How do you get over people not liking you?



  • LiftNRiot
    LiftNRiot Posts: 463 Member
    This has never happened to me. Everyone likes me. I'm so lovable.

    Now if a dog doesnt like you, that hits straight to the heart
  • TwitchyMacGee
    TwitchyMacGee Posts: 3,120 Member
    LiftNRiot wrote: »
    This has never happened to me. Everyone likes me. I'm so lovable.

    Now if a dog doesnt like you, that hits straight to the heart

  • xGreatWhiteNorthx
    xGreatWhiteNorthx Posts: 335 Member
    Get some therapy. You already know it's a you problem and not a problem with everyone else and we can tell you all the things in the world to do but until you address the underlying thing that makes others approval of you so important, they're not going to help.
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    Is there a way you can change your situation so you no longer have to see this person daily? Or at least keep more of a distance from them? Hard to do if you live with them or work with them but it's stressful interacting with someone every day feeling that way. Or you can do what 'they' say, kill 'em with kindness.
  • Kathryn247
    Kathryn247 Posts: 570 Member
    The Four Agreements helped me learn to deal with this. Do your best, and don't take it personally.

    Since I don't think anyone has asked this yet, are you a nice person? Considerate, don't say and do things to hurt others? If you're a mean jerk (and I'm not saying you are), maybe stop being a mean jerk. :)
  • carolbrady1
    carolbrady1 Posts: 38 Member
    The thing is, you can't really control who likes and who doesn't like you. I had counselling and my counsellor said she actually got disliked by a colleague for being too sunny and positive! It wasn't great to hear but once she knew she just accepted it and moved on. Like they say, you can't please everyone. I have been the world's worst when it comes to wanting to be liked, but as I get older I try to be more stoic about it. I can't make people like me, and I can't control what they think about me. Don't know if this helps but it's just the way I try to deal with it.
  • kimber0607
    kimber0607 Posts: 994 Member
    edited January 2020
    Gosh so hard and easier said than done
    I think age we get older we really don't give a *kitten* anymore what other people think
    I could say at this very moment it doesn't matter to me at all

    I tell me kids you cant control anyone else..their actions or emotions
    Regardless of what anyone else says or does, you are in control of the emotions you feel and rhetoric you play in your head
    I find with myself, being more sensitive person, def affects us more
    In also an over thinker analyzer so that doesn't help.....

  • spade117
    spade117 Posts: 2,466 Member
    Never really cared what others thought about me.
  • lx1x
    lx1x Posts: 38,326 Member
    This is me.

    What I tell people..

    Don't take it personally.. I treat everyone the same.. I don't like anyone, unless you can change my mind. You go your way and I go my way, both will be happy...that simple.

  • johnnys_fitness_ch
    johnnys_fitness_ch Posts: 80 Member
    Who cares, don't worry about them loser. Hell I like you and don't even know you....

  • yuske05
    yuske05 Posts: 16 Member
    edited January 2020
    Experience solves this. Try a debate class. Do you overthink things much?
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    One phrase that helped me a lot with this is: "What other people think of you is really none of your business."

    I used to really care a LOT when someone didn't like me; to the point it made me physically sick. Once I realized that as long as I'm nice, play by the rules, not a jerk, etc. then what anyone else thought was irrelevant. The only person's opinion that matters is yours! As long as YOU like yourself? Anyone else is moot. :smile:
  • GymGoddessGoals
    GymGoddessGoals Posts: 2,146 Member
    Shrug and walk away.

    "...middle finger in the air...."