

  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    My last one moved out 3 years ago. Just had him move back in. That is adjustment also.I've decide not to wait on him If he wants a meal it is what I'm cooking,when I want it. This part of my journey is all about me.
    Hate being selfish. But I never put myself first before.


    i also had one of my sons return(for a bit) and it is indeed an adjustment....good for you it is about you now...good luck..:flowerforyou:
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Good Evening,
    This week is my husband's vacation and we have had more rain than I can even think about! It has been nice having a low key week but we have cabin fever. The hurrican and no electricity all last week and cold, gray rainy days this week..phew! Last night we went to see The Help...wow! Today he helped me go to a ton of stores to put together an basket for a silent auction that I am giving. It ended up being many more stores than I planned but we finally finished and then we went for a couples massage (a gift for our birthdays)...it felt so incredible.
    I just finished a basic menu for the next week so that we can go shopping. I am enjoying the feeling of being back on track. Tomorrow I need to get to the gym.

    Amanda....great picture!

    Have a good night,
  • 4SuzyQ2
    Good Evening,
    Well tonight was my first bike ride in ages....my mind said go- go, so off we went. What use to be an easy enjoyable ride was so hard. Took my asthma med before hand..but it didn't seem to help at all. So my goal now is to get this behind me so i can ride a couple of time each week.
    So for the time being i guess i'll switch back to weight lifting. Think tomorrow I'll try the elliptical again and build up my breathing.

    Hope everyone is doing well and staying dry! ( I say that because my Home state is at flood stage )

    take care,
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    Good Evening Ladies.
    I can't believe I have been away for most of July and August. (maybe even longer) I have been lurking and reading through the posts but have quit logging entirely.!!:noway: What was I thinking??? After all this time being accountable went down the tubes. All of my bad habits came back with a vengence. I am snacking in the car while I drive to work, I am snacking when I get home from work (11:00pm) and even when it is good stuff... It is WAY to much of a good thing. I also gave myself permission to endulge in carbs!!! I have also caught myself wearing baggy sweats and tee shirts???!!! That needs to stop. I need to wear clothes that fit and look nice or I will pack on the weight and not even notice it.:grumble: :angry: I put on 5 pounds but I really need to buckle down... I haven't exercised since the begining of June.
    Anyway I am back on board.
    Thanks for being here.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    One more comment on wine - it is a fruit when you think of it and we all need have fruit and veggies everyday. OK well, more than just one more thing....................it is made from grapes. Grapes are good for keeping you "regular" and good for your heart, With all the bad things there are around, wine is probably a good choice over the hard stuff.

    I got to meet a man who practiced medicine in Italy. He prescribed a 4-6 ounce of red wine a night for quite a many things. Most of his patients were really old and still getting around. Then the US Government found out he was practicing medicine in this country without a licence and treatened to deport him if he didn't stop. After that he would say "I'm no doctor, but if I was, I'd tell you to have a glass of port with dinner tonight." This man took care of many of my relative way back then including my grandmother who lived to be 95. He had no use for white wine. It had to be red to have any medicinal value to it.

    He treated me for a cold once when I was about 7. I got a great night's sleep and was all better in the morning. Mom got mad at Grandma about it. lol

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,390 Member
    Pam - I can totally relate. I remember when my kids left home, how emotional. Try to enjoy yourself and don't get caught up in sorrow because then you might wind up pity eating.

    4SuzyQ2 - there's ALWAYS room for someone else! Welcome! Hi Gilda!

    Birdie - I have three children. When we moved to NC we bought a house with 5 bedrooms. Bryan kept saying what do we need with such a large house? Three months later all three moved back, even tho it was for only a short time.

    Did 50 minutes of Jillian Michael's No More Trouble Zones DVD today. Tomorrow, I'll probably do some HIIT.

    I had my bone density test today. They said it was good, but I want to see the actual results so I've asked for a copy of them. At the same time I got my flue shot, mainly because if I did it today, it would only be one co-pay. You know how they say you may feel flu-like symptoms. Well, I am. I'm sitting here in my winter bathrobe feeling achey and cold. But I know from past experience that this will pass. Vince asked me if I wanted to get up early, I said that I did. I'm not going to give up my exercise unless I'm feeling REAL bad. I've found that exercise many times makes me feel better. I remember when I was pg it snowed. I had a cold, Vince's parents were up because I was close to delivering. His mother was aghast that I went out and shoveled the snow. But after I shoveled, I felt so much better.

    Was a bit over on the calories today. I'm not going to worry, it's not like I'm 1,000 over or anything, only a bit over 100.

    Well, I gotta go lay down. Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :bigsmile: I've been reading in "The Thin Commandments" about budgeting calories, so if you can plan your calories for the day full of healthy food and do without something (like salad dressing or oil or substitute a less starchy vegetable or something) then add wine at the end of the day, it's a lot like not buying a luxury for yourself so you can afford a massage :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: my hubby and I sit down and talk in the morning over a cup of herb tea (actually he had decaf coffee) and that works for us.:bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: welcome to all the new members:bigsmile: we were all new here once and we became "old timers" because we kept coming back and posting:bigsmile: join the family:bigsmile: we are glad you are here.

    :bigsmile: to those of you who have had a return to old munching behaviors
    "Success in inspirational, disaster is educational" If you learned something then the experience has some value:bigsmile: I think I have finally learned that I can't have just a bit of peanut butter:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: it always turns into scooping right out of the jar:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: a few days ago it was so cold that I thought it was time to buy wool yarn to start knitting a blanket......today it was 60 degrees at dawn when I walked the dogs and almost 80 in the afternoon.:bigsmile:
  • mimi7grands
    I just got back from my trip to Pasadena with my mom. I did a lot of driving (if you've never driven the Los Angeles freeways I have just one suggestion for you - don't) but we had a wonderful visit with my DD Karin, my 2 grandsons, and three of my mom's friends who were in her wedding 64 years ago. Every one of them was sharp as a tack. Pretty amazing.

    Eating healthfully was easy the first 3 days, with Karin cooking wonderful dinners for us, but not so easy the last 3, with eating out most of the time. I'm feeling very, very happy though about using my trusty little notebook to keep track of what I was eating when I didn't have Internet access. That's pretty much a first for me. I'm grateful to many of you for the suggestion and all of your encouragement. :smooched:

    I felt myself slipping on the eating today in particular. You were absolutely right on, suggesting I log even when I was over (when I really, really didn't want to log :noway: ). I was beginning to get that "I'll get back to eating healthy tomorrow, today doesn't really matter" feeling. Then I logged my food and got right back on track. :happy:

    It was wonderful tonight to see all of my old friends (:love: ) and to meet all of you who are just getting started with MFP. As you've probably discovered, you've found a great tool and, even more important, women who will support you and help motivate you.

    It took me a while to skim all the posts that have popped up in the 3 days since I last logged on and it's getting late, so it's off to bed with me. Good night my friends - both old and new.

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi everyone

    :smile: I don't know where the time goes, the days just seem to be flying by.

    :ohwell: I'm still struggling to lose the weight I put on over my holiday, but as my friend at work said, it should soon drop off if I keep active. So I need to think about exercise, no no Viv, you need to do less thinking and more doing:bigsmile: :bigsmile: That's where I am going wrong, I need to schedule in some exercise not just think about it!! :noway: :noway:

    :smile: I am soooo tired today I don't know why. It started yesterday we had one of those training/team building days at work and I was absolutely exhausted when I go home. I was glad that my daughter had already walked the dogs, but maybe I should have gone for a walk to energise me, as it was I was so tired I dozed after tea and felt quite ill.

    :frown: Talking of work I'd better get myself ready, I need to be on time today as my colleague is on holiday and the rest of the team are on another training day! I will be in the office all by myself. I have plenty of work to keep me going, but it will be a little lonely.

    Time to hit the shower.

    Thank goodness it's Friday, almost the weekend. Have a good one ladies. I'll try and check in again soon.

    Viv xx
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    I started MFP about a month ago. I made September goals to exercise a minimum of 41 minutes a day and eat a minimum of 1200 calories. (I know, I know it is weird, I need to loose 100 pounds and yet I have to work at getting to the minimum calorie consumption of 1200 per day.) I had a series of health problems and bad eatting habits that left me weighing twice what I should. I have already lost 50 pounds and I know that as time passes I will probably want to back slide so I am seeking out people who will hold me accountable until I get down to a healthy weight. (somewhere between 154-165 depending on which chart you look at).
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    I started MFP about a month ago. I made September goals to exercise a minimum of 41 minutes a day and eat a minimum of 1200 calories. (I know, I know it is weird, I need to loose 100 pounds and yet I have to work at getting to the minimum calorie consumption of 1200 per day.) I had a series of health problems and bad eatting habits that left me weighing twice what I should. I have already lost 50 pounds and I know that as time passes I will probably want to back slide so I am seeking out people who will hold me accountable until I get down to a healthy weight. (somewhere between 154-165 depending on which chart you look at).

    great goals....just keep logging and exercising....it is a journey, enjoy it...good luck:flowerforyou:
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member

    I felt myself slipping on the eating today in particular. You were absolutely right on, suggesting I log even when I was over (when I really, really didn't want to log :noway: ). I was beginning to get that "I'll get back to eating healthy tomorrow, today doesn't really matter" feeling. Then I logged my food and got right back on track. :happy:

    mimi: that is a wonderful trick, i felt myself slipping a few weeks back and i also decided to track all i ate that day, seeing that red number reminded me that it NOT what i want,it has taken me too long to get to where i am....sounds like you had a fantastic time with your family...god luck
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Just popping in to say howdy! It is Friday of homecoming week here at the high school, and the students are very distracted. We will dismiss early today to head downtown for the parade, then after a bite to eat, I will be off to the game. My football players tell me that we have a chance of winning, which would be exciting, because they have not won a game for several years. Here's hoping that tonight the pigskin gods will smile on us!

    Anyway, happy Friday to all, and have a wonderful weekend! Here's to smart choices!
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Joyce & Pam, I imagine you must get used to them not being there and then established your own routine, but for now…..I’m missing her.:cry:

    Sally, what an awful week for vacation!:noway: Someone I work with mentioned the movie, The Help and loved it.:flowerforyou:

    Suzy, I have Asthma too and find riding a bike…initially…difficult, but I know if I did it more often I’d build up my tolerance for it. Why don’t you start by taking short rides and make them longer each time you ride?:happy:

    Peggy welcome home!:flowerforyou: I don’t think I will ever stop tracking my food, because KNOWING what I eat is half the battle. I know if I stop, I’d lose track of what I’m eating and gain weight back.:embarassed: I guess tracking is the lesser of two evils!:wink:

    Jeannie, I think you’re right! When you think of all the other alternatives, wine is the better choice! So many of the old times (of which I am now becoming:laugh: ) had 2 glasses of wine (red) every night and lived to be in their 90’s……so….Cheers! BTW I like your profile picture!:happy:

    Michele you are so right about exercising. I do the same thing. If I feel under the weather, I tell myself to at least make an attempt to exercise and if I really shouldn’t be….my body would tell me. Most time, I too feel better after.:bigsmile:

    Barbie, you really do love that peanuts butter!!! For me it’s cream cheese:blushing: . No such thing as just a little!:tongue:

    Mimi, glad you enjoyed your trip with mom. Sounds like you were very successful with writing down your food:flowerforyou: . It’s such a good discipline when you can’t get to the internet.

    Viv, I hope you’re feeling better:flowerforyou: . I also work in an office and am alone some days! It’s lonely, but if I get my work done then I hop on the internet to talk to my MFP family….like I’m doing now!:laugh: Very slow season here (bookkeeping) before Tax Season! I also get my exercising in…in the AM before work. After work I just don’t like doing it because I AM tired!:yawn:

    Angel, welcome!!!!:flowerforyou: Every journey starts with the first step no matter how long the journey.:wink: You are doing that and if you keep doing it….JUST FOR TODAY…..your “One Day at a Times” will add up to a week….and a month etc:happy: . We all started by making a decision to do something about our weight/health and so are you!:happy: Welcome to our family! YOU CAN DO IT!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Mary, have a great day and may the pig skin gods smile on you!:laugh:

    I'm thinking of trying to drop another 5 pounds. I really feel so much better at this weight....but that belly of mine keeps saying "I need to be smaller"!:laugh:

    Greeting to veryone not mentioned and have a blessed day!

  • grabbit97
    Happy TGIF.... YEAAAAAH...
    Altho, I have PT tomorrow as I want to stretch it out over the week, and hubby golfs on MWF, so he takes me on the off days, BUT, I get to start DRIVING on Monday, YEAAHHHH!!
    Hubby will take me around the local streets to make sure I can react to the gas/brake pedal since it was my right knee that was done.

    I got on the scale this morning, up a pound, but it will go away, too much salt probably last night .. chicken, coleslaw and roasted veggies, take out, was over at daughters, seeing SARI, our new granddaughter.. she is 4 weeks old, hard to beliebe!!!

    Have a good day... going to play bridge.

  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    hey all,

    i was able to get a spinning class in, i wasnt but got inspired.....thanks all:flowerforyou:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Just eating clean and low cal has produced about a 5 pound loss so far this week. I am happy. (I know its mostly water but still inspiring)
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Hello Everyone,
    I hope things are going well. I had a rough day with food today; mainly in choosing the wrong things when we went out for lunch today. We got to get together with friends and I just "followed the crowd" in ordering what everyone else was having. I am beating myself up for it tonight.... because it was not worth the calories. So tonight, I spent some time and planned out my food for tomorrow. After we went to lunch, we took a long walk around a new walking path by the bay. It was great to get my exercise outside.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,390 Member
    mimi and Pam - I, too, don't like seeing that red number. But it really helps to see it.

    Did an hour of HIIT on the elliptical today. 30 second sprint and then a minute of recovery. Tomorrow, yoga.

    I really want to see The Help. Vince says he'll go with me if I can't find anyone else.

    Still a little bit sore from the flu shot, but no where near like I was last night.

    Every month there is a healthy cooking demonstration given by the local hospital. I went to the one today. I liked the turkey spinach lasagna, but wasn't too crazy about the other things they made. I was good and asked for just a small amount of the lasagna because I saw the portions she was giving to people! The topic was about substituting turkey for ground beef.

    Sally - We ALL make mistakes. The good point is that you learned something.

    Well, here's hoping everyone has a great evening

  • randylevy
    randylevy Posts: 67 Member
    Hi Ladies. Well I am happy to be down another pound this week and two since Sept. 1st. I am doing a "Lose 10 lbs in September" challenge. I don't think I'll get to 10 but I'm on my way. The biggest problem I'm having right now is water. I am definitely not drinking enough. Does anyone have any creative ideas on how to get 8 or more cups of water in a day?

    I could also use some advice on toning the thighs especially my inner thighs. They are so flabby. Help!

    Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend. Take a moment to remember those lost on 9/11.

    Good Night.
