Lose 10 lbs in September Challenge



  • sherid94
    sherid94 Posts: 10 Member
    Has the spreadsheet link been posted yet or did I miss it?
  • sld2746
    sld2746 Posts: 7 Member
    i'm in !
    SW:140 9/1
  • DebsFernandez
    Is there only going to be one big group or are we sticking with our same groups?
    I was/am on the Blue Team. Not sure.
    I'm just really anxious, lol. I can't wait to get through September, just to see how this month has gone!! :P

    Eeep! I hope I can lose 10lbs this month!! :D
  • scooterboy2003
    Tomorrow is the first day of September, anyone have a plan to meet their goal this month?? My starting weight is 165. I was only 160 when I was 9 months pregnant so needless to say I need to get my butt in gear! Today was my 5th day in a row at the gym after a long break so I am feeling great about that. My plan is to log every bite of food to stay within my daily goal and to get to the gym 5 days or more a week.

    I am looking forward to seeing 10 lbs gone!!

    I am riding a racing bicycle most evenings for fairly long distances and I intend to complete this challenge!
  • klwalton88
    klwalton88 Posts: 41 Member
    I'm in if the challenge is still open.
  • fedmom3
    fedmom3 Posts: 2 Member
    I just sent you a message with my SW for today. If the challenge is still open, I'd like to join. This will be my first one. I'm cruising at the end of September and want to lose another 10 pounds before that so this works out perfectly! Thanks :bigsmile:
  • rachellosesitall85
    I need a challenge, I'm in!
  • Tisch1985
    Tisch1985 Posts: 107 Member
    I can't find the link so I will post my SW here.

    SW 173.0
  • loved1
    loved1 Posts: 206 Member
    I'm in

    SW 183.6
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    This challenge stays open. I haven't seen the link for the spreadsheet yet, but she is probably at work. Just make sure that you have your start weight written down so you can double check the sheet once it's posted.

    Good luck, everyone!!
  • Amandalovesfood89
    SW: 220 (at least it was the last time i weighed myself!)
    Will update tomorrow when I weigh in if needed
  • Soulbird81
    Tomorrow is the first day of September, anyone have a plan to meet their goal this month?? My starting weight is 165. I was only 160 when I was 9 months pregnant so needless to say I need to get my butt in gear! Today was my 5th day in a row at the gym after a long break so I am feeling great about that. My plan is to log every bite of food to stay within my daily goal and to get to the gym 5 days or more a week.

    I am looking forward to seeing 10 lbs gone!!

    I plan on cutting out the sugar again....as much as I possibly can. Also add running to my morning and stick to as "clean" of eating as I possibly can. I will have fun searching for recipes because I hate getting bored with food, if I get bored I slip up
  • CME37
    CME37 Posts: 16
    count me in
  • AWHull
    Hey! Is it too late to join in? I could use the motivation. I've never lost 10lbs in my life so this will be a real challenge.

    So far I am dedicating for week 1 Eating: (starting today) to using my Vitamix for my pre-workout/afterworkout green smoothie, mid-morning protein snack, Healthy Choice meals for lunch, fish & salad (or roasted veggies) for dinner; Exercise: gym & at home...Zumba (20-60 min depending on my schedule) + 3 mile (or 5 mile) walking off the pounds, Elliptical 30 mins, squats, crunches (100), stretching.

    SW: 217
  • randylevy
    randylevy Posts: 67 Member
    The biggest challenge for me will be the water. Since I've very steadily lost 1 lb/week, anything over that is a win. Can't wait to get started. Good Luck everyone.
  • kbreezie922
    kbreezie922 Posts: 7 Member
    Im in!!

  • Caro239
    Caro239 Posts: 46 Member
    Where do we have to put our starting weight?

  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • luvmybeebees
    luvmybeebees Posts: 681 Member
    Did I miss the first challenge assignment? Or is coming out tomorrow?
  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,045 Member
    I'll stay with the challenge for September.

    SW~ 209