

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Thanks for the well wishes.The ice and rest helped my knee.Now if the dr could get this back ok after the fall.I`d be ok.
    I had a wonderful surprise today.My 2 grand children went to visit their great gram.I was suppose to go,but couldn`t take the long ride(2-3 years 1 way).So I was at home with hubby yesterday.So today my daughter calls and asked if they could stop by on their way home.I know it was an extra hour out of her way.I was so glad to see them,even if it was for a short visit to get some pics and hugs.That was just what I needed on this dreary Sunday.
    Hope you all are doing ok and had a good day!
    I`ll try to post tomorrow.Have a dr appt to see what he`s doing this week,more treatment??for back.
    have a good night to you all
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :bigsmile: oops, it's almost my bedtime and I didn't find the time to respond individually but I did read all the posts and I am energized by all of you who have weathered travel and restaurant meals and family challenges and have created strategies to deal with difficult eating situations.

    :bigsmile: Friday morning when I got to the last day of the line dance workshop, all my friends had gone home already and everyone who was there was busy in little "friend" groups and I didn't have anyone to talk to and suddenly the thought crossed my mind that having a doughnut would be a good idea :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: fortunately I recognized the insanity and immediately walked out the door and took a brief walk and came back and sat down to read over the step sheets for the dances I liked and to make a list of the dances I wanted to review and before I knew it, it was time to dance again and the insanity had passed.
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    good morning ladies,,
    weigh in today and lost 2lb...i was stuck for over two months, started a food challenge for september and have lost 3lbs this month.....

    @michele...great idea to log a food(if you can)and check the calories...i could see where that would be a deterrent...
    @jane....i hope it goes well at the dr. i have suffered from back issues also(knees, back, and now hip)i have been able to manage with strecthes, ice or heat and of course seeing the dr...good luck
    @barbie...im glad that you didnt have that doughnut...good for you

    have a beautiful day all....:flowerforyou:
  • Jeanne3651
    Jeanne3651 Posts: 84 Member
    Good morning everyone! It's good to hear how everyone is doing. I don't have time to tell you about my Sunday or my decision so I'll post more later. I have to run to a DR. appr now.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Morning!

    Pam: 3 pounds this month is fantastic! Way to go!

    Jane: Wishing you well with your knees...and how fun to have a visit from your grandchildren! That's great medicine any day;-)

    Jeanne: Hope your doctors visit goes well.

    Michele: I have noticed how much sodium is in so many things that I never thought would be so high...makes me pay so much better attention now!

    I did pretty well last night at my friends for dinner. I did munch on some good cheese before dinner, which was enchiladas, refried beans and rice. Not a green thing on the plate, so I ate the chicken out of the enchilada and a bite of the rest but my plate was still pretty full when dinner was over. Hopefully my friend didn't think much of it. All of the men ate every bite. I love this friend dearly, but she must not like vegetables. I have been to their house often but I've never seen a salad or green thing served. I have always needed my vegetables! My parents always had a large vegetable garden and most of our meals revolved around what they grew. They STILL do that, so at least that part of my diet has always been good. (It's been the extras, like bread and other goodies that have been my struggle.)

    Enough about that. Have a great week, everyone! Kackie:heart:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Hi, all! I am back at work, but very tired. I have entered my food for the day and will stick with it after a wild whirlwind of a weekend. Catch up with you all later!
  • Jeanne3651
    Jeanne3651 Posts: 84 Member
    I'm back and thought I would quick post before water exercise.

    I've decided to take Barbie's advice and open my food diary to the public. I think it will help keep me honest. I never go to check out anybody elses diary - I don't even know how to do it.

    Sunday was difficult for me. When we served the treats I couldn't stay out of them but I logged every single bite I ate. I decided at 9:30 that I just couldn't be there any more at that point, it was total confusion. We were trying to serve treats and another group of people were preparing for the cookout and all the tempting food all over that I had my DH bring me home. He went back to help with the cleanup from the treats. I just left the situation. I had wrote down everything I ate at church so when I came home I took the list and logged everything in my food diary. I took a deep breath and started my day over.

    I went back reviewed my menu and followed it the rest of the day. I did wind up over my calorie limit but not by much so I was somewhat relieved when the day was over.

    Now today is a new day and I'm starting over, One Day at a Time. Today has started out to be a much better day and I have every reason to believe it will continue to be a good day.

    Hope everyone has a great day to.
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    I'm back and thought I would quick post before water exercise.

    I've decided to take Barbie's advice and open my food diary to the public. I think it will help keep me honest. I never go to check out anybody elses diary - I don't even know how to do it.

    Sunday was difficult for me. When we served the treats I couldn't stay out of them but I logged every single bite I ate. I decided at 9:30 that I just couldn't be there any more at that point, it was total confusion. We were trying to serve treats and another group of people were preparing for the cookout and all the tempting food all over that I had my DH bring me home. He went back to help with the cleanup from the treats. I just left the situation. I had wrote down everything I ate at church so when I came home I took the list and logged everything in my food diary. I took a deep breath and started my day over.

    I went back reviewed my menu and followed it the rest of the day. I did wind up over my calorie limit but not by much so I was somewhat relieved when the day was over.

    Now today is a new day and I'm starting over, One Day at a Time. Today has started out to be a much better day and I have every reason to believe it will continue to be a good day.

    Hope everyone has a great day to.

    jeanne, that was a great idea of logging everything you ate....i know that it helps me to the calories adding up and what foods i am eating....good luck
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Good Morning ladies. I have the day off today and want to get some house cleaning done. That should help in the exercise category. I am in the mood to clean the pantry and wash some more windows.

    -Jeanne, good for you for opening up your diary. I have mine open as well. It is a good strategy for accountability. It also helps to see what works for others. Great to be learning from MFP friends.

    We had our DD over yesterday with little Zachary. He is 5 weeks old already and growing like a weed. We are smitten with him! He just can't help being so adorable now, can he?!

    It is supposed to be a beautiful sunny day here on the west coast today. Hope you all have a great Monday!

    Rebel :heart:
  • paddlegirl831
    paddlegirl831 Posts: 9 Member
    Hello Ladies!

    Just wanted to share a little celebration. I hit my initial goal weight today of losing 14 lbs. YAY!

    At 5'8", the tables tell me 164 is the top of the healthy range, so I had set that as my initial goal. I just wanted to share that win and savor it for a moment before I reset my goal to hit 150 lbs, a weight I feel is my healthiest and one I've been able to maintain in the past.

    Woo hoo!!

  • randylevy
    randylevy Posts: 67 Member
    Wow Gilda. Congratulations and wonderfully motivating. If you don't mind me asking, how long did it take you to reach your goal?
  • paddlegirl831
    paddlegirl831 Posts: 9 Member
    Wow Gilda. Congratulations and wonderfully motivating. If you don't mind me asking, how long did it take you to reach your goal?

    I started at the beginning of July, but unfortunately I haven't come by it honestly (more on that tomorrow). I haven't been feeling well, so I just haven't been interested in food. Normally I like to lose weight by being a madwoman at the gym, but not this time.

    So now I have a diagnosis, I know it's not too serious, and I also know I'll want to work to stay at a healthy weight long-term. After I get this pesky medical stuff addressed, I'll be looking forward to kitting the zumba class, etc.

    Thanks for the congrats!
  • randylevy
    randylevy Posts: 67 Member
    Hi ladies.

    Good Morning or evening wherever you are :smile: I don't write much but I log on everyday, complete my food log and I read these posts to stay motivated. Yesterday I ran into a little problem with logging my food. I went to a very popular chain restaurant called Duffy's Sportsgrill. I ordered their Waldorf Salas with Chilled Grilled Chicken. It comes with Salad. Apples, Grapes, Walnuts and Gargonzola Cheese. I was surprised and annoyed :grumble: that they do not have a nutrition guide. I sent an email to the head chef for nutrition information and he told me they wont have to comply with the law until sometime mid-2012.

    So then I had to go about trying to estimate how much the calories, protein, fat and carbs I digested. I told the Chef I would not eat at a Duffy's again until the nutrition guide become available. How do all of you track food where a nutrition guide is not available?

    Today I am drinking extra and being very careful on my counts.

    Thank you for listening to my grumble..
  • sissygok
    sissygok Posts: 97 Member
    First off kudos to you for tracking your food everyday and of your weight loss.

    About those restaurant nutritional guidelines...hmmmm, how should I put this?? I saw on tv where they went to several restaurants and ordered directly off the menu took it back to the lab for analysis and not once did the nutritional guide match the true calories of the dish they ordered, the restaurant's calorie count was ALWAYS less than the actual dish. I use the MFP guidlines if the food is listed or if I can I break the food down into the individual components for a more accurate count, I prefer to do it this way because I trust the numbers much more. I don't think we can ever be 100% certain because of varying amounts and servings. Some things we know exactly how many calories, carbs, fat and sugar they contain. Right now when I am really trying desperately to lose these last few pounds before my cruise I am sticking with the foods and amounts and calorie counts of which I am certain.
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Signed up to do Couch to 5K. Starts in October and the goal is to run a 5K to raise money for "Hannah's Haven". A place in Greensboro NC that helps women get back on their feet as they are overcoming addictions.

    Mostly marking my spot.

    Now I have to get my head wrapped around journaling and planning my foods.

    Well off to the elliptical for another mile.


  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hi Ladies, I had planned to join a gym this week but the weather was beautiful today so I went to the trail and ran the C25k week 1 and walked another 20 minutes. It felt great.
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Another beautiful day here in RI. I did get to the gym though. It was crowded so I did part of my workout (crunches) at home. I added the Gut and Butt exercises to the stuff at home. I think I want to try to include those every night for a bit. I am enjoying my lunches---romaine lettuce wraps with a protein in them and I usually have a protein drink during the mid to late morning. This seems good ...this week. I know that things change. Tomorrow is my Weight Loss Challenge weigh in...we'll see how it goes.

    Have a good night.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I just booked my trip to Vegas for the baby shower in November. I guess I am really going to have to get used to this Grandma thing pretty soon.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    A nice day and I got a lot accomplished on my day off. I like that feeling. Had fish for supper and green beans fresh from the garden.

    I am grateful
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!Hope everyone had a good day.Just looking over the posts.Busy day with therapy for back and knee.
    Mom was admitted to the hospital suddenly today with an infection.Asking for prayers for her for a quick recovery.
    have a good night.