One of the last regular uses was adding brown sugar to the morning porridge but I weaned myself off that and now it's fine either naturally sweetened with fruit or savory. I've lost over 60 pounds so far and have another 40 or so to go to get to normal or healthy weight. When I get there, maybe I'll consider having an occasional dessert. But until then it's easier to skip them altogether than struggle with moderation. If moderating food came easy I wouldn't have become obese in the first place. To all the people who will have the irresistible compulsion to click disagree, I remind you, I'm not taking a position one way or the other on what you should do. And maybe I'll add that if the original poster decides to eliminate added sugars, that won't affect you either.

    So you don't eat any fruits? Where do you get some of the key vitamins and minerals from then?

    Well only 10% of the US population gets the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables in their diet so I would assume they are getting them (or, unfortunately, more likely not getting them) from the same source as 90% of the population.

  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    ReenieHJ wrote: »
    Boy, lots of people in disagreement over this issue. Decreasing or eliminating added sugars and/or corn syrup....is it all just marketable hype, a way to sell books and alternative products?
    I believe it's one of those areas where 'all things in moderation' really and truly applies. A cookie now and then, isn't going to kill you. But grab a package and down 'em, then that's something else. And whether it indicates a sugar addiction, raises your levels of happy hormones, or whatever doesn't really matter now does it? To me, many(maybe most) of us have sensitivities of one kind or another, whether it's in our personality, genes, system. My body reacts to sugar in such a way that once I've started down that path I continue with a blind eye. :( For these type of sensitivities all we can do is our best to avoid it.
    I was addicted to alcohol where I couldn't even drive past a bar or liquor store without that deep-down urge to stop. I have controlled it for over 38 years. I have also been addicted(to me NOT a cop out)to sugar where my urge becomes so great that I physically feel that same pull in the wrong direction. I am now working on myself and my habits to control that also.
    I believe addictions come in all forms, and levels.
    Thankfully, I've never been addicted to drugs, gambling, cigarettes.....there are so many life changing addictions out there. :(

    I believe that eliminating all added sugars is indeed mostly marketable hype, a way to sell books, etc. But if doing programs like "Bright Line Eating" helps people who feel out of control get control, I support them. The book is available in my library system, so I checked it out. I didn't dispute the science, but I do dispute the author's conclusions.

    Back in the 90's I felt the same way you did when driving by liquor stores. A few Smart Recovery and Rational Recovery meetings really helped with that. (RR no longer has in person meetings but SR still does.)

    I share your experience that those compulsive urges can feel the same with food.

    Smart Recovery and Rational Recovery had tips that are cognitive behavioral therapy based, as does The Beck Diet Solution: Train Your Brain to Think Like a Thin Person

    Can thinking and eating like a thin person be learned, similar to learning to drive or use a computer? Beck (Cognitive Therapy for Challenging Problems) contends so, based on decades of work with patients who have lost pounds and maintained weight through Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Beck's six-week program adapts CBT, a therapeutic system developed by Beck's father, Aaron, in the 1960s, to specific challenges faced by yo-yo dieters, including negative thinking, bargaining, emotional eating, bingeing, and eating out. Beck counsels readers day-by-day, introducing new elements (creating advantage response cards, choosing a diet, enlisting a diet coach, making a weight-loss graph) progressively and offering tools to help readers stay focused (writing exercises, to-do lists, ways to counter negative thoughts). There are no eating plans, calorie counts, recipes or exercises; according to Beck, any healthy diet will work if readers learn to think differently about eating and food. Beck's book is like an extended therapy session with a diet coach. (Apr.)
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,300 Member
    edited December 2019
    AnnPT77, I value all the posts of yours I have come across. I think we can only speak from our experiences.

    I was speaking as someone who has damaged systems, anyone who is not so damaged can eat all the sugar they wish and for the time being, I would hope for life, not experienceing any issues.

    I was talking in vague terms with my Chineese doctor yesterday. It seems, on her list there has been someone who had joint replacements at 34, continued their "normal" eating plan packed with least advised foods by her and the western medical professional and wonders why at 40 they were wracked with referred pain from poor posture and more.

    I happen to know if I have too much sugar "for me" my arthritic knee start to hurt. Its self preservation to keep sugar of all kinds low. I also know, if I have higher dietary salicylate, (the method most plants use to protect themselves from moulds and mildews and stuff), I get specific joint pain. Salicylate is related to aspirin, I discovered this link, as I have said many times before; being human i would forget to take pain relief before my workout, then had no pain. On the occasions I did use pain relief I was in absolute agony. I report this to my NHS doctors as relivant, to have this "personal fact" dismissed. I did talk freely of it with a Professor in Immunology and he fully understood and wanted to work with me but the local practice said NO. Needless to say, as well as taking capsules to aid salicylate digestion I choose my "poison" carefully. Small oranges are a step too far for me, where as the fresh ginger tea seeems to get past my defiences because it has other beneficial elements, for me.

    All anyone can do is what is right for them. My greatest achievement in the last 20 years is to have discovered what ails me and how to improve things, at a time when it seems it is generally considdered I should curl up and simply give up. In my view Life has always been too short to do other than work to achive "one's best quality of life" and now I'm way more active than I was from my 30's to 50's by identifying my systematic disfunctions and finding a way past the blockages. My wish is that no one has to endure the disabilities I did and will encourage anyone to read, learn and discover "what is apropriate to them".

    I'm one very comfortable great grandmother, great in disignation not of personally inflated opinion. As long as all goes well there will be 5 of these little people by the summer for me to be activly involved with, I want to achieve special smiles with all of them, because they will all be incredibly special people. (for those who can't do maths I'm 70. Sorry I am very British we don't do math, there is more than one fascet to maths)

    Edit: the link offered by psychod 787 is now "historic" therefore not updated or otherwise supported.
  • vollkornbloedchen
    vollkornbloedchen Posts: 2,243 Member
    4ckb2018 wrote: »
    Sugar is addictive.

    Since your body, sooner or later, converts all food to sugar (since this is the only form in which your cells can extract the energy from what you eat) you can only get "addicted" to sugar in the same way that you are addicted to water: You die if you don't get enough and an "overdose" will kill you too (in case of water this process is called "drowning").

    Is it probably as, with most of what we eat, that the dosis defines what's poisonous?
  • sams2525
    sams2525 Posts: 4 Member
    Watch the documentary "Sugar Coated". It's very interesting and helped motivate me to as best I can only have fruit and limited honey in my everyday food plan. As much as possible I stay away from all added sugar except for family celebrations or special events. Eating anything with added sugar makes me crave more. What book are you reading?
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    Thank you for sharing that documentary, will definitely be checking into it today. My personal experience has been that sugar creates a huge brain fog for me and increases inflammation. Inflammation causes all sorts of bad stuff in our bodies. Is it just sugar? Maybe, maybe not. Because all the sugar I used to eat usually came with the added fat of processed foods so I cannot say for sure. :/
  • sams2525
    sams2525 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for recommendation...

    There are some in the challenge who are doing 0 added sugar: https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10769530/30-day-logging-limiting-added-sugar-challenge/p1

  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,009 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    MikePTY wrote: »
    OldHobo wrote: »
    I won't say I've eliminated sugar. For all practical purposes I have in fact done just that but I won't say it because of the irrational replies it invokes from people who act offended by the possibility.

    For me, it came about gradually by phasing out categories of "foods" one at a time. Didn't switch to sweeteners. Just got used to, and eventually came to prefer foods unsweetened. I never swore an oath of sugar abstinence though. Last year I might have made a cup of hot cocoa three or four times. I might have three or four next year too. If pressed I could come up with more examples of very occasional use.

    One of the last regular uses was adding brown sugar to the morning porridge but I weaned myself off that and now it's fine either naturally sweetened with fruit or savory. I've lost over 60 pounds so far and have another 40 or so to go to get to normal or healthy weight. When I get there, maybe I'll consider having an occasional dessert. But until then it's easier to skip them altogether than struggle with moderation. If moderating food came easy I wouldn't have become obese in the first place. To all the people who will have the irresistible compulsion to click disagree, I remind you, I'm not taking a position one way or the other on what you should do. And maybe I'll add that if the original poster decides to eliminate added sugars, that won't affect you either.

    So you don't eat any fruits? Where do you get some of the key vitamins and minerals from then?

    I just saw in another post that he had beets in his diary. Where do people think refined sugar generally comes from? Cane and...beets.

    FTR, sugar beets are a different cultivar from regular vegetable beets. Very different. Look more like a fat, stubby parsnip.

    Both got that delicious sugar.

    Sure. Lots in the one case (sugar beets), not much in the other (regular red beets).

    Dog cookies and Pepperidge Farm Sausalito Milk Chocolate Macadamia Cookies are both "cookies", too, but I'd only eat the latter. Just not the same, not close.

    Even if in the debate section, the beet thing . . . ?

    According to https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/169145/nutrients , about three-quarters of the calories in regular beets are from sugar. I wouldn't call that "not so much, even if it's less than in the beets grown for sugar.
  • wilson10102018
    wilson10102018 Posts: 1,306 Member
    Persons who thrive in restriction, and self imposed restraint do well with eliminating the added sugar (usually up to the fifth ingredient) because such will encompass a lot of calorie dense foods and snacks.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,127 Member
    J72FIT wrote: »
    Fat loss = CI<CO, that's it. Pick a way of eating that gets you there with the least amount of suffering...
