

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Sally, I don’t mind having some “Empty” calories that may add some enjoyment to my life:tongue: …. as much as I mind having “Mindless” or “Uncontrolled” calories:grumble: . I like having wine at night….(I don’t HAVE to have it….I LIKE to have it) but I have to get much stricter about ….how much wine:wink: . I want to keep my weight off and if I have to be too strict…..then I feel deprived or resentful and forget about the whole thing!:angry: The challenge for me has always been “balance”:happy: . Some things I HAVE to avoid….like having junk food in the house:noway: etc. In these areas I am absolute and strict:flowerforyou: . But I don’t feel deprived so that works for me. :bigsmile:

    Michele, I can’t believe it’s time to even think about Lent!!! :noway: Yikes! That would be a challenge to not eat after dinner! But, I guess that’s the idea of doing something like that for Lent.:wink: After all, it IS supposed to be a sacrifice.
    Now for a stupid question. What is HOA?:huh: :huh:

    Barbie, I like what you said “There may be a beginning and an end to weight loss, but never to weight control”. Truer words were never spoken!:flowerforyou:

    Welcome Charlibets!!!:flowerforyou: I started this program at 62 and lost over 50 pounds. If anyone had told me that I would be able to do that in my 60s, I would have thought them crazy!:noway: But using the tools, support and advice of so many wonderful people in MFP …from all over the world….the impossible became possible!!!! :bigsmile: :happy: You can do it!!!

    Viv hang in there! :flowerforyou: You sounded discouraged in another post! Keep on…..keeping on!!!!!:heart:

    Mary you are such a busy woman!!!! God bless you!!!:heart::heart: :heart:

    Cathy have a great trip!!!:flowerforyou:

    Robin what a beautiful picture!!!!:happy: You are here…..so you ARE doing it!!!:flowerforyou:

    Welcome back Pam!!! Be kind to yourself!:smile: You’ve been through some trials but there is hope!!!:happy: One day at a time! You can do it!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I had a much better day yesterday with my food. thanks ladies for all your support!!!:love:

  • MaryIM
    MaryIM Posts: 159 Member
    Loved your list from the "Thin Commandments Diet"!

    One of the great things about MFP is the daily food intake logging. It really helps!
  • MaryIM
    MaryIM Posts: 159 Member
    Hi there,

    I'm also new to MFP ... am 50-something, newly retired and just joined MFP in August.

    I think the daily food logging is essential to success and the online database is fantastic!

    My goals for September:
    1) to do the daily food loggging
    2) drink 6 glasses of water a day and eliminate soda from my diet
    3) exercise 5x a week
  • MaryIM
    MaryIM Posts: 159 Member
    I am going to do this. I have changed my profile pic to remind me of what I once was so I can do it again.

    That's both gutsy and inspirational!
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    I am going to do this. I have changed my profile pic to remind me of what I once was so I can do it again.

    :flowerforyou: Robin, Yes you can do it again. You and me both!!

    :heart: Rebel :heart:
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Just marking my place - forgot that I hadn't been here this month!! Now I have lots to read.

    I'll be back (but not tonight)
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    good morning girls,

    hope you all have a great day....feeling a little blue...(i just had a son move out, one left) though i am happy for him cant help feeling a little sad,,,i guess its just that a miss him and the realization of the soon empty nest that is soon to be upon be(though my youngest is still in college and about to turn 21, so its a bit away)...now im off to the gym and feeling better

    have a wonderful day:flowerforyou: thanks for this thread
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    Wow I miss a few days and five pages later here I am. Did not even try to read yet. Will try later to skim. Have been crazy here. Tropical Storm Lee had us busy for several days and we had to cancel Emma's Birthday party and we managed to celebrate Labor Day anyway. We had barbecue at Heather's and the gang played flag football in the rain and water. I had to watch the baby. Lucky me. I was not sloshing around in that stuff. They had a ball. I have been eating whatever I want for the past 5 days and gained 5 pounds. Why can I not lose 5 pounds in 5 days. Well I am going to try. I have no idea how you all have been doing so I will just say I hope you all are doing well. I will try to catch up and try really hard to start logging and posting again. It really helps to log that food. I really did not think I was doing that badly without logging but 5 pounds later says otherwise. Have a good day ladies. Steph thanks for message. that is what got me on here again.
    vicki M
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    How do I change the picture on my ticker. Been awhile I forget.
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning again ladies,
    I was just trying to read and catch up so want to post a few comments before I forget them. Robin I love your picture. Dont think I have ever seen you before. Only the pup. You can do this. Michelle and Barbie, why is it that people can comment to us when we try to eat right and do the right think but no one will tell us when we eat like a cow and sit on our butts all day that it is bad for us. That is really backwards. People should be happy for us that we are trying to live longer and get healthy. Just had to rant on that. We need to start a club, write a book or something on the subject. Now back to reading.
    vicki M
  • 4SuzyQ2
    would love to jump in..hopefully there is still room for another 50+++++ woman with more than that to lose. lol
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    would love to jump in..hopefully there is still room for another 50+++++ woman with more than that to lose. lol

    Welcome ~ Jump right in! We always have room!

    Pam - Hope you are feeling better. I miss my girls every day. However, I did get lucky and one moved back to town, so I am blessed.

    Vicki - I will try to research the picture; I always forget too.

    Everyone else - Howdy! Have a great Thursday!
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Morning, Dear Ladies,

    Robin: What a lovely photo...! You have all of us with you here and we all need each other. Take care and keep posting!

    Birdie & Michelle: I can drink white wine with club soda but I really love red wine and it just can't be diluted. I like the idea of drinking a glass of water between each glass and will try that again. I always do that when out to dinner or at a party, so need to do that at home. But I mostly just need to try to stick to ONE glass. We sit outside too, Birdie, in the evening and catch up on each others' day, so it is our special time and the red wine is just part of the routine that I love too. I also think that I need to not have any wine until I sit down to dinner, but that is difficult in the nice weather...

    Welcome new ladies. You have found a wonderful place for support and friendship!

    Barbie: THANKS for the thin commandments. I needed to hear those today. Yesterday was not a good day for me. I ate one really good whole grain cookie and it was so good that I had another .... and another. Even though I had put them in the freezer...I still got them out one by one and ate them. But, it's a new day, right?

    Plan to paint outside today with a Pleine Aire group here that does this weekly. This is the first day I've not had a conflict. Look forward to it.

    Take care, all. Kackie:heart::heart: :heart:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Vicki - here is an explanation. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/311071-profile-picture?hl=how+to+change+profile+picture#posts-4130132
    If you need to know more, let me know, and I will try again.

    I just remembered that last night, I saw that someone, I think Birdie asked what HOA meant. HomeOwner's Association
    Out in the smaller communities where I live, they are pretty much nonexistent though.

    Better get back to work!
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    good morning girls,

    hope you all have a great day....feeling a little blue...(i just had a son move out, one left) though i am happy for him cant help feeling a little sad,,,i guess its just that a miss him and the realization of the soon empty nest that is soon to be upon be(though my youngest is still in college and about to turn 21, so its a bit away)...now im off to the gym and feeling better

    have a wonderful day:flowerforyou: thanks for this thread

    Pam, I just went through the same thing, but it was my last one to leave:cry: . I have 3 daughters and my youngest, just found the love of her life...... but he lives in New Hampshire. I live in Rhode Island so it really is only 2 hours away, but I won't be able to touch base with her daily and see her beautiful smiling face. :frown: She left 2 weeks ago and I felt happy for her, like you said, but no matter how old they get, they're still your babies.:ohwell: .... and seeing them leave the nest is always a bitter-sweet thing.:happy: - :cry: Now we need to concentrate on the immediate, little world we live in, and make it the best and happiest place to be.:flowerforyou: Our children will appreciate it too as they spread their wings and live somewhere else.

  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    Hi I'm Gilda, since August 1, I have lost 8lbs. I'm happy that everything is at least going in the right direction. 58 yrs old work in the computer lab of an elementary school.....so Sept is the beginning of the year for me too. So my year is off to a good start.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Wow, I turned around and it was Thursday! Where did that week go to?

    I've done my three days of babysitting my grandtwins - exhausting getting up at 5 am to drive over to them, but I'm loving it so far. Robin, you have to get yourself in shape to look after your new grandbaby - they steal energy!

    Just as I was looking forward to a more relaxing day tomorrow, I got a call asking me to work at the gallery in Mayfair again tomorrow. So, that scuppered my 'me day' plans.

    The good thing is, I took the babies over to see my sister today and she gave me some clothes that are too small for her (how did THAT happen?) I tried on a black dress with a little shrug, popped on my black killer heels (which are actually amazingly comfortable) and have decided that is what I will wear tomorrow. A little embarrassingly, I found myself parading around in front of the mirror telling myself how good I looked .... unheard of for me!!

    It appears that I am getting smaller even though I'm trying to not lose any more weight. My waist is now 25 inches .... I haven't seen that in a very long while! Fortunately I'm in proportion with a 34 inch bust and 34 inch hips. Unfortunately I still have some seriously saggy bits (well, gravity hasn't always been kind ... especially when I was at my top weight!), but at least I don't look too bad fully clothed. Oh, and I have no intention of stripping off and showing the world my sags and bags!

    Anyway, I need some serious pampering to get myself up to scratch for work tomorrow.

    Love to you all.
    Amanda x
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Just dropping by to say hi!:happy:
    Welcome Gilda :flowerforyou: and congratulations on the weight loss!

    Amanda, your profile picture is pretty impressive! You don't even look like the same person:noway: . Besides the weight changing, I couldn't help but notice the energy change. You looked so tired before and now.....you look like Super Woman!!!:laugh:

    Thanks Mary for the info. Duh! I should have known that!

    Kackie, you and I are on the same page in so many ways! My hubby and I get together each evening and talk about our day, too. And I agree....red wine would never work for me diluted! :laugh: I'd rather go without or, like you, have some water....on the side.:wink:

    Welcome SuzyQ!!!! :flowerforyou: There's always room for one more!:bigsmile:

    I'm with you Vicki on people commenting when we're doing good but not when we're indulging! I think "Misery like company"!!!:laugh:

    MaryIM, if I din't welcome you already.....WELCOME!!!:flowerforyou:

    To everybody that I missed.....sending hugs and encouragement your way!!! :love: What a group!:bigsmile:

  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    Welcome back Pam.Welcome SuzyQ,Gilda,MaryIm.Congradulations to all who have lost.
    It is really tough at this age. But it is slow and steady been at it since 1/1/11
    But I know I will make it this time. Im not looking for the quick fix this time. 1500 calories and excerise
    LOL to everyone,
  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    My last one moved out 3 years ago. Just had him move back in. That is adjustment also.I've decide not to wait on him If he wants a meal it is what I'm cooking,when I want it. This part of my journey is all about me.
    Hate being selfish. But I never put myself first before.