Reboot Boogaloo, September - open group

Welcome all!

For anyone that would like to join, we talk about our lives, exercise and eating plans, and generally encourage each other, everyday.

Hope the name is ok, I took off the SBF.

My plans for the day: bike this morning. It's warmer than the 72 I was promised, but it feels ok outside. I don't know what the afternoon holds as I'm getting together with a friend - it will either be swimming, yoga, or a walk. I really should get the yoga in as I'm going to Dallas tomorrow. I had a dream about my yoga mat last night.:laugh:

I'm going to continue not to snack this month. I don't know that I lost any weight, it's so hard to tell with variations on the scale. So I'm going to give it another month. I feel like I'm doing better on knowing when to stop eating - and I do the best when I don't snack. I'm someone where the more often I eat, the more I eat.

Welcome to a new boogaloo!


  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    Good morning!
    September is here! (Sorry V and CP but I've been waiting a long time for this month! :wink:) In just a "few" days my girl will be home!
    Mary, hope you have a great day! And hoping for rain and cooler temps for you guys! And Happy 4th MFP anniversary!

    So yesterday I ran out of clean shorts so I put on my capris, which I call my fat pants, and they actually fit and felt tight. This was a wake up call. I decided to try a few things this week. They are not new to me, but they are difficult for me to do. I realized I am not losing weight because I let myself eat what I want, when I want. It's that, "I deserve it" mentality. The first thing I am going to do is cut way back on wheat and carbs. I've been surviving off these for about a month now with all the craziness happening. I'm done. I am not saying I won't have any but it's going to be reduced. Also, I never allow myself to get hungry. I don't like that feeling. This week I am going to allow myself to feel hungry before I eat something. And I am going to try my best to log my food. I am trying to keep my meals simple so I will be more motivated to do this. All this is in attempt to get some control back. I see how many days I've logged in here and I have "nothing" to show for it. I've been on here almost four years and I am the same weight I was when I started.
    As far as exercise goals, I plan to work out a little everyday (except Sunday) for this week. My house work is almost done so I don't feel I can log that as calories burned unless it's hours of cleaning. It's time to get back on the work out plan, but for now it's going to be just doing what I can.
    I had a wake up call. It's time to step it up!

    Wake up boogaloo!
  • Scarlett_S
    Scarlett_S Posts: 467 Member
    I'd like to join in. I'm down 75 lbs since last October, and will be at goal in about 20-25 lbs (Haven't decided exactly what my goal is.) I did the gym this morning: 2 miles run/walk, 45 minutes weights, pushups, situps, stretching. Tonight I'll be doing karate for an hour additionally. I'd like to get my last twenty pounds or so off in the next three months. The weight loss has slowed as I've gotten closer to goal.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Reboot Everyday, yay. . .boogaloo.

    In the spirit of a new month, I slept until noon. Ooops. For those that don't know me, I live with a chronic fatigue/pain condition, as well as psoriatic arthritis. (I think I'm starting a psoriatic flare, as I've been having some skin issues. . .ugh) Long story short, I wake up in a "new" body every day, some day more "interesting" than others.

    Yesterday was walking all day long, so feeling pretty tight and sore from that.

    Goals of the day:

    Do some yoga at home (as I slept through yoga class):noway: my husband woke me up with the words "hey, what time is your yoga class? because I think you're sleeping through it. I think I'm brave enough to try a beginner level active practice. I'll report back on how it goes.

    Finish editing the short conference paper (I'm a PhD student/academic professional) so that I can send it to advisors #1 and #2)

    Come up with some plan of eating that's snackish without being not enough food or crummy food.

    and, that's enough for today.

    Welcome, Scarlett! I used to do Karate (black belt in ****o-ryu from a looooong time ago.) certainly great workout.

    Do what you can, and do it good, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:

    OK, lmao that the karate form got censored. . . *kitten* o-ryu :laugh:
  • everytimeifeelthespirit
    Hi friends, I'm Sarah J. I've been on this boogaloo thing before but under a different name. I'm a friend of Vivia's. I started with MFP last October and had success for about 3 months then crashed and burned. I'm back now, and have decided to try the Weight Watchers method. I've had some success in the past 2.5 weeks.

    I like this group...not judgy and very welcoming. I hope you don't mind me sharing my trials and triumphs. I find most of my downfall is more about self sabotage than lack of knowledge about food and excercise. Ahhh those lovely demons...let's squash them together shall we?

    with love
    Sarah J.
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Thanks for the great intro, Mary! But :laugh: at your dream.
    MM, you must be so excited. :happy: But you are too hard on yourself - you have more than "nothing" to show for the last 4 years! (after all, you have us! :wink: )
    V, I am so jealous that you were able to sleep! Good luck with your yoga and editing.

    Welcome back, Sarah! It's great to see you again, and I love hearing about everyone's "trials and triumphs". Self-sabotage is a big problem for me as well. The only way I can expect to be healthy is to fight my demons - depression and low self-worth.

    Welcome, Scarlett! I also did karate several years back, but quit when I started having knee problems.

    My goals for tomorrow - call my thumb doctor (I broke my thumb a week ago, for those who don't know), call the pharmacy, stick with the reduced caffeine intake (I've been averaging about 1 large mug/day this week, compared to 2-3 or 2 + a soda, so - progress), and.... actually get outside for at least 2 walks, and leave work early. I've been working way too hard and long this week - the crazy is in the air!

    Enough for now, boogaloo. :flowerforyou:

  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member

    Welcome Scarlett! Congrats on your weight loss! :flowerforyou:

    V, did you make it to the beginners class?

    Sarah, good to see you again! I also struggle with self-sabotage.

    CP, yay you checked in! :wink: And good for you leaving work early today!

    I did not work out as planned yesterday. My back is still hurting. I can't believe one small movement and my back is out of commission. Seriously? I did, however, log all my food. I went a bit over because I was hungry before bed so I had a very light snack.
    Goals for today: Bible study this morning, try to get school room set up (homeschooling my son, starting in a couple of weeks), log my food, and some general cleaning. If my back feels okay I may try to do the P90X stretch DVD.
    I was really hoping to get news yesterday about going to pick up "Miss I", but nothing. :ohwell: (For the new people, my husband and I have been working on a Russian adoption for nearly 3 years. Looong story short, we finally adopted a 5 year old girl in June, but she has been at an intensive therapy camp all summer and didn't arrive back in Moscow until yesterday. So now we are waiting for a date to go get her and bring her home. :smile: )

    Thankful for another day boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    Welcome to the group Scarlett. My MIL said if she had a daughter, she'd name her Scarlett. Though I don't know if you mom was as big of a fan of "Gone with the Wind" as my MIL.

    Welcome back Sarah!

    I'm off to Dallas today for a short weekend. I should be able to check in though. We are going to a party on Saturday. A cousin with "land" as the expression goes. I won't be spending too much time outside. Still too hot. Couple more days and it will be 10 degrees cooler - yeah!

    Solar still not on ( I got panels on my roof last weekend). The city hasn't been by :grumble: - I heard early next week. Want now.

    I'm going to take a walk this morning before the road trip and another this evening. I find walks around road trips make them more enjoyable. I don't spend too much of my day seated, so I get antsy when forced to sit for extended periods.

    Want now, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I ended up going for a super long walk yesterday. I am all nervous/wired up due to university craziness, and I was trying to get some of that energy out of my system. I still haven't heard, and now think that they may be trying to mess with my funding (my union contract says I get six years of funding, the department is trying to cut it down to five without reason or warning for some students, so I may be in for a fight I don't have energy or time for. . . hooray?)

    Anyways, today is: placing calls to the department to try to talk to a human (total calls/messages left so far: 2, trying to get lucky and get some answers before the holiday weekend starts.)

    Trying the beginning yoga DVD today.

    Trying to clean up the draft today, so that I can send it off before the weekend is out.

    Eating sensibly, despite the urge to stress eat.

    And, that's enough. Mostly, my main goal is avoiding the urge to stress eat, which is very strong right now. I think this is the main reason that I hate September. It's not the going back to work, it's the stupid red tape that comes with it.

    Red tape, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • Livi_Loves_Pink
    Hey guys!

    Just a quick post to let you know I haven't been abducted by aliens. :laugh:

    We closed on the house, now busy getting it cleaned/painted/moved into.

    I probably won't be around much for a week or two.

    New house, boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    I'm up in Dallas, so a shorter post.

    Whatever exercise I get in today willbe a bonus. I woke up a little early, so I'll have time yo get a short walk in.
    I'm hoping for some this afternoon as well.

    Family visit, boogaloo
    SHERRYnGA Posts: 38 Member


  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    Hi everyone! Glad to see new and returning faces alike!

    Welcome Sherry! Congrats on your weight loss! That's awesome!

    Livi, glad you weren't abducted! I was beginning to wonder. :wink: Hope all the house work goes smoothly for you!

    Mary, enjoy your family visit. You should have waited till Tuesday to come. It will be cooler then. :wink:

    V, I hear you on the stress eating. That's been a problem for me lately too.

    I logged my food yesterday even though I went 250 over when I went out to eat. Had I been able to work out it wouldn't have been a problem. My back still feels sore so I am still taking it easy. I didn't get to do the X Stretch yesterday so I may try to do that today. I already watered the lawn this morning, and I made a healthy breakfast (gluten free). I also have a few boxes to unpack that were left in the garage. And Alex needs a haircut, which I do myself because he likes it better than having someone else do it. I am also wanting to start a project, so I have plenty to keep me busy.
    My project is that I have been considering writing a book about our Russian adoption. Three or so people have told me that we should write a book. I am really thinking about it and I may start on it today. It's not because our story is so extraordinary from other people's. It's because some amazing things happened and I want to share them. Also because I don't think people understand what the process is like or what it is like for these kids in orphanages all over the world. I have already decided that any proceeds would go to helping an orphan find his/her forever family.
    We should be going in about 10-14 days to get our daughter from Russia. She is back from summer camp but they have to get her passport done and that takes that many days or something. We should hear on Monday (they don't celebrate Labor Day when we do) or Tuesday about when we are going! I'm getting impatient again. Hurry up! :tongue:

    Three day weekend whoo hoo boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning pebbs, both new and old,

    I have decided that for the next two weeks, my ONLY goal is to not stress eat. Seriously. I did OK with portions yesterday, but not choices. I actually ate leftover candy from a party I gave last week for lunch. Boo. So, today the goal is to eat real food, in portions. And that's enough to deal with along with the current stress levels. So, get through the next two weeks without needing stretchy pants!:laugh:

    I had such strong binge urges yesterday. I tried calling my department 15 times yesterday (essentially every twenty minutes, once to the secretary's extension and once to the main extension) and only got through to a voice mail, once. Essentially, they simply weren't answering the phones, and all the voice mailboxes were full. This means that now I have to wait until Tuesday to get any answers. I've decided that on Tuesday, I'm putting on my "barefoot" training shoes, and comfortable clothes, and hauling myself (and a copy of my union's collective agreement) up to campus to get it done. Until then, I'm trying to not think about it. Essentially, for the new folks, I'm concerned that my department is trying to cut my funding, which they are not legally allowed to do at this time. (but I've heard that they have tried to do to others, and it takes a while to contest it/set it right/get paid.)

    Also, I guess the "one goal" is a bit of a lie, as I'm also trying to formulate some sort of fitness plan that involves an actual plan now that September is here. But, I'm giving myself these next two weeks (since I'm leaving next weekend to go out of town for a week, and next week is "anything could happen" week) to try to move everyday however I can. Then, I'm going to sit down with schedules and figure out a way to get in a sweaty workout three times a week, and hopefully special practice yoga once a week.

    Nervy Novella, boooooogaloooooo.:flowerforyou:
  • weelee87
    weelee87 Posts: 20 Member
    hi, i hope nobody minds me joing in your little group? its seems fun :) im lee, 24, from scotland.

    trying to get fit and healthy as I seem to have piled on quite a bit over the last couple of years. Not really a newbie here as started a few months ago but hit a brick wall and began "stress eating" due to work stress (i feel your pain vivia). Aiming to be sexy for christmas so i can buy a new dress for the christmas night out and not hate every photograph im in next to all my thin friends!

    Mechanic mom, I am very interested in your adoption. My mum and sister have just been over to romania to help in an orphanage and my mum now sponsers two little girls over there. they are hoping to raise money to build a new house for them. so proud of them both!! :) how old is your daughter?

    Excercise-wise playing tennis tomorrow... tho the weather over heres been awful for this time of year so I think it will be with jackets in the rain :( oh well, have to move more to keep warm!!

    Lee xxx
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    Welcome weelee! I'll send you a message about our adoption. :smile: Our little girl just turned five in August. :happy:

    My back must be better. I went bowling with my guys. Didn't play that great, but oh well. So that was my exercise for the day. I have also started on my book. :happy:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    Welcome all! Don't forget to continue posting.

    Back to Austin today, then Corpus Christi tomorrow. I would say I'm a jetsetter, but this is all by land. In a little over a week, I'll be in Chicago, should be great, though we have a sick kitty again. I think they know when we are about to leave and save their illnesses - this one is a major inner ear infection that may require surgery.

    Anyway, today walk this morning before getting on the road, then some yoga tonight.

    Autosetter, boogaloo
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Welcome new folks!

    V, I think your goal is an excellent one. And boo to your department. Is it possible they are just colossal flakes? :huh:
    Mary, hope your kitty feels better!
    Livi, congrats on your new house!
    MM, I'm glad your back is feeling better. Good luck with your writing! :flowerforyou:

    I did manage to leave work early on Friday - though I spent the rest of it at the doctor. But, as a result, I have a new cast (we were going to wait until Tuesday to change it, but my thumb was hurting from rattling around in the old one which had gotten loose), and reassurance from x-ray that my bone is still in the right place and presumably doing what it. I also got to ask a question that I hadn't had the chance to ask them last time, so that also made me feel better.

    I am still working out what my goals for the month (or week, or day) should be. With everything going on at work, and health issues, I am mostly just trying to keep my stress levels down, and keep from getting depressed as much as I can. Today we are driving to Buffalo for a Labor Day-bor get-together (all afternoon and all night) with my husband's sister and a few dozen of her/her boyfriend's closest friends... I like her, but I'm not really a party person (and neither is my husband)! So, even though we may only stay for a couple of hours, that will pretty much take up my day (what with the shopping we need to do and driving there). My goal is not try everything (foodwise) just because I haven't had it before - I should be able to pick a couple things that I think I'll really like, and just eat those! Or take a bite and not finish it if I don't really like it.

    Sane eating, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning, all.

    First up, confession time: too much ice cream for dessert last night. So, fell victim to stress eating. Feel sort of gross this a.m.

    Second up, may have solved a slight mystery. I think I am actually so stressed out I'm not eating during the day, thereby being starving at dinner time, thereby overeating then.

    So, today's plan is to eat three meals (duh/derp) of actual good for me food. My slightly bizarre breakfast of half an avocado and a larabar is already down. To do the gorilla workout of the day (an iPhone app workout I'm doing, for the newbies to the group) and then to work, and go buy fruit and veg for dinnertime/lunch as said half avocado was only food in house.

    CP, I really, really hope this is a case of the flakes, but I fear otherwise. I disaster think. It's a problem I'm working on.:laugh:

    Still learning how to eat, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Quick post. Steve took us out for lunch. Instantly felt like I had gained 5 pounds. I could tell my stomach had shrunk this week because I was fuller faster than I had been in a long time, which is kind of a bummer because I like to eat. :laugh:
    There's a church gathering tonight but I think we are going to stay home. It's been awhile since we have had some down time. We may go walk around the neighborhood this evening when it cools down a bit. High of 95 today and in the mid 80's tomorrow. :bigsmile: We may go see the in laws tomorrow. It's been awhile.
    My back still hurts. Bowling did not help. I may need to get one of those patches for it. :ohwell:
    Getting a bit impatient about bringing my girl home. Two weeks seems like a a really long time. :laugh: It will go by fast I'm sure.

    Loving the cooler weather boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    The kitty is going in on Wednesday for a middle ear swab and maybe a cat scan, maybe surgery. :frown:

    I'm off to Corpus this evening after my free day of yoga class. I had originally planned on doing yoga all day, but I would rather be home with my cats. I picture that the cats thinking we are off hunting when we are out of town. I haven't planned this afternoon's class either - oops! - I better get started. I've felt uninspired. Hopefully the workshop in Chicago will help.

    The cool front came! It's only going to get up to the low 90s all week. :bigsmile: The wind caused a bunch of wildfires though - including half of my favorite park: Bastrop State Park. It's a stand of "lost pines" in Central Texas. For those that are unfamiliar with this area, we don't have pine trees, except around this park. It's a sad day. Many people lost their homes as well, but I don't think anyone was hurt. No rain in the 7 day forecast, sigh. We could really use a tropical storm.

    Weather update, boogaloo.