

  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    To everyone that keeps exercising everyday. You all rock. If I get my slow walk in everyday I'm happy. I have bad knees doc says he'll replace them once I get off the concrete at work.I work 12 hours 4 days a week. So everything is slow and steady. Elliptiacal is also hard on my knees.I do gardening and ride horses. Going to start swimming a couple of days a week. And welcome to all the new comers
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    I have noticed some of you using the abbreviation DH. I am assuming that stands for Dear Hubby. Is that right?:ohwell:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    To everyone that keeps exercising everyday. You all rock. If I get my slow walk in everyday I'm happy. I have bad knees doc says he'll replace them once I get off the concrete at work.I work 12 hours 4 days a week. So everything is slow and steady. Elliptiacal is also hard on my knees.I do gardening and ride horses. Going to start swimming a couple of days a week. And welcome to all the new comers

    Anytime you get off the couch or the computer chair and move, you're doing your body a favor. If you're movin', you're losin'
    :bigsmile: don't worry if your exercise isn't the traditional stuff :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: Angelika, you're right, DH is darling (dear, devoted, etc.) husband although if you were annoyed with him it might be darn or demented or diabolical or doggone or something else :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :bigsmile: Natalie, congrats on losing another pound :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: me1howard, welcome to the group and to the work of logging food......I had the same experience of discovering that I was eating a ton more calories than I should have

    :bigsmile: Sissy, congrats on losing another pound.....I am thinking slim thoughts for you and your Suzy Wong dress

    :bigsmile: Mary, you sure take on some amazing cooking challenges

    :drinker: :drinker: Rebel, congrats on staying away from the wine

    :bigsmile: Barbara, I wish you were here dancing with me

    It's late and I've had a busy day, so I didn't respond to as many of you as I would have liked to :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
  • lisaweaver3
    lisaweaver3 Posts: 29 Member
    Good morning, all! I hope everybody slept well since it's a big day today! Today is the day you decide what decisions you are going to make to make your life healthy and happy. Don't let anybody decide it for you! Stand strong! Love to all...
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    Good morning, all! I hope everybody slept well since it's a big day today! Today is the day you decide what decisions you are going to make to make your life healthy and happy. Don't let anybody decide it for you! Stand strong! Love to all...

    thanks for the reimforcement!!!!!have a great day all:flowerforyou:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Haven`t been missing ,just been trying to recover from a terrible asthma crisis.Got the ok to walk Thurs,and slipped in the store,waiting to hear what damage I did with the fall.Had xrays yesterday and spent most of the day in the Immediate care.Dr wants to rule out any damage in the spine,pelvis and lower back.I fell on my but and was sore thurs night.Fri am I couldn`t bend or lay flat.So if you pray,please say a prayer for me,for good results.
    Trying to catch up a little on the posts.Hope everyone is doing ok.
    Everyone have a great sat!
    I`ll try to do better with the posts,it has been like a whirlwind since we moved aug 17.Life slow down a little,trying to catch up!

    O, Jane! I am so sorry! Lots of prayers for you and please take care!
  • Jeanne3651
    Jeanne3651 Posts: 84 Member
    Good morning everyone - sounds like most are doing well. Welcome to newcomers and those returning after a break.

    Yesterday was not good on food but today will be better (Ihope). Got to get back in the routine of drinking more water. I have logged my food for three consecutive day even though it hasn't been very good. Just like newcomers I'm back to learning how important it is to log ALL your food.

    Feel kind of drugged today - doc gave me new meds and they make me feel groggy, I was going to lap swim this morning but was to groggy to drive. I didn't feel safe so I stayed home. Will try to go for a walk later. Like Barbie says any movemeny away from the computer, TV or sewing machine is making progress toward loosing.

    Well I'm off to plan my food for the day so I just have to grab it when it's time to eat.

    Everyone have a good day. Think positive thoughts and take it one day at a time.
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Just a quick post. You know how I've been thinking of changing my goal weight because of my waist seeming to get bigger? Well, I took my measurements this morning, which I haven't done in almost a year, and although my weight is less than it was last year (only 1 pound) my waist is 1.5 inches bigger!:noway: My stomach is1 inch smaller and my hips .5 inch bigger! My husband says it's impossible, but I take my measurements as tight as I can so I know they're accurate. I wonder why?:ohwell:

    Well have a great day everyone!

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Michele - Yes, I think the bowling guy is trying to hit on you.

    Jane - What did your xrays show? I hope you are okay!

    Lisa - Thanks for the encouraging words. I will try to treat today and every day as the day that I make healthy decisions!

    Music Festival in the cooler progresses. I have all of the non-cooler food organized into bags by meal and labeled (like Friday lunch, etc.) with paper plates and plastic utensils included. Last night I cooked the rice for the wraps, and tonight I will cook the meat for the taco salads, chop the ham and peel/chop the boiled eggs for the chef salads, and try to get the cooler type foods organized into meals and labeled. I also need to pack my suitcase tonight, and don't know what to take. Although the high here yesterday was 101, Thursday is forecast to be 65. So, I guess I will have to pack lots of layers, and hope we don't get too wet. I have a meeting tonight at 7:00 that I don't have time to go to, but guess I will try to make it for a while. I have my first bell choir practice of the season tomorrow night, and need to finish choosing/prepping the music for that. We plan to leave from the bell rehearsal to drive down to Mom's (where we stay for the festival) so need to be all done tonight. Sleep? I guess that will have to happen in my next life!

    Better get back to work - my students await. I will try to check in tomorrow sometime before we leave, and will then be MIA until Monday. Have a great Tuesday, and here's to smart choices!!
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Down 1.5 lbs this morning! Yay!! So happy. Also, one of our sons, who has been struggling with health issues and was not able to work for 2 years just called to say he found a job and is starting today! Yay. I am soooo happy for him!!!!!

    :heart: Rebel:heart:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Down 1.5 lbs this morning! Yay!! So happy. Also, one of our sons, who has been struggling with health issues and was not able to work for 2 years just called to say he found a job and is starting today! Yay. I am soooo happy for him!!!!!

    :heart: Rebel:heart:

    Congratulations! I can see why you would be so happy on both accounts!!!!:flowerforyou:

  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Down 1.5 lbs this morning! Yay!! So happy. Also, one of our sons, who has been struggling with health issues and was not able to work for 2 years just called to say he found a job and is starting today! Yay. I am soooo happy for him!!!!!

    :heart: Rebel:heart:

    very happy for you on both
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Happy 13th ladies.

    13 is my lucky number. I was born on the 13th. My parents were married on the 13th. The number of the house I was born is was 13 and we got married on the 13th. In fact, today is our wedding anniversary. Our third. It is also our twenty-third anniversary of being together.

    I'm making DH his favourite meal and we are going to have a snuggle-up in front of our new blu ray player ... for once I don't mind not rushing around.

    Have a good day please. .... be lucky!

    Amanda x
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Happy Anniversary Amanda! It is my daughter's anniversary too, so it must be a good date!
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    Lots of happy news today! Thanks for sharing. I got a good night sleep and when I woke up this morning it was cool :heart: I love waking up to a crisp cool room and this is the first time in a while I have had that pleasure. Hope y'all have a great day.
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Happy 13th ladies.

    13 is my lucky number. I was born on the 13th. My parents were married on the 13th. The number of the house I was born is was 13 and we got married on the 13th. In fact, today is our wedding anniversary. Our third. It is also our twenty-third anniversary of being together.

    I'm making DH his favourite meal and we are going to have a snuggle-up in front of our new blu ray player ... for once I don't mind not rushing around.

    Have a good day please. .... be lucky!

    Amanda x

    Wow! That's a lot of 13s!!!!! (I'm the oldest of 13 children :bigsmile: ):laugh: Have a wonderful evening!
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    Happy 13th ladies.

    13 is my lucky number. I was born on the 13th. My parents were married on the 13th. The number of the house I was born is was 13 and we got married on the 13th. In fact, today is our wedding anniversary. Our third. It is also our twenty-third anniversary of being together.

    I'm making DH his favourite meal and we are going to have a snuggle-up in front of our new blu ray player ... for once I don't mind not rushing around.

    Have a good day please. .... be lucky!

    Amanda x
    happy anniversary
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    I had a nice day today. It was very busy but I was ready for it...both the work and my food plan. I started back at the school where I see my student and I started a new set of yoga classes. It felt good to get back into the rountine. Tonight at the Weight Loss Challenge I was down a pound....glad I am getting back on track. I'll see how my weigh in goes in the morning for MFP.

    Birdie...I don't understand why the measurements change like that but I know a lot of my friends talk about difficulties with bloating. I know that there are times when my body feels like its retaining fluids...in new an unusual places!! Maybe try your measurements again in a few days.

    It was great to read the posts tonight. Thanks!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    To Amanda

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    all I can say is work travel and diet don't go well together. I am holding strong and trying to make smart choices (not always succeeding)
    I take the stairs to my room (3rd floor) so that is helping. I am doing some workout in the fitness center but not enough. I am just so tired. the 3 hour time difference is killing me. take care all.

    happy anniversary Amanda!
    Congrats on both accounts Reb.