Women 200lb+, Let's Jump-Start This January!!!



  • Candyn617
    Candyn617 Posts: 108 Member
    @RavenStCloud Bronchitis is miserable! I hope you are getting plenty of rest and fluids in!! Hard to exercise when you aren't breathing too well and coughing! I hope you feel better soon! Hugs!!!
  • finngirl61
    finngirl61 Posts: 122 Member
    Thanks ladies for your support and ideas, especially regarding fasting.
    @speyerj -wow, you lost 76 lbs. last year! Congrats. From June to Dec that's 10 lbs a month. 👍
  • mmccloy12
    mmccloy12 Posts: 151 Member
    @mmdevaux I have listened to her podcasts, they are really good!
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,402 Member
    Back, can't believe the amount of pages!
    Congrats to all who lost any amount in Dec, great job against the odds!!

    @speyer really like your upcoming boots, would you need to use a hook to button?
  • aliciap0116
    aliciap0116 Posts: 231 Member
    @finngirl61 I don’t think I weighed in on intermittent fasting but I have been doing it and think it really has helped. I started at 10/14 and worked up to 8/16. I usually eat “breakfast” at 11:30, lunch at around 2:30 and dinner at around 6:30. I find that I don’t need a snack because the meals are compressed and I love that it closes the kitchen in the morning for sweet treats and at night for mindless snacking. It also makes me pay attention to whether I am really hungry and also feel hunger again. Plus I feel really good when I am in the fasting mode and have even exercised then. That said, I eat as soon as I start to feel funny or really hungry and always have my first meal ready to go. I highly recommend trying it - I think it helps my metabolism and helps me eat less/more smart.