Pregnancy - September 2011

Hello everyone!

For those of you just finding us, this is a group that is trying to be healthier and/or lose weight while:

a) wanting to drop some weight before trying to conceive (TTC)
b) (Trying to conceive) TTC
c) Pregnant

Those in groups a & b we have a great sister group called Fit for Future Families or you are welcome to stay with us! Welcome all


  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    Hi ladies! I had tried to join the group back in June but decided to wait until we really started to try before jumping in head first. I went off the pill back in July and we thought we would see what happened. Nothing yet. This month we will be putting more effort into it though.
    My name is Belinda and I will be 29 this month. I have a 9 year old son and 2 crazy dogs as well as an amazing husband.
  • mukie89
    mukie89 Posts: 99 Member
    happy 1st of september ladies :)

    Rachel- Im so happy to hear that you and baby are now home safe and sound :heart: I'm sorry that the birth was so traumatic and didn't go as planned and that home life is not yet running smoothly, but with some support and time im certain things will become easier:flowerforyou: thinking of you! and don't forget that you have this support system at your disposal

    Not much to report here except to say that i'm ready to give up socks and shoes all together and stick with slip-ons and flip flops, the effort needed for actual sneakers isnt worth it :laugh: Also my back is really getting on my nerves (excuse the pun), can anyone recommend some good lower back exercises?
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Bump for later!
  • JKilty
    Wow, September already!

    Caperfae – I don’t have any glucose problems (yet-knock on wood) but I don’t think I could live without my carbs! Ha! Glad you’re getting it under control.

    Abeare-Those are great benefits! When I worked in daycare seven years ago, I got paid $7.50 an hour with no additional benefits. Terrible!

    Julz- I would have the same problem with the cake! Today my craving is pizza and it doesn’t look like I’m going to get any!

    ElizabethJ17 – How is your daughter doing without her nuk? That can be so hard to break, but I think you’re very wise to start the process now before the little one is here! That’s so great that your friend is throwing you a shower! Fun!

    RFrick- Congrats!!

    Ronya – How did your meeting with the pediatrician go? I probably need to start looking into pediatricians soon…!

    Jenzimmer- Cute picture!!

    Rachel – Wow! Congrats on your little girl! I’m glad the breastfeeding is going well!

    Belinda – Welcome back!

    Melissa – I am pretty sure I’ve only worn my tennis shoes while walking this summer, the rest has been sandals! And lately, when we go on walks, my hubby has to tie my shoes since its such an effort to get down there! I’d like suggestions for back exercises also!

    Sorry if I missed anyone!!

    AFM: Not much going on…working like crazy as usual. We met with one babysitter last night and it went OK. I wasn’t totally impressed. She is licensed but made it sound like she’s so busy during the day that she won’t have much time to spend with our baby. She watches 10 kids in her home, by herself and said that she will not even try to do crafts like coloring with our baby until she’s at least two because its too much of a hassle. BUT she’s close to our house and it’s $95 a week, which is not bad at all for this area. I’m thinking quality of care is more important than money and convenience though! We meet with another tonight and she only has her two kids and one other baby, who also happens to be my hubbys cousin’s child, so we’re praying that goes well! She charges $85 a week but is a little out of the way on our way to work…but if she really cares for our child, it will totally be worth it!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
  • lilibe
    lilibe Posts: 51 Member
    I'm finally back after a long break......For those who have joined since I left, I'm expecting a boy December 5. My weight gain has been pretty inconsistent and higher than I'd like. The only thing that seems to work is tracking calories. It's a pain, but hopefully I can keep the total less than 35 if I keep it up.

    Regina - Congratulations! I'm looking forward to hearing your birth story.

    Rachel - I'm glad breastfeeding is going well. Especially after such a difficult birth. Hang in there!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Belinda - Welcome back. Good luck as you try to conceive.

    Melissa and Jenna - The cat/cow stretch seems to help with back aches. Get down on hands and knees. Start with your back flat. Curve it up, so you're arching like a halloween cat. Gently curve it down so that it's arched the other way and your shoulders and hips are the high points. I generally start with my tailbone and try to make the motion move up my spine, but it's harder with baby. I've heard this is also good for encouraging baby to move into a good position (I learned the move in yoga, and have just kept doing it).

    Linsday - welcome back. Tracking calories really is the best option to manage weight, I agree. Trying to be active has helped me feel a lot better and control my appetite, too. Mostly I just walk and swim.

    Jenna - I would definitely say that quality of care is more important than cost. If someone doesn't want to do things with a little one because it's "not worth the trouble" I would have second thoughts about sending my child there. (Not to say that crafts and coloring are necessary before age 2, and anything she produced would barely be fridge-worthy at that age, but it's the process of being able to learn and explore, and especially to interact with caring adults, that matters, and it sounds like this sitter is too busy to give that). Hope the other one you want to meet with works out for you!

    Caperfae - I don't think I've worn socks and shoes for months now! I have a pair of slip-ons that stay on well for school (because of a lot of walking) and sandals for everything else, even a pair nice enough for when I"m going dressy.

    AFM - spent the morning cleaning out a closet and set of drawers to put baby clothes in and working on the corner of our room where the crib is going to be. I'm feeling that panic of the baby coming soon and being no where near ready! Hopefully we'll be able to get the crib and carseat by this weekend, then I'll be able to relax more, I think.
    My hip has been hurting like crazy lately, and all the work this morning didn't help! Not much we can do until after baby, and hopefully once he's born it won't hurt so much. But for now, ouch!! :sad:
  • Caperfae
    Yay it's SEPTEMBER!!! One more month to go .. I am so excited!!!
    Nothing going on here. I organized the baby's room a bit and hug new pink curtains in there this morning. I'm using an old dresser for a changing table. I just have to secure the contoured changing pad to the top.
    No idea if this picture is going to work but here's the room as it looks right now:

    We'll be doing a bit more shopping this coming weekend, mostly for the baby but my 5 year also needs a backpack for school on Tuesday.

    Well I can't get photobucket to work on this board :(
  • Lindseyjones1717
    Lindseyjones1717 Posts: 1,030 Member
    I'm sorry you had such a hard time..but what a beautiful baby! Enjoy every minute with her, and feel better soon!

    AFM: I am doing some last minute packing of my bags..and then I am off to the hospital tomorrow at 6am! C-section is scheduled for 8:30! I am beyond ecstatic! I am bringing my laptop with me so I can skype with some family, so I should be able to update sometime over the weekend! Hope everyone has a fantastic labor day weekend..I know I will! The next time I write, ill have a baby next to me...amazing!!:love:
  • MadBabysMama
    MadBabysMama Posts: 373 Member
    Eagerly awaiting my first OB appointment in about 10 days, looking forward to seeing our baby in there for the first time and hoping everything looks good. I'm only about 5 weeks along now. It's so hard in the first trimester when you have so few direct indicators of pregnancy. I vividly remember how comforting it was to feel my daughter moving around, hiccuping, etc. in the later months of pregnancy - I miss those not-always-so-gentle reminders!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Bought the crib & mattress and carseat/jogging stroller system tonight. Glad that most of the price of it is coming from money given to us for baby stuff because that was a lot! But I feel like we got a good deal ($130 for crib, $50 for matress, $180 for travel system, a few other items and tax). If I had unlimited funds, I really could have bought so much more, there's so many things!
    Tomorrow we will go to Wal-mart and use those gift cards for diaper bag and a couple of newborn size clothes (got almost none of those). It's starting to really feel close!
  • ElizabethJ17
    ElizabethJ17 Posts: 138 Member
    Thanks for asking. Allison is doing really well I think we picked a great time to do it. She has been settling into the whole no pacifier routine of going to bed. She did however find a thermometer pacifier in the office today but I caught her with it before she even had it for 30 seconds or so. She had a flu shot yesterday which made me feel bad she didnt have it but she did get through it fine. Today she decided to have a poop party in her crib which almost made me throw up from the smell lol. There was poop everywhere. Lets just say she got three baths today. Two right after the incident (the first to get rid of the poop, the second to clean well) and one tonight before bed just for safe measures. Tonight is night #3 and tomorrow is day #3 without the nuk and it looks like it is part of the past for us woo hoo : )
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
  • RFrick
    RFrick Posts: 408 Member
    bump :flowerforyou:
  • diverdi
    diverdi Posts: 64 Member
  • Caperfae
    I am on the fence about buying a travel system or just an infant seat. We already have a 5 year old stroller that's seen better days after being damaged in our move from West to East. The handle got cracked and broken while being shipped on the bus so it makes pushing a but tricky. The infant seat alone is about $100 and for $50 more I can get the whole travel system. I can still save the other stroller for power walking when the baby gets older. It's a heavy duty Jeep Liberty with air filled tires. I wouldn't get much for it in classifieds anyway.
    I'm a bit overwhelmed knowing the baby will be full term in 2 weeks and CAN come anytime after that .. we just aren't ready yet. We don't even have a backup plan for our daughter who will be in school. No childcare has been arranged for her. Nobody to walk her to the bus in the morning or to meet her at the bus stop in the afternoon. That's one loose end I don't have a clue how to tighten up.
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Officially baby month for me and officially fullterm as of yesterday
    :love: :love: :love:
  • Caperfae
    Officially baby month for me and officially fullterm as of yesterday
    :love: :love: :love:
    I'll be full term in a couple of weeks, then it's anyone's guess when baby will arrive, LOL
    It will keep hubby on his toes if nothing else :)
  • mukie89
    mukie89 Posts: 99 Member
    julz-thanks for the back exercise advice :) I was doing it last night and got very strange looks from my hubby haha

    Danielle- yaaaay! enjoy these last few weeks of relative quiet :)

    I was wondering if anyone can give me insight as to the 'best' way to go about getting a baby boy circumcised? I know its able to be done in the hospital but I was also told that this is relatively expensive. Are there other good options?
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    julz-thanks for the back exercise advice :) I was doing it last night and got very strange looks from my hubby haha

    Danielle- yaaaay! enjoy these last few weeks of relative quiet :)

    I was wondering if anyone can give me insight as to the 'best' way to go about getting a baby boy circumcised? I know its able to be done in the hospital but I was also told that this is relatively expensive. Are there other good options?

    It's supposed to be done within the first couple days that the baby is here. So, generally done at the hospital you give birth at by a general doctor. Last number we were told was $500 but it isn't for sure. We still don't know if we're going to have it done or not though.