
This is a thread for women who are looking to change their lives through weight loss and new habits and attitudes. The title says “Women Ages 50+” but all women are welcome.

:bigsmile: After a lifetime of first being a student and then being a public school teacher, I see September as a time of new beginnings
a clean slate, a chance to make new goals and try new things.

:bigsmile: We have started a new thread on the first of the month every month since I started here in February 2009 and each month we have reflected on our goals from last month and set new goals for the new month. Some of us set weight loss goals and others set goals for new behaviors and attitudes.

:bigsmile: How did you do with your goals for August? What goals have you set for September?

:bigsmile: It’s a new page on the calendar and a new opportunity to change your life………let’s go.



  • chicletgirl21
    chicletgirl21 Posts: 99 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Well for the past 2 months I have maintained. I guess I should be happy about that, with all that I have been eating. Candy bars and the other day the whole lemon cheesecake!:noway: I think with the extra stress my mom has been putting me through the last couple of months I have been taking it out on my comfort foods. I hate myself for doing this, but dammit if it doesn't soothe me!!!!!:explode:

    At any rate, I took my mom to the doctor yesterday and the doctor asked her if she was feeling better with the new anti-depressant. My mom said "Yes" and the doctor wanted to know if she should increase the dose if she was still having problems. My mom said "No it wasn't necessary." and I piped in "Yes it is!" I explained what she had been doing so the doctor upped the dose. Crossing my fingers that we see an improvement. The doctor then asked my mom if she was ready to try in-home therapy again? You see, she wants us to change our insurance to help us out better financially. This would happen at the end of the year. The new insurance will not cover in-home therapy, only outpatient therapy and only will continue it if they see regular improvement. So the doctor looked her straight in the eyes and asked her if she would give it her all? Mom said "yes" but then proceeded to tell her that it is my fault she can't walk. The doctor got on her about that and said it was not my responsiblity to make her walk that it was hers and her attitude needed to change. If this does not work this time, then she will be going into a home afterwards. Mom started crying, but I think she understands (finally) the seriousness of the matter.

    Sissy, I wanted to thank you for sharing your story about your mom. When I read it, I saw so much of my mom in your words descirbing your mother. Only difference is my mom is not suffering from Alzheimers disease, she's just mean period. I'm glad it all turned out for the better in the end. I think they fight so much when losing their independence and expect the worse from it, but when they finally do it, it turns out its not so bad after all. I think it would be much easier for my mom if she were in a home because they have more staff available for her needs vs, just me. Well this is mom's last chance at walking so we will see what happens.

    Went swimming yesterday and increase laps and reps in the pool and my knee ended up swelling up. So today I couldn't even walk! I just stayed in and watched movies today. I missed not being able to swim today.

    Keep cool everyone! This weekend is supposed to be a scorcher! Happy Labor Day.

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: September already! The days are just flying by.

    :frown: Sorry I've not logged in to check with you all for the last few days - is it almost a week ?:embarassed: I'm so fed up with myself, I can't seem to shift this extra weight I've put on over my holiday. Almost a year and half to lose weight and 5 days to put it all back on!!!! :explode:

    :flowerforyou: I need to check back to last month to catch up with your news, but wanted to say thanks Barbie for starting the new thread, I always look forward to your first post of the month, it motivates me - now I've got it right in my head, I now need to put it into practice (and not in my mouth :bigsmile: :bigsmile: )

    I hope you are all doing well - if you are like me and going through a "phase" keep on keeping on.

    Chat again soon.

    Viv xx
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    X marks my spot x
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies - Happy September!

    I'm trying to get back into the swing of things from today. It is almost six months since I had my heart surgery and now is definitely the time to up my exercise. As of next week I will be looking after my gorgeous grandtwins on Monday, Tuesday and Thursdays as my DD goes back to work part-time. The babies are nine and a half months now, maybe that's where I'm going to get my extra exercise!

    When I had my bloods taken last month, they found that I'm deficient in B12 and vit D. I had injections for the vit D and I'm taking extra B12. I've upped my protein intake too. I have heard about B12 patches that you can wear, has anyone tried them?

    Time to move my body - catch up with you all later.

    Amanda x
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Barbie, thank you for starting the new thread. Looks like some people are up in the middle of the night. Or, they are just in a different time zone to where they are already into the next day. Confusing.right?

    :flowerforyou: Amanda, be sure to get your doctor's Ok before adding more exercises. I am sure that you are helping your heart by being active. Good for you !!:flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: wizzywig, stay with us. You can do it. Just have to change your mind set. Yes, it has been a while since you put on the pounds but now is the time to get rid of them.

    :flowerforyou: chiclet, it is a good thing that you are there to be an avocate for you mother. Wow, this has be thinking of what my own children will be doing for me in later years.
  • tobybear
    Well lost 11 pounds since July 25, hope I can keep going. College football starts tonight and I am so excited. I won't be going but will be watching my Wisconsin Badgers on TV. The temperature right now is 62 and at 5:00 it will be 92. The game time temp is going to be in the 80s at 7:00 p.m. Can't wait. I will have to DVR it because I might fall asleep. Anyway..... ON WISCONSIN and JUMP AROUND tonight. The GB Packers play too, it is their final preseason game. G-FORCE RULES. GO PACK GO.

    Hope everyone has a great day. Enjoy.
  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    Thank you for the new thread Barbie. Just marking my spot.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Bumpity bump bump. Still lurking :laugh:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Thanks Barbie for starting the thread this month!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
  • grabbit97
    Things are going good with my knee... I have PT again today, 3x a week, they pull, stretch, turn, maneuver the leg, to get that range of motion back... I come home and ICE the knee for quite awhile... I am hoping to drive again starting Sept. 12, so i don't have to rely on people .. namely hubby to take me everywhere.

    I got on the scale this morning, recorded a new weight loss, it's slowly coming off, very slowly, but I am sticking with watching my carbs, and will continue until I lose about another 10 pounds.

    Have a good day..

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Just throwing my hat in the ring to see if you all have given up on me. My life has been insane for the last two months, and it has been all that I could do to try to log my food regularly. The good news is that I have not gained during this time! I am hoping that things return to a semblance of normalcy (albeit a new normal) next week and I can jump back in with you. I know that I have missed a lot of news, and I apologize, but hope to return to you soon. Here's to smart choices!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Well lost 11 pounds since July 25, hope I can keep going.
    Hope everyone has a great day. Enjoy.

    Congratulations! That is an awesome loss.

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member

    Thanks for the link to the new thread and for starting it.

    I am busy updating my goals, weight and measurements for my new start to the finish. Putting pounds back was depressing, but when I think of where I was when I joined MFP, I become energized because I know I can do this.

  • mimi7grands
    My apologies for being MIA. I've been trying (again) to do it on my own. :noway:

    Rather than say something "new" I'll copy what just posted on my Home page:

    My obnoxious daughter hounded me into coming here and posting. : ) I've been on the slippery slope and it's not okay. I've gained 10 pounds and it's real weight. As Karin reminded me, if I did this 6 more times I'd be back where I started. Horrible to even think about.

    I've been resisting the idea that I will have to always weigh and log everything I eat. Couldn't I just be normal and keep it under control on my own??? So far, apparently not. I'm not willing yet to give up on the idea that I could deviate from my routine and not eat unhealthily. However, I am going to go back to weighing and measuring and logging for now.

    Karin says, get a little notebook for when you're out and estimate the amounts. Okay. I can do that. If that's not enough, I'll get one of those micro-scales that fit into your purse and take it with me when I eat out. (These days, eating out is usually not at a restaurant, just at someone else's house.)

    I've slacked off on exercise too, blaming the hot weather. I don't like cold weather either so the weather is not a good excuse. I read a quote recently that said, "There is no such thing as bad weather, just soft people." Hmm. Back on the straight and narrow for me.

    Thank you for all your support. And, thanks, Karin, for hounding me.

    I'm sorry for disappointing you. I've disappointed myself. I'm not beating myself up about it - just giving myself a little push to move on and get back to what REALLY feels good. And it's not sweets or rich foods!

  • mtnmaw
    I am well enough, after my dog bite incident, to head back to the pool! I am going to continue this as long as I can into the cooler months when the pool is closed. If they stop the water aerobics classes, then I will go and swim until the weather prevnets it. That is my September goal. I start in about an hour!
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Big BUMP! Need to get on this Asap.
    Saw the Dr. yesterday. Poopy old Lymes! Body aches continue but should have no real effect so I am back at it.

    What a great month September is!
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    After all the work, painting, cleaning decluttering etc. to move to a smaller and less expensive house…..we decided, at this time anyway, we are going to stay in the house we have and try to pay off our mortgage:ohwell: . Because we were going to take some of our savings and put it towards a new house, we realized (after looking at all the scenarios and the $$$$$.....bottom lines) that the wisest thing to do would be to take that money and put it towards our own house, savings tons of money in interest, and work on paying off the rest in the next few years…..THEN see about selling the house!:bigsmile: The market for buying houses is so bad, that after crunching the numbers, we discovered it would cost us MORE to move than to stay!! :noway: ! What the realtor could get for our house is an insult:angry: and, for some mysterious reason….our taxes went down almost a thousand dollars!!!:happy: Must be that after assessing everyone’s house to be over 50,000 less than they were in March….had a positive effect on the taxes. All the work we have done….we can now enjoy…at least for a few years hopefully. :love: We are going to continue fixing the house, as it is really looking good! :bigsmile: And, honestly not having to deal with the sentiment involved in making such a huge change….is a weight off my back:bigsmile: . So I hope to be popping in more to post.:wink:
    Hurricane (Tropical Storm Irene) raised havoc on folks around here but we are fine. Lots of trees, wires and branches went down and we were out of power for 2 days.(Some people are STILL without power) It wasn’t bad, for us though, as I had hot water (gas heater), a gas grill and we have sewers, so we could flush our toilets. Having 2 days alone with my hubby by the candlelight was in some ways quite nice.:blushing:

    I have continued to track my food and exercise.... and suspect I always will, because knowing what you’re eating is the half the battle, even in maintaining. My weight has remained within a pound, up or down, so for all the drama going on, I’m pleased and grateful for this website.

    Haven’t read the posts for a while ......browsed a little.......so I hope everyone is well. Seems like a lot of people MIA are popping in besides me…..been a crazy 2 months….hasn’t it?!! Hang in there all and stick with MFP (My Favorite Program!!!!)

    BirdieM :heart: :drinker: :heart:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    I've been resisting the idea that I will have to always weigh and log everything I eat. Couldn't I just be normal and keep it under control on my own???

    I'm sorry for disappointing you.:heart:

    Mimi, welcome back!!! I too have been MIA for the last few months! Please know that the only thing that would disappoint us....is if you DIDN'T come back!!!! You are an inspiration and continue to be by your steadfast determination to turn things around even when you've slippped!

    As far as weighing and tracking................to me it has become more normal to weigh and track things then to NOT do it!!!:wink:
    Last weekend I went to Montreal for a couple of days and thought I was way over my calories, but when I came home and tracked what I had eating (of course.....guesstimating)....I was not half as bad as I thought I was! So I find security in KNOWING what I'm eating.......even when it's WAY OVER what I should have....because knowing why the scale went up is better than fretting about...what if.....the scale went up ....and then nervously eating my way back up to where I started. It actually gives me more peace knowing....than NOT knowing.

    You know you can doit!!!! :flowerforyou:

    BirdiM:drinker: :drinker:

    Welcome back
  • mimi7grands
    Birdie, Yahoo on keeping the house. I know it means a lot to you. I think you're making a wise move (or anti-move as the case may be!)

    Thanks for the advice about logging. I know you're right. I got that same advice on my Home page and am taking it to heart. I do hate showing it when I blow it but being honest with myself - and getting back on track - is the most important thing.