Are you over 200pds, let's diet together



  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    @JennDoingTheThing:Once you have several experiences like that in your recent memory, it's easier because you can just relax into the knowledge that you haven't before, so you won't this time either.
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    One thing that helped me with both ice cream and chips is that they do come packaged in single-serving portions. I buy the little vanilla and chocolate ice cream cups in ten count bags, and if I want ice cream I can have one. If I want a sundae, a tablespoon of chocolate syrup on it and a tablespoon of whipped cream don't add too much more in calories and feel very indulgent, especially in a little footed glass bowl. (Presentation is a lot. )

    Similarly, the amount of chips I get is the amount in the bag and that's just all, and I've gotten okay with that.
  • CathyRocky
    CathyRocky Posts: 64 Member
    Today was a good day. The batteries for my scale came today but I'm going to stick to my weigh-in day, which is Wed. I don't know if anyone will be able to understand this, but I feel like the focus has been shifted from weight loss to my perfect chem strips. I struggled for a year after my diagnosis of type 2 diabetes, testing four times a day, with numbers that were much higher than is acceptable. It made me so angry and I felt like a failure, and I really thought I was eating well. I thought maybe I wasn't eating enough, or often enough. Maybe my insulin needed to be raised. I think it took me an entire year to get it through my head that I really needed to almost cut out carbs completely. That's not what they teach you in diabetes education. They say you should have 35-40 carbs three times a day, and 15-20 at each snack(2). In an effort to lose some weight, I dropped those carbs to under 50 a day, plus a piece of fruit. So one 1/2 cup serving of rice and a serving of oatmeal, or two pieces of whole grain bread, or a sweet potato, or soup with barley or beans. In a weeks time my insulin use went from about 48 units of fast acting and 30 units of slow acting, per DAY!, to 32 and 20, and my numbers are PERFECT. I'm eating plenty, I'm never hungry, completely satisfied after every meal. So, if I weigh myself Wed and I haven't lost a few pounds, well, I'm ok with it. The weight will come off, I'm sure it will!

    So I mentioned that I adopted two cats recently. It could be going better. Bruiser has physically attacked me 4 times in two weeks. All 4 times from behind as I was leaving the room after loving on him, as though he was mad because I was leaving him? Any thoughts?
  • wren176
    wren176 Posts: 148 Member
    Hi I’m going to jump in and join you all. I’m going to start back on the strong lifts program as soon as I can get back into the gym. I work 2 full time jobs so 80-90 hours a week is my normal schedule. It’s hard to fit it all in. But when I did it before I saw good results.
    January 17 232
    January 24 228
  • Allgaun
    Allgaun Posts: 222 Member
    FishyMom33 wrote: »
    Hey! I'm new here and am over 200 lbs. I feel like having people with the same struggles/issues as me would greatly help. Obviously someone who wants to lose just 5/10 lbs would not understand the struggles I am facing. I am 260 currently, but 2 weeks ago I was in the hospital for a whole week and lost 20. That was a bit concerning but the dr didn't seem bothered by it since I was on an all liquid diet. Now that I'm out, I would like to try and change my eating habits and what I eat. Actually, I HAVE TO! When I was in the hospital, they diagnosed me with Crohn's disease. It's been a real struggle to figure out what my trigger foods are & how to cope with them.

    My son has Crohn's, he has to limit his dairy intake. He can have minimal cheese and milk but he has to be very careful
  • celticck77
    celticck77 Posts: 113 Member
    @CathyRocky - you are on a positive path. We should all take a lesson from you on that. I use non-scale victories all the time, and boy that is a great NSV for you. Great job on your numbers - like you said the rest will follow. A friend told me that as he lost weight he had to keep re-evaluating his numbers so keep that in mind. Keep kicking butt. You are doing it right.
  • celticck77
    celticck77 Posts: 113 Member
    ahhhh! woke up feeling like crud this morning. Yesterday was pretty good. Crazy day at work but then I spent about 25 minutes on my total gym then went and played volleyball for about 45 minutes. But today my body is telling me something isn't quite right. We shall see how I feel after work. Intent is to work out but it might have to be a rest day.
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    Took yesterday off from the gym because I was deep-cleaning the downstairs. Went back today and all was well.

    Last night I started to get hungry as I was falling asleep. I said to myself, "Eat from all the stored food on your belly and thighs. I'm not getting out of bed." and went to sleep.
  • CathyRocky
    CathyRocky Posts: 64 Member
    Last night I started to get hungry as I was falling asleep. I said to myself, "Eat from all the stored food on your belly and thighs. I'm not getting out of bed." and went to sleep.

    I love this!!!
  • FatimaStartsAllOver
    FatimaStartsAllOver Posts: 302 Member
    so sorry i been a little absent (4 days)..... hope you all are kicking BUTT... as for me i’m happily kicking *kitten*.....
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    CathyRocky wrote: »
    Last night I started to get hungry as I was falling asleep. I said to myself, "Eat from all the stored food on your belly and thighs. I'm not getting out of bed." and went to sleep.

    I love this!!!

    Feel free to steal. (grin)
  • wren176
    wren176 Posts: 148 Member
    Good evening everyone. I’m glad to see an active thread. I did well today. Had a couple bowls of chili in the breakroom at lunch. Homemade and I didn’t eat the beans. I’m hoping for a good weigh in Friday. What kind of exercise is anyone doing? I lost my weight this far by diet but wanted to get in gear in the gym again. I bought some leggings last night now I have to find a top to match that is nice and long. I don’t like my rear to show while I’m doing squats.
  • VeggieMeg71
    VeggieMeg71 Posts: 205 Member
    @SarahMWong15 So sorry they didn't fit. Nothing is as discouraging as shopping for clothes! I used to love shopping, but now I hate it. Once I find a pair of jeans and a pair of khakis that fit, I just buy a bunch of the same ones in various colors so I don't have to think about it again. My wardrobe is totally boring, but I don't even care anymore. Maybe one day that will change...

    Do what you need to do to regain your optimism and motivation, and we'll be here waiting when you come back!
  • lelser60
    lelser60 Posts: 21 Member

    Jan. 6: 296
    Jan. 13: 292.6
    Jan. 20: 292.6
    Jan. 27: 291.0

    January Goal: Lose ten pounds, be at or below 287
    January Actual:

    Feb. 3:
    Feb. 10:
    Feb. 17:
    Feb. 24:

    February Goal: Lose ten pounds
    February Actual:

    Mar. 2:
    Mar. 9:
    Mar. 16:
    Mar. 23:
    Mar. 30:

    March Goal: Lose ten pounds
    March Actual:

    Apr. 6:
    Apr. 13:
    Apr. 20:
    Apr. 27:

    April Goal: Lose ten pounds
    April Actual:

    Weight lost this week:
    Challenge Weight loss goal: Lose forty pounds
    Actual Weight loss for the challenge:
  • Morganafly
    Morganafly Posts: 22 Member
    I want to start up with the thread too, though I think Ill wait till Feb 1 to make recording simpler. Really enjoyed reading the posts from others just like me. This will be fun! Currently 227 want to get to 165 ish.