Team Truffle Shufflers! September Challenge (CLOSED GROUP)



  • MacSkillz
    MacSkillz Posts: 417 Member
    Starting Weight on 9/1: 248.5
    Goal weight for 9/30: 240
  • Hey Guys!!!! Super excited to get started...anyone else going away for the long weekend? Its going to be tough...but I'm going to do my best to make the logging and water challenge over the weekend!

    Starting Weight: 235.0
    End of Sept: 225.0
  • cj2lose
    cj2lose Posts: 80 Member
    Hi! My name is Clare and I am from Tualatin, Oregon (just south of Portland). Hester (trout3063) recruited me to the challenge and I thought it would be good for me. I have 2 daughters and I work from home full-time. I have an inside sales position at a small software company. I am not technical at all; I just sell support agreements so I sit in front of a computer all day and email customers. Over the past 2 years I’ve become a boredom eater and have gained 25 unwanted pounds. Basically, any time I walk into our kitchen I feel like I need to eat something. I tried joining a fancy gym but I gained weight because I knew too many people there and ended up talking more than working out. So I am back to working out at home. I do have a Bally’s membership but since I work from home I am unmotivated to drive to the gym (especially after being spoiled with a fancy gym). I have all the tools here to lose weight (it’s how I did it before, after having kids) but I need motivation and accountability so I am hoping this challenge will push me along.

    I just went on a 3 day vacation so my weight has gone up! Plus I haven’t logged my weight on MFP for 2 weeks so now I’m stressed that I have to log a gain but I will make myself do it. I also always forget to log my water intake. I do drink it but just always forget to log it; I’ll make sure to fix that.

    I currently weigh 173lbs and would like to be back down to 150lbs. According to the BMI calculator, that is barely ‘Normal’ weight due to my height (5’5”) but I’ve always been happy at 150lbs, anything lower was a struggle to maintain. My weight loss goal for September would be between 8 to 10lbs. I easily fluctuate 5lbs so anything more than that would be a success for me.

    Labor Day weekend will be the first major challenge to get through! We have family events and the State Fair that we are attending so I’ll be very tempted! I can do it!

    SW = 173lbs 9/1
    GW = 165lbs 9/30
  • welcome to September ladies!!! Glad to see some of you logging in already!! let's get this challenge started and have some fun while we are at it.

    Starting Weight: 264.8lbs
    End of September goal: 250lbs

    I'm going to be pushing myself to make my goals! i hope you all do the same, but remember... do it safely!!
  • trout3063
    trout3063 Posts: 121 Member
    UGGG...I logged a gain today....I am hoping it's due to my normal "monthly" retention! So my SW is 181 and my goal weight is 170....that's a heafty loss for one month, but I need to get more serious about this loss stuff! And I have a trip in October to Vegas and it had better be warm cause I'm excited to show off some accomplishment!

    Clare...when you head to the state fair be sure to pack some healthy treats along not as exciting as fair food, but make it exciting when you can log UNDER goal calories :0)

    Off to see if I can u-tube todays exercises....celebrate success today!
  • vampee
    vampee Posts: 103 Member
    Hi to all....oh what a day, ugh! But here I am ready to log in my weight and yadayada.

    September 1st.....243

    End of September goal....230

    I have been averaging about a 10 pound weight loss per month since the latter part of June. I am hoping this will help me meet my first mini goal of 230 even quicker.

    Good luck to all. :bigsmile:

    Since we are short this week I'm offering a mini-challenge. Remember Gym Class? Do you remember doing the bear walk? As a side, you don't have to ever do the mini-challenges. But if you'd like to earn your team an extra point bearwalk for 3 minutes. Seems easy but it has to be a constant bear walk constantly moving for 3 minutes. You might be surprised! If you do the bear walk at the end of the week, we will add point to the team score! if you choose not too or cannot perform the mini-challenge its all good! This is just something to get our challenge up and running! So there it is FIRST MINI-CHALLENGE, a Constant 3 minute Bearwalk.
  • vampee
    vampee Posts: 103 Member
    Is the bear walk supposed to be done everyday for the challenge?
  • blueillusion3
    blueillusion3 Posts: 151 Member
    i have been averaging a very SLOW loss, about 3 lbs a month so i'm going to try and double that (which isn't much)...

    starting weight: 201.4
    goal weight: 195 (but i'm really hoping for 190, yikes!!!)

    ::good luck::

    i don't remembre the bear walk :(, lol but i'm going to google it and give it a go :)
  • Is the bear walk supposed to be done everyday for the challenge?

    just 1 bear walk, but for 3 minutes continuous! Here's a video for those who may not know what the bearwalk is. If you have kids, have them do it with you! it'll be a fun activity!! :)
  • Alrighty, starting weight is 246.5. By the end of this month I would like to be in the low 230's. We'll shoot for at least 232.
  • Is the bear walk supposed to be done everyday for the challenge?

    just 1 bear walk, but for 3 minutes continuous! Here's a video for those who may not know what the bearwalk is. If you have kids, have them do it with you! it'll be a fun activity!! :)

    Holly I'm going to have the kids do that with me tonight!
  • vampee
    vampee Posts: 103 Member
    Ok. So I did my challenges and the bear walk to asthma is now kicking me in my burning butt. :laugh: For all of you that haven't done this bear walk yet, it seriously works your butt, legs, shoulders and arms. Really I felt it all over but felt it majorly in those regions. Not sure how I log these on mfp or here.
  • Hi everyone!

    My name is Angie. I live in Florida but I fell in love with snowboarding. I currently weigh 126 pounds but need to get it under 120 to get my new board. I'm a major stress eater so these days there's more gaining than losing but I hope to change that.

  • blueillusion3
    blueillusion3 Posts: 151 Member
    i suck booty! i didn't do the bear walk yesterday, if i do it today does it count? anyway.. i hope everyone is doing a great job!!

    Angie: you'll get to losing soon enough, just stick to it :)
  • i suck booty! i didn't do the bear walk yesterday, if i do it today does it count? anyway.. i hope everyone is doing a great job!!

    You only have to do 1 bearwalk! :) but it has to be for 3 straight minutes. As long as you complete that 1 bearwalk before Sunday, you are good to go!! :)
  • Ladies!! Our fearless Tribal Elder, Gary, has created a wonderful blog to post exercise videos for our challenges!! he has also posted the week 2 challenge list, if you would like to check it out!!
  • vampee
    vampee Posts: 103 Member
    I think that I will be feeling next week....seriously. :wink:
  • trout3063
    trout3063 Posts: 121 Member
    Ok my friends....I finished the last three days under calories and did all my challenges...INCLUDING the bear crawl....that kinda sucks!!! And I'm not very excited that we have do do the bear crawl over, and over next week!!! Maybe I won't look ahead anymore...I like it better just not knowing!

    But I love closing out my diary each night with will weigh xxx in five weeks....and it's near my goal weight!!! LOVE that part!!

    Be good the rest of this holiday weekend peeps!!
  • MacSkillz
    MacSkillz Posts: 417 Member
    I completed ALL of the exercise challenges this week. I tried to do the bearwalk each day, but couldn’t manage to do it for 3 minutes straight. :/ For the Weekly challenge, I drank 64 ozs or more of water each day, but unfortunately I was over my calorie goal yesterday because I went out with friends. It was a ‘cheat’ night. Sorry ladies!
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