

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Sat to you all.
    It started a beautiful day.Hubby and I went to the state park here.Had a picnic lunch packed.Had a call into the dr regarding pain -left knee.Just as I thought maybe if i walk,the arthrits would be better.Dr called and said he thinks when I fell I may have twisted my knee as all the injuries are on the left side.So I have to rest,ice and see him mon.
    Never ending sometimes.I choose to enjoy the beauty of today and not concentrate on poor me.We did enjoy some beautiful mother nature and did eat our picnic lunch.
    Enjoy whatever you do today!
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    Good night all.Hectic crazy day .Heard some devasting news and am shook up about it.Will try to post over the weekend.Did read the posts for today.Take care

    jane, sorry ...take care
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    Hi ladies,
    Well I survived a week of work travel on the road. I made some good choices and exersized when I could. I have lost some inches and a little over 6 pounds since the first wednesday in September so it is paying off. I had no chance to read all the posts this last week but I hope you are all doing well and I am now back in the fold.

    Have a Super Saturday.

    awesome, keep it up
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    I finally reached the 180's - 189.6 but I'll take it! At almost 5'9", this feels pretty good. All the work of moving paid off. Thank you to everyone who motivated and encouraged me. Now for the 170's.

    Sissy and everyone who stayed on track, congrats! Together, we can do this!

    Kackie, Strong Women Stay Slim is good too. The exercises are similar.

    Jane, sending good thoughts and prayers for your situation.

    I'm off to the Bay Area now to visit my folks and see my sister's booth at the Lafayette Art & Wine Festival. She and her DH have a plumbing company, so you wouldn't normally expect to see them there, but I've heard their last booth was amazing and this one even more so. I can't wait to see it.

    I've changed my plans slightly. I'll visit the Bay Area first, come back for a few days to paint cabinets, then go up to Tahoe for a few days. Time for a break - but I'm very motivated to stay on track!


    congrats on the weight loss...awesome feeling...enjoy your visits
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Today was a good day. My tutoring student cancelled (there is already strep throat going around the schools here). I ended up washing blinds, windows and curtains in two of our bedrooms, put the bedroom AC away and got out the humidifier. I roasted a turkey and I even got to the gym later this afternoon and spent time on the eliptical. I really feel like I got alot done. I can see that I feel very drowsy in the afternoon and I need to get out of the house and do something then. If I stay home, I tend to sit and read and I end up falling asleep. My body really needs to be prodded to move a lot more during the day. It is tricky because the eliptical and the bike work out fine for me at the gym, long walks and the treadmill really effect my knees. There are many jobs I need to do around the house that would involve some good movement. I need to make sure I start tackling some of these jobs now!

    Mimi…Congrats on the new number. It’s great to see the next decade lower.

    Marilyn..I definitely react to salt too. I love Garcia tortilla chips and I have too many…I think the sodium gets to me.

    Rebel…glad you are here. I am trying to get to the gym consistently. It seems that I get it going and then something comes up and I have to reengage my brain to get that back into my schedule.

    Jane..I hope all goes well with the doc on Monday. I can’t believe the difference when I ice and elevate my legs. I also deal with arthritis in both knees (not fun).
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    I spent the day watching my 6 month old GGS. That's him in the picture. His Mom was working today so we got to spend some time together. We took a couple walks around the neighborhood and had a great time. I got him to eat his carrots - Mom was surprised that he liked them. He found they are quite tasty when every other bite is followed up with a drink of watered down apple juice. :tongue: It went quite well until he sneezed. :huh:

    My food however, wasn't the greatest today. Along came nap time for GGS and Orville Redenbacher started calling my name and I listened to him. :ohwell: At least I am not over on my calories for the day, or salt either for that matter. But I didn't need to eat the whole darn bag!

    Sissy - You asked about the calorie burns MFP gives for various activities - I find they are way way too high for the things I do. The elliptical for instance is very high vs. what my Polar HRM shows. MFP has to give a best guess and considering we are such a varied community - men, women, young, old, fit and not so fit - it would be hard to come up with a one size fits all number. I know I'm no spring chicken but I really do work hard at it. I keep my "steps" right at 120 a minute and put it on intervals switching from levels 4 to 8, so I don't just poke along on the easiest setting going real slow. If I didn't have an HRM, I would count about 1/2 of what MFP credits me with. Maybe what you do you get a more honest number but that is how it works out for me.

    I tried to find some onion sets and some broccoli starts for my garden. Lowes doesn't have any yet, darn it. It's starting to get a bit cooler and I want to get them in and give them a good head start. The last couple years I had real young veggies that needed watering and tending to just when we left for deer hunting in Michigan. I hope to have them a bit more mature this year before we leave so that they fare better while we are gone. I did get lettuce, arugula, radish and kohlrabi seed and I plan on getting them in the ground tomorrow. I would love to plant spinach but that is one vegetable I just can NOT get to sprout down here. My fall pole beans are starting to flower so I should have some beans before too long. My pepper plants made it through the heat and are starting to set fruit again. I thought they were goners.

    I did find the shiritaki noodles today. Hopefully they will taste good. I like noodles occasionally but don't want the white flour. They will be a good substitute hopefully.

    I'm too lazy tonight to respond much tonight, so I'll just say goodnight and have a great tomorrow!

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,390 Member
    Pam - I never add in my exercise calories. I was the same way you were, when I did I would never lose. I found at times that I'd eat "junk" just to get my calories up, which isn't good. I note in the "notes" part what exercise I did. Also, if I go over on my calories, I know deep inside that I have a "buffer". Good luck to you.

    Well, did 15 minutes of a yoga DVD today, I thought it'd be longer but evidentally it's broken up into four 15 minutes segments. Didn't realize that, I thought "total body" would be at least 30 minutes long. Oh well...going to the Y to do the yoga anyway. I made some brownies for Vince. Tried a new recipe (I'm always trying something new). We shall see what he thinks of these. I didn't realize that they needed to bake for so long so I'll probably skip the farmers market today. Anyway, got some butternut squash on sale yesterday, so I'll probably make a butternut squash soup today. Roasted the squash so am letting it cool right now so that I can cube it.

    Today is really going to be a test for me. I had some cravings for some unhealthy foods (the brownies, some ice cream) but I logged it, now I'll see if I can keep my calories under. But the really interesting thing is that I no longer have any desire for those brownies. Have some butternut squash soup on the stove simmering. Update: Had some of the soup for dinner. It is very filling.

    Rebel - what a picture! You'll get back there, I can tell you are determined.

    Sissy - so glad you found that jacket! It sure feels good when you need a smaller size, huh?

    janemartin - I like your attitude towards your knee pain. Not the fact that you have pain, but your attitude towards it. Vince has pain in his left knee. We knew a while ago that eventually he would need partial knee replacement surgery. It's interesting...yesterday he rode on the exercise bike for a bit, wasn't sure if it would help or hurt, now he seems to be using the cane less and less, only for going downstairs. But do you think he's continuing to use the bike? Vince? exercise? He wishes there was an "e" pill that he could take. Yes, he's married to me, the one who tries to take as few pills as possible, is liking the taichi for one thing because there is such a heavy influence on you healing yourself. Don't get me wrong, that's not to say that I'm totally against any medicine. But for me to take a pain pill, I have to be in serious pain. If I'm taking a pain pill, you KNOW that I'm in pain. If I'm taking a medication, (like my reclast) I've tried getting what I need from food and for some reason I can't seem to absorb enough or get enough in during the day (in this case calcium)

    Tomorrow, I think I'll do a pilates DVD

    Sissy - isn't taking your clothes to be altered expensive? I have a few pants suits (one of which I'm wearing right now), they're like a 10P, I really should have an 8P or even a 6P, but I like them and I can't bring myself to get rid of them. Like this is one of the few paintsuits that I have that has long sleeves, mostly the ones I have are shortsleeved. Yet, getting it altered would be just way too expensive, it would probably be less expensive for me to buy a new suit. But I like this one, so I wear a better shirt under the jacket.

    Well, I did it, I managed to stay under calories for the day (just barely).

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    It’s great to be back to my regular life after the exciting and fun week of dancing. I didn’t post food or exercise but my eating was limited to Isagenix shakes and meal replacement bars except for a snack of yummy trail mix and Thursday’s pizza dinner. Exercise was an hour’s walk in the morning plus walking to and from the workshop in the morning and at lunch (a mile each way) and dancing nine to noon, one to three thirty, and seven to nine each day. There were 28 new dances taught during the week and time for dancing favorites by request. I didn’t learn all the new dances but I had a lot of favorites and I didn’t dance all the dances at the open dance time but I knew a lot more than half of them.

    I didn’t keep track of calories burned but I always carry my pedometer so I know how many steps
    Sunday 28200
    Monday 30100
    Tuesday 26000
    Wednesday 33800
    Thursday 24000
    Friday 27800

    On the way home I stopped at Deception Pass and walked the trail down to the beach and a trail in the woods then walked across the bridge and back. We’ve driven across the bridge a lot but never had time to stop. This time, traveling alone, I made the time by leaving the minute the workshop was over and making a reservation for a late afternoon ferry.

    I read most of the posts during the week but didn’t post much. Most of my time on the computer was spent watching YouTube videos of the dances I was learning.

    Hubby and the pets were delighted to see me. Hubby grilled steaks and made salad for dinner and the animals were all over me. This morning the dogs were almost bouncing when I put my shoes on to take them on their morning walk. We had a long, fast, and fun walk. This afternoon I got to work in the yard. tonight we went to dinner at an Indian restaurant where I overdid it with spinach naan and brought most of my entree home. I went way over my calories. tomorrow I'll do an Isagenix cleanse and get back on track.:bigsmile:
  • Jeanne3651
    Jeanne3651 Posts: 84 Member
    Oops! I missed posting yesterday.

    Barbie, glad you had fun at your dance workshop. I think it's safe to say you got plenty of exercise.

    Jane sorry to hear about your knee. It's amazing what rest and ice can do.

    I had a good day yesterday. Actually got a menu for the whole week made out. DH went grocery shopping so now I'm set. There's minimal cooking of any of the foods so I don't have to spend much time in the kitchen.

    It's Sunday again but I'm going with a different attitude. We are having a cookout after the Family Express service to celebrate homecoming next week. I don't know if I'll stay for the cookout or not. I'm thinking that if I take my own van I can just come home and make myself something to eat and not eat the brats and greasy food that will be there. Treats will be hard this morning with all the extra people in the kitchen preparing for the cookout.

    Have to go and get DH up so we can be at church earley to make coffee.

    Have a good day everyone. I'm taking this one "One Day at a Time"!
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    good morning lovely ladies,

    just a quick check in ....i will check back and read the posts later....

    yesterday was a bad day(food wise) was over 500calories....(i realized at the end of the evening why)i was worried about one of my sons, and i eat when stressed...so TODAY im off to the gym(spinning may try for a back to back )if not at least 90 min...will watch calories closely today(weigh in tomorrow)....have a beautiful day

  • cathys01
    Hi Ladies:

    I am back from my cruise and I had a very good time. Of course, I ate far too much and I am back to starting over here but that is okay, I will now put myslef back on track and buckle down.

    It seems like so many of you have joined in the laswt week and a half. Welcome. I can't wait to get to know you.

    To all of you that have been doing well, good for you!!! Congrats!!

    To those of you floudering, that's okay, it will get better.

    I really missed not being able to check in every day and "talk" with you to tell you what was going on while I was away and that was probably why I got so far off track, was that I had no one checking up in me either :blushing:

    Well, I do hope that all are well and that anyone that has health issues, that you are okay.

    I will talk to you again soon, I have to get ready for a baby shower I have to go to.

    Love, Cathy xx
  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    Yesterday wasn't a good day for food or exercise. Rain has started and I was plain lazy.
    Did some house cleaning maybe an hour. Grandsons birthday All he wanted was BBQ and ice cream cake.
    Did ok with cake just a 2"x2" piece 310 calories. It was the other food ,chips, potatoe salad, skinless thigh.
    It was like I couldn't get enough. I went over by 600 calories.
    Today it's still raining have to get my rain gear out and go for a hike.
    Thanks for letting me whine.

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Its a beautiful grey and drizzly day here in the PNW. It feels good. the scale continues to move as I make good choices. I hope to be back to the 160's again soon.
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    had a wonderful workout 90min spinning class....and food wise i am on track...

    @cathy glad you had fun on your cruise,NOW back to logging

    @joyce today is a NEW day...

    @robin so HAPPY for you that the scale is moving
  • melyhegedu
    melyhegedu Posts: 17 Member
    I did not quit, just went out of town and ate at restaurants, drank wine, etc. did not exercise and gained 4 lbs. Now I am one lb. OVER where I started. Something has to change, and it has to be ME. I am asking myself some serious questions about why I have gained all this weight since menopause and what to do about it. Starting over with food log and exercise. I have to go out of town again next weekend to play a concert, and it's a 6 hour drive. Too much time in the car and on airplanes lately, as well as too many meals in restaurants. :frown:
    I will check in more often.
  • mimi7grands
    I’m here visiting my folks. Doing great so far. It feels good to be solidly back on track. Got in a nice 3-mile walk with my little dog and my Mom and Dad’s dog this morning. It was about 80 degrees at 10 am. Can’t ask for much better than that. Maybe 75. :laugh:

    Marilyn, you’re doing great. Congrats. :flowerforyou: A little popcorn is not a bad thing.

    Robin, I forgot to mention in my last post how proud I am of you staying on track when you were away from home. You’re getting into a whole new routine and it’s working! :flowerforyou:

    Barbara, you’ll have 4 pounds off in the twinkle of an eye!

    Rebel, awesome job getting back into a healthy routine. :flowerforyou: I’m learning that we all deviate from time to time (at least I do and I’ve noticed a few others!) The key is taking the first U-turn to get back on track. For me, it started with logging then with eating healthy. They seem to go hand in hand.

    Jane, you’re doing the right thing focusing on what’s good.

    Sally, sounds like you’re doing great and figuring out what works for you for exercise.

    Faye, oh, yuck, carrots and apple juice! It’s worth it though. You’re inspiring me to get back to gardening.

    Michele, good job choosing soup over brownies. :flowerforyou: Lots of carbs sure build up the desire for more.

    Barbie, you’re doing so well in so many ways. I’m happy to hear how well you’re doing.

    Jeanne, you’re doing great. :flowerforyou: Good job planning your meals and strategizing about the church dinner. Let us know how it goes.

    Pam, you got back on track quickly. Way to go. :flowerforyou:

    Welcome back, Cathy.

    Joyce, I know what you mean by being tempted when surrounded by munchies. That is my biggest challenge. Just recently, I’ve been logging sooner. It would be ideal to jot things down as you eat. That is helping me a lot.

    Julia, restaurant eating is the same for me as the problem Joyce described. I think the key is logging…a little harder in a restaurant but still possible even if you add up the calories in your head as you go.

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Hello All!

    It's been a strange but nice Sunday. We woke up to snow...yes snow...this morning, falling from the sky! It was about 35, so it didn't really stick to the ground here, but looking up to the mountain peaks around us, it is now white. I did Leslie Sansome's 4 fast miles inside, since it was a bit wet and cold for me. That felt really good and mixed things up a bit, which is good. Then DH and I just went for a nice walk to a waterfall nearby once the sun came out. So, I have done well with my exercise for the day!

    Joyce: Good for you for at least "counting" your extra calories and moving on! That is a revelation to me. In the past, if I splurged, I just chose to ignore it and hope for the best. It has been helpful for me to log the extra in and somehow it is easier to make good choices the next day!

    Julia: Glad you're back!

    Mimi: Happy to hear you are doing well "away"! That is my challenge always. Have fun!

    Robin: Congratulations on your progress and keep it up:-)

    Pam: a 90 minute spin class is awesome!

    Going to dinner at a friends house who is not know for her heathy food, so hope I can find something to eat that is heathy. I have done over my usual exercise for the day, so I have some extra calories banked, just in case!

    Have a great evening, Dear Ladies! Kackie:heart:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I almost didn't open up the forum today as I am way behind in the posts. Then what do I see? So many posts on the GutNBut! lol It feels like last year or the year before.

    I, too, have gone back to doing the GutNBut, but have replaced the curls with push ups with my knees down. I have also started back at yoga and started jogging again. Swimming is on hold until winter. Swimming indoors when it is snowing outside is just so wonderful and I am trying to enjoy the weather outdoors while I can.

    Warm thoughts and prayers to all.

  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Good Evening,
    I feel really on track (with food and exercise) today…and that feels good. I went to my strength training class this morning and then this afternoon, my sister and I went to visit our cousins. They are renting a beach cottage in a little village on the beach. We used to go there growing up so we had a nice walk through the village and lots of laughs out on the deck of the cottage. A nice day….

    Faye…. I notice the same thing about the MFP numbers for exercise. I was really surprised when I got my heart rate monitor and saw the difference. Let us know how you like the shiritake noodles.

    Michele…I hope the day went well….it is a long day when the cravings start so early.

    Barbie….what a lot of exercise you got at your dance workshop..WOW!!

    Cathy…glad that your cruise was fun. I would love to go on one with my husband someday.

    Joyce..those days are so tough when there is so much food around that can be tempting. Good that you are getting yourself out for a walk today.

    Pam…Good for you!!!

    Julia…. I check in here a lot because I need to. It is really hard traveling (especially on planes and cars with so much sitting). Good that you’re checking in. I get so much motivation from everyone here.

    Mimi….great that you are feeling so positive and on track even when you are away from home.

    Kackie…SNOW….oh my! I thought it was cold here (in RI) this morning when I heard my heat kick on. Hope you have a fun night.

    Jeannie… After I read your post, I am thinking I need to add the GutNBut into my day!

    Have a good night,
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,390 Member
    Barbie - so glad you had such a great time at the dancing workshop. You certainly did enough walking, that's for sure!

    Cathy - glad to have you back. Sounds like you had a fantastic time!

    I got some tablecloths today. Only I didn't realize that they were oblongs so I'm going to return them. To cut them down would be much too much work. I prefer square ones. Wish they had some square ones.

    In many ways, it really helps to log your food before you eat it, at least it does me. I was about to have a piece of pizza tonight, but then I saw how I'd be over on my calories so I'm going to have just half a piece. Update: I actually wound up having half of that!

    Pam - A 90 minute spin class? Fantastic! I'm sure you burned a lot of calories. I just did 30 minutes of pilates. Tomorrow I'll take the extreme pump class.

    You know, I just looked over my diary for today. I can't get over how much sodium that butternut squash soup has in it. And I didn't add any salt and I used the low sodium chicken broth.

    Have a great evening everyone.
