

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Birdie =Thanks for noticing my new profile picture. I am finally getting comfortable about having a picture taken. I didn't like seeing printed proof of what I looked like.

    Randy - Congratulations on the pound lost. May you never find it again.

    My head is killing me. I survived a 2 hour meeting at my son's school about a Halloween Dance. Last year all I kept hearing about is how parents never help out and how much they need parents to plan things. Well, now I know why. 2 moms were there who have never been trick or treating and DO NOT celebrate Halloween. They kept trying to get the other parent and I to give in and we kept standing strong. While I do believe in supervision and I do believe in appropriate costumes. these ladies were unbelievable! They are "in charge" of the parents group and no wonder no one wanted to work with them last year. If people don't celebrate Halloween and don't want their kids too, that is fine, but don't make the rest of us give up what we do. They wanted it right after school and not let the cadets bring a date. 80% of the Sea Cadets are boys. What kind of dancing could they do?

    The principal backed us. It will be a real dance at night. They can bring dates. Since we are a public school we will follow district policies on costumes and music.

    I can honestly say I will not be on another committee with those two ladies again. If they join, I will quit and not be shy about saying why. I work in a pediatric unit at a medical center and our work guidelines were not good enough for them.

    Sorry for the long gripe.

    Soccer starts tomorrow, so there goes my Saturdays for the next two months.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    . Does anyone have any creative ideas on how to get 8 or more cups of water in a day?

    I don't let myself log onto MFP until I've had a glass of water......I keep a pad of paper and a pencil in the kitchen and make tally marks for each glass of water, and if I don't have enough water at bedtime,, I drink the rest of it before I go to bed:laugh:

    I don't just drink water when I feel like it, I drink it because it is required and it's good for me.
  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    I know you miss her. When my kids moved out I called all the time just to see how their day was going. Now we text all the time. We all work odd hours. Me rotating shifts. But just keeping in touch with them everyday. help me.lol
  • mimi7grands
    I'm happy to report a GOOD eating day today! I'm still jazzed about how good it felt to log everything I ate even when the choices were, shall we say, not so hot.

    Even more than seeing the red numbers, keeping track of what I was eating helped me keep things in perspective (I hadn't really eaten as badly as I FELT I had) and, even more important, eliminated the lurking, but not quite admitted, feelings of guilt and embarrassment.

    In the past, those feelings usually led to days or weeks of bad eating. Logging what I'd eaten (and getting it over with!) felt freeing.

    I have another tool in my toolbox. I'm grateful - to MFP and to all of you who urged me to log no matter what. It works. Woo hoo!

  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    I got to the tipping point today. Next time I loose weight I will have LESS than 100 pounds to loose. I changed my profile photo to show my fifty pounds of weight loss (the pants fit just fine last March) My next big hurdle 75 pounds that will put me at half way to my goal. I hope to be there my December 1. I will not let Thanksgiving sabotage me even if I have to run a marathon the day after,
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    I got to the tipping point today. Next time I loose weight I will have LESS than 100 pounds to loose. I changed my profile photo to show my fifty pounds of weight loss (the pants fit just fine last March) My next big hurdle 75 pounds that will put me at half way to my goal. I hope to be there my December 1. I will not let Thanksgiving sabotage me even if I have to run a marathon the day after,

    that RIGHT we wont let anything sabotage us....GREAT job!!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Jeanne3651
    Jeanne3651 Posts: 84 Member
    I'm back! Haven't been well and am having problems regulating a food plan that works with my diabetis &/or hypoglycemia. The doctor says because I've lost so much weight I'm no longer diabetic but that I'm now hypoglcemic. This presents the problem of how to keep my blood sugar high enough to be stable without gaining a ton of weight. I asked my doc to refer me to a dietician and he said I didn't need it that I could eat anything I wanted. He has refered me to a neurologist and an endogrnologist because he says that it's not normal to just switch to be hypoglycemic and the symptoms I'm having could indicate a neuro problem.

    In the mean time all I want to do is eat. I've gained 8 lbs. I need some encouragement. Because of the symptoms I've been having I haven't been swimming - they are afraid I might pass out in the pool,

    I'm sorry I didn't mean to come back and dump on everybody. My computer has been down and now that it's back I'm trying to catch up on everything.

    Hope everyone is doing O.K.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :drinker: Jeanne, glad to hear from you again........are you logging all your food? how about opening up your food diary so we can help you make better food choices.:bigsmile:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good Morning ladies,

    I have had a very good week of clean eating and no alchohol. I travel all next week on business so I checked out all the hotels I am staying at and they all have fitness centers so instead of going up to my room with a bottle of wine, I will work out for a couple of hours.

    I have been so inspired by those of you who are continually successful (Barbie, Amanda, Birdie and more) and those who slip a little but get right back up. (Mimi!!!!) I slipped so far that I am starting all over but its a big lesson I learned. I will always, always, have to stay focused. I have to live each day and I can't just wait and start or fix it tomorrow, I have to start or fix it today. Thank you for all your support.

    The good news is that I am officially back under my ticker weight this morning. I will post a loss probably tomorrow. (I creeped up almost 6 pounds but refused to change the ticker :blushing: )

    I am really reveling in my food again. Breakfast is so good when I didn't drink too much the night before. I do miss dinner (protein shakes are keeping me on track but my inner gourmet is screaming at me) I will be spending the next couple of months trying to find the right balance between new rekindled love of exersize, moderate drinking and good food. I am such a work in progress.

    Have a wonderful Saturday.
  • mimi7grands
    I weighed in this morning, and I’m DOWN a pound and a half following my vacation. That’s a first. Logging. It’s all about logging!

    Do you ever wonder why we’re so stubborn about certain things…then we try them and they work?! Of course I’ve been logging most days for a long time (2 years next January) but I’ve avoided logging on the bad days. That was a mistake. Writing it down got the bad feelings out of my system and me back on track – just like that!

    Angelika, a big congrats on 50 lbs lost. You’re doing it!

    Jeanne, I’m sorry to hear about your health problems. Sounds like your doctor is doing the right thing referring you to the specialists. I couldn’t disagree more though about “eat anything you want.” Huh? Eating a consistent, healthy diet can only help you. Eating junk that varies widely can only hurt. Hang in there. You have my prayers and best wishes.

    Now, to get back to walking! It’s dang hot. Do I do it? Do I sit here? Hmm. Gotta go for it!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good Morning ladies,

    I have had a very good week of clean eating and no alchohol. I travel all next week on business so I checked out all the hotels I am staying at and they all have fitness centers so instead of going up to my room with a bottle of wine, I will work out for a couple of hours.

    I have been so inspired by those of you who are continually successful (Barbie, Amanda, Birdie and more) and those who slip a little but get right back up. (Mimi!!!!) I slipped so far that I am starting all over but its a big lesson I learned. I will always, always, have to stay focused. I have to live each day and I can't just wait and start or fix it tomorrow, I have to start or fix it today. Thank you for all your support.

    The good news is that I am officially back under my ticker weight this morning. I will post a loss probably tomorrow. (I creeped up almost 6 pounds but refused to change the ticker )

    I am really reveling in my food again. Breakfast is so good when I didn't drink too much the night before. I do miss dinner (protein shakes are keeping me on track but my inner gourmet is screaming at me) I will be spending the next couple of months trying to find the right balance between new rekindled love of exersize, moderate drinking and good food. I am such a work in progress.

    Have a wonderful Saturday.

    edit - oops I didn't see it post so I posted it again. sorry about that.
  • MaryIM
    MaryIM Posts: 159 Member
    Using the fitness centers at your hotels while traveling ... awesome! Such a better choice than hiding out in your room with wine. You will be so much healthier and energized with the exercise!
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    Good Morning ladies,

    I have had a very good week of clean eating and no alchohol. I travel all next week on business so I checked out all the hotels I am staying at and they all have fitness centers so instead of going up to my room with a bottle of wine, I will work out for a couple of hours.

    I have been so inspired by those of you who are continually successful (Barbie, Amanda, Birdie and more) and those who slip a little but get right back up. (Mimi!!!!) I slipped so far that I am starting all over but its a big lesson I learned. I will always, always, have to stay focused. I have to live each day and I can't just wait and start or fix it tomorrow, I have to start or fix it today. Thank you for all your support.

    The good news is that I am officially back under my ticker weight this morning. I will post a loss probably tomorrow. (I creeped up almost 6 pounds but refused to change the ticker )

    I am really reveling in my food again. Breakfast is so good when I didn't drink too much the night before. I do miss dinner (protein shakes are keeping me on track but my inner gourmet is screaming at me) I will be spending the next couple of months trying to find the right balance between new rekindled love of exersize, moderate drinking and good food. I am such a work in progress.

    Have a wonderful Saturday.

    edit - oops I didn't see it post so I posted it again. sorry about that.

    good for you, you research the hotels and found that they have fitness center....that way you can keep your goal of 2 hours of exercise....
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Haven`t been missing ,just been trying to recover from a terrible asthma crisis.Got the ok to walk Thurs,and slipped in the store,waiting to hear what damage I did with the fall.Had xrays yesterday and spent most of the day in the Immediate care.Dr wants to rule out any damage in the spine,pelvis and lower back.I fell on my but and was sore thurs night.Fri am I couldn`t bend or lay flat.So if you pray,please say a prayer for me,for good results.
    Trying to catch up a little on the posts.Hope everyone is doing ok.
    Everyone have a great sat!
    I`ll try to do better with the posts,it has been like a whirlwind since we moved aug 17.Life slow down a little,trying to catch up!
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    Haven`t been missing ,just been trying to recover from a terrible asthma crisis.Got the ok to walk Thurs,and slipped in the store,waiting to hear what damage I did with the fall.Had xrays yesterday and spent most of the day in the Immediate care.Dr wants to rule out any damage in the spine,pelvis and lower back.I fell on my but and was sore thurs night.Fri am I couldn`t bend or lay flat.So if you pray,please say a prayer for me,for good results.
    Trying to catch up a little on the posts.Hope everyone is doing ok.
    Everyone have a great sat!
    I`ll try to do better with the posts,it has been like a whirlwind since we moved aug 17.Life slow down a little,trying to catch up!

    hope the results are good...get better soon:flowerforyou:
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    Just got back from a very long hike with DH...he is napping and I am trying to catch up on the posts & working on a painting that I started with the Pleine Aire group this past Thursday. I need to let a painting "rest" for a few days before I look at it again. This one is of an old settler's cabin and I think I need to go back and look at it again. Something about the painting is bothering me and I still can't figure out exactly what it is!

    Jane: I am so sorry for your health issues...I hope they get resolved soon

    Angel: Way to GO! That is very inspiring!

    Mimi & Robin: You are both inspiring me too, with your "Can Do" attitude! And Mimi, I do a similar thing when traveling, especially when I am not making perfect food choices...and skip posting. You have given me some much needed motivation to track every single thing...good or bad!

    Have a great weekend, everyone! Take care, Kackie:heart:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Randy - about drinking water, I find that I add some of the "true lemon" to the water to give it a bit of flavor. Also, I drink a lot when I have something with red pepper in it or lots of fiber. Right now I'm munching on some roasted chickpeas. Unfortunately, you can't spot reduce, as I'm sure you know. You can try the exercise where you are lying on your side, one leg is on the floor in front of the other (knee bent facing the ceiling) and you lift the other leg. That targets the inner thigh. I usually have a 24oz bottle of water while I'm getting dressed in the morning.

    Woohoo Angela! What a picture!

    I am most impressed with the people who slip, admit that they slip, and get back on the bandwagon.

    Did an hour of yoga today. Haven't done any pilates in a while so I'll do a DVD of that tomorrow.

    jane - so sorry to read of the problems you've been having. Of course, you'll be in my prayers.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • autumn20111
    Hi, I'm struggling with an alcoholic in my life. Here's my story....I gained 15 lbs this past year. Can't believe I let myself go, but after a racquet ball injury last Jan, started laying on couch, watching tv, and drinking wine. What a loser. So now, something clicked and I decided this week, to get back in to shape. I want to go back to AZ, looking hot, firm, and start another band.

    My problem is everytime I'm on a healthy roll, my alcoholic boyfriend has too much to drink, gets mad at me over nothing, starts blaming me for everything wrong, then I want to start eating. Before that, I would probably just have a glass of wine and somewhat shut him out. Perhaps my eyes are being opened now, but meanwhile, I don't understand why stuffing my face with food helps anything or why I do it. I've heard of comfort foods, but it still doesn't make sense.

    This afternoon, after he drank for 5 hrs straight, he became very arrogant and well, a drunk. I grabbed a large glass of water, my purse with keys, and took a drive. Ended up at panera bread for dinner...had a great low cal meal, then came back and he was passed out on the bed, which was a relief. Now I'm typing to fellow over 50's women for support and courage. First time I've really opened up about my situation.
  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    I understand your mental pain you are going through. But you have to remember you are not the problem. Please don't let anyone tell you different. You must first think of yourself. That is when things started changing for myself.

    Jane hope you start feeling better

    Michele I agree with you. To me if you slip you learn from it sometimes it is so worth it.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :bigsmile: this has been a much too busy day and I've had to budget my time, so for the first time in a long time, I didn't post food or exercise.:noway: I had to be somewhere at 7:30 this morning so I got up an hour earlier than usual so I'd have time to do my regular routine that includes walking the dogs for an hour
    this was a good chance to find out what it will be like in the winter when our days are so short.......we walked from 5:15 to 6:30 beginning in the dark so we walked on the streets that are flat and clean and everyone's house has a light in front......then when it started to get light we ventured down the paths into the open spaces......my morning event went well but I was tired when I got home and hubby had steaks to grill
    our first bbq in our new house
    then I took a nap and went off to another event where once again I said no to birthday cake----tonight there were three of us declining the treat :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: I leave at 10 AM tomorrow to go to a five day line dance workshop
    last year Robin and I met one day during the workshop because she lives near there and she wasn't working....I can walk from the hotel to where the workshop is, so that along with full days and evenings of dancing should keep me burning calories......I packed my Isagenix supplies so I can prepare most of my own meals in my hotel room and avoid the pitfalls of restaurant eating.

    :bigsmile: the wifi in the hotel isn't too good and last year I had to carry my laptop to the lobby to connect, so I plan to budget my computer time which may result in no posting of food and exercise but give me a chance to read the posts and check in with you.